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and now AbstractSystem is gone too
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Signed-off-by: Rachel Kurchin <>
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rkurchin committed Nov 10, 2021
1 parent fede982 commit 7a32c77
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Showing 3 changed files with 20 additions and 68 deletions.
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion src/implementation_aos.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ using StaticArrays
export FlexibleSystem

# TODO Switch order of type arguments?
struct FlexibleSystem{D,ET,L,AT} <: AbstractSystem{D,ET}
struct FlexibleSystem{D,ET,L,AT}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -34,3 +34,6 @@ end
Base.size(sys::FlexibleSystem) = size(sys.particles)
Base.length(sys::FlexibleSystem) = length(sys.particles)
Base.getindex(sys::FlexibleSystem, i::Int) = getindex(sys.particles, i)
Base.firstindex(::FlexibleSystem) = 1
Base.lastindex(s::FlexibleSystem) = length(s.elements)
Base.iterate(s::FlexibleSystem, i=1) = (1 <= i <= length(s)) ? (@inbounds s[i], i+1) : nothing
11 changes: 5 additions & 6 deletions src/implementation_soa.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ using StaticArrays

export FastSystem

struct FastSystem{D,ET,L<:Unitful.Length} <:
struct FastSystem{D,ET,L<:Unitful.Length}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -53,9 +52,9 @@ end
bounding_box(sys::FastSystem) =
boundary_conditions(sys::FastSystem) = sys.boundary_conditions

# Base.size(sys::FastSystem) = size(sys.particles)
Base.length(sys::FastSystem{D,ET}) where {D,ET} = length(sys.elements)

# first piece of trickiness: can't do a totally abstract dispatch here because we need to know the signature of the constructor for AT
Base.getindex(sys::FastSystem{D,ET}, i::Int) where {D,ET} =
SimpleAtom{D}(sys.positions[i], sys.elements[i])
Base.length(sys::FastSystem{D,ET}) where {D,ET} = length(sys.elements)
Base.firstindex(::FastSystem) = 1
Base.lastindex(s::FastSystem) = length(s.elements)
Base.iterate(s::FastSystem, i=1) = (1 <= i <= length(s)) ? (@inbounds s[i], i+1) : nothing
72 changes: 11 additions & 61 deletions src/interface.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ using PeriodicTable
using StaticArrays
import Base.position

export AbstractSystem, AbstractAtomicSystem
export ChemicalElement, SimpleAtom
export SimpleAtom
export BoundaryCondition, DirichletZero, Periodic
export atomic_mass,
Expand All @@ -19,8 +18,6 @@ export atomic_mass,
export atomic_property, has_atomic_property, atomic_propertynames
export n_dimensions

velocity(p)::AbstractVector{<:Unitful.Velocity} = missing
position(p)::AbstractVector{<:Unitful.Length} = error("Implement me")

# Identifier for boundary conditions per dimension
Expand All @@ -30,57 +27,22 @@ struct DirichletZero <: BoundaryCondition end # Dirichlet zero boundary (i.e. m
struct Periodic <: BoundaryCondition end # Periodic BCs

# The system type
# Again readonly.

abstract type AbstractSystem{D,ET} end
(bounding_box(::AbstractSystem{D})::SVector{D,SVector{D,<:Unitful.Length}}) where {D} =
# now the interface is just functions!
(bounding_box(sys)::SVector{D,SVector{D,<:Unitful.Length}}) where {D<:Signed} =
error("Implement me")
(boundary_conditions(::AbstractSystem{D})::SVector{D,BoundaryCondition}) where {D} =
(boundary_conditions(sys)::SVector{D,BoundaryCondition}) where {D<:Signed} =
error("Implement me")

get_periodic(sys::AbstractSystem) =
get_periodic(sys) =
[isa(bc, Periodic) for bc in get_boundary_conditions(sys)]

# Note: Can't use ndims, because that is ndims(sys) == 1 (because of AbstractVector interface)
n_dimensions(::AbstractSystem{D}) where {D} = D

# indexing interface
Base.getindex(::AbstractSystem, ::Int) = error("Implement me")
Base.size(::AbstractSystem) = error("Implement me")
Base.length(::AbstractSystem) = error("Implement me")
Base.setindex!(::AbstractSystem, ::Int) = error("AbstractSystem objects are not mutable.")
Base.firstindex(::AbstractSystem) = 1
Base.lastindex(s::AbstractSystem) = length(s)
Base.iterate(S::AbstractSystem, i::Int=1) = (1 <= i <= length(S)) ? (@inbounds S[i], i+1) : nothing

# iteration interface, needed for default broadcast dispatches below to work
Base.iterate(sys::AbstractSystem{D,ET}, state = firstindex(sys)) where {D,ET} =
state > length(sys) ? nothing : (sys[state], state + 1)

# TODO Support similar, push, ...

# Some implementations might prefer to store data in the System as a flat list and
# expose Atoms as a view. Therefore these functions are needed. Of course this code
# should be autogenerated later on ...
position(sys::AbstractSystem) = position.(sys) # in Cartesian coordinates!
velocity(sys::AbstractSystem) = velocity.(sys) # in Cartesian coordinates!
element(sys::AbstractSystem) = element.(sys)

# Extra stuff only for Systems composed of atoms
const AbstractAtomicSystem{D} = AbstractSystem{D,Element}
atomic_symbol(sys::AbstractAtomicSystem) = atomic_symbol.(sys)
atomic_number(sys::AbstractAtomicSystem) = atomic_number.(sys)
atomic_mass(sys::AbstractAtomicSystem) = atomic_mass.(sys)
atomic_property(sys::AbstractAtomicSystem, property::Symbol)::Vector{Any} =
atomic_property.(sys, property)
atomic_propertiesnames(sys::AbstractAtomicSystem) = unique(sort(atomic_propertynames.(sys)))
# indexing and iteration interface: need to dispatch getindex, size, length, firstindex, lastindex, iterate in order for these dispatches to work
# may be a good idea also to dispatch ndims?
position(sys) = position.(sys) # in Cartesian coordinates!
velocity(sys) = velocity.(sys) # in Cartesian coordinates!
element(sys) = element.(sys)

# this is a concrete type, assuming we keep it should probably get moved to another file
struct SimpleAtom{D}
Expand All @@ -92,15 +54,3 @@ element(atom::SimpleAtom) = atom.element
function SimpleAtom(position, symbol::Union{Integer,AbstractString,Symbol,AbstractVector})
SimpleAtom(position, elements[symbol])

# Just to make testing a little easier for now
function, mime::MIME"text/plain", sys::AbstractSystem)
println(io, "System:")
println(io, " BCs: ", boundary_conditions(sys))
println(io, " Box: ", bounding_box(sys))
println(io, " Particles: ")
for particle in sys, mime, particle)

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