From 71eb1049c5e2b293f1078e6d0a5d488a21aa3142 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Documenter.jl" Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2024 08:00:39 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] build based on 8072ed6 --- dev/functions_list/index.html | 36 +++++++++++++++---------------- dev/functions_overview/index.html | 2 +- dev/index.html | 2 +- dev/search/index.html | 2 +- dev/search_index.js | 2 +- 5 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-) diff --git a/dev/functions_list/index.html b/dev/functions_list/index.html index ade46e54..6279ac39 100644 --- a/dev/functions_list/index.html +++ b/dev/functions_list/index.html @@ -1,28 +1,28 @@ -Reference · SpecialFunctions.jl


besselhx(nu, [k=1,] z)

Compute the scaled Hankel function $\exp(∓iz) H_ν^{(k)}(z)$, where $k$ is 1 or 2, $H_ν^{(k)}(z)$ is besselh(nu, k, z), and $∓$ is $-$ for $k=1$ and $+$ for $k=2$. k defaults to 1 if it is omitted.

The reason for this function is that $H_ν^{(k)}(z)$ is asymptotically proportional to $\exp(∓iz)/\sqrt{z}$ for large $|z|$, and so the besselh function is susceptible to overflow or underflow when z has a large imaginary part. The besselhx function cancels this exponential factor (analytically), so it avoids these problems.

External links: DLMF, Wikipedia

See also: besselh

beta(x, y)

Euler integral of the first kind $\operatorname{B}(x,y) = \Gamma(x)\Gamma(y)/\Gamma(x+y)$.

beta_inc(a, b, x, y=1-x)

Return a tuple $(I_{x}(a,b), 1-I_{x}(a,b))$ where $I_{x}(a,b)$ is the regularized incomplete beta function given by

\[I_{x}(a,b) = \frac{1}{B(a,b)} \int_{0}^{x} t^{a-1}(1-t)^{b-1} dt,\]

where $B(a,b) = \Gamma(a)\Gamma(b)/\Gamma(a+b)$.

External links: DLMF, Wikipedia

See also: beta_inc_inv


Compute $I_{x}(a,b)$ using continued fraction expansion when a, b > 1. It is assumed that $\lambda = (a+b)*y - b$

External links: DLMF, Wikipedia

See also: beta_inc


BFRAC(A,B,X,Y,LAMBDA,EPS) from Didonato and Morris (1982)

beta_inc_inv(a, b, p, q=1-p)

Return a tuple (x, 1-x) where x satisfies $I_{x}(a, b) = p$, i.e., x is the inverse of the regularized incomplete beta function $I_{x}(a, b)$.

See also: beta_inc

beta_inc_power_series(a, b, x, epps)

Computes $I_x(a,b)$ using power series :

\[I_{x}(a,b) = G(a,b)x^{a}/a (1 + a\sum_{j=1}^{\infty}((1-b)(2-b)...(j-b)/j!(a+j)) x^{j})\]

External links: DLMF, Wikipedia

See also: beta_inc


BPSER(A,B,X,EPS) from Didonato and Morris (1982)


Computing the first coefficient for the expansion :

\[\epsilon (\eta_{0},a) = \epsilon_{1} (\eta_{0},a)/a + \epsilon_{2} (\eta_{0},a)/a^{2} + \epsilon_{3} (\eta_{0},a)/a^{3}\]

Refer Eqn (3.12) in the paper


Computing the second coefficient for the expansion :

\[\epsilon (\eta_{0},a) = \epsilon_{1} (\eta_{0},a)/a + \epsilon_{2} (\eta_{0},a)/a^{2} + \epsilon_{3} (\eta_{0},a)/a^{3}\]

Refer Eqn (3.12) in the paper


Computing the third and last coefficient for the expansion :

\[\epsilon (\eta_{0},a) = \epsilon_{1} (\eta_{0},a)/a + \epsilon_{2} (\eta_{0},a)/a^{2} + \epsilon_{3} (\eta_{0},a)/a^{3}\]

Refer Eqn (3.12) in the paper


Compute the cosine integral function of $x$, defined by

\[\operatorname{Ci}(x) +Reference · SpecialFunctions.jl


besselhx(nu, [k=1,] z)

Compute the scaled Hankel function $\exp(∓iz) H_ν^{(k)}(z)$, where $k$ is 1 or 2, $H_ν^{(k)}(z)$ is besselh(nu, k, z), and $∓$ is $-$ for $k=1$ and $+$ for $k=2$. k defaults to 1 if it is omitted.

The reason for this function is that $H_ν^{(k)}(z)$ is asymptotically proportional to $\exp(∓iz)/\sqrt{z}$ for large $|z|$, and so the besselh function is susceptible to overflow or underflow when z has a large imaginary part. The besselhx function cancels this exponential factor (analytically), so it avoids these problems.

External links: DLMF, Wikipedia

See also: besselh

beta(x, y)

Euler integral of the first kind $\operatorname{B}(x,y) = \Gamma(x)\Gamma(y)/\Gamma(x+y)$.

beta_inc(a, b, x, y=1-x)

Return a tuple $(I_{x}(a,b), 1-I_{x}(a,b))$ where $I_{x}(a,b)$ is the regularized incomplete beta function given by

\[I_{x}(a,b) = \frac{1}{B(a,b)} \int_{0}^{x} t^{a-1}(1-t)^{b-1} dt,\]

where $B(a,b) = \Gamma(a)\Gamma(b)/\Gamma(a+b)$.

External links: DLMF, Wikipedia

See also: beta_inc_inv


Compute $I_{x}(a,b)$ using continued fraction expansion when a, b > 1. It is assumed that $\lambda = (a+b)*y - b$

External links: DLMF, Wikipedia

See also: beta_inc


BFRAC(A,B,X,Y,LAMBDA,EPS) from Didonato and Morris (1982)

beta_inc_inv(a, b, p, q=1-p)

Return a tuple (x, 1-x) where x satisfies $I_{x}(a, b) = p$, i.e., x is the inverse of the regularized incomplete beta function $I_{x}(a, b)$.

See also: beta_inc

beta_inc_power_series(a, b, x, epps)

Computes $I_x(a,b)$ using power series :

\[I_{x}(a,b) = G(a,b)x^{a}/a (1 + a\sum_{j=1}^{\infty}((1-b)(2-b)...(j-b)/j!(a+j)) x^{j})\]

External links: DLMF, Wikipedia

See also: beta_inc


BPSER(A,B,X,EPS) from Didonato and Morris (1982)


Computing the first coefficient for the expansion :

\[\epsilon (\eta_{0},a) = \epsilon_{1} (\eta_{0},a)/a + \epsilon_{2} (\eta_{0},a)/a^{2} + \epsilon_{3} (\eta_{0},a)/a^{3}\]

Refer Eqn (3.12) in the paper


Computing the second coefficient for the expansion :

\[\epsilon (\eta_{0},a) = \epsilon_{1} (\eta_{0},a)/a + \epsilon_{2} (\eta_{0},a)/a^{2} + \epsilon_{3} (\eta_{0},a)/a^{3}\]

Refer Eqn (3.12) in the paper


Computing the third and last coefficient for the expansion :

\[\epsilon (\eta_{0},a) = \epsilon_{1} (\eta_{0},a)/a + \epsilon_{2} (\eta_{0},a)/a^{2} + \epsilon_{3} (\eta_{0},a)/a^{3}\]

Refer Eqn (3.12) in the paper


Compute the cosine integral function of $x$, defined by

\[\operatorname{Ci}(x) := \gamma + \log x + \int_0^x \frac{\cos (t) - 1}{t} \, \mathrm{d}t \quad \text{for} \quad -x > 0 \,,\]

where $\gamma$ is the Euler-Mascheroni constant.

External links: DLMF, Wikipedia.

See also: sinint(x).


Using the rational approximants tabulated in:

A.J. MacLeod, "Rational approximations, software and test methods for sine and cosine integrals", Numer. Algor. 12, pp. 259–272 (1996).,

Note: the second zero of $\text{Ci}(x)$ has a typo that is fixed: $r_1 = 3.38418 0422\mathbf{8} 51186 42639 78511 46402$ in the article, but is in fact: $r_1 = 3.38418 0422\mathbf{5} 51186 42639 78511 46402$.


Compute the Dawson function (scaled imaginary error function) of $x$, defined by

\[\operatorname{dawson}(x) +x > 0 \,,\]

where $\gamma$ is the Euler-Mascheroni constant.

External links: DLMF, Wikipedia.

See also: sinint(x).


Using the rational approximants tabulated in:

A.J. MacLeod, "Rational approximations, software and test methods for sine and cosine integrals", Numer. Algor. 12, pp. 259–272 (1996).,

Note: the second zero of $\text{Ci}(x)$ has a typo that is fixed: $r_1 = 3.38418 0422\mathbf{8} 51186 42639 78511 46402$ in the article, but is in fact: $r_1 = 3.38418 0422\mathbf{5} 51186 42639 78511 46402$.


Compute the Dawson function (scaled imaginary error function) of $x$, defined by

\[\operatorname{dawson}(x) = \frac{\sqrt{\pi}}{2} e^{-x^2} \operatorname{erfi}(x) -\quad \text{for} \quad x \in \mathbb{C} \, .\]

This is the accurate version of $\frac{\sqrt{\pi}}{2} e^{-x^2} \operatorname{erfi}(x)$ for large $x$.

External links: DLMF, Wikipedia.

See also: erfi(x).

Implementation by

  • Float32/Float64: C standard math library libm.

Computes Complete Elliptic Integral of 2nd kind $E(m)$ for parameter $m$ given by

\[\operatorname{ellipe}(m) +\quad \text{for} \quad x \in \mathbb{C} \, .\]

This is the accurate version of $\frac{\sqrt{\pi}}{2} e^{-x^2} \operatorname{erfi}(x)$ for large $x$.

External links: DLMF, Wikipedia.

See also: erfi(x).

Implementation by

  • Float32/Float64: C standard math library libm.

Computes Complete Elliptic Integral of 2nd kind $E(m)$ for parameter $m$ given by

\[\operatorname{ellipe}(m) = E(m) = \int_0^{ \frac{\pi}{2} } \sqrt{1 - m \sin^2 \theta} \, \mathrm{d}\theta -\quad \text{for} \quad m \in \left( -\infty, 1 \right] \, .\]

External links: DLMF, Wikipedia.

See also: ellipk(m).


  • m: parameter $m$, restricted to the domain $(-\infty,1]$, is related to the elliptic modulus $k$ by $k^2=m$ and to the modular angle $\alpha$ by $k=\sin \alpha$.


Using piecewise approximation polynomial as given in

'Fast Computation of Complete Elliptic Integrals and Jacobian Elliptic Functions', Fukushima, Toshio. (2014). F09-FastEI. Celest Mech Dyn Astr, DOI 10.1007/s10569-009-9228-z,

For $m<0$, followed by

Fukushima, Toshio. (2014). 'Precise, compact, and fast computation of complete elliptic integrals by piecewise minimax rational function approximation'. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 282. DOI 10.13140/2.1.1946.6245.,

As suggested in this paper, the domain is restricted to $(-\infty,1]$.


Computes Complete Elliptic Integral of 1st kind $K(m)$ for parameter $m$ given by

\[\operatorname{ellipk}(m) +\quad \text{for} \quad m \in \left( -\infty, 1 \right] \, .\]

External links: DLMF, Wikipedia.

See also: ellipk(m).


  • m: parameter $m$, restricted to the domain $(-\infty,1]$, is related to the elliptic modulus $k$ by $k^2=m$ and to the modular angle $\alpha$ by $k=\sin \alpha$.


Using piecewise approximation polynomial as given in

'Fast Computation of Complete Elliptic Integrals and Jacobian Elliptic Functions', Fukushima, Toshio. (2014). F09-FastEI. Celest Mech Dyn Astr, DOI 10.1007/s10569-009-9228-z,

For $m<0$, followed by

Fukushima, Toshio. (2014). 'Precise, compact, and fast computation of complete elliptic integrals by piecewise minimax rational function approximation'. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 282. DOI 10.13140/2.1.1946.6245.,

As suggested in this paper, the domain is restricted to $(-\infty,1]$.


Computes Complete Elliptic Integral of 1st kind $K(m)$ for parameter $m$ given by

\[\operatorname{ellipk}(m) = K(m) = \int_0^{ \frac{\pi}{2} } \frac{1}{\sqrt{1 - m \sin^2 \theta}} \, \mathrm{d}\theta -\quad \text{for} \quad m \in \left( -\infty, 1 \right] \, .\]

External links: DLMF, Wikipedia.

See also: ellipe(m).


  • m: parameter $m$, restricted to the domain $(-\infty,1]$, is related to the elliptic modulus $k$ by $k^2=m$ and to the modular angle $\alpha$ by $k=\sin \alpha$.


Using piecewise approximation polynomial as given in

'Fast Computation of Complete Elliptic Integrals and Jacobian Elliptic Functions', Fukushima, Toshio. (2014). F09-FastEI. Celest Mech Dyn Astr, DOI 10.1007/s10569-009-9228-z,

For $m<0$, followed by

Fukushima, Toshio. (2014). 'Precise, compact, and fast computation of complete elliptic integrals by piecewise minimax rational function approximation'. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 282. DOI 10.13140/2.1.1946.6245.,

As suggested in this paper, the domain is restricted to $(-\infty,1]$.


Compute the error function of $x$, defined by

\[\operatorname{erf}(x) = \frac{2}{\sqrt{\pi}} \int_0^x \exp(-t^2) \; \mathrm{d}t -\quad \text{for} \quad x \in \mathbb{C} \, .\]

erf(x, y)

Accurate version of erf(y) - erf(x) (for real arguments only).

External links: DLMF, Wikipedia.

See also: erfc(x), erfcx(x), erfi(x), dawson(x), erfinv(x), erfcinv(x).

Implementation by

  • Float32/Float64: C standard math library libm.
  • BigFloat: C library for multiple-precision floating-point MPFR

Compute the complementary error function of $x$, defined by

\[\operatorname{erfc}(x) +\quad \text{for} \quad m \in \left( -\infty, 1 \right] \, .\]

External links: DLMF, Wikipedia.

See also: ellipe(m).


  • m: parameter $m$, restricted to the domain $(-\infty,1]$, is related to the elliptic modulus $k$ by $k^2=m$ and to the modular angle $\alpha$ by $k=\sin \alpha$.


Using piecewise approximation polynomial as given in

'Fast Computation of Complete Elliptic Integrals and Jacobian Elliptic Functions', Fukushima, Toshio. (2014). F09-FastEI. Celest Mech Dyn Astr, DOI 10.1007/s10569-009-9228-z,

For $m<0$, followed by

Fukushima, Toshio. (2014). 'Precise, compact, and fast computation of complete elliptic integrals by piecewise minimax rational function approximation'. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 282. DOI 10.13140/2.1.1946.6245.,

As suggested in this paper, the domain is restricted to $(-\infty,1]$.


Compute the error function of $x$, defined by

\[\operatorname{erf}(x) = \frac{2}{\sqrt{\pi}} \int_0^x \exp(-t^2) \; \mathrm{d}t +\quad \text{for} \quad x \in \mathbb{C} \, .\]

erf(x, y)

Accurate version of erf(y) - erf(x) (for real arguments only).

External links: DLMF, Wikipedia.

See also: erfc(x), erfcx(x), erfi(x), dawson(x), erfinv(x), erfcinv(x).

Implementation by

  • Float32/Float64: C standard math library libm.
  • BigFloat: C library for multiple-precision floating-point MPFR

Compute the complementary error function of $x$, defined by

\[\operatorname{erfc}(x) = 1 - \operatorname{erf}(x) = \frac{2}{\sqrt{\pi}} \int_x^\infty \exp(-t^2) \; \mathrm{d}t -\quad \text{for} \quad x \in \mathbb{C} \, .\]

This is the accurate version of 1-erf(x) for large $x$.

External links: DLMF, Wikipedia.

See also: erf(x).

Implementation by

  • Float32/Float64: C standard math library libm.
  • BigFloat: C library for multiple-precision floating-point MPFR

Compute the inverse error complementary function of a real $x$, that is

\[\operatorname{erfcinv}(x) = \operatorname{erfc}^{-1}(x) -\quad \text{for} \quad x \in \mathbb{R} \, .\]

External links: Wikipedia.

See also: erfc(x).


Using the rational approximants tabulated in:

J. M. Blair, C. A. Edwards, and J. H. Johnson, "Rational Chebyshev approximations for the inverse of the error function", Math. Comp. 30, pp. 827–830 (1976).,

combined with Newton iterations for BigFloat.


Compute the scaled complementary error function of $x$, defined by

\[\operatorname{erfcx}(x) +\quad \text{for} \quad x \in \mathbb{C} \, .\]

This is the accurate version of 1-erf(x) for large $x$.

External links: DLMF, Wikipedia.

See also: erf(x).

Implementation by

  • Float32/Float64: C standard math library libm.
  • BigFloat: C library for multiple-precision floating-point MPFR

Compute the inverse error complementary function of a real $x$, that is

\[\operatorname{erfcinv}(x) = \operatorname{erfc}^{-1}(x) +\quad \text{for} \quad x \in \mathbb{R} \, .\]

External links: Wikipedia.

See also: erfc(x).


Using the rational approximants tabulated in:

J. M. Blair, C. A. Edwards, and J. H. Johnson, "Rational Chebyshev approximations for the inverse of the error function", Math. Comp. 30, pp. 827–830 (1976).,

combined with Newton iterations for BigFloat.


Compute the scaled complementary error function of $x$, defined by

\[\operatorname{erfcx}(x) = e^{x^2} \operatorname{erfc}(x) -\quad \text{for} \quad x \in \mathbb{C} \, .\]

This is the accurate version of $e^{x^2} \operatorname{erfc}(x)$ for large $x$. Note also that $\operatorname{erfcx}(-ix)$ computes the Faddeeva function w(x).

