The KLMS environment consists of two applications: The IDM Server to store your user-data in a central location and one KLMS instance for each of your events.
👉 For production setup, we will provide a docker setup shortly. If you need support right now, please contact us.
Recommended and tested are a Linux Server running Apache and the following versions:
- PHP 8.1
- PostgreSQL 9 or 12
- Composer 2
For the build process the following tools are required (they are not required to run on the server):
- Node.js 19
- Yarn v1
For development, no Apache webserver is required (see below).
Assuming you have a running and configured Apache webserver with PHP 8.1 and PostgreSQL database.
For instructions on how to configure apache to serve a symfony application, please consult the
Symfony documentation.
Make sure that all required PHP extensions (ctype
, dom
, iconv
, and intl
) are installed and enabled.
We also assume that there is a running IDM Server instance (usually listening on localhost on the local server).
Login as the PostgreSQL admin user (usually postgres
) and create a user
with an according password and create a database for the KLMS instance.
Running Linux and logged on as root, the following commands perform this actions:
sudo -u postgres -i
createuser -l -P <db_user>
createdb -O <db_user> <db_name>
This guide follows loosely the Symfony deployment instructions.
First, clone the KLMS source code in the web folder (e.g. /var/www/klms
Then create the local env file to tell the framework the database and IDM connections.
Create a file .env.local
in the project's main directory with the following content:
APP_SECRET=<some random string>
There are two optional config steps to enable email sending and/or Recaptcha protection for your registration page.
MAILER_DEFAULT_SENDER_NAME='<name of your event>'
To set up the required third party libraries go to the project directory and run
composer install --no-dev
composer dump-autoload --no-dev --classmap-authoritative
Next, build the front-end. This is the only step that requires node and can be done on a different machine.
(In case you ran this on a different machine, copy the generated public/build
folder to same location on the server)
yarn install
yarn encore prod
To create the database schema and finalize the installation, run in the following commands in your KLMS source dir (bin/console
is a PHP script provided by KLMS):
bin/console doctrine:schema:create
bin/console cache:clear
Open your site's URL in your browser. You should see an empty KLMS instance. To start configuring your site, log in with a super-admin account of your IDM instance to get all permissions on the KLMS instance at once.
To send emails and perform maintenance tasks, KLMS requires the PHP script bin/console messenger:consume
to run on the server.
We recommend to use supervisor to ensure the process is restarted whenever it ends.
Follow the Symfony setup guidelines and install the symfony binary.
When running symfony check:requirements
ensure that no errors nor warnings are displayed.
In addition to the basic Symfony setup, install: PostgreSQL server, Node.js, and Yarn.
Follow the setup steps for a production setup (as shown above) without the --no-dev
No apache setup is required, as Symfony provides a development server.
To fill the database, with test-data, run
bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
Once all setup steps are done start the Symfony development server using
symfony server:start --port=8000 --no-interaction --no-tls
Open the printed URL in your browser and log in with a super-admin credential
(in case have been following the IDM development setup, those are admin@admin.local
with password admin