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Releases: KE-works/pykechain


26 Sep 15:48
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1.12.4 (26SEP17)

  • Fixed a bug in the customization code by which the activity was incorrectly updated after a correctly saved customization to the KE-chain server. In some cases the incorrect customisation was retrieved on name basis, which may resulted in an error raised. Thansk to @raduiordache for finding it (#200)
  • Added **kwargs to the Part.children(), Part.siblings(), Part.instances(), Activity.children(), and Activity.siblings() methods. This will enable more comprehensive searches, eg. by the name of children using Activity.children(name='Some childs name') (#199)


21 Sep 12:41
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1.12.3 (21SEP17)

  • Fixing the warning: 'could not any envfile' from envparse. Which is suppressed for cosmetics. It is advised to provide a pathname for the envfile when you want to load the environment variables from an envfile. (#195)
  • Fixed tests for the envparse warning and refactored the tests to better deal with in-test settings of the environment.


15 Sep 14:44
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1.12.2 (15SEP17)

  • Removed a logical error in the checking of the existing of the environment variables


15 Sep 13:48
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1.12.1 (15SEP17)

  • Added the ability to enforce the use of environment variables when the KECHAIN_FORCE_ENV_USE is set to a true value in the environment. Altered documentation and altered tests for that (#193)


14 Sep 12:46
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1.12 (14SEP17)

  • Added a new helper get_project() to bootstrap a pykechain client and return a project (aka Scope) immediately. You can retrieve a project using direct arguments url, token (or username and password), and scope_id (or scope name). Alternatively, you can provide an .env file or provide the arguments from the environment as the environment variables KECHAIN_URL, KECHAIN_TOKEN (or KECHAIN_USERNAME and KECHAIN_PASSWORD), and KECHAIN_SCOPE_ID (or KECHAIN_SCOPE) (#185). This is ideal for pykechain scripts in the KE-chain SIM, as we provide support for this to make your scripting experience in KE-chain buttersmooth. An example:
    >>> from pykechain import get_project
    >>> project = get_project(url='http://localhost:8000', username='foo', 
    ...    password='bar', scope='Bike Project')
    >>> print(


04 Sep 15:03
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1.11.1 (4SEP17)

  • Added the ability to clear an attachment field (unlink the attachment). Please refer to the AttachmentProperty.clear() method.
  • Ensured a more robust updating of property value all over by altering Property._value and Property._json_data['value'] after you set a value on a property.

1.11 (4SEP17)

  • In KE-chain 2.5 the way we use task customization has changed drastically. Pykechain (from 1.11 onwards) supports this by implementing a new concept in the activity called Activity.customization() (#161). This provides you an ExtCustomization object, which you can inspect and add new widgets. Please see the documentation on ExtCustomization and Activity.customization() for more details. An example to use is:
    >>> activity = project.activity(name='Customizable activity')
    >>> customization = activity.customization()
    >>> part_to_show = project.part(name='Bike')
    >>> customization.add_property_grid_widget(part_to_show, custom_title="My super bike"))
  • Removed previously announced deprecated method for activity.create_activity() (use Activity.create()).
  • Added deprecation warnings when using InspectorComponent objects and old style Customization components. They will be removed in November 2017 (introduced in pykechain 1.9)
  • Added the ability to retrieve a list of project members and managers with the Scope.members() method (#169)
  • Added the ability to manage member and managers of a scope. See the Scope.add_member, add_manager, remove_member, remove_manager (#175)
  • Added the ability to add additional keyword arguments for the methods Part.update(), Part.add_with_properties() and Part.edit(). This will allow to provide additional (including undocumented) arguments to the KE-chain API. (eg. 'suppress_kevents=True') (#177)
  • Added the ability to edit the name of the property, its description and the unit (#146, PR #179)
  • Added classification enumeration (#175)
  • Updated the documentation structure to better access all the pykechain models related documentation. See
  • Updated dependent version of tox to 2.8.0 (#178) and further to 2.8.1 (#180)
  • Updated all tests such that our coverage aim of 96%+ is maintained.


04 Sep 12:19
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1.11 (4SEP17)

  • In KE-chain 2.5 the way we use task customization has changed drastically. Pykechain (from 1.11 onwards) supports this by implementing a new concept in the activity called Activity.customization() (#161). This provides you an ExtCustomization object, which you can inspect and add new widgets. Please see the documentation on ExtCustomization and Activity.customization() for more details. An example to use is:
    >>> activity = project.activity(name='Customizable activity')
    >>> customization = activity.customization()
    >>> part_to_show = project.part(name='Bike')
    >>> customization.add_property_grid_widget(part_to_show, custom_title="My super bike"))
  • Removed previously announced deprecated method for activity.create_activity() (use Activity.create()).
  • Added deprecation warnings when using InspectorComponent objects and old style Customization components. They will be removed in November 2017 (introduced in pykechain 1.9)
  • Added the ability to retrieve a list of project members and managers with the Scope.members() method (#169)
  • Added the ability to manage member and managers of a scope. See the Scope.add_member, add_manager, remove_member, remove_manager (#175)
  • Added the ability to add additional keyword arguments for the methods Part.update(), Part.add_with_properties() and Part.edit(). This will allow to provide additional (including undocumented) arguments to the KE-chain API. (eg. 'suppress_kevents=True') (#177)
  • Added the ability to edit the name of the property, its description and the unit (#146, PR #179)
  • Added classification enumeration (#175)
  • Updated the documentation structure to better access all the pykechain models related documentation. See
  • Updated dependent version of tox to 2.8.0 (#178) and further to 2.8.1 (#180)
  • Updated all tests such that our coverage aim of 96%+ is maintained.


01 Sep 09:09
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v1.11-rc2 Pre-release

release candidate for 1.11

  • with kwargs in part update


28 Aug 17:33
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1.10.3 (28AUG17)

  • Corrected the creation of partmodels (Part with category MODEL) with multiplicities other than ZERO_MANY as the provided multiplicity option was not respected in the create_model() method of Client and Scope. Thanks @raduiordache for the find. (#170)
  • Updated tests.

1.10.2 (22AUG17)

  • Corrected the ability to assign multiple assignees, using a list of assignees to an activity using the Activity.edit() method. (#167)
  • Updated tests.

1.10.1 (18AUG17)

  • updated incorrect tests related to Activity.associated_parts(). (#96, #149)

1.10.0 (18AUG17)

  • Ability to edit the status of an Activity. Please refer to the ActivityStatus enumerations. (#163)
  • Ability to sort properties of a Part model. (#141)
  • Upgraded the requirements of dependent packages for development. (#152, #160, #159, #153, #157, #154)
  • Added tests for all new features to get the > 95% coverage
  • Updated the documentation.


22 Aug 11:13
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1.10.2 (22AUG17)

  • Corrected the ability to assign multiple assignees, using a list of assignees to an activity using the Activity.edit() method. (#167)
  • Updated tests.

1.10.1 (18AUG17)

  • updated incorrect tests related to Activity.associated_parts(). (#96, #149)

1.10.0 (18AUG17)

  • Ability to edit the status of an Activity. Please refer to the ActivityStatus enumerations. (#163)
  • Ability to sort properties of a Part model. (#141)
  • Upgraded the requirements of dependent packages for development. (#152, #160, #159, #153, #157, #154)
  • Added tests for all new features to get the > 95% coverage
  • Updated the documentation.