External links: DLMF, Wikipedia.

See also: erfc(x).

Implementation by

  • Float32/Float64: C standard math library libm.
  • BigFloat: MPFR has an open TODO item for this function until then, we use DLMF 7.12.1 for the tail.

Compute the imaginary error function of $x$, defined by

\[\operatorname{erfi}(x) +\quad \text{for} \quad x \in \mathbb{C} \, .\]

This is the accurate version of $e^{x^2} \operatorname{erfc}(x)$ for large $x$. Note also that $\operatorname{erfcx}(-ix)$ computes the Faddeeva function w(x).

External links: DLMF, Wikipedia.

See also: erfc(x).

Implementation by

  • Float32/Float64: C standard math library libm.
  • BigFloat: MPFR has an open TODO item for this function until then, we use DLMF 7.12.1 for the tail.

Compute the imaginary error function of $x$, defined by

\[\operatorname{erfi}(x) = -i \operatorname{erf}(ix) -\quad \text{for} \quad x \in \mathbb{C} \, .\]

External links: Wikipedia.

See also: erf(x).

Implementation by

  • Float32/Float64: C standard math library libm.

Compute the inverse error function of a real $x$, that is

\[\operatorname{erfinv}(x) = \operatorname{erf}^{-1}(x) -\quad \text{for} \quad x \in \mathbb{R} \, .\]

External links: Wikipedia.

See also: erf(x).


Using the rational approximants tabulated in:

J. M. Blair, C. A. Edwards, and J. H. Johnson, "Rational Chebyshev approximations for the inverse of the error function", Math. Comp. 30, pp. 827–830 (1976).,

combined with Newton iterations for BigFloat.

-expint(ν, z)

Computes the exponential integral $\operatorname{E}_\nu(z) = \int_1^\infty \frac{e^{-zt}}{t^\nu} dt$. If $\nu$ is not specified, $\nu=1$ is used. Arbitrary complex $\nu$ and $z$ are supported.

External links: DLMF, Wikipedia


Computes the exponential integral function $\operatorname{Ei}(x) = \int_{-\infty}^x \frac{e^t}{t} dt$, which is equivalent to $-\Re[\operatorname{E}_1(-x)]$ where $\operatorname{E}_1$ is the expint function.

-expintx(ν, z)

Computes the scaled exponential integral $\exp(z) \operatorname{E}_\nu(z) = e^z \int_1^\infty \frac{e^{-zt}}{t^\nu} dt$. If $\nu$ is not specified, $\nu=1$ is used. Arbitrary complex $\nu$ and $z$ are supported.

See also: expint(ν, z)


Compute the Faddeeva function of complex z, defined by $e^{-z^2} \operatorname{erfc}(-iz)$. Note that this function, also named w (original Faddeeva package) or wofz (Scilab package), is equivalent to$\operatorname{erfcx}(-iz)$.


Returns the upper incomplete gamma function

\[\Gamma(a,x) = \int_x^\infty t^{a-1} e^{-t} dt \,\]

supporting arbitrary real or complex a and x.

(The ordinary gamma function gamma(x) corresponds to $\Gamma(a) = \Gamma(a,0)$. See also the gamma_inc function to compute both the upper and lower ($\gamma(a,x)$) incomplete gamma functions scaled by $\Gamma(a)$.

External links: DLMF, Wikipedia


Compute the gamma function for complex $z$, defined by

\[\Gamma(z) +\quad \text{for} \quad x \in \mathbb{C} \, .\]

External links: Wikipedia.

See also: erf(x).

Implementation by

  • Float32/Float64: C standard math library libm.

Compute the inverse error function of a real $x$, that is

\[\operatorname{erfinv}(x) = \operatorname{erf}^{-1}(x) +\quad \text{for} \quad x \in \mathbb{R} \, .\]

External links: Wikipedia.

See also: erf(x).


Using the rational approximants tabulated in:

J. M. Blair, C. A. Edwards, and J. H. Johnson, "Rational Chebyshev approximations for the inverse of the error function", Math. Comp. 30, pp. 827–830 (1976).,

combined with Newton iterations for BigFloat.

+expint(ν, z)

Computes the exponential integral $\operatorname{E}_\nu(z) = \int_1^\infty \frac{e^{-zt}}{t^\nu} dt$. If $\nu$ is not specified, $\nu=1$ is used. Arbitrary complex $\nu$ and $z$ are supported.

External links: DLMF, Wikipedia


Computes the exponential integral function $\operatorname{Ei}(x) = \int_{-\infty}^x \frac{e^t}{t} dt$, which is equivalent to $-\Re[\operatorname{E}_1(-x)]$ where $\operatorname{E}_1$ is the expint function.

+expintx(ν, z)

Computes the scaled exponential integral $\exp(z) \operatorname{E}_\nu(z) = e^z \int_1^\infty \frac{e^{-zt}}{t^\nu} dt$. If $\nu$ is not specified, $\nu=1$ is used. Arbitrary complex $\nu$ and $z$ are supported.

See also: expint(ν, z)


Compute the Faddeeva function of complex z, defined by $e^{-z^2} \operatorname{erfc}(-iz)$. Note that this function, also named w (original Faddeeva package) or wofz (Scilab package), is equivalent to$\operatorname{erfcx}(-iz)$.


Returns the upper incomplete gamma function

\[\Gamma(a,x) = \int_x^\infty t^{a-1} e^{-t} dt \,\]

supporting arbitrary real or complex a and x.

(The ordinary gamma function gamma(x) corresponds to $\Gamma(a) = \Gamma(a,0)$. See also the gamma_inc function to compute both the upper and lower ($\gamma(a,x)$) incomplete gamma functions scaled by $\Gamma(a)$.

External links: DLMF, Wikipedia


Compute the gamma function for complex $z$, defined by

\[\Gamma(z) := \begin{cases} n! @@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ \\ \int_0^\infty t^{z-1} {\mathrm e}^{-t} \, {\mathrm d}t & \text{for} \quad \Re(z) > 0 -\end{cases}\]

and by analytic continuation in the whole complex plane.

External links: DLMF, Wikipedia.

See also: loggamma(z) for $\log \Gamma(z)$ and gamma(a,z) for the upper incomplete gamma function $\Gamma(a,z)$.

Implementation by

  • Float: C standard math library libm.
  • Complex: by exp(loggamma(z)).
  • BigFloat: C library for multiple-precision floating-point MPFR

Returns a tuple $(p, q)$ where $p + q = 1$, and $p=P(a,x)$ is the Incomplete gamma function ratio given by:

\[P(a,x)=\frac{1}{\Gamma (a)} \int_{0}^{x} e^{-t}t^{a-1} dt.\]

and $q=Q(a,x)$ is the Incomplete gamma function ratio given by:

\[Q(a,x)=\frac{1}{\Gamma (a)} \int_{x}^{\infty} e^{-t}t^{a-1} dt.\]

In terms of these, the lower incomplete gamma function is $\gamma(a,x) = P(a,x) \Gamma(a)$ and the upper incomplete gamma function is $\Gamma(a,x) = Q(a,x) \Gamma(a)$.

IND ∈ [0,1,2] sets accuracy: IND=0 means 14 significant digits accuracy, IND=1 means 6 significant digit, and IND=2 means only 3 digit accuracy.

External links: DLMF, Wikipedia

See also gamma(z), gamma_inc_inv(a,p,q)

gamma_inc_asym(a, x, ind)

Compute $P(a,x)$ using asymptotic expansion given by:

\[R(a,x)/a * (1 + \sum_{n=1}^{N-1}(a_{n}/x^{n} + \Theta _{n}a_{n}/x^{n}))\]

where R(a,x) = rgammax(a,x). Used when 1 <= a <= BIG and x >= x0.

External links: DLMF

See also: gamma_inc(a,x,ind)

gamma_inc_cf(a, x, ind)

Computes $P(a,x)$ by continued fraction expansion given by :

\[R(a,x) * \frac{1}{1-\frac{z}{a+1+\frac{z}{a+2-\frac{(a+1)z}{a+3+\frac{2z}{a+4-\frac{(a+2)z}{a+5+\frac{3z}{a+6-\dots}}}}}}}\]

Used when 1 <= a <= BIG and x < x0.

External links: DLMF

See also: gamma_inc(a,x,ind)

gamma_inc_inv_alarge(a, minpq, pcase)

Compute x0 - initial approximation when a is large. The inversion problem is rewritten as :

\[0.5 \operatorname{erfc}(\eta \sqrt{a/2}) + R_{a}(\eta) = q\]

For large values of a we can write: $\eta(q,a) = \eta_{0}(q,a) + \epsilon(\eta_{0},a)$ and it is possible to expand:

\[\epsilon(\eta_{0},a) = \epsilon_{1}(\eta_{0},a)/a + \epsilon_{2}(\eta_{0},a)/a^{2} + \epsilon_{3}(\eta_{0},a)/a^{3} + ...\]

which is calculated by coeff1, coeff2 and coeff3 functions below. This returns a tuple (x0,fp), where fp is computed since it's an approximation for the coefficient after inverting the original power series.

gamma_inc_inv_psmall(a, logr)

Compute x0 - initial approximation when p is small. Here we invert the series in Eqn (2.20) in the paper and write the inversion problem as:

\[x = r\left[1 + a\sum_{k=1}^{\infty}\frac{(-x)^{n}}{(a+n)n!}\right]^{-1/a},\]

where $r = (p\Gamma(1+a))^{1/a}$ Inverting this relation we obtain $x = r + \sum_{k=2}^{\infty}c_{k}r^{k}$.

gamma_inc_inv_qsmall(a, q, qgammaxa)

Compute x0 - initial approximation when q is small from $e^{-x_{0}} x_{0}^{a} = q \Gamma(a)$. Asymptotic expansions Eqn (2.29) in the paper is used here and higher approximations are obtained using

\[x \sim x_{0} - L + b \sum_{k=1}^{\infty} d_{k}/x_{0}^{k}\]

where $b = 1-a$, $L = \ln{x_0}$.


Compute $P(a,x)$ using minimax approximations given by :

\[1/2 * erfc(\sqrt{y}) - e^{-y}/\sqrt{2\pi*a}* T(a,\lambda)\]


\[T(a,\lambda) = \sum_{0}^{N} c_{k}(z)a^{-k}\]

This is a higher accuracy approximation of Temme expansion, which deals with the region near a ≈ x with a large. Refer Appendix F in the paper for the extensive set of coefficients calculated using Brent's multiple precision arithmetic(set at 50 digits) in BRENT, R. P. A FORTRAN multiple-precision arithmetic package, ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 4(1978), 57-70 .

External links: DLMF

See also: gamma_inc(a,x,ind)


Computes $P(a,x)$ based on Taylor expansion of $P(a,x)/x**a$ given by:

\[J = -a * \sum_{1}^{\infty} (-x)^{n}/((a+n)n!)\]

and $P(a,x)/x**a$ is given by :

\[(1 - J)/ \Gamma(a+1)\]

resulting from term-by-term integration of gamma_inc(a,x,ind). This is used when a < 1 and x < 1.1 - Refer Eqn (9) in the paper.

See also: gamma_inc(a,x,ind)

gamma_inc_temme(a, x, z)

Compute $P(a,x)$ using Temme's expansion given by :

\[1/2 * erfc(\sqrt{y}) - e^{-y}/\sqrt{2\pi*a}* T(a,\lambda)\]


\[T(a,\lambda) = \sum_{0}^{N} c_{k}(z)a^{-k}\]

This mainly solves the problem near the region when a ≈ x with a large, and is a lower accuracy version of the minimax approximation.

External links: DLMF

See also: gamma_inc(a,x,ind)

gamma_inc_temme_1(a, x, z, ind)

Computes $P(a,x)$ using simplified Temme expansion near $y=0$ by :

\[E(y) - (1 - y)/\sqrt{2\pi*a} * T(a,\lambda)\]


\[E(y) = 1/2 - (1 - y/3)*(\sqrt(y/\pi))\]

Used instead of it's previous function when $\sigma <= e_{0}/\sqrt{a}$.

External links: DLMF


\[\operatorname{gammax}(x) = \begin{cases}e^{\operatorname{stirling}(x)}\quad\quad\quad \text{if} \quad x>0,\\ +\end{cases}\]

and by analytic continuation in the whole complex plane.

External links: DLMF, Wikipedia.

See also: loggamma(z) for $\log \Gamma(z)$ and gamma(a,z) for the upper incomplete gamma function $\Gamma(a,z)$.

Implementation by

  • Float: C standard math library libm.
  • Complex: by exp(loggamma(z)).
  • BigFloat: C library for multiple-precision floating-point MPFR

Returns a tuple $(p, q)$ where $p + q = 1$, and $p=P(a,x)$ is the Incomplete gamma function ratio given by:

\[P(a,x)=\frac{1}{\Gamma (a)} \int_{0}^{x} e^{-t}t^{a-1} dt.\]

and $q=Q(a,x)$ is the Incomplete gamma function ratio given by:

\[Q(a,x)=\frac{1}{\Gamma (a)} \int_{x}^{\infty} e^{-t}t^{a-1} dt.\]

In terms of these, the lower incomplete gamma function is $\gamma(a,x) = P(a,x) \Gamma(a)$ and the upper incomplete gamma function is $\Gamma(a,x) = Q(a,x) \Gamma(a)$.

IND ∈ [0,1,2] sets accuracy: IND=0 means 14 significant digits accuracy, IND=1 means 6 significant digit, and IND=2 means only 3 digit accuracy.

External links: DLMF, Wikipedia

See also gamma(z), gamma_inc_inv(a,p,q)

gamma_inc_asym(a, x, ind)

Compute $P(a,x)$ using asymptotic expansion given by:

\[R(a,x)/a * (1 + \sum_{n=1}^{N-1}(a_{n}/x^{n} + \Theta _{n}a_{n}/x^{n}))\]

where R(a,x) = rgammax(a,x). Used when 1 <= a <= BIG and x >= x0.

External links: DLMF

See also: gamma_inc(a,x,ind)

gamma_inc_cf(a, x, ind)

Computes $P(a,x)$ by continued fraction expansion given by :

\[R(a,x) * \frac{1}{1-\frac{z}{a+1+\frac{z}{a+2-\frac{(a+1)z}{a+3+\frac{2z}{a+4-\frac{(a+2)z}{a+5+\frac{3z}{a+6-\dots}}}}}}}\]

Used when 1 <= a <= BIG and x < x0.

External links: DLMF

See also: gamma_inc(a,x,ind)

gamma_inc_inv_alarge(a, minpq, pcase)

Compute x0 - initial approximation when a is large. The inversion problem is rewritten as :

\[0.5 \operatorname{erfc}(\eta \sqrt{a/2}) + R_{a}(\eta) = q\]

For large values of a we can write: $\eta(q,a) = \eta_{0}(q,a) + \epsilon(\eta_{0},a)$ and it is possible to expand:

\[\epsilon(\eta_{0},a) = \epsilon_{1}(\eta_{0},a)/a + \epsilon_{2}(\eta_{0},a)/a^{2} + \epsilon_{3}(\eta_{0},a)/a^{3} + ...\]

which is calculated by coeff1, coeff2 and coeff3 functions below. This returns a tuple (x0,fp), where fp is computed since it's an approximation for the coefficient after inverting the original power series.

gamma_inc_inv_psmall(a, logr)

Compute x0 - initial approximation when p is small. Here we invert the series in Eqn (2.20) in the paper and write the inversion problem as:

\[x = r\left[1 + a\sum_{k=1}^{\infty}\frac{(-x)^{n}}{(a+n)n!}\right]^{-1/a},\]

where $r = (p\Gamma(1+a))^{1/a}$ Inverting this relation we obtain $x = r + \sum_{k=2}^{\infty}c_{k}r^{k}$.

gamma_inc_inv_qsmall(a, q, qgammaxa)

Compute x0 - initial approximation when q is small from $e^{-x_{0}} x_{0}^{a} = q \Gamma(a)$. Asymptotic expansions Eqn (2.29) in the paper is used here and higher approximations are obtained using

\[x \sim x_{0} - L + b \sum_{k=1}^{\infty} d_{k}/x_{0}^{k}\]

where $b = 1-a$, $L = \ln{x_0}$.


Compute $P(a,x)$ using minimax approximations given by :

\[1/2 * erfc(\sqrt{y}) - e^{-y}/\sqrt{2\pi*a}* T(a,\lambda)\]


\[T(a,\lambda) = \sum_{0}^{N} c_{k}(z)a^{-k}\]

This is a higher accuracy approximation of Temme expansion, which deals with the region near a ≈ x with a large. Refer Appendix F in the paper for the extensive set of coefficients calculated using Brent's multiple precision arithmetic(set at 50 digits) in BRENT, R. P. A FORTRAN multiple-precision arithmetic package, ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 4(1978), 57-70 .

External links: DLMF

See also: gamma_inc(a,x,ind)


Computes $P(a,x)$ based on Taylor expansion of $P(a,x)/x**a$ given by:

\[J = -a * \sum_{1}^{\infty} (-x)^{n}/((a+n)n!)\]

and $P(a,x)/x**a$ is given by :

\[(1 - J)/ \Gamma(a+1)\]

resulting from term-by-term integration of gamma_inc(a,x,ind). This is used when a < 1 and x < 1.1 - Refer Eqn (9) in the paper.

See also: gamma_inc(a,x,ind)

gamma_inc_temme(a, x, z)

Compute $P(a,x)$ using Temme's expansion given by :

\[1/2 * erfc(\sqrt{y}) - e^{-y}/\sqrt{2\pi*a}* T(a,\lambda)\]


\[T(a,\lambda) = \sum_{0}^{N} c_{k}(z)a^{-k}\]

This mainly solves the problem near the region when a ≈ x with a large, and is a lower accuracy version of the minimax approximation.

