Frontend of Backend Rinha 🐓
A Frontend application using React
and JavaScript
Development 🎯
I had the honor of developing the website for the exceptional Rinha de Backend, a historic milestone in the Twitter Dev Bubble and other locations on the world wide web.
Frontend of Backend Rinha 🗂
In application you have access to all the information in the repository Backend Rinha of Francisco Zanfranceschi. On the website you can access the list of participants, the top 10, the winner, the language ranking and the repository forks.
React Application 🎉
To install the dependencies and start the React application, run the commands in the following order:
cd rinhadebackend
cd src
npm install
npm start
The project is open-source where anyone in the community can contribute. Feel free to open a PR and develop improvements or new features. It will be an honor to have you as a contributor to this repository!
Project developed by Klecianny Melo 😁