Summary - ************************************************************************ this is 72 characters
- 11/15/22:
- Summary - running into issues with content security policy - installed helmet but still need to fix CORS issue (or helmet policy)
- What to do next - see how to get it working
- 11/14/22 #2:
Summary - terminated EC2 instance (was Amazon Linux 2) and started new instance that is Ubuntu 22.04; got through step 3 of website below
What to do next - continue through remaining steps
- 11/14/22:
- Summary - got port working on EC2 instance (through security group); installed nginx; got test api connection working
- What to do next - keep working on nginx; see this website:
- 11/11/22:
- Summary - worked on hosting this webpage on AWS EC2 instance.
- Accomplished the following: started EC2 instance, updated packages on Linux distro, installed Nodejs, created AMI for EC2 w/ Node, moved built server file over to EC2, npm install and got server running
- What to do next - started to modify security groups, can't connect to server currently - get security issues resolved
- 11/07/22:
- Summary - the Alpha Vantage API wasn't working so I replaced it with Rapid API (indirect) connection
- 09/09/22:
- Summary - add new build with various small fixes to quote charting
- 09/07/22:
- Summary - add charting build from frontend; small tweak to quote API request
- Details - add charting build from frontend; small changes to AlphaVantage API request
- Goal tomorrow -
- 09/02/22:
- Summary - add timeout to API call; change routing slightly
- Details - add timeout to API call; change routing slightly
- Goal tomorrow - (working on d3 chart next)
- 09/01/22:
- Summary - fix routing on replit
- Details - work on replit porting issue; update meta tag for insecure requests; update proxy
- Goal tomorrow - double-check replit working; AWS
- 08/31/22:
- Summary - update API call for variable; fix error message
- Details - update API call for variable; fix error message
- Goal tomorrow - post to replit - see link below
- 08/30/22:
- Summary - update variable for axios request on alphavantage
- Details - update variable for axios request on alphavantage
- Goal tomorrow -
- 08/28/22:
- Summary - handle API call here at server instead of frontend
- Details - handle API call here at server instead of frontend
- Goal tomorrow -
- 08/27/22:
- Summary - initial setup; moving process variable
- Details - started repo; install initial dependencies; create server.js file modeled on create react app deployment docs guidelines; bring in production build from react frontend; move process variable to server for better security
- Goal tomorrow - see YouTube below - use to hide API key