External links: DLMF

See also: gamma_inc(a,x,ind)

gamma_inc_temme_1(a, x, z, ind)

Computes $P(a,x)$ using simplified Temme expansion near $y=0$ by :

\[E(y) - (1 - y)/\sqrt{2\pi*a} * T(a,\lambda)\]


\[E(y) = 1/2 - (1 - y/3)*(\sqrt(y/\pi))\]

Used instead of it's previous function when $\sigma <= e_{0}/\sqrt{a}$.

External links: DLMF


\[\operatorname{gammax}(x) = \begin{cases}e^{\operatorname{stirling}(x)}\quad\quad\quad \text{if} \quad x>0,\\ \frac{\Gamma(x)}{\sqrt{2 \pi}e^{-x + (x-0.5)\operatorname{log}(x)}},\quad \text{if} \quad x\leq 0. -\end{cases}\]


Bessel function of the first kind divided by x. Following convention: $\operatorname{jinc}{x} = \frac{2 \cdot J_1{\pi x}}{\pi x}$. Sometimes known as sombrero or besinc function.

External links: Wikipedia

logabsbinomial(n, k)

Accurate natural logarithm of the absolute value of the binomial coefficient binomial(n, k) for large n and k near n/2.

Returns a tuple (log(abs(binomial(n,k))), sign(binomial(n,k))).

logerf(x, y)

Compute the natural logarithm of two-argument error function. This is an accurate version of log(erf(x, y)), which works for large x, y.

External links: Wikipedia.

See also: erf(x,y).


Compute the natural logarithm of the complementary error function of $x$, that is

\[\operatorname{logerfc}(x) = \operatorname{ln}(\operatorname{erfc}(x)) -\quad \text{for} \quad x \in \mathbb{R} \, .\]

This is the accurate version of $\operatorname{ln}(\operatorname{erfc}(x))$ for large $x$.

External links: Wikipedia.

See also: erfcx(x).


Based on the erfc(x) and erfcx(x) functions. Currently only implemented for Float32, Float64, and BigFloat.


Compute the natural logarithm of the scaled complementary error function of $x$, that is

\[\operatorname{logerfcx}(x) = \operatorname{ln}(\operatorname{erfcx}(x)) -\quad \text{for} \quad x \in \mathbb{R} \, .\]

This is the accurate version of $\operatorname{ln}(\operatorname{erfcx}(x))$ for large and negative $x$.

External links: Wikipedia.

See also: erfcx(x).


Based on the erfc(x) and erfcx(x) functions. Currently only implemented for Float32, Float64, and BigFloat.


Returns the log of the upper incomplete gamma function gamma(a,x):

\[\log \Gamma(a,x) = \log \int_x^\infty t^{a-1} e^{-t} dt \,\]

supporting arbitrary real or complex a and x.

If a and/or x is complex, then exp(loggamma(a,x)) matches gamma(a,x) (up to floating-point error), but loggamma(a,x) may differ from log(gamma(a,x)) by an integer multiple of $2\pi i$ (i.e. it may employ a different branch cut).

See also loggamma(x).


Computes the logarithm of gamma for given x. If x is a Real, then it throws a DomainError if gamma(x) is negative.

If x is complex, then exp(loggamma(x)) matches gamma(x) (up to floating-point error), but loggamma(x) may differ from log(gamma(x)) by an integer multiple of $2\pi i$ (i.e. it may employ a different branch cut).

See also logabsgamma for real x.


Compute CDF of noncentral F distribution given by:

\[F(x, v1, v2; lambda) = I_{v1*x/(v1*x + v2)}(v1/2, v2/2; \lambda)\]

where $I_{x}(a,b; lambda)$ is the noncentral beta function computed above.



Compute the CDF of the noncentral beta distribution given by

\[I_{x}(a,b;\lambda ) = \sum_{j=0}^{\infty}q(\lambda/2,j)I_{x}(a+j,b;0)\]

For $\lambda < 54$ : algorithm suggested by Lenth(1987) in ncbeta_tail(a,b,lambda,x). Else for $\lambda >= 54$ : modification in Chattamvelli(1997) in ncbeta_poisson(a,b,lambda,x) by using both forward and backward recurrences.


Compute CDF of noncentral beta if lambda >= 54 using: First $\lambda/2$ is calculated and the Poisson term is calculated using $P(j-1)=j/\lambda P(j)$ and $P(j+1) = \lambda/(j+1) P(j)$. Then backward recurrences are used until either the Poisson weights fall below errmax or iterlo is reached.

\[I_{x}(a+j-1,b) = I_{x}(a+j,b) + \Gamma(a+b+j-1)/\Gamma(a+j)\Gamma(b)x^{a+j-1}(1-x)^{b}\]

Then forward recurrences are used until error bound falls below errmax.

\[I_{x}(a+j+1,b) = I_{x}(a+j,b) - \Gamma(a+b+j)/\Gamma(a+j)\Gamma(b)x^{a+j}(1-x)^{b}\]


Compute tail of the noncentral beta distribution. Uses the recursive relation

\[I_{x}(a,b+1;0) = I_{x}(a,b;0) - \Gamma(a+b)/\Gamma(a+1)\Gamma(b)x^{a}(1-x)^{b}\]

and $\Gamma(a+1) = a\Gamma(a)$ given in



Computation of $1/Gamma(a+1) - 1$ for -0.5<=a<=1.5 : $1/\Gamma (a+1) - 1$ Uses the relation gamma(a+1) = a*gamma(a).


Bessel function of the first kind divided by x. Following convention: $\operatorname{jinc}{x} = \frac{2 \cdot J_1{\pi x}}{\pi x}$. Sometimes known as sombrero or besinc function.

External links: Wikipedia

logabsbinomial(n, k)

Accurate natural logarithm of the absolute value of the binomial coefficient binomial(n, k) for large n and k near n/2.

Returns a tuple (log(abs(binomial(n,k))), sign(binomial(n,k))).

logerf(x, y)

Compute the natural logarithm of two-argument error function. This is an accurate version of log(erf(x, y)), which works for large x, y.

External links: Wikipedia.

See also: erf(x,y).


Compute the natural logarithm of the complementary error function of $x$, that is

\[\operatorname{logerfc}(x) = \operatorname{ln}(\operatorname{erfc}(x)) +\quad \text{for} \quad x \in \mathbb{R} \, .\]

This is the accurate version of $\operatorname{ln}(\operatorname{erfc}(x))$ for large $x$.

External links: Wikipedia.

See also: erfcx(x).


Based on the erfc(x) and erfcx(x) functions. Currently only implemented for Float32, Float64, and BigFloat.


Compute the natural logarithm of the scaled complementary error function of $x$, that is

\[\operatorname{logerfcx}(x) = \operatorname{ln}(\operatorname{erfcx}(x)) +\quad \text{for} \quad x \in \mathbb{R} \, .\]

This is the accurate version of $\operatorname{ln}(\operatorname{erfcx}(x))$ for large and negative $x$.

External links: Wikipedia.

See also: erfcx(x).


Based on the erfc(x) and erfcx(x) functions. Currently only implemented for Float32, Float64, and BigFloat.


Returns the log of the upper incomplete gamma function gamma(a,x):

\[\log \Gamma(a,x) = \log \int_x^\infty t^{a-1} e^{-t} dt \,\]

supporting arbitrary real or complex a and x.

If a and/or x is complex, then exp(loggamma(a,x)) matches gamma(a,x) (up to floating-point error), but loggamma(a,x) may differ from log(gamma(a,x)) by an integer multiple of $2\pi i$ (i.e. it may employ a different branch cut).

See also loggamma(x).


Computes the logarithm of gamma for given x. If x is a Real, then it throws a DomainError if gamma(x) is negative.

If x is complex, then exp(loggamma(x)) matches gamma(x) (up to floating-point error), but loggamma(x) may differ from log(gamma(x)) by an integer multiple of $2\pi i$ (i.e. it may employ a different branch cut).

See also logabsgamma for real x.


Compute CDF of noncentral F distribution given by:

\[F(x, v1, v2; lambda) = I_{v1*x/(v1*x + v2)}(v1/2, v2/2; \lambda)\]

where $I_{x}(a,b; lambda)$ is the noncentral beta function computed above.



Compute the CDF of the noncentral beta distribution given by

\[I_{x}(a,b;\lambda ) = \sum_{j=0}^{\infty}q(\lambda/2,j)I_{x}(a+j,b;0)\]

For $\lambda < 54$ : algorithm suggested by Lenth(1987) in ncbeta_tail(a,b,lambda,x). Else for $\lambda >= 54$ : modification in Chattamvelli(1997) in ncbeta_poisson(a,b,lambda,x) by using both forward and backward recurrences.


Compute CDF of noncentral beta if lambda >= 54 using: First $\lambda/2$ is calculated and the Poisson term is calculated using $P(j-1)=j/\lambda P(j)$ and $P(j+1) = \lambda/(j+1) P(j)$. Then backward recurrences are used until either the Poisson weights fall below errmax or iterlo is reached.

\[I_{x}(a+j-1,b) = I_{x}(a+j,b) + \Gamma(a+b+j-1)/\Gamma(a+j)\Gamma(b)x^{a+j-1}(1-x)^{b}\]

Then forward recurrences are used until error bound falls below errmax.

\[I_{x}(a+j+1,b) = I_{x}(a+j,b) - \Gamma(a+b+j)/\Gamma(a+j)\Gamma(b)x^{a+j}(1-x)^{b}\]


Compute tail of the noncentral beta distribution. Uses the recursive relation

\[I_{x}(a,b+1;0) = I_{x}(a,b;0) - \Gamma(a+b)/\Gamma(a+1)\Gamma(b)x^{a}(1-x)^{b}\]

and $\Gamma(a+1) = a\Gamma(a)$ given in



Computation of $1/Gamma(a+1) - 1$ for -0.5<=a<=1.5 : $1/\Gamma (a+1) - 1$ Uses the relation gamma(a+1) = a*gamma(a).


Compute the sine integral function of $x$, defined by

\[\operatorname{Si}(x) := \int_0^x \frac{\sin t}{t} \, \mathrm{d}t \quad \text{for} \quad -x \in \mathbb{R} \,.\]

External links: DLMF, Wikipedia.

See also: cosint(x).


Using the rational approximants tabulated in:

A.J. MacLeod, "Rational approximations, software and test methods for sine and cosine integrals", Numer. Algor. 12, pp. 259–272 (1996).,

Note: the second zero of $\text{Ci}(x)$ has a typo that is fixed: $r_1 = 3.38418 0422\mathbf{8} 51186 42639 78511 46402$ in the article, but is in fact: $r_1 = 3.38418 0422\mathbf{5} 51186 42639 78511 46402$.

sphericalbesselj(nu, x)

Spherical bessel function of the first kind at order nu, $j_ν(x)$. This is the non-singular solution to the radial part of the Helmholz equation in spherical coordinates.

sphericalbessely(nu, x)

Spherical bessel function of the second kind at order nu, $y_ν(x)$. This is the singular solution to the radial part of the Helmholz equation in spherical coordinates. Sometimes known as a spherical Neumann function.

zeta(s, z)

Generalized zeta function defined by

\[\zeta(s, z)=\sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{1}{((k+z)^2)^{s/2}},\]

where any term with $k+z=0$ is excluded. For $\Re z > 0$, this definition is equivalent to the Hurwitz zeta function $\sum_{k=0}^\infty (k+z)^{-s}$.

The Riemann zeta function is recovered as $\zeta(s)=\zeta(s,1)$.

External links: Riemann zeta function, Hurwitz zeta function

+x \in \mathbb{R} \,.\]

External links: DLMF, Wikipedia.

See also: cosint(x).


Using the rational approximants tabulated in:

A.J. MacLeod, "Rational approximations, software and test methods for sine and cosine integrals", Numer. Algor. 12, pp. 259–272 (1996).,

Note: the second zero of $\text{Ci}(x)$ has a typo that is fixed: $r_1 = 3.38418 0422\mathbf{8} 51186 42639 78511 46402$ in the article, but is in fact: $r_1 = 3.38418 0422\mathbf{5} 51186 42639 78511 46402$.

sphericalbesselj(nu, x)

Spherical bessel function of the first kind at order nu, $j_ν(x)$. This is the non-singular solution to the radial part of the Helmholz equation in spherical coordinates.

sphericalbessely(nu, x)

Spherical bessel function of the second kind at order nu, $y_ν(x)$. This is the singular solution to the radial part of the Helmholz equation in spherical coordinates. Sometimes known as a spherical Neumann function.

zeta(s, z)

Generalized zeta function defined by

\[\zeta(s, z)=\sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{1}{((k+z)^2)^{s/2}},\]

where any term with $k+z=0$ is excluded. For $\Re z > 0$, this definition is equivalent to the Hurwitz zeta function $\sum_{k=0}^\infty (k+z)^{-s}$.

The Riemann zeta function is recovered as $\zeta(s)=\zeta(s,1)$.

External links: Riemann zeta function, Hurwitz zeta function

diff --git a/dev/functions_overview/index.html b/dev/functions_overview/index.html index 7159e877..ff4129c6 100644 --- a/dev/functions_overview/index.html +++ b/dev/functions_overview/index.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -Overview · SpecialFunctions.jl


Here the Special Functions are listed according to the structure of NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions.

Gamma Function

gamma(z)gamma function $\Gamma(z)$
loggamma(x)accurate log(gamma(x)) for large x
logabsgamma(x)accurate log(abs(gamma(x))) for large x
logfactorial(x)accurate log(factorial(x)) for large x; same as loggamma(x+1) for x > 1, zero otherwise
digamma(x)digamma function (i.e. the derivative of loggamma at x)
invdigamma(x)invdigamma function (i.e. inverse of digamma function at x using fixed-point iteration algorithm)
trigamma(x)trigamma function (i.e the logarithmic second derivative of gamma at x)
polygamma(m,x)polygamma function (i.e the (m+1)-th derivative of the loggamma function at x)
gamma(a,z)upper incomplete gamma function $\Gamma(a,z)$
loggamma(a,z)accurate log(gamma(a,x)) for large arguments
gamma_inc(a,x,IND)incomplete gamma function ratio P(a,x) and Q(a,x) (i.e evaluates P(a,x) and Q(a,x)for accuracy specified by IND and returns tuple (p,q))
beta_inc(a,b,x,y)incomplete beta function ratio Ix(a,b) and Iy(a,b) (i.e evaluates Ix(a,b) and Iy(a,b) and returns tuple (p,q))
gamma_inc_inv(a,p,q)inverse of incomplete gamma function ratio P(a,x) and Q(a,x) (i.e evaluates x given P(a,x)=p and Q(a,x)=q
beta(x,y)beta function at x,y
logbeta(x,y)accurate log(beta(x,y)) for large x or y
logabsbeta(x,y)accurate log(abs(beta(x,y))) for large x or y
logabsbinomial(x,y)accurate log(abs(binomial(n,k))) for large n and k near n/2

Exponential and Trigonometric Integrals

expint(ν, z)exponential integral $\operatorname{E}_\nu(z)$
expinti(x)exponential integral $\operatorname{Ei}(x)$
expintx(x)scaled exponential integral $e^z \operatorname{E}_\nu(z)$
sinint(x)sine integral $\operatorname{Si}(x)$
cosint(x)cosine integral $\operatorname{Ci}(x)$

Error Functions, Dawson’s and Fresnel Integrals

erf(x)error function at $x$
erf(x,y)accurate version of $\operatorname{erf}(y) - \operatorname{erf}(x)$
erfc(x)complementary error function, i.e. the accurate version of $1-\operatorname{erf}(x)$ for large $x$
erfcinv(x)inverse function to erfc()
erfcx(x)scaled complementary error function, i.e. accurate $e^{x^2} \operatorname{erfc}(x)$ for large $x$
logerfc(x)log of the complementary error function, i.e. accurate $\operatorname{ln}(\operatorname{erfc}(x))$ for large $x$
logerfcx(x)log of the scaled complementary error function, i.e. accurate $\operatorname{ln}(\operatorname{erfcx}(x))$ for large negative $x$
erfi(x)imaginary error function defined as $-i \operatorname{erf}(ix)$
erfinv(x)inverse function to erf()
dawson(x)scaled imaginary error function, a.k.a. Dawson function, i.e. accurate $\frac{\sqrt{\pi}}{2} e^{-x^2} \operatorname{erfi}(x)$ for large $x$
faddeeva(x)Faddeeva function, equivalent to $\operatorname{erfcx}(-ix)$
airyai(z)Airy Ai function at z
airyaiprime(z)derivative of the Airy Ai function at z
airybi(z)Airy Bi function at z
airybiprime(z)derivative of the Airy Bi function at z
airyaix(z), airyaiprimex(z), airybix(z), airybiprimex(z)scaled Airy Ai function and kth derivatives at z

Bessel Functions

besselj(nu,z)Bessel function of the first kind of order nu at z
besseljx(nu,z)scaled Bessel function of the first kind of order nu at z
sphericalbesselj(nu,z)Spherical Bessel function of the first kind of order nu at z
bessely(nu,z)Bessel function of the second kind of order nu at z
besselyx(nu,z)scaled Bessel function of the second kind of order nu at z
sphericalbessely(nu,z)Spherical Bessel function of the second kind of order nu at z
besselh(nu,k,z)Bessel function of the third kind (a.k.a. Hankel function) of order nu at z; k must be either 1 or 2
hankelh1(nu,z)besselh(nu, 1, z)
hankelh1x(nu,z)scaled besselh(nu, 1, z)
hankelh2(nu,z)besselh(nu, 2, z)
hankelh2x(nu,z)scaled besselh(nu, 2, z)
besseli(nu,z)modified Bessel function of the first kind of order nu at z
besselix(nu,z)scaled modified Bessel function of the first kind of order nu at z
besselk(nu,z)modified Bessel function of the second kind of order nu at z
besselkx(nu,z)scaled modified Bessel function of the second kind of order nu at z
jinc(x)scaled Bessel function of the first kind divided by x. A.k.a. sombrero or besinc

Elliptic Integrals

ellipk(m)complete elliptic integral of 1st kind $K(m)$
ellipe(m)complete elliptic integral of 2nd kind $E(m)$
eta(x)Dirichlet eta function at x
zeta(x)Riemann zeta function at x
+Overview · SpecialFunctions.jl


Here the Special Functions are listed according to the structure of NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions.

