To build the webapp docker image you can simply run the also found on the root folder of this repo:
If you're not using this aplication from a .deb/.rpm package installation please follow the next steps to ensure that you have a porper environment set up
You may need to install aditional packages to be able to generate a selfsigned certificate for Jenkins.
If you are on a Debian based system be sure to install the default-jre-headless package
sudo apt install default-jre-headless -y
If you are on a Centos based system be sure to install the java-11-openjdk-headless package
sudo yum install -y default-jre-headless
mkdir -p certificates
keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias selfsigned -keystore certificates/jenkins_keystore.jks -keypass nita123 -storepass nita123 -keysize 4096 -dname "cn=, ou=, o=, l=, st=, c="
mkdir -p /var/nita_project
docker network create -d bridge nita-network
To launch this container you can use the supplied docker_compose.yaml file, simply run:
docker-compose -p nitajenkins up -d