We're really glad you're reading this. 👏
These steps will guide you through contributing to this project:
- Fork the repo
- Clone it and install dependencies
$ git clone https://github.com/<YOUR-USERNAME>/vite-plugin-cem
$ cd vite-plugin-cem
$ npm install
You must also install the example project. This project allow you to test easly the plugin without setup an another project. To do this run these commands :
$ cd example
$ npm install
To develop you must build the library and test it into the example project. To do this run this command first :
$ npm run dev
And in an another terminal run this command :
$ npm run example:dev
The first command will build the vite-plugin-cem
plugin and the second command will run an example project which the builded plugin.
To build the plugin just run this command :
$ npm run build
And if you want build the example project run this command :
$ npm run example:build
Make and commit your changes. Make sure the commands npm run build
is working.
Before begin to write some code create a branch :
# For a feature always namespace your branch with `feature`
$ git branch -b feature/my-super-feat
# For a hot fix always namespace your branch with `fix`
$ git branch -b fix/fix-an-big-trouble
This repository use gitmoji as commit convention. You can write commit manually or use the gitmoji-cli :
$ npm install -g gitmoji-cli
This is an example of feature commit :
✨ My super feature
Finally send a GitHub Pull Request with a clear list of what you've done (read more about pull requests). Make sure all of your commits are atomic (one feature per commit).