Gamma Function

gamma(z)gamma function $\Gamma(z)$
loggamma(x)accurate log(gamma(x)) for large x
logabsgamma(x)accurate log(abs(gamma(x))) for large x
logfactorial(x)accurate log(factorial(x)) for large x; same as loggamma(x+1) for x > 1, zero otherwise
digamma(x)digamma function (i.e. the derivative of loggamma at x)
invdigamma(x)invdigamma function (i.e. inverse of digamma function at x using fixed-point iteration algorithm)
trigamma(x)trigamma function (i.e the logarithmic second derivative of gamma at x)
polygamma(m,x)polygamma function (i.e the (m+1)-th derivative of the loggamma function at x)
gamma(a,z)upper incomplete gamma function $\Gamma(a,z)$
loggamma(a,z)accurate log(gamma(a,x)) for large arguments
gamma_inc(a,x,IND)incomplete gamma function ratio P(a,x) and Q(a,x) (i.e evaluates P(a,x) and Q(a,x)for accuracy specified by IND and returns tuple (p,q))
beta_inc(a,b,x,y)incomplete beta function ratio Ix(a,b) and Iy(a,b) (i.e evaluates Ix(a,b) and Iy(a,b) and returns tuple (p,q))
gamma_inc_inv(a,p,q)inverse of incomplete gamma function ratio P(a,x) and Q(a,x) (i.e evaluates x given P(a,x)=p and Q(a,x)=q
beta(x,y)beta function at x,y
logbeta(x,y)accurate log(beta(x,y)) for large x or y
logabsbeta(x,y)accurate log(abs(beta(x,y))) for large x or y
logabsbinomial(x,y)accurate log(abs(binomial(n,k))) for large n and k near n/2

Exponential and Trigonometric Integrals

expint(ν, z)exponential integral $\operatorname{E}_\nu(z)$
expinti(x)exponential integral $\operatorname{Ei}(x)$
expintx(x)scaled exponential integral $e^z \operatorname{E}_\nu(z)$
sinint(x)sine integral $\operatorname{Si}(x)$
cosint(x)cosine integral $\operatorname{Ci}(x)$

Error Functions, Dawson’s and Fresnel Integrals

erf(x)error function at $x$
erf(x,y)accurate version of $\operatorname{erf}(y) - \operatorname{erf}(x)$
erfc(x)complementary error function, i.e. the accurate version of $1-\operatorname{erf}(x)$ for large $x$
erfcinv(x)inverse function to erfc()
erfcx(x)scaled complementary error function, i.e. accurate $e^{x^2} \operatorname{erfc}(x)$ for large $x$
logerfc(x)log of the complementary error function, i.e. accurate $\operatorname{ln}(\operatorname{erfc}(x))$ for large $x$
logerfcx(x)log of the scaled complementary error function, i.e. accurate $\operatorname{ln}(\operatorname{erfcx}(x))$ for large negative $x$
erfi(x)imaginary error function defined as $-i \operatorname{erf}(ix)$
erfinv(x)inverse function to erf()
dawson(x)scaled imaginary error function, a.k.a. Dawson function, i.e. accurate $\frac{\sqrt{\pi}}{2} e^{-x^2} \operatorname{erfi}(x)$ for large $x$
faddeeva(x)Faddeeva function, equivalent to $\operatorname{erfcx}(-ix)$
airyai(z)Airy Ai function at z
airyaiprime(z)derivative of the Airy Ai function at z
airybi(z)Airy Bi function at z
airybiprime(z)derivative of the Airy Bi function at z
airyaix(z), airyaiprimex(z), airybix(z), airybiprimex(z)scaled Airy Ai function and kth derivatives at z

Bessel Functions

besselj(nu,z)Bessel function of the first kind of order nu at z
besseljx(nu,z)scaled Bessel function of the first kind of order nu at z
sphericalbesselj(nu,z)Spherical Bessel function of the first kind of order nu at z
bessely(nu,z)Bessel function of the second kind of order nu at z
besselyx(nu,z)scaled Bessel function of the second kind of order nu at z
sphericalbessely(nu,z)Spherical Bessel function of the second kind of order nu at z
besselh(nu,k,z)Bessel function of the third kind (a.k.a. Hankel function) of order nu at z; k must be either 1 or 2
hankelh1(nu,z)besselh(nu, 1, z)
hankelh1x(nu,z)scaled besselh(nu, 1, z)
hankelh2(nu,z)besselh(nu, 2, z)
hankelh2x(nu,z)scaled besselh(nu, 2, z)
besseli(nu,z)modified Bessel function of the first kind of order nu at z
besselix(nu,z)scaled modified Bessel function of the first kind of order nu at z
besselk(nu,z)modified Bessel function of the second kind of order nu at z
besselkx(nu,z)scaled modified Bessel function of the second kind of order nu at z
jinc(x)scaled Bessel function of the first kind divided by x. A.k.a. sombrero or besinc

Elliptic Integrals

ellipk(m)complete elliptic integral of 1st kind $K(m)$
ellipe(m)complete elliptic integral of 2nd kind $E(m)$
eta(x)Dirichlet eta function at x
zeta(x)Riemann zeta function at x
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SpecialFunctions.jl provides a comprehensive collection of special functions based on the OpenSpecFun and OpenLibm libraries.

Special mathematical functions in Julia, include Bessel, Hankel, Airy, error, Dawson, exponential (or sine and cosine) integrals, eta, zeta, digamma, inverse digamma, trigamma, and polygamma functions.


The latest version of the package is available for Julia versions 1.3 and up. To install it, run the following at the Julia REPL:

+Home · SpecialFunctions.jl


SpecialFunctions.jl provides a comprehensive collection of special functions based on the OpenSpecFun and OpenLibm libraries.

Special mathematical functions in Julia, include Bessel, Hankel, Airy, error, Dawson, exponential (or sine and cosine) integrals, eta, zeta, digamma, inverse digamma, trigamma, and polygamma functions.


The latest version of the package is available for Julia versions 1.3 and up. To install it, run the following at the Julia REPL:

diff --git a/dev/search/index.html b/dev/search/index.html index 34c9cb91..ff51cb21 100644 --- a/dev/search/index.html +++ b/dev/search/index.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -Search · SpecialFunctions.jl

