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390 lines (280 loc) · 11.4 KB

File metadata and controls

390 lines (280 loc) · 11.4 KB

gulp-rev-all Build Status

Static asset revisioning with dependency considerations, appends content hash to each filename (eg. unicorn.css => unicorn.098f6bcd.css), re-writes references.


By using the HTTP server response header expires combined with filename revisioning, static assets can be made cacheable for extended periods of time. Returning visitors will have the assets cached for super fast load times.

Additionally, content distribution networks like CloudFront let you cache static assets in Edge Locations for extended periods of time.

Why fork?

This project was forked from gulp-rev to add reference processing and rewriting functionality.
It is the philosophy of gulp-rev that concerns should be seperated between revisioning the files and re-writing references to those files. gulp-rev-all does not agree with this, we believe you need to analyze each revisioned files' references, to calculate a final hash for caching purposes.

Consider the following example:

A css file makes reference to an image. If the image changes, the hash of the css file remains the same since its contents have not changed. Web clients that have previously cached this css file will not correctly resolve the new image. If we take in to consideration the dependency graph while calculating the css file hash, we can have it change if any of its child references have changed.

So to recap, gulp-rev-all not only handles reference re-writing but it also takes child references into consideration when calculating a hashes.


Install with npm

npm install --save-dev gulp-rev-all


var gulp = require('gulp');
var RevAll = require('gulp-rev-all');

gulp.task('default', function () {


var gulp = require('gulp');
var RevAll = require('gulp-rev-all');
var awspublish = require('gulp-awspublish');
var cloudfront = require("gulp-cloudfront");

var aws = {
  "params": {
  "Bucket": "bucket-name"
  "accessKeyId": "AKIAI3Z7CUAFHG53DMJA",
  "secretAccessKey": "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",
  "distributionId": "E1SYAKGEMSK3OD",
  "region": "us-standard",

var publisher = awspublish.create(aws);
var headers = {'Cache-Control': 'max-age=315360000, no-transform, public'};

gulp.task('default', function () {




.revision({ options })

Returns a transform function that can be used to pipe files through so that they may be revisioned, also corrects refererences to said files.


Returns a transform function that will filter out any existing files going through the pipe and will emit a new manifest file. Must be called after .revision().

var gulp = require('gulp');
var RevAll = require('gulp-rev-all');

gulp.task('default', function () {

  return gulp


An asset manifest, mapping the original paths to the revisioned paths, will be written to build/assets/rev-manifest.json:

  "css/unicorn.css": "css/unicorn.098f6bcd.css",
  "js/unicorn.js": "js/unicorn.273c2cin.js"


Returns a transform function that will filter out any existing files going through the pipe and will emit a new version file. Must be called after .revision().

var gulp = require('gulp');
var RevAll = require('gulp-rev-all');

gulp.task('default', function () {

  return gulp


The version file will contain the build date and a combined hash of all the revisioned files, will be written to build/assets/rev-version.json.

  "hash": "c969a1154f2a5c0689d8ec4b0eafd584",
  "timestamp": "2014-10-11T12:13:48.466Z"


  .pipe(RevAll.revision({ options }))


Type: String
Default: rev-version.json
Set the filename of the file created by revAll.versionFile()


Set the filename of the file created by revAll.manifestFile()
Type: String
Default: rev-manifest.json


Add only specific file types to the manifest file
Type: Array of strings
Default: ['.css', '.js']


Don't rename, search or update refrences in files matching these rules
Type: Array of (Regex and/or String)
Default: [ /^\/favicon.ico$/ ]


Don't rename files matching these rules
Type: Array of (Regex and/or String)
Default: []


Don't update references matching these rules
Type: Array of (Regex and/or String)
Default: []


Don't search for references in files matching these rules
Type: Array of (Regex and/or String)
Default: []

In some cases, you may not want to rev your *.html files:

gulp.task('default', function () {

    .pipe(RevAll.revision({ dontRenameFile: [/^\/favicon.ico$/g, '.html'] }))


Every html file except the root /index.html file:

gulp.task('default', function () {

    .pipe(RevAll.revision({ dontRenameFile: [/^\/favicon.ico$/g, /^\/index.html/g] })))



Change the length of the hash appended to the end of each revisioned file (use transformFilename for more complicated scenarios).
Type: hashLength
Default: 8

gulp.task('default', function () {

    .pipe(RevAll.revision({ hashLength: 4 }))



Prefixes absolute references with a string (use transformPath for more complicated scenarios). Useful for adding a full url path to files.
Type: prefix
Default: none

gulp.task('default', function () {

    .pipe(RevAll.revision({ prefix: '' }))



Specify a function to transform the reference path. Useful in instances where the local file structure does not reflect what the remote file structure will be.
Type: function (rev, source, path)
Default: none

The function takes three arguments:

  • rev - revisioned reference path
  • source - original reference path
  • path - path to the file
gulp.task('default', function () {

      transformPath: function (rev, source, path) {
      // on the remote server, image files are served from `/images`
      return rev.replace('/img', '/images');



If the default naming convention does not suite your needs, you can specify a custom filename transform.
Type: function (file, hash)
Default: none

The function takes one argument:

  • file - file to be revisioned
  • hash - calculated hash of the file
gulp.task('default', function () {

      transformFilename: function (file, hash) {
        var ext = path.extname(file.path);
        return hash.substr(0, 5) + '.'  + path.basename(file.path, ext) + ext; // 3410c.filename.ext


If you set this options to true, verbose logging will be emitted to console.
Type: Boolean
Default: false

Annotater & Replacer

In some cases, false-positives may occur. Strings that are similar to a file reference may be incorrectly replaced.

In the example below, the 2nd instance of 'xyz' is not reference to the file xyz.js:


angular.controller('myController', ['xyz', function(xyz) {

It will still however be replaced resulting in file corruption:


angular.controller('myController', ['xyz.123', function(xyz) {

This behaviour can be avoided by passing custom annotator and replacer functions in as options.


The annotator function is called with the original file content and path. Annotator function should return a list of objects that contain fragments of the file content in order. You may split the file up into as many fragments as necessary and attach any other metadata to the fragments. The file will be reassembled in order.

The default annotator returns one fragment with no annotations:

options.annotator = function(contents, path) {
  var fragments = [{'contents': contents}];
  return fragments;


The replacer function's job is to replace references to revisioned files. The paremeters are as follows:

fragment: a file fragment as created in the annotator function.
replaceRegExp: parameter is a regular expression that can be used to match the part of the fragement to be replaced. The regular expression has 4 capture groups. $1 & $4 are what precedes and follows the reference. $2 is the file path without the extension, and $3 is the file extension.
newReference: what gulp-rev-all wants to replace the file path without the extension ($2) with.
referencedFile: contains additional properties of the file reference thats being replaced. See the 'Additional Properties' section for more information.

The default replacer function is as follows:

options.replacer = function(fragment, replaceRegExp, newReference, referencedFile) {
   fragment.contents = fragment.contents.replace(replaceRegExp, '$1' + newReference + '$3$4');

You can overide the default annotator and replacer to change the behaviour of gulp-rev-all and deal with problematic edge cases.

Additional Properties


The original full path of the file, before revisioning.


The original filename less the file extension, before revisioning.


The original file extension, before revisioning.


The original hash of the asset before any calculations by gulp-rev-all.


The hash of the asset as calculated by gulp-rev-all, you can use this for customizing the file renaming, or for building different manifest formats.


Make sure to set the files to never expire for this to have an effect.


MIT © Joshua Bellamy-Henn