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      diff --git a/dev/search_index.js b/dev/search_index.js index 8c4b46bb..0dbfcf28 100644 --- a/dev/search_index.js +++ b/dev/search_index.js @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ var documenterSearchIndex = {"docs": -[{"location":"functions_list/#Functions","page":"Reference","title":"Functions","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"functions_list/","page":"Reference","title":"Reference","text":"CurrentModule = SpecialFunctions","category":"page"},{"location":"functions_list/","page":"Reference","title":"Reference","text":"Modules = [SpecialFunctions]\nOrder = [:module, :type, :function]","category":"page"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.airyai","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.airyai","text":"airyai(x)\n\nAiry function of the first kind operatornameAi(x).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: airyaix, airyaiprime, airybi\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.airyaiprime","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.airyaiprime","text":"airyaiprime(x)\n\nDerivative of the Airy function of the first kind operatornameAi(x).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: airyaiprimex, airyai, airybi\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.airyaiprimex","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.airyaiprimex","text":"airyaiprimex(x)\n\nScaled derivative of the Airy function of the first kind operatornameAi(x) e^frac23 x sqrtx. Throws DomainError for negative Real arguments.\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: airyaiprime, airyai, airybi\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.airyaix","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.airyaix","text":"airyaix(x)\n\nScaled Airy function of the first kind operatornameAi(x) e^frac23 x sqrtx. Throws DomainError for negative Real arguments.\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: airyai, airyaiprime, airybi\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.airybi","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.airybi","text":"airybi(x)\n\nAiry function of the second kind operatornameBi(x).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: airybix, airybiprime, airyai\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.airybiprime","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.airybiprime","text":"airybiprime(x)\n\nDerivative of the Airy function of the second kind operatornameBi(x).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: airybiprimex, airybi, airyai\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.airybiprimex","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.airybiprimex","text":"airybiprimex(x)\n\nScaled derivative of the Airy function of the second kind operatornameBi(x) e^- left operatornameRe left( frac23 x sqrtx right) right.\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: airybiprime, airybi, airyai\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.airybix","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.airybix","text":"airybix(x)\n\nScaled Airy function of the second kind operatornameBi(x) e^- left operatornameRe left( frac23 x sqrtx right) right.\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: airybi, airybiprime, airyai\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.auxgam-Tuple{Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.auxgam","text":"auxgam(x)\n\nCompute function g in 1Gamma(x+1) = 1+x*(x-1)*g(x), -1 <= x <= 1.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.besselh","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.besselh","text":"besselh(nu, [k=1,] x)\n\nBessel function of the third kind of order nu (the Hankel function). k is either 1 or 2, selecting hankelh1 or hankelh2, respectively. k defaults to 1 if it is omitted.\n\nExternal links: DLMF and DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: besselhx for an exponentially scaled variant.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.besselhx","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.besselhx","text":"besselhx(nu, [k=1,] z)\n\nCompute the scaled Hankel function exp(iz) H_ν^(k)(z), where k is 1 or 2, H_ν^(k)(z) is besselh(nu, k, z), and is - for k=1 and + for k=2. k defaults to 1 if it is omitted.\n\nThe reason for this function is that H_ν^(k)(z) is asymptotically proportional to exp(iz)sqrtz for large z, and so the besselh function is susceptible to overflow or underflow when z has a large imaginary part. The besselhx function cancels this exponential factor (analytically), so it avoids these problems.\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: besselh\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.besseli-Tuple{Real, AbstractFloat}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.besseli","text":"besseli(nu, x)\n\nModified Bessel function of the first kind of order nu, I_nu(x).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: besselix(nu,x), besselj(nu,x), besselk(nu,x)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.besselix-Tuple{Real, AbstractFloat}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.besselix","text":"besselix(nu, x)\n\nScaled modified Bessel function of the first kind of order nu, I_nu(x) e^- operatornameRe(x) .\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: besseli(nu,x), besselj(nu,x), besselk(nu,x)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.besselj-Tuple{Real, AbstractFloat}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.besselj","text":"besselj(nu, x)\n\nBessel function of the first kind of order nu, J_nu(x).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: besseljx(nu,x), besseli(nu,x), besselk(nu,x)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.besselj0-Tuple{BigFloat}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.besselj0","text":"besselj0(x)\n\nBessel function of the first kind of order 0, J_0(x).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: besselj(nu,x)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.besselj1-Tuple{BigFloat}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.besselj1","text":"besselj1(x)\n\nBessel function of the first kind of order 1, J_1(x).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: besselj(nu,x)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.besseljx-Tuple{Real, AbstractFloat}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.besseljx","text":"besseljx(nu, x)\n\nScaled Bessel function of the first kind of order nu, J_nu(x) e^- operatornameIm(x) .\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: besselj(nu,x), besseli(nu,x), besselk(nu,x)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.besselk-Tuple{Real, AbstractFloat}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.besselk","text":"besselk(nu, x)\n\nModified Bessel function of the second kind of order nu, K_nu(x).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: See also: besselkx(nu,x), besseli(nu,x), besselj(nu,x)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.besselkx-Tuple{Real, AbstractFloat}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.besselkx","text":"besselkx(nu, x)\n\nScaled modified Bessel function of the second kind of order nu, K_nu(x) e^x.\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: besselk(nu,x), besseli(nu,x), besselj(nu,x)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.bessely-Tuple{Real, AbstractFloat}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.bessely","text":"bessely(nu, x)\n\nBessel function of the second kind of order nu, Y_nu(x).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also besselyx(nu,x) for a scaled variant.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.bessely0-Tuple{BigFloat}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.bessely0","text":"bessely0(x)\n\nBessel function of the second kind of order 0, Y_0(x).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: bessely(nu,x)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.bessely1-Tuple{BigFloat}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.bessely1","text":"bessely1(x)\n\nBessel function of the second kind of order 1, Y_1(x).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: bessely(nu,x)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.besselyx-Tuple{Real, AbstractFloat}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.besselyx","text":"besselyx(nu, x)\n\nScaled Bessel function of the second kind of order nu, Y_nu(x) e^- operatornameIm(x) .\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also bessely(nu,x)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.beta-Tuple{Number, Number}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.beta","text":"beta(x, y)\n\nEuler integral of the first kind operatornameB(xy) = Gamma(x)Gamma(y)Gamma(x+y).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.beta_inc-Tuple{Real, Real, Real}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.beta_inc","text":"beta_inc(a, b, x, y=1-x)\n\nReturn a tuple (I_x(ab) 1-I_x(ab)) where I_x(ab) is the regularized incomplete beta function given by\n\nI_x(ab) = frac1B(ab) int_0^x t^a-1(1-t)^b-1 dt\n\nwhere B(ab) = Gamma(a)Gamma(b)Gamma(a+b).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: beta_inc_inv\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.beta_inc_asymptotic_asymmetric-NTuple{6, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.beta_inc_asymptotic_asymmetric","text":"beta_inc_asymptotic_asymmetric(a, b, x, y, w, epps)\n\nEvaluation of I_x(ab) using asymptotic expansion. It is assumed a >= 15 and b <= 1, and epps is tolerance used.\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: beta_inc\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.beta_inc_asymptotic_symmetric-NTuple{4, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.beta_inc_asymptotic_symmetric","text":"beta_inc_asymptotic_symmetric(a,b,lambda,epps)\n\nCompute I_x(ab) using asymptotic expansion for a, b >= 15. It is assumed that lambda = (a+b)*y - b.\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: beta_inc\n\nImplementation\n\nBASYM(A,B,LAMBDA,EPS) from Didonato and Morris (1982)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.beta_inc_cont_fraction-NTuple{6, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.beta_inc_cont_fraction","text":"beta_inc_cont_fraction(a,b,x,y,lambda,epps)\n\nCompute I_x(ab) using continued fraction expansion when a, b > 1. It is assumed that lambda = (a+b)*y - b\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: beta_inc\n\nImplementation\n\nBFRAC(A,B,X,Y,LAMBDA,EPS) from Didonato and Morris (1982)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.beta_inc_diff-Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Integer, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.beta_inc_diff","text":"beta_inc_diff(a, b, x, y, n, epps)\n\nCompute I_x(ab) - I_x(a+nb) where n is positive integer and epps is tolerance. A generalised version of DLMF.\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: beta_inc\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.beta_inc_inv-Tuple{Real, Real, Real}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.beta_inc_inv","text":"beta_inc_inv(a, b, p, q=1-p)\n\nReturn a tuple (x, 1-x) where x satisfies I_x(a b) = p, i.e., x is the inverse of the regularized incomplete beta function I_x(a b).\n\nSee also: beta_inc\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.beta_inc_power_series-NTuple{4, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.beta_inc_power_series","text":"beta_inc_power_series(a, b, x, epps)\n\nComputes I_x(ab) using power series :\n\nI_x(ab) = G(ab)x^aa (1 + asum_j=1^infty((1-b)(2-b)(j-b)j(a+j)) x^j)\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: beta_inc\n\nImplementation\n\nBPSER(A,B,X,EPS) from Didonato and Morris (1982)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.beta_inc_power_series1-NTuple{4, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.beta_inc_power_series1","text":"beta_inc_power_series1(a,b,x,epps)\n\nAnother variant of BPSER(A,B,X,EPS).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: beta_inc\n\nImplementation\n\nAPSER(A,B,X,EPS) from Didonato and Morris (1982)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.beta_inc_power_series2-NTuple{4, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.beta_inc_power_series2","text":"beta_inc_power_series2(a,b,x,epps)\n\nVariant of BPSER(A,B,X,EPS).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: beta_inc\n\nImplementation\n\nFPSER(A,B,X,EPS) from Didonato and Morris (1982)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.beta_integrand","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.beta_integrand","text":"beta_integrand(a, b, x, y, mu=0.0)\n\nCompute e^mu * x^ay^bB(ab)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.chepolsum-Tuple{Float64, Vector{Float64}}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.chepolsum","text":"chepolsum(n,x,a)\n\nComputes a series of Chebyshev Polynomials given by: a[1]/2 + a[2]T1(x) + .... + a[n]T{n-1}(X).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.coeff1-Tuple{Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.coeff1","text":"Computing the first coefficient for the expansion :\n\nepsilon (eta_0a) = epsilon_1 (eta_0a)a + epsilon_2 (eta_0a)a^2 + epsilon_3 (eta_0a)a^3\n\nRefer Eqn (3.12) in the paper\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.coeff2-Tuple{Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.coeff2","text":"Computing the second coefficient for the expansion :\n\nepsilon (eta_0a) = epsilon_1 (eta_0a)a + epsilon_2 (eta_0a)a^2 + epsilon_3 (eta_0a)a^3\n\nRefer Eqn (3.12) in the paper\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.coeff3-Tuple{Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.coeff3","text":"Computing the third and last coefficient for the expansion :\n\nepsilon (eta_0a) = epsilon_1 (eta_0a)a + epsilon_2 (eta_0a)a^2 + epsilon_3 (eta_0a)a^3\n\nRefer Eqn (3.12) in the paper\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.cosint","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.cosint","text":"cosint(x)\n\nCompute the cosine integral function of x, defined by\n\noperatornameCi(x)\n= gamma + log x + int_0^x fraccos (t) - 1t mathrmdt\nquad textfor quad\nx 0 \n\nwhere gamma is the Euler-Mascheroni constant.\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia.\n\nSee also: sinint(x).\n\nImplementation\n\nUsing the rational approximants tabulated in:\n\nA.J. MacLeod, \"Rational approximations, software and test methods for sine and cosine integrals\", Numer. Algor. 12, pp. 259–272 (1996).,\n\nNote: the second zero of textCi(x) has a typo that is fixed: r_1 = 338418 0422mathbf8 51186 42639 78511 46402 in the article, but is in fact: r_1 = 338418 0422mathbf5 51186 42639 78511 46402.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.dawson","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.dawson","text":"dawson(x)\n\nCompute the Dawson function (scaled imaginary error function) of x, defined by\n\noperatornamedawson(x)\n= fracsqrtpi2 e^-x^2 operatornameerfi(x)\nquad textfor quad x in mathbbC \n\nThis is the accurate version of fracsqrtpi2 e^-x^2 operatornameerfi(x) for large x.\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia.\n\nSee also: erfi(x).\n\nImplementation by\n\nFloat32/Float64: C standard math library libm.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.digamma-Tuple{Number}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.digamma","text":"digamma(x)\n\nCompute the digamma function of x (the logarithmic derivative of gamma(x)).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.ellipe-Tuple{Real}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.ellipe","text":"ellipe(m)\n\nComputes Complete Elliptic Integral of 2nd kind E(m) for parameter m given by\n\noperatornameellipe(m)\n= E(m)\n= int_0^ fracpi2 sqrt1 - m sin^2 theta mathrmdtheta\nquad textfor quad m in left( -infty 1 right \n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia.\n\nSee also: ellipk(m).\n\nArguments\n\nm: parameter m, restricted to the domain (-infty1, is related to the elliptic modulus k by k^2=m and to the modular angle alpha by k=sin alpha.\n\nImplementation\n\nUsing piecewise approximation polynomial as given in\n\n'Fast Computation of Complete Elliptic Integrals and Jacobian Elliptic Functions', Fukushima, Toshio. (2014). F09-FastEI. Celest Mech Dyn Astr, DOI 10.1007/s10569-009-9228-z,\n\nFor m0, followed by\n\nFukushima, Toshio. (2014). 'Precise, compact, and fast computation of complete elliptic integrals by piecewise minimax rational function approximation'. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 282. DOI 10.13140/2.1.1946.6245.,\n\nAs suggested in this paper, the domain is restricted to (-infty1.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.ellipk-Tuple{Real}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.ellipk","text":"ellipk(m)\n\nComputes Complete Elliptic Integral of 1st kind K(m) for parameter m given by\n\noperatornameellipk(m)\n= K(m)\n= int_0^ fracpi2 frac1sqrt1 - m sin^2 theta mathrmdtheta\nquad textfor quad m in left( -infty 1 right \n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia.\n\nSee also: ellipe(m).\n\nArguments\n\nm: parameter m, restricted to the domain (-infty1, is related to the elliptic modulus k by k^2=m and to the modular angle alpha by k=sin alpha.\n\nImplementation\n\nUsing piecewise approximation polynomial as given in\n\n'Fast Computation of Complete Elliptic Integrals and Jacobian Elliptic Functions', Fukushima, Toshio. (2014). F09-FastEI. Celest Mech Dyn Astr, DOI 10.1007/s10569-009-9228-z,\n\nFor m0, followed by\n\nFukushima, Toshio. (2014). 'Precise, compact, and fast computation of complete elliptic integrals by piecewise minimax rational function approximation'. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 282. DOI 10.13140/2.1.1946.6245.,\n\nAs suggested in this paper, the domain is restricted to (-infty1.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.erf","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.erf","text":"erf(x)\n\nCompute the error function of x, defined by\n\noperatornameerf(x) = frac2sqrtpi int_0^x exp(-t^2) mathrmdt\nquad textfor quad x in mathbbC \n\nerf(x, y)\n\nAccurate version of erf(y) - erf(x) (for real arguments only).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia.\n\nSee also: erfc(x), erfcx(x), erfi(x), dawson(x), erfinv(x), erfcinv(x).\n\nImplementation by\n\nFloat32/Float64: C standard math library libm.\nBigFloat: C library for multiple-precision floating-point MPFR\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.erfc","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.erfc","text":"erfc(x)\n\nCompute the complementary error function of x, defined by\n\noperatornameerfc(x)\n= 1 - operatornameerf(x)\n= frac2sqrtpi int_x^infty exp(-t^2) mathrmdt\nquad textfor quad x in mathbbC \n\nThis is the accurate version of 1-erf(x) for large x.\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia.\n\nSee also: erf(x).\n\nImplementation by\n\nFloat32/Float64: C standard math library libm.\nBigFloat: C library for multiple-precision floating-point MPFR\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.erfcinv-Tuple{Real}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.erfcinv","text":"erfcinv(x)\n\nCompute the inverse error complementary function of a real x, that is\n\noperatornameerfcinv(x) = operatornameerfc^-1(x)\nquad textfor quad x in mathbbR \n\nExternal links: Wikipedia.\n\nSee also: erfc(x).\n\nImplementation\n\nUsing the rational approximants tabulated in:\n\nJ. M. Blair, C. A. Edwards, and J. H. Johnson, \"Rational Chebyshev approximations for the inverse of the error function\", Math. Comp. 30, pp. 827–830 (1976).,\n\ncombined with Newton iterations for BigFloat.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.erfcx","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.erfcx","text":"erfcx(x)\n\nCompute the scaled complementary error function of x, defined by\n\noperatornameerfcx(x)\n= e^x^2 operatornameerfc(x)\nquad textfor quad x in mathbbC \n\nThis is the accurate version of e^x^2 operatornameerfc(x) for large x. Note also that operatornameerfcx(-ix) computes the Faddeeva function w(x).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia.\n\nSee also: erfc(x).\n\nImplementation by\n\nFloat32/Float64: C standard math library libm.\nBigFloat: MPFR has an open TODO item for this function until then, we use DLMF 7.12.1 for the tail.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.erfi","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.erfi","text":"erfi(x)\n\nCompute the imaginary error function of x, defined by\n\noperatornameerfi(x)\n= -i operatornameerf(ix)\nquad textfor quad x in mathbbC \n\nExternal links: Wikipedia.\n\nSee also: erf(x).\n\nImplementation by\n\nFloat32/Float64: C standard math library libm.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.erfinv-Tuple{Real}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.erfinv","text":"erfinv(x)\n\nCompute the inverse error function of a real x, that is\n\noperatornameerfinv(x) = operatornameerf^-1(x)\nquad textfor quad x in mathbbR \n\nExternal links: Wikipedia.\n\nSee also: erf(x).\n\nImplementation\n\nUsing the rational approximants tabulated in:\n\nJ. M. Blair, C. A. Edwards, and J. H. Johnson, \"Rational Chebyshev approximations for the inverse of the error function\", Math. Comp. 30, pp. 827–830 (1976).,\n\ncombined with Newton iterations for BigFloat.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.esum-Tuple{Float64, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.esum","text":"esum(mu,x)\n\nCompute e^mu+x\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.eta-Tuple{Number}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.eta","text":"eta(s)\n\nDirichlet eta function eta(s) = sum^infty_n=1(-1)^n-1n^s.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.expint","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.expint","text":"expint(z)\nexpint(ν, z)\n\nComputes the exponential integral operatornameE_nu(z) = int_1^infty frace^-ztt^nu dt. If nu is not specified, nu=1 is used. Arbitrary complex nu and z are supported.\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.expinti-Tuple{Real}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.expinti","text":"expinti(x::Real)\n\nComputes the exponential integral function operatornameEi(x) = int_-infty^x frace^tt dt, which is equivalent to -ReoperatornameE_1(-x) where operatornameE_1 is the expint function.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.expintx","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.expintx","text":"expintx(z)\nexpintx(ν, z)\n\nComputes the scaled exponential integral exp(z) operatornameE_nu(z) = e^z int_1^infty frace^-ztt^nu dt. If nu is not specified, nu=1 is used. Arbitrary complex nu and z are supported.\n\nSee also: expint(ν, z)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.faddeeva","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.faddeeva","text":"faddeeva(z)\n\nCompute the Faddeeva function of complex z, defined by e^-z^2 operatornameerfc(-iz). Note that this function, also named w (original Faddeeva package) or wofz (Scilab package), is equivalent tooperatornameerfcx(-iz).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.gamma-Tuple{Number, Number}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.gamma","text":"gamma(a,x)\n\nReturns the upper incomplete gamma function\n\nGamma(ax) = int_x^infty t^a-1 e^-t dt \n\nsupporting arbitrary real or complex a and x.\n\n(The ordinary gamma function gamma(x) corresponds to Gamma(a) = Gamma(a0). See also the gamma_inc function to compute both the upper and lower (gamma(ax)) incomplete gamma functions scaled by Gamma(a).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.gamma-Tuple{Number}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.gamma","text":"gamma(z)\n\nCompute the gamma function for complex z, defined by\n\nGamma(z)\n=\nbegincases\n n\n textfor quad z = n+1 n = 012dots\n \n int_0^infty t^z-1 mathrm e^-t mathrm dt\n textfor quad Re(z) 0\nendcases\n\nand by analytic continuation in the whole complex plane.\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia.\n\nSee also: loggamma(z) for log Gamma(z) and gamma(a,z) for the upper incomplete gamma function Gamma(az).\n\nImplementation by\n\nFloat: C standard math library libm.\nComplex: by exp(loggamma(z)).\nBigFloat: C library for multiple-precision floating-point MPFR\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc","text":"gamma_inc(a,x,IND=0)\n\nReturns a tuple (p q) where p + q = 1, and p=P(ax) is the Incomplete gamma function ratio given by:\n\nP(ax)=frac1Gamma (a) int_0^x e^-tt^a-1 dt\n\nand q=Q(ax) is the Incomplete gamma function ratio given by:\n\nQ(ax)=frac1Gamma (a) int_x^infty e^-tt^a-1 dt\n\nIn terms of these, the lower incomplete gamma function is gamma(ax) = P(ax) Gamma(a) and the upper incomplete gamma function is Gamma(ax) = Q(ax) Gamma(a).\n\nIND ∈ [0,1,2] sets accuracy: IND=0 means 14 significant digits accuracy, IND=1 means 6 significant digit, and IND=2 means only 3 digit accuracy.\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also gamma(z), gamma_inc_inv(a,p,q)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_asym-Tuple{Float64, Float64, Integer}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_asym","text":"gamma_inc_asym(a, x, ind)\n\nCompute P(ax) using asymptotic expansion given by:\n\nR(ax)a * (1 + sum_n=1^N-1(a_nx^n + Theta _na_nx^n))\n\nwhere R(a,x) = rgammax(a,x). Used when 1 <= a <= BIG and x >= x0.\n\nExternal links: DLMF\n\nSee also: gamma_inc(a,x,ind)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_cf-Tuple{Float64, Float64, Integer}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_cf","text":"gamma_inc_cf(a, x, ind)\n\nComputes P(ax) by continued fraction expansion given by :\n\nR(ax) * frac11-fracza+1+fracza+2-frac(a+1)za+3+frac2za+4-frac(a+2)za+5+frac3za+6-dots\n\nUsed when 1 <= a <= BIG and x < x0.\n\nExternal links: DLMF\n\nSee also: gamma_inc(a,x,ind)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_fsum-Tuple{Float64, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_fsum","text":"gamma_inc_fsum(a,x)\n\nCompute using Finite Sums for Q(ax) when a >= 1 && 2a is integer. Used when a <= x <= x0 and a = n/2. Refer Eqn (14) in the paper.\n\nSee also: gamma_inc(a,x,ind)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_inv-Tuple{Real, Real, Real}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_inv","text":"gamma_inc_inv(a,p,q)\n\nInverts the gamma_inc(a,x) function, by computing x given a,p,q in P(ax)=p and Q(ax)=q.\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: gamma_inc(a,x,ind).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_inv_alarge-Tuple{Float64, Float64, Bool}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_inv_alarge","text":"gamma_inc_inv_alarge(a, minpq, pcase)\n\nCompute x0 - initial approximation when a is large. The inversion problem is rewritten as :\n\n05 operatornameerfc(eta sqrta2) + R_a(eta) = q\n\nFor large values of a we can write: eta(qa) = eta_0(qa) + epsilon(eta_0a) and it is possible to expand:\n\nepsilon(eta_0a) = epsilon_1(eta_0a)a + epsilon_2(eta_0a)a^2 + epsilon_3(eta_0a)a^3 + \n\nwhich is calculated by coeff1, coeff2 and coeff3 functions below. This returns a tuple (x0,fp), where fp is computed since it's an approximation for the coefficient after inverting the original power series.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_inv_psmall-Tuple{Float64, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_inv_psmall","text":"gamma_inc_inv_psmall(a, logr)\n\nCompute x0 - initial approximation when p is small. Here we invert the series in Eqn (2.20) in the paper and write the inversion problem as:\n\nx = rleft1 + asum_k=1^inftyfrac(-x)^n(a+n)nright^-1a\n\nwhere r = (pGamma(1+a))^1a Inverting this relation we obtain x = r + sum_k=2^inftyc_kr^k.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_inv_qsmall-Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_inv_qsmall","text":"gamma_inc_inv_qsmall(a, q, qgammaxa)\n\nCompute x0 - initial approximation when q is small from e^-x_0 x_0^a = q Gamma(a). Asymptotic expansions Eqn (2.29) in the paper is used here and higher approximations are obtained using\n\nx sim x_0 - L + b sum_k=1^infty d_kx_0^k\n\nwhere b = 1-a, L = lnx_0.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_minimax-Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_minimax","text":"gamma_inc_minimax(a,x,z)\n\nCompute P(ax) using minimax approximations given by :\n\n12 * erfc(sqrty) - e^-ysqrt2pi*a* T(alambda)\n\nwhere\n\nT(alambda) = sum_0^N c_k(z)a^-k\n\nThis is a higher accuracy approximation of Temme expansion, which deals with the region near a ≈ x with a large. Refer Appendix F in the paper for the extensive set of coefficients calculated using Brent's multiple precision arithmetic(set at 50 digits) in BRENT, R. P. A FORTRAN multiple-precision arithmetic package, ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 4(1978), 57-70 .\n\nExternal links: DLMF\n\nSee also: gamma_inc(a,x,ind)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_taylor-Tuple{Float64, Float64, Integer}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_taylor","text":"gamma_inc_taylor(a, x, ind)\n\nCompute P(ax) using Taylor Series for P/R given by :\n\nR(ax)a * (1 + sum_n=1^infty x^n((a+1)(a+2)(a+n)))\n\nUsed when 1 <= a <= BIG and x <= max{a, ln 10}.\n\nExternal links: DLMF\n\nSee also: gamma_inc(a,x,ind)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_taylor_x-Tuple{Float64, Float64, Integer}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_taylor_x","text":"gamma_inc_taylor_x(a,x,ind)\n\nComputes P(ax) based on Taylor expansion of P(ax)x**a given by:\n\nJ = -a * sum_1^infty (-x)^n((a+n)n)\n\nand P(ax)x**a is given by :\n\n(1 - J) Gamma(a+1)\n\nresulting from term-by-term integration of gamma_inc(a,x,ind). This is used when a < 1 and x < 1.1 - Refer Eqn (9) in the paper.\n\nSee also: gamma_inc(a,x,ind)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_temme-Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_temme","text":"gamma_inc_temme(a, x, z)\n\nCompute P(ax) using Temme's expansion given by :\n\n12 * erfc(sqrty) - e^-ysqrt2pi*a* T(alambda)\n\nwhere\n\nT(alambda) = sum_0^N c_k(z)a^-k\n\nThis mainly solves the problem near the region when a ≈ x with a large, and is a lower accuracy version of the minimax approximation.\n\nExternal links: DLMF\n\nSee also: gamma_inc(a,x,ind)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_temme_1-Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Integer}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_temme_1","text":"gamma_inc_temme_1(a, x, z, ind)\n\nComputes P(ax) using simplified Temme expansion near y=0 by :\n\nE(y) - (1 - y)sqrt2pi*a * T(alambda)\n\nwhere\n\nE(y) = 12 - (1 - y3)*(sqrt(ypi))\n\nUsed instead of it's previous function when sigma = e_0sqrta.\n\nExternal links: DLMF\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.gammax-Tuple{Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.gammax","text":"gammax(x)\n\noperatornamegammax(x) = begincasese^operatornamestirling(x)quadquadquad textif quad x0\nfracGamma(x)sqrt2 pie^-x + (x-05)operatornamelog(x)quad textif quad xleq 0\nendcases\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.hankelh1-Tuple{Any, Any}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.hankelh1","text":"hankelh1(nu, x)\n\nBessel function of the third kind of order nu, H^(1)_nu(x).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: hankelh1x\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.hankelh1x-Tuple{Any, Any}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.hankelh1x","text":"hankelh1x(nu, x)\n\nScaled Bessel function of the third kind of order nu, H^(1)_nu(x) e^-x i.\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: hankelh1\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.hankelh2-Tuple{Any, Any}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.hankelh2","text":"hankelh2(nu, x)\n\nBessel function of the third kind of order nu, H^(2)_nu(x).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: hankelh2x(nu,x)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.hankelh2x-Tuple{Any, Any}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.hankelh2x","text":"hankelh2x(nu, x)\n\nScaled Bessel function of the third kind of order nu, H^(2)_nu(x) e^x i.\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: hankelh2(nu,x)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.invdigamma-Tuple{Number}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.invdigamma","text":"invdigamma(x)\n\nCompute the inverse digamma function of x.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.jinc-Tuple{Number}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.jinc","text":"jinc(x)\n\nBessel function of the first kind divided by x. Following convention: operatornamejincx = frac2 cdot J_1pi xpi x. Sometimes known as sombrero or besinc function.\n\nExternal links: Wikipedia\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.lambdaeta-Tuple{Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.lambdaeta","text":"lambdaeta(eta)\n\nCompute the value of lambda satisfying eta^22 = lambda-1-loglambda.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.logabsbeta-Union{Tuple{T}, Tuple{T, T}} where T<:Real","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.logabsbeta","text":"logabsbeta(x, y)\n\nCompute the natural logarithm of the absolute value of the beta function, returning a tuple (log(abs(beta(x,y))), sign(beta(x,y)))\n\nSee also logbeta.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.logabsbinomial-Union{Tuple{T}, Tuple{T, T}} where T<:Integer","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.logabsbinomial","text":"logabsbinomial(n, k)\n\nAccurate natural logarithm of the absolute value of the binomial coefficient binomial(n, k) for large n and k near n/2.\n\nReturns a tuple (log(abs(binomial(n,k))), sign(binomial(n,k))).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.logabsgamma-Tuple{Real}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.logabsgamma","text":"logabsgamma(x)\n\nCompute the logarithm of absolute value of gamma for Real x and returns a tuple (log(abs(gamma(x))), sign(gamma(x))).\n\nSee also loggamma.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.logbeta-Tuple{Number, Number}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.logbeta","text":"logbeta(x, y)\n\nNatural logarithm of the beta function log(operatornameB(xy)).\n\nSee also logabsbeta.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.logerf-Tuple{Real, Real}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.logerf","text":"logerf(x, y)\n\nCompute the natural logarithm of two-argument error function. This is an accurate version of log(erf(x, y)), which works for large x, y.\n\nExternal links: Wikipedia.\n\nSee also: erf(x,y).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.logerfc-Tuple{Real}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.logerfc","text":"logerfc(x)\n\nCompute the natural logarithm of the complementary error function of x, that is\n\noperatornamelogerfc(x) = operatornameln(operatornameerfc(x))\nquad textfor quad x in mathbbR \n\nThis is the accurate version of operatornameln(operatornameerfc(x)) for large x.\n\nExternal links: Wikipedia.\n\nSee also: erfcx(x).\n\nImplementation\n\nBased on the erfc(x) and erfcx(x) functions. Currently only implemented for Float32, Float64, and BigFloat.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.logerfcx-Tuple{Real}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.logerfcx","text":"logerfcx(x)\n\nCompute the natural logarithm of the scaled complementary error function of x, that is\n\noperatornamelogerfcx(x) = operatornameln(operatornameerfcx(x))\nquad textfor quad x in mathbbR \n\nThis is the accurate version of operatornameln(operatornameerfcx(x)) for large and negative x.\n\nExternal links: Wikipedia.\n\nSee also: erfcx(x).\n\nImplementation\n\nBased on the erfc(x) and erfcx(x) functions. Currently only implemented for Float32, Float64, and BigFloat.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.logfactorial-Tuple{Integer}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.logfactorial","text":"logfactorial(x)\n\nCompute the logarithmic factorial of a nonnegative integer x. Equivalent to loggamma of x + 1, but loggamma extends this function to non-integer x.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.loggamma-Tuple{Number, Number}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.loggamma","text":"loggamma(a,x)\n\nReturns the log of the upper incomplete gamma function gamma(a,x):\n\nlog Gamma(ax) = log int_x^infty t^a-1 e^-t dt \n\nsupporting arbitrary real or complex a and x.\n\nIf a and/or x is complex, then exp(loggamma(a,x)) matches gamma(a,x) (up to floating-point error), but loggamma(a,x) may differ from log(gamma(a,x)) by an integer multiple of 2pi i (i.e. it may employ a different branch cut).\n\nSee also loggamma(x).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.loggamma-Tuple{Number}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.loggamma","text":"loggamma(x)\n\nComputes the logarithm of gamma for given x. If x is a Real, then it throws a DomainError if gamma(x) is negative.\n\nIf x is complex, then exp(loggamma(x)) matches gamma(x) (up to floating-point error), but loggamma(x) may differ from log(gamma(x)) by an integer multiple of 2pi i (i.e. it may employ a different branch cut).\n\nSee also logabsgamma for real x.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.loggamma1p-Tuple{Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.loggamma1p","text":"loggamma1p(x)\n\nCompute log(Gamma(1+x)) for -1 < x <= 1.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.loggammadiv-Tuple{Number, Number}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.loggammadiv","text":"loggammadiv(a,b)\n\nComputes log(Gamma(b)Gamma(a+b)) when b >= 8\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.ncF-NTuple{4, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.ncF","text":"ncF(x,v1,v2,lambda)\n\nCompute CDF of noncentral F distribution given by:\n\nF(x v1 v2 lambda) = I_v1*x(v1*x + v2)(v12 v22 lambda)\n\nwhere I_x(ab lambda) is the noncentral beta function computed above.\n\nWikipedia:\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.ncbeta-NTuple{4, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.ncbeta","text":"ncbeta(a,b,lambda,x)\n\nCompute the CDF of the noncentral beta distribution given by\n\nI_x(ablambda ) = sum_j=0^inftyq(lambda2j)I_x(a+jb0)\n\nFor lambda 54 : algorithm suggested by Lenth(1987) in ncbeta_tail(a,b,lambda,x). Else for lambda = 54 : modification in Chattamvelli(1997) in ncbeta_poisson(a,b,lambda,x) by using both forward and backward recurrences.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.ncbeta_poisson-NTuple{4, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.ncbeta_poisson","text":"ncbeta_poisson(a,b,lambda,x)\n\nCompute CDF of noncentral beta if lambda >= 54 using: First lambda2 is calculated and the Poisson term is calculated using P(j-1)=jlambda P(j) and P(j+1) = lambda(j+1) P(j). Then backward recurrences are used until either the Poisson weights fall below errmax or iterlo is reached.\n\nI_x(a+j-1b) = I_x(a+jb) + Gamma(a+b+j-1)Gamma(a+j)Gamma(b)x^a+j-1(1-x)^b\n\nThen forward recurrences are used until error bound falls below errmax.\n\nI_x(a+j+1b) = I_x(a+jb) - Gamma(a+b+j)Gamma(a+j)Gamma(b)x^a+j(1-x)^b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.ncbeta_tail-NTuple{4, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.ncbeta_tail","text":"ncbeta_tail(x,a,b,lambda)\n\nCompute tail of the noncentral beta distribution. Uses the recursive relation\n\nI_x(ab+10) = I_x(ab0) - Gamma(a+b)Gamma(a+1)Gamma(b)x^a(1-x)^b\n\nand Gamma(a+1) = aGamma(a) given in\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.polygamma-Tuple{Integer, Number}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.polygamma","text":"polygamma(m, x)\n\nCompute the polygamma function of order m of argument x (the (m+1)th derivative of the logarithm of gamma(x))\n\nExternal links: Wikipedia\n\nSee also: gamma(z)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.rgamma1pm1-Tuple{Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.rgamma1pm1","text":"rgamma1pm1(a)\n\nComputation of 1Gamma(a+1) - 1 for -0.5<=a<=1.5 : 1Gamma (a+1) - 1 Uses the relation gamma(a+1) = a*gamma(a).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.rgammax-Tuple{Float64, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.rgammax","text":"rgammax(a,x)\n\nEvaluation of 1Gamma(a) e^-x x^a. Based on DRCOMP from the NSWC library.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.sinint","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.sinint","text":"sinint(x)\n\nCompute the sine integral function of x, defined by\n\noperatornameSi(x)\n= int_0^x fracsin tt mathrmdt\nquad textfor quad\nx in mathbbR \n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia.\n\nSee also: cosint(x).\n\nImplementation\n\nUsing the rational approximants tabulated in:\n\nA.J. MacLeod, \"Rational approximations, software and test methods for sine and cosine integrals\", Numer. Algor. 12, pp. 259–272 (1996).,\n\nNote: the second zero of textCi(x) has a typo that is fixed: r_1 = 338418 0422mathbf8 51186 42639 78511 46402 in the article, but is in fact: r_1 = 338418 0422mathbf5 51186 42639 78511 46402.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.sphericalbesselj-Union{Tuple{T}, Tuple{Any, T}} where T","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.sphericalbesselj","text":"sphericalbesselj(nu, x)\n\nSpherical bessel function of the first kind at order nu, j_ν(x). This is the non-singular solution to the radial part of the Helmholz equation in spherical coordinates.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.sphericalbessely-Union{Tuple{T}, Tuple{Any, T}} where T","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.sphericalbessely","text":"sphericalbessely(nu, x)\n\nSpherical bessel function of the second kind at order nu, y_ν(x). This is the singular solution to the radial part of the Helmholz equation in spherical coordinates. Sometimes known as a spherical Neumann function.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.stirling_corr-Tuple{Float64, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.stirling_corr","text":"stirling_corr(a0,b0)\n\nCompute stirling(a0) + stirling(b0) - stirling(a0 + b0) for a0, b0 >= 8\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.stirling_error-Tuple{Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.stirling_error","text":"stirling_error(x)\n\nCompute lnGamma(x) - (x-05)*lnx + x - ln(2pi)2. Adapted from stirling in IncgamFI.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.trigamma-Tuple{Number}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.trigamma","text":"trigamma(x)\n\nCompute the trigamma function of x (the logarithmic second derivative of gamma(x)).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.zeta-Tuple{Number, Number}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.zeta","text":"zeta(s, z)\n\nGeneralized zeta function defined by\n\nzeta(s z)=sum_k=0^infty frac1((k+z)^2)^s2\n\nwhere any term with k+z=0 is excluded. For Re z 0, this definition is equivalent to the Hurwitz zeta function sum_k=0^infty (k+z)^-s.\n\nThe Riemann zeta function is recovered as zeta(s)=zeta(s1).\n\nExternal links: Riemann zeta function, Hurwitz zeta function\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.zeta-Tuple{Number}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.zeta","text":"zeta(s)\n\nRiemann zeta function\n\nzeta(s)=sum_n=1^infty frac1n^squadtextforquad sinmathbbC\n\nExternal links: Wikipedia\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_overview/#Functions","page":"Overview","title":"Functions","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"functions_overview/","page":"Overview","title":"Overview","text":"Here the Special Functions are listed according to the structure of NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions.","category":"page"},{"location":"functions_overview/#[Gamma-Function](","page":"Overview","title":"Gamma Function","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"functions_overview/","page":"Overview","title":"Overview","text":"Function Description\ngamma(z) gamma function Gamma(z)\nloggamma(x) accurate log(gamma(x)) for large x\nlogabsgamma(x) accurate log(abs(gamma(x))) for large x\nlogfactorial(x) accurate log(factorial(x)) for large x; same as loggamma(x+1) for x > 1, zero otherwise\ndigamma(x) digamma function (i.e. the derivative of loggamma at x)\ninvdigamma(x) invdigamma function (i.e. inverse of digamma function at x using fixed-point iteration algorithm)\ntrigamma(x) trigamma function (i.e the logarithmic second derivative of gamma at x)\npolygamma(m,x) polygamma function (i.e the (m+1)-th derivative of the loggamma function at x)\ngamma(a,z) upper incomplete gamma function Gamma(az)\nloggamma(a,z) accurate log(gamma(a,x)) for large arguments\ngamma_inc(a,x,IND) incomplete gamma function ratio P(a,x) and Q(a,x) (i.e evaluates P(a,x) and Q(a,x)for accuracy specified by IND and returns tuple (p,q))\nbeta_inc(a,b,x,y) incomplete beta function ratio Ix(a,b) and Iy(a,b) (i.e evaluates Ix(a,b) and Iy(a,b) and returns tuple (p,q))\ngamma_inc_inv(a,p,q) inverse of incomplete gamma function ratio P(a,x) and Q(a,x) (i.e evaluates x given P(a,x)=p and Q(a,x)=q\nbeta(x,y) beta function at x,y\nlogbeta(x,y) accurate log(beta(x,y)) for large x or y\nlogabsbeta(x,y) accurate log(abs(beta(x,y))) for large x or y\nlogabsbinomial(x,y) accurate log(abs(binomial(n,k))) for large n and k near n/2","category":"page"},{"location":"functions_overview/#[Exponential-and-Trigonometric-Integrals](","page":"Overview","title":"Exponential and Trigonometric Integrals","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"functions_overview/","page":"Overview","title":"Overview","text":"Function Description\nexpint(ν, z) exponential integral operatornameE_nu(z)\nexpinti(x) exponential integral operatornameEi(x)\nexpintx(x) scaled exponential integral e^z operatornameE_nu(z)\nsinint(x) sine integral operatornameSi(x)\ncosint(x) cosine integral operatornameCi(x)","category":"page"},{"location":"functions_overview/#[Error-Functions,-Dawson’s-and-Fresnel-Integrals](","page":"Overview","title":"Error Functions, Dawson’s and Fresnel Integrals","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"functions_overview/","page":"Overview","title":"Overview","text":"Function Description\nerf(x) error function at x\nerf(x,y) accurate version of operatornameerf(y) - operatornameerf(x)\nerfc(x) complementary error function, i.e. the accurate version of 1-operatornameerf(x) for large x\nerfcinv(x) inverse function to erfc()\nerfcx(x) scaled complementary error function, i.e. accurate e^x^2 operatornameerfc(x) for large x\nlogerfc(x) log of the complementary error function, i.e. accurate operatornameln(operatornameerfc(x)) for large x\nlogerfcx(x) log of the scaled complementary error function, i.e. accurate operatornameln(operatornameerfcx(x)) for large negative x\nerfi(x) imaginary error function defined as -i operatornameerf(ix)\nerfinv(x) inverse function to erf()\ndawson(x) scaled imaginary error function, a.k.a. Dawson function, i.e. accurate fracsqrtpi2 e^-x^2 operatornameerfi(x) for large x\nfaddeeva(x) Faddeeva function, equivalent to operatornameerfcx(-ix)","category":"page"},{"location":"functions_overview/#[Airy-and-Related-Functions](","page":"Overview","title":"Airy and Related Functions","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"functions_overview/","page":"Overview","title":"Overview","text":"Function Description\nairyai(z) Airy Ai function at z\nairyaiprime(z) derivative of the Airy Ai function at z\nairybi(z) Airy Bi function at z\nairybiprime(z) derivative of the Airy Bi function at z\nairyaix(z), airyaiprimex(z), airybix(z), airybiprimex(z) scaled Airy Ai function and kth derivatives at z","category":"page"},{"location":"functions_overview/#[Bessel-Functions](","page":"Overview","title":"Bessel Functions","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"functions_overview/","page":"Overview","title":"Overview","text":"Function Description\nbesselj(nu,z) Bessel function of the first kind of order nu at z\nbesselj0(z) besselj(0,z)\nbesselj1(z) besselj(1,z)\nbesseljx(nu,z) scaled Bessel function of the first kind of order nu at z\nsphericalbesselj(nu,z) Spherical Bessel function of the first kind of order nu at z\nbessely(nu,z) Bessel function of the second kind of order nu at z\nbessely0(z) bessely(0,z)\nbessely1(z) bessely(1,z)\nbesselyx(nu,z) scaled Bessel function of the second kind of order nu at z\nsphericalbessely(nu,z) Spherical Bessel function of the second kind of order nu at z\nbesselh(nu,k,z) Bessel function of the third kind (a.k.a. Hankel function) of order nu at z; k must be either 1 or 2\nhankelh1(nu,z) besselh(nu, 1, z)\nhankelh1x(nu,z) scaled besselh(nu, 1, z)\nhankelh2(nu,z) besselh(nu, 2, z)\nhankelh2x(nu,z) scaled besselh(nu, 2, z)\nbesseli(nu,z) modified Bessel function of the first kind of order nu at z\nbesselix(nu,z) scaled modified Bessel function of the first kind of order nu at z\nbesselk(nu,z) modified Bessel function of the second kind of order nu at z\nbesselkx(nu,z) scaled modified Bessel function of the second kind of order nu at z\njinc(x) scaled Bessel function of the first kind divided by x. A.k.a. sombrero or besinc","category":"page"},{"location":"functions_overview/#[Elliptic-Integrals](","page":"Overview","title":"Elliptic Integrals","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"functions_overview/","page":"Overview","title":"Overview","text":"Function Description\nellipk(m) complete elliptic integral of 1st kind K(m)\nellipe(m) complete elliptic integral of 2nd kind E(m)","category":"page"},{"location":"functions_overview/#[Zeta-and-Related-Functions](","page":"Overview","title":"Zeta and Related Functions","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"functions_overview/","page":"Overview","title":"Overview","text":"Function Description\neta(x) Dirichlet eta function at x\nzeta(x) Riemann zeta function at x","category":"page"},{"location":"#SpecialFunctions.jl","page":"Home","title":"SpecialFunctions.jl","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"SpecialFunctions.jl provides a comprehensive collection of special functions based on the OpenSpecFun and OpenLibm libraries.","category":"page"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"Special mathematical functions in Julia, include Bessel, Hankel, Airy, error, Dawson, exponential (or sine and cosine) integrals, eta, zeta, digamma, inverse digamma, trigamma, and polygamma functions.","category":"page"},{"location":"#Installation","page":"Home","title":"Installation","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"The latest version of the package is available for Julia versions 1.3 and up. To install it, run the following at the Julia REPL:","category":"page"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"Pkg.add(\"SpecialFunctions\")","category":"page"}] +[{"location":"functions_list/#Functions","page":"Reference","title":"Functions","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"functions_list/","page":"Reference","title":"Reference","text":"CurrentModule = SpecialFunctions","category":"page"},{"location":"functions_list/","page":"Reference","title":"Reference","text":"Modules = [SpecialFunctions]\nOrder = [:module, :type, :function]","category":"page"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions._cotpi-Tuple{Any}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions._cotpi","text":"_cotpi(x) = cot(π * x)\n\nAccurate for integer arguments\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.airyai","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.airyai","text":"airyai(x)\n\nAiry function of the first kind operatornameAi(x).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: airyaix, airyaiprime, airybi\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.airyaiprime","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.airyaiprime","text":"airyaiprime(x)\n\nDerivative of the Airy function of the first kind operatornameAi(x).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: airyaiprimex, airyai, airybi\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.airyaiprimex","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.airyaiprimex","text":"airyaiprimex(x)\n\nScaled derivative of the Airy function of the first kind operatornameAi(x) e^frac23 x sqrtx. Throws DomainError for negative Real arguments.\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: airyaiprime, airyai, airybi\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.airyaix","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.airyaix","text":"airyaix(x)\n\nScaled Airy function of the first kind operatornameAi(x) e^frac23 x sqrtx. Throws DomainError for negative Real arguments.\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: airyai, airyaiprime, airybi\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.airybi","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.airybi","text":"airybi(x)\n\nAiry function of the second kind operatornameBi(x).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: airybix, airybiprime, airyai\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.airybiprime","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.airybiprime","text":"airybiprime(x)\n\nDerivative of the Airy function of the second kind operatornameBi(x).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: airybiprimex, airybi, airyai\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.airybiprimex","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.airybiprimex","text":"airybiprimex(x)\n\nScaled derivative of the Airy function of the second kind operatornameBi(x) e^- left operatornameRe left( frac23 x sqrtx right) right.\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: airybiprime, airybi, airyai\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.airybix","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.airybix","text":"airybix(x)\n\nScaled Airy function of the second kind operatornameBi(x) e^- left operatornameRe left( frac23 x sqrtx right) right.\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: airybi, airybiprime, airyai\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.auxgam-Tuple{Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.auxgam","text":"auxgam(x)\n\nCompute function g in 1Gamma(x+1) = 1+x*(x-1)*g(x), -1 <= x <= 1.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.besselh","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.besselh","text":"besselh(nu, [k=1,] x)\n\nBessel function of the third kind of order nu (the Hankel function). k is either 1 or 2, selecting hankelh1 or hankelh2, respectively. k defaults to 1 if it is omitted.\n\nExternal links: DLMF and DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: besselhx for an exponentially scaled variant.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.besselhx","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.besselhx","text":"besselhx(nu, [k=1,] z)\n\nCompute the scaled Hankel function exp(iz) H_ν^(k)(z), where k is 1 or 2, H_ν^(k)(z) is besselh(nu, k, z), and is - for k=1 and + for k=2. k defaults to 1 if it is omitted.\n\nThe reason for this function is that H_ν^(k)(z) is asymptotically proportional to exp(iz)sqrtz for large z, and so the besselh function is susceptible to overflow or underflow when z has a large imaginary part. The besselhx function cancels this exponential factor (analytically), so it avoids these problems.\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: besselh\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.besseli-Tuple{Real, AbstractFloat}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.besseli","text":"besseli(nu, x)\n\nModified Bessel function of the first kind of order nu, I_nu(x).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: besselix(nu,x), besselj(nu,x), besselk(nu,x)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.besselix-Tuple{Real, AbstractFloat}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.besselix","text":"besselix(nu, x)\n\nScaled modified Bessel function of the first kind of order nu, I_nu(x) e^- operatornameRe(x) .\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: besseli(nu,x), besselj(nu,x), besselk(nu,x)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.besselj-Tuple{Real, AbstractFloat}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.besselj","text":"besselj(nu, x)\n\nBessel function of the first kind of order nu, J_nu(x).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: besseljx(nu,x), besseli(nu,x), besselk(nu,x)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.besselj0-Tuple{BigFloat}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.besselj0","text":"besselj0(x)\n\nBessel function of the first kind of order 0, J_0(x).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: besselj(nu,x)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.besselj1-Tuple{BigFloat}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.besselj1","text":"besselj1(x)\n\nBessel function of the first kind of order 1, J_1(x).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: besselj(nu,x)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.besseljx-Tuple{Real, AbstractFloat}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.besseljx","text":"besseljx(nu, x)\n\nScaled Bessel function of the first kind of order nu, J_nu(x) e^- operatornameIm(x) .\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: besselj(nu,x), besseli(nu,x), besselk(nu,x)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.besselk-Tuple{Real, AbstractFloat}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.besselk","text":"besselk(nu, x)\n\nModified Bessel function of the second kind of order nu, K_nu(x).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: See also: besselkx(nu,x), besseli(nu,x), besselj(nu,x)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.besselkx-Tuple{Real, AbstractFloat}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.besselkx","text":"besselkx(nu, x)\n\nScaled modified Bessel function of the second kind of order nu, K_nu(x) e^x.\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: besselk(nu,x), besseli(nu,x), besselj(nu,x)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.bessely-Tuple{Real, AbstractFloat}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.bessely","text":"bessely(nu, x)\n\nBessel function of the second kind of order nu, Y_nu(x).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also besselyx(nu,x) for a scaled variant.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.bessely0-Tuple{BigFloat}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.bessely0","text":"bessely0(x)\n\nBessel function of the second kind of order 0, Y_0(x).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: bessely(nu,x)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.bessely1-Tuple{BigFloat}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.bessely1","text":"bessely1(x)\n\nBessel function of the second kind of order 1, Y_1(x).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: bessely(nu,x)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.besselyx-Tuple{Real, AbstractFloat}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.besselyx","text":"besselyx(nu, x)\n\nScaled Bessel function of the second kind of order nu, Y_nu(x) e^- operatornameIm(x) .\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also bessely(nu,x)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.beta-Tuple{Number, Number}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.beta","text":"beta(x, y)\n\nEuler integral of the first kind operatornameB(xy) = Gamma(x)Gamma(y)Gamma(x+y).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.beta_inc-Tuple{Real, Real, Real}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.beta_inc","text":"beta_inc(a, b, x, y=1-x)\n\nReturn a tuple (I_x(ab) 1-I_x(ab)) where I_x(ab) is the regularized incomplete beta function given by\n\nI_x(ab) = frac1B(ab) int_0^x t^a-1(1-t)^b-1 dt\n\nwhere B(ab) = Gamma(a)Gamma(b)Gamma(a+b).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: beta_inc_inv\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.beta_inc_asymptotic_asymmetric-NTuple{6, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.beta_inc_asymptotic_asymmetric","text":"beta_inc_asymptotic_asymmetric(a, b, x, y, w, epps)\n\nEvaluation of I_x(ab) using asymptotic expansion. It is assumed a >= 15 and b <= 1, and epps is tolerance used.\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: beta_inc\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.beta_inc_asymptotic_symmetric-NTuple{4, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.beta_inc_asymptotic_symmetric","text":"beta_inc_asymptotic_symmetric(a,b,lambda,epps)\n\nCompute I_x(ab) using asymptotic expansion for a, b >= 15. It is assumed that lambda = (a+b)*y - b.\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: beta_inc\n\nImplementation\n\nBASYM(A,B,LAMBDA,EPS) from Didonato and Morris (1982)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.beta_inc_cont_fraction-NTuple{6, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.beta_inc_cont_fraction","text":"beta_inc_cont_fraction(a,b,x,y,lambda,epps)\n\nCompute I_x(ab) using continued fraction expansion when a, b > 1. It is assumed that lambda = (a+b)*y - b\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: beta_inc\n\nImplementation\n\nBFRAC(A,B,X,Y,LAMBDA,EPS) from Didonato and Morris (1982)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.beta_inc_diff-Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Integer, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.beta_inc_diff","text":"beta_inc_diff(a, b, x, y, n, epps)\n\nCompute I_x(ab) - I_x(a+nb) where n is positive integer and epps is tolerance. A generalised version of DLMF.\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: beta_inc\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.beta_inc_inv-Tuple{Real, Real, Real}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.beta_inc_inv","text":"beta_inc_inv(a, b, p, q=1-p)\n\nReturn a tuple (x, 1-x) where x satisfies I_x(a b) = p, i.e., x is the inverse of the regularized incomplete beta function I_x(a b).\n\nSee also: beta_inc\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.beta_inc_power_series-NTuple{4, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.beta_inc_power_series","text":"beta_inc_power_series(a, b, x, epps)\n\nComputes I_x(ab) using power series :\n\nI_x(ab) = G(ab)x^aa (1 + asum_j=1^infty((1-b)(2-b)(j-b)j(a+j)) x^j)\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: beta_inc\n\nImplementation\n\nBPSER(A,B,X,EPS) from Didonato and Morris (1982)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.beta_inc_power_series1-NTuple{4, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.beta_inc_power_series1","text":"beta_inc_power_series1(a,b,x,epps)\n\nAnother variant of BPSER(A,B,X,EPS).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: beta_inc\n\nImplementation\n\nAPSER(A,B,X,EPS) from Didonato and Morris (1982)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.beta_inc_power_series2-NTuple{4, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.beta_inc_power_series2","text":"beta_inc_power_series2(a,b,x,epps)\n\nVariant of BPSER(A,B,X,EPS).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: beta_inc\n\nImplementation\n\nFPSER(A,B,X,EPS) from Didonato and Morris (1982)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.beta_integrand","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.beta_integrand","text":"beta_integrand(a, b, x, y, mu=0.0)\n\nCompute e^mu * x^ay^bB(ab)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.chepolsum-Tuple{Float64, Vector{Float64}}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.chepolsum","text":"chepolsum(n,x,a)\n\nComputes a series of Chebyshev Polynomials given by: a[1]/2 + a[2]T1(x) + .... + a[n]T{n-1}(X).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.coeff1-Tuple{Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.coeff1","text":"Computing the first coefficient for the expansion :\n\nepsilon (eta_0a) = epsilon_1 (eta_0a)a + epsilon_2 (eta_0a)a^2 + epsilon_3 (eta_0a)a^3\n\nRefer Eqn (3.12) in the paper\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.coeff2-Tuple{Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.coeff2","text":"Computing the second coefficient for the expansion :\n\nepsilon (eta_0a) = epsilon_1 (eta_0a)a + epsilon_2 (eta_0a)a^2 + epsilon_3 (eta_0a)a^3\n\nRefer Eqn (3.12) in the paper\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.coeff3-Tuple{Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.coeff3","text":"Computing the third and last coefficient for the expansion :\n\nepsilon (eta_0a) = epsilon_1 (eta_0a)a + epsilon_2 (eta_0a)a^2 + epsilon_3 (eta_0a)a^3\n\nRefer Eqn (3.12) in the paper\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.cosint","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.cosint","text":"cosint(x)\n\nCompute the cosine integral function of x, defined by\n\noperatornameCi(x)\n= gamma + log x + int_0^x fraccos (t) - 1t mathrmdt\nquad textfor quad\nx 0 \n\nwhere gamma is the Euler-Mascheroni constant.\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia.\n\nSee also: sinint(x).\n\nImplementation\n\nUsing the rational approximants tabulated in:\n\nA.J. MacLeod, \"Rational approximations, software and test methods for sine and cosine integrals\", Numer. Algor. 12, pp. 259–272 (1996).,\n\nNote: the second zero of textCi(x) has a typo that is fixed: r_1 = 338418 0422mathbf8 51186 42639 78511 46402 in the article, but is in fact: r_1 = 338418 0422mathbf5 51186 42639 78511 46402.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.dawson","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.dawson","text":"dawson(x)\n\nCompute the Dawson function (scaled imaginary error function) of x, defined by\n\noperatornamedawson(x)\n= fracsqrtpi2 e^-x^2 operatornameerfi(x)\nquad textfor quad x in mathbbC \n\nThis is the accurate version of fracsqrtpi2 e^-x^2 operatornameerfi(x) for large x.\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia.\n\nSee also: erfi(x).\n\nImplementation by\n\nFloat32/Float64: C standard math library libm.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.digamma-Tuple{Number}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.digamma","text":"digamma(x)\n\nCompute the digamma function of x (the logarithmic derivative of gamma(x)).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.ellipe-Tuple{Real}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.ellipe","text":"ellipe(m)\n\nComputes Complete Elliptic Integral of 2nd kind E(m) for parameter m given by\n\noperatornameellipe(m)\n= E(m)\n= int_0^ fracpi2 sqrt1 - m sin^2 theta mathrmdtheta\nquad textfor quad m in left( -infty 1 right \n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia.\n\nSee also: ellipk(m).\n\nArguments\n\nm: parameter m, restricted to the domain (-infty1, is related to the elliptic modulus k by k^2=m and to the modular angle alpha by k=sin alpha.\n\nImplementation\n\nUsing piecewise approximation polynomial as given in\n\n'Fast Computation of Complete Elliptic Integrals and Jacobian Elliptic Functions', Fukushima, Toshio. (2014). F09-FastEI. Celest Mech Dyn Astr, DOI 10.1007/s10569-009-9228-z,\n\nFor m0, followed by\n\nFukushima, Toshio. (2014). 'Precise, compact, and fast computation of complete elliptic integrals by piecewise minimax rational function approximation'. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 282. DOI 10.13140/2.1.1946.6245.,\n\nAs suggested in this paper, the domain is restricted to (-infty1.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.ellipk-Tuple{Real}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.ellipk","text":"ellipk(m)\n\nComputes Complete Elliptic Integral of 1st kind K(m) for parameter m given by\n\noperatornameellipk(m)\n= K(m)\n= int_0^ fracpi2 frac1sqrt1 - m sin^2 theta mathrmdtheta\nquad textfor quad m in left( -infty 1 right \n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia.\n\nSee also: ellipe(m).\n\nArguments\n\nm: parameter m, restricted to the domain (-infty1, is related to the elliptic modulus k by k^2=m and to the modular angle alpha by k=sin alpha.\n\nImplementation\n\nUsing piecewise approximation polynomial as given in\n\n'Fast Computation of Complete Elliptic Integrals and Jacobian Elliptic Functions', Fukushima, Toshio. (2014). F09-FastEI. Celest Mech Dyn Astr, DOI 10.1007/s10569-009-9228-z,\n\nFor m0, followed by\n\nFukushima, Toshio. (2014). 'Precise, compact, and fast computation of complete elliptic integrals by piecewise minimax rational function approximation'. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 282. DOI 10.13140/2.1.1946.6245.,\n\nAs suggested in this paper, the domain is restricted to (-infty1.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.erf","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.erf","text":"erf(x)\n\nCompute the error function of x, defined by\n\noperatornameerf(x) = frac2sqrtpi int_0^x exp(-t^2) mathrmdt\nquad textfor quad x in mathbbC \n\nerf(x, y)\n\nAccurate version of erf(y) - erf(x) (for real arguments only).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia.\n\nSee also: erfc(x), erfcx(x), erfi(x), dawson(x), erfinv(x), erfcinv(x).\n\nImplementation by\n\nFloat32/Float64: C standard math library libm.\nBigFloat: C library for multiple-precision floating-point MPFR\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.erfc","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.erfc","text":"erfc(x)\n\nCompute the complementary error function of x, defined by\n\noperatornameerfc(x)\n= 1 - operatornameerf(x)\n= frac2sqrtpi int_x^infty exp(-t^2) mathrmdt\nquad textfor quad x in mathbbC \n\nThis is the accurate version of 1-erf(x) for large x.\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia.\n\nSee also: erf(x).\n\nImplementation by\n\nFloat32/Float64: C standard math library libm.\nBigFloat: C library for multiple-precision floating-point MPFR\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.erfcinv-Tuple{Real}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.erfcinv","text":"erfcinv(x)\n\nCompute the inverse error complementary function of a real x, that is\n\noperatornameerfcinv(x) = operatornameerfc^-1(x)\nquad textfor quad x in mathbbR \n\nExternal links: Wikipedia.\n\nSee also: erfc(x).\n\nImplementation\n\nUsing the rational approximants tabulated in:\n\nJ. M. Blair, C. A. Edwards, and J. H. Johnson, \"Rational Chebyshev approximations for the inverse of the error function\", Math. Comp. 30, pp. 827–830 (1976).,\n\ncombined with Newton iterations for BigFloat.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.erfcx","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.erfcx","text":"erfcx(x)\n\nCompute the scaled complementary error function of x, defined by\n\noperatornameerfcx(x)\n= e^x^2 operatornameerfc(x)\nquad textfor quad x in mathbbC \n\nThis is the accurate version of e^x^2 operatornameerfc(x) for large x. Note also that operatornameerfcx(-ix) computes the Faddeeva function w(x).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia.\n\nSee also: erfc(x).\n\nImplementation by\n\nFloat32/Float64: C standard math library libm.\nBigFloat: MPFR has an open TODO item for this function until then, we use DLMF 7.12.1 for the tail.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.erfi","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.erfi","text":"erfi(x)\n\nCompute the imaginary error function of x, defined by\n\noperatornameerfi(x)\n= -i operatornameerf(ix)\nquad textfor quad x in mathbbC \n\nExternal links: Wikipedia.\n\nSee also: erf(x).\n\nImplementation by\n\nFloat32/Float64: C standard math library libm.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.erfinv-Tuple{Real}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.erfinv","text":"erfinv(x)\n\nCompute the inverse error function of a real x, that is\n\noperatornameerfinv(x) = operatornameerf^-1(x)\nquad textfor quad x in mathbbR \n\nExternal links: Wikipedia.\n\nSee also: erf(x).\n\nImplementation\n\nUsing the rational approximants tabulated in:\n\nJ. M. Blair, C. A. Edwards, and J. H. Johnson, \"Rational Chebyshev approximations for the inverse of the error function\", Math. Comp. 30, pp. 827–830 (1976).,\n\ncombined with Newton iterations for BigFloat.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.esum-Tuple{Float64, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.esum","text":"esum(mu,x)\n\nCompute e^mu+x\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.eta-Tuple{Number}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.eta","text":"eta(s)\n\nDirichlet eta function eta(s) = sum^infty_n=1(-1)^n-1n^s.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.expint","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.expint","text":"expint(z)\nexpint(ν, z)\n\nComputes the exponential integral operatornameE_nu(z) = int_1^infty frace^-ztt^nu dt. If nu is not specified, nu=1 is used. Arbitrary complex nu and z are supported.\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.expinti-Tuple{Real}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.expinti","text":"expinti(x::Real)\n\nComputes the exponential integral function operatornameEi(x) = int_-infty^x frace^tt dt, which is equivalent to -ReoperatornameE_1(-x) where operatornameE_1 is the expint function.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.expintx","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.expintx","text":"expintx(z)\nexpintx(ν, z)\n\nComputes the scaled exponential integral exp(z) operatornameE_nu(z) = e^z int_1^infty frace^-ztt^nu dt. If nu is not specified, nu=1 is used. Arbitrary complex nu and z are supported.\n\nSee also: expint(ν, z)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.faddeeva","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.faddeeva","text":"faddeeva(z)\n\nCompute the Faddeeva function of complex z, defined by e^-z^2 operatornameerfc(-iz). Note that this function, also named w (original Faddeeva package) or wofz (Scilab package), is equivalent tooperatornameerfcx(-iz).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.gamma-Tuple{Number, Number}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.gamma","text":"gamma(a,x)\n\nReturns the upper incomplete gamma function\n\nGamma(ax) = int_x^infty t^a-1 e^-t dt \n\nsupporting arbitrary real or complex a and x.\n\n(The ordinary gamma function gamma(x) corresponds to Gamma(a) = Gamma(a0). See also the gamma_inc function to compute both the upper and lower (gamma(ax)) incomplete gamma functions scaled by Gamma(a).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.gamma-Tuple{Number}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.gamma","text":"gamma(z)\n\nCompute the gamma function for complex z, defined by\n\nGamma(z)\n=\nbegincases\n n\n textfor quad z = n+1 n = 012dots\n \n int_0^infty t^z-1 mathrm e^-t mathrm dt\n textfor quad Re(z) 0\nendcases\n\nand by analytic continuation in the whole complex plane.\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia.\n\nSee also: loggamma(z) for log Gamma(z) and gamma(a,z) for the upper incomplete gamma function Gamma(az).\n\nImplementation by\n\nFloat: C standard math library libm.\nComplex: by exp(loggamma(z)).\nBigFloat: C library for multiple-precision floating-point MPFR\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc","text":"gamma_inc(a,x,IND=0)\n\nReturns a tuple (p q) where p + q = 1, and p=P(ax) is the Incomplete gamma function ratio given by:\n\nP(ax)=frac1Gamma (a) int_0^x e^-tt^a-1 dt\n\nand q=Q(ax) is the Incomplete gamma function ratio given by:\n\nQ(ax)=frac1Gamma (a) int_x^infty e^-tt^a-1 dt\n\nIn terms of these, the lower incomplete gamma function is gamma(ax) = P(ax) Gamma(a) and the upper incomplete gamma function is Gamma(ax) = Q(ax) Gamma(a).\n\nIND ∈ [0,1,2] sets accuracy: IND=0 means 14 significant digits accuracy, IND=1 means 6 significant digit, and IND=2 means only 3 digit accuracy.\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also gamma(z), gamma_inc_inv(a,p,q)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_asym-Tuple{Float64, Float64, Integer}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_asym","text":"gamma_inc_asym(a, x, ind)\n\nCompute P(ax) using asymptotic expansion given by:\n\nR(ax)a * (1 + sum_n=1^N-1(a_nx^n + Theta _na_nx^n))\n\nwhere R(a,x) = rgammax(a,x). Used when 1 <= a <= BIG and x >= x0.\n\nExternal links: DLMF\n\nSee also: gamma_inc(a,x,ind)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_cf-Tuple{Float64, Float64, Integer}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_cf","text":"gamma_inc_cf(a, x, ind)\n\nComputes P(ax) by continued fraction expansion given by :\n\nR(ax) * frac11-fracza+1+fracza+2-frac(a+1)za+3+frac2za+4-frac(a+2)za+5+frac3za+6-dots\n\nUsed when 1 <= a <= BIG and x < x0.\n\nExternal links: DLMF\n\nSee also: gamma_inc(a,x,ind)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_fsum-Tuple{Float64, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_fsum","text":"gamma_inc_fsum(a,x)\n\nCompute using Finite Sums for Q(ax) when a >= 1 && 2a is integer. Used when a <= x <= x0 and a = n/2. Refer Eqn (14) in the paper.\n\nSee also: gamma_inc(a,x,ind)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_inv-Tuple{Real, Real, Real}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_inv","text":"gamma_inc_inv(a,p,q)\n\nInverts the gamma_inc(a,x) function, by computing x given a,p,q in P(ax)=p and Q(ax)=q.\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: gamma_inc(a,x,ind).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_inv_alarge-Tuple{Float64, Float64, Bool}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_inv_alarge","text":"gamma_inc_inv_alarge(a, minpq, pcase)\n\nCompute x0 - initial approximation when a is large. The inversion problem is rewritten as :\n\n05 operatornameerfc(eta sqrta2) + R_a(eta) = q\n\nFor large values of a we can write: eta(qa) = eta_0(qa) + epsilon(eta_0a) and it is possible to expand:\n\nepsilon(eta_0a) = epsilon_1(eta_0a)a + epsilon_2(eta_0a)a^2 + epsilon_3(eta_0a)a^3 + \n\nwhich is calculated by coeff1, coeff2 and coeff3 functions below. This returns a tuple (x0,fp), where fp is computed since it's an approximation for the coefficient after inverting the original power series.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_inv_psmall-Tuple{Float64, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_inv_psmall","text":"gamma_inc_inv_psmall(a, logr)\n\nCompute x0 - initial approximation when p is small. Here we invert the series in Eqn (2.20) in the paper and write the inversion problem as:\n\nx = rleft1 + asum_k=1^inftyfrac(-x)^n(a+n)nright^-1a\n\nwhere r = (pGamma(1+a))^1a Inverting this relation we obtain x = r + sum_k=2^inftyc_kr^k.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_inv_qsmall-Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_inv_qsmall","text":"gamma_inc_inv_qsmall(a, q, qgammaxa)\n\nCompute x0 - initial approximation when q is small from e^-x_0 x_0^a = q Gamma(a). Asymptotic expansions Eqn (2.29) in the paper is used here and higher approximations are obtained using\n\nx sim x_0 - L + b sum_k=1^infty d_kx_0^k\n\nwhere b = 1-a, L = lnx_0.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_minimax-Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_minimax","text":"gamma_inc_minimax(a,x,z)\n\nCompute P(ax) using minimax approximations given by :\n\n12 * erfc(sqrty) - e^-ysqrt2pi*a* T(alambda)\n\nwhere\n\nT(alambda) = sum_0^N c_k(z)a^-k\n\nThis is a higher accuracy approximation of Temme expansion, which deals with the region near a ≈ x with a large. Refer Appendix F in the paper for the extensive set of coefficients calculated using Brent's multiple precision arithmetic(set at 50 digits) in BRENT, R. P. A FORTRAN multiple-precision arithmetic package, ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 4(1978), 57-70 .\n\nExternal links: DLMF\n\nSee also: gamma_inc(a,x,ind)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_taylor-Tuple{Float64, Float64, Integer}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_taylor","text":"gamma_inc_taylor(a, x, ind)\n\nCompute P(ax) using Taylor Series for P/R given by :\n\nR(ax)a * (1 + sum_n=1^infty x^n((a+1)(a+2)(a+n)))\n\nUsed when 1 <= a <= BIG and x <= max{a, ln 10}.\n\nExternal links: DLMF\n\nSee also: gamma_inc(a,x,ind)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_taylor_x-Tuple{Float64, Float64, Integer}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_taylor_x","text":"gamma_inc_taylor_x(a,x,ind)\n\nComputes P(ax) based on Taylor expansion of P(ax)x**a given by:\n\nJ = -a * sum_1^infty (-x)^n((a+n)n)\n\nand P(ax)x**a is given by :\n\n(1 - J) Gamma(a+1)\n\nresulting from term-by-term integration of gamma_inc(a,x,ind). This is used when a < 1 and x < 1.1 - Refer Eqn (9) in the paper.\n\nSee also: gamma_inc(a,x,ind)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_temme-Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_temme","text":"gamma_inc_temme(a, x, z)\n\nCompute P(ax) using Temme's expansion given by :\n\n12 * erfc(sqrty) - e^-ysqrt2pi*a* T(alambda)\n\nwhere\n\nT(alambda) = sum_0^N c_k(z)a^-k\n\nThis mainly solves the problem near the region when a ≈ x with a large, and is a lower accuracy version of the minimax approximation.\n\nExternal links: DLMF\n\nSee also: gamma_inc(a,x,ind)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_temme_1-Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, Integer}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.gamma_inc_temme_1","text":"gamma_inc_temme_1(a, x, z, ind)\n\nComputes P(ax) using simplified Temme expansion near y=0 by :\n\nE(y) - (1 - y)sqrt2pi*a * T(alambda)\n\nwhere\n\nE(y) = 12 - (1 - y3)*(sqrt(ypi))\n\nUsed instead of it's previous function when sigma = e_0sqrta.\n\nExternal links: DLMF\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.gammax-Tuple{Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.gammax","text":"gammax(x)\n\noperatornamegammax(x) = begincasese^operatornamestirling(x)quadquadquad textif quad x0\nfracGamma(x)sqrt2 pie^-x + (x-05)operatornamelog(x)quad textif quad xleq 0\nendcases\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.hankelh1-Tuple{Any, Any}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.hankelh1","text":"hankelh1(nu, x)\n\nBessel function of the third kind of order nu, H^(1)_nu(x).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: hankelh1x\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.hankelh1x-Tuple{Any, Any}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.hankelh1x","text":"hankelh1x(nu, x)\n\nScaled Bessel function of the third kind of order nu, H^(1)_nu(x) e^-x i.\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: hankelh1\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.hankelh2-Tuple{Any, Any}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.hankelh2","text":"hankelh2(nu, x)\n\nBessel function of the third kind of order nu, H^(2)_nu(x).\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: hankelh2x(nu,x)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.hankelh2x-Tuple{Any, Any}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.hankelh2x","text":"hankelh2x(nu, x)\n\nScaled Bessel function of the third kind of order nu, H^(2)_nu(x) e^x i.\n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia\n\nSee also: hankelh2(nu,x)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.invdigamma-Tuple{Number}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.invdigamma","text":"invdigamma(x)\n\nCompute the inverse digamma function of x.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.jinc-Tuple{Number}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.jinc","text":"jinc(x)\n\nBessel function of the first kind divided by x. Following convention: operatornamejincx = frac2 cdot J_1pi xpi x. Sometimes known as sombrero or besinc function.\n\nExternal links: Wikipedia\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.lambdaeta-Tuple{Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.lambdaeta","text":"lambdaeta(eta)\n\nCompute the value of lambda satisfying eta^22 = lambda-1-loglambda.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.logabsbeta-Union{Tuple{T}, Tuple{T, T}} where T<:Real","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.logabsbeta","text":"logabsbeta(x, y)\n\nCompute the natural logarithm of the absolute value of the beta function, returning a tuple (log(abs(beta(x,y))), sign(beta(x,y)))\n\nSee also logbeta.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.logabsbinomial-Union{Tuple{T}, Tuple{T, T}} where T<:Integer","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.logabsbinomial","text":"logabsbinomial(n, k)\n\nAccurate natural logarithm of the absolute value of the binomial coefficient binomial(n, k) for large n and k near n/2.\n\nReturns a tuple (log(abs(binomial(n,k))), sign(binomial(n,k))).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.logabsgamma-Tuple{Real}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.logabsgamma","text":"logabsgamma(x)\n\nCompute the logarithm of absolute value of gamma for Real x and returns a tuple (log(abs(gamma(x))), sign(gamma(x))).\n\nSee also loggamma.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.logbeta-Tuple{Number, Number}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.logbeta","text":"logbeta(x, y)\n\nNatural logarithm of the beta function log(operatornameB(xy)).\n\nSee also logabsbeta.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.logerf-Tuple{Real, Real}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.logerf","text":"logerf(x, y)\n\nCompute the natural logarithm of two-argument error function. This is an accurate version of log(erf(x, y)), which works for large x, y.\n\nExternal links: Wikipedia.\n\nSee also: erf(x,y).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.logerfc-Tuple{Real}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.logerfc","text":"logerfc(x)\n\nCompute the natural logarithm of the complementary error function of x, that is\n\noperatornamelogerfc(x) = operatornameln(operatornameerfc(x))\nquad textfor quad x in mathbbR \n\nThis is the accurate version of operatornameln(operatornameerfc(x)) for large x.\n\nExternal links: Wikipedia.\n\nSee also: erfcx(x).\n\nImplementation\n\nBased on the erfc(x) and erfcx(x) functions. Currently only implemented for Float32, Float64, and BigFloat.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.logerfcx-Tuple{Real}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.logerfcx","text":"logerfcx(x)\n\nCompute the natural logarithm of the scaled complementary error function of x, that is\n\noperatornamelogerfcx(x) = operatornameln(operatornameerfcx(x))\nquad textfor quad x in mathbbR \n\nThis is the accurate version of operatornameln(operatornameerfcx(x)) for large and negative x.\n\nExternal links: Wikipedia.\n\nSee also: erfcx(x).\n\nImplementation\n\nBased on the erfc(x) and erfcx(x) functions. Currently only implemented for Float32, Float64, and BigFloat.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.logfactorial-Tuple{Integer}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.logfactorial","text":"logfactorial(x)\n\nCompute the logarithmic factorial of a nonnegative integer x. Equivalent to loggamma of x + 1, but loggamma extends this function to non-integer x.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.loggamma-Tuple{Number, Number}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.loggamma","text":"loggamma(a,x)\n\nReturns the log of the upper incomplete gamma function gamma(a,x):\n\nlog Gamma(ax) = log int_x^infty t^a-1 e^-t dt \n\nsupporting arbitrary real or complex a and x.\n\nIf a and/or x is complex, then exp(loggamma(a,x)) matches gamma(a,x) (up to floating-point error), but loggamma(a,x) may differ from log(gamma(a,x)) by an integer multiple of 2pi i (i.e. it may employ a different branch cut).\n\nSee also loggamma(x).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.loggamma-Tuple{Number}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.loggamma","text":"loggamma(x)\n\nComputes the logarithm of gamma for given x. If x is a Real, then it throws a DomainError if gamma(x) is negative.\n\nIf x is complex, then exp(loggamma(x)) matches gamma(x) (up to floating-point error), but loggamma(x) may differ from log(gamma(x)) by an integer multiple of 2pi i (i.e. it may employ a different branch cut).\n\nSee also logabsgamma for real x.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.loggamma1p-Tuple{Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.loggamma1p","text":"loggamma1p(x)\n\nCompute log(Gamma(1+x)) for -1 < x <= 1.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.loggammadiv-Tuple{Number, Number}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.loggammadiv","text":"loggammadiv(a,b)\n\nComputes log(Gamma(b)Gamma(a+b)) when b >= 8\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.ncF-NTuple{4, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.ncF","text":"ncF(x,v1,v2,lambda)\n\nCompute CDF of noncentral F distribution given by:\n\nF(x v1 v2 lambda) = I_v1*x(v1*x + v2)(v12 v22 lambda)\n\nwhere I_x(ab lambda) is the noncentral beta function computed above.\n\nWikipedia:\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.ncbeta-NTuple{4, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.ncbeta","text":"ncbeta(a,b,lambda,x)\n\nCompute the CDF of the noncentral beta distribution given by\n\nI_x(ablambda ) = sum_j=0^inftyq(lambda2j)I_x(a+jb0)\n\nFor lambda 54 : algorithm suggested by Lenth(1987) in ncbeta_tail(a,b,lambda,x). Else for lambda = 54 : modification in Chattamvelli(1997) in ncbeta_poisson(a,b,lambda,x) by using both forward and backward recurrences.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.ncbeta_poisson-NTuple{4, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.ncbeta_poisson","text":"ncbeta_poisson(a,b,lambda,x)\n\nCompute CDF of noncentral beta if lambda >= 54 using: First lambda2 is calculated and the Poisson term is calculated using P(j-1)=jlambda P(j) and P(j+1) = lambda(j+1) P(j). Then backward recurrences are used until either the Poisson weights fall below errmax or iterlo is reached.\n\nI_x(a+j-1b) = I_x(a+jb) + Gamma(a+b+j-1)Gamma(a+j)Gamma(b)x^a+j-1(1-x)^b\n\nThen forward recurrences are used until error bound falls below errmax.\n\nI_x(a+j+1b) = I_x(a+jb) - Gamma(a+b+j)Gamma(a+j)Gamma(b)x^a+j(1-x)^b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.ncbeta_tail-NTuple{4, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.ncbeta_tail","text":"ncbeta_tail(x,a,b,lambda)\n\nCompute tail of the noncentral beta distribution. Uses the recursive relation\n\nI_x(ab+10) = I_x(ab0) - Gamma(a+b)Gamma(a+1)Gamma(b)x^a(1-x)^b\n\nand Gamma(a+1) = aGamma(a) given in\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.polygamma-Tuple{Integer, Number}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.polygamma","text":"polygamma(m, x)\n\nCompute the polygamma function of order m of argument x (the (m+1)th derivative of the logarithm of gamma(x))\n\nExternal links: Wikipedia\n\nSee also: gamma(z)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.rgamma1pm1-Tuple{Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.rgamma1pm1","text":"rgamma1pm1(a)\n\nComputation of 1Gamma(a+1) - 1 for -0.5<=a<=1.5 : 1Gamma (a+1) - 1 Uses the relation gamma(a+1) = a*gamma(a).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.rgammax-Tuple{Float64, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.rgammax","text":"rgammax(a,x)\n\nEvaluation of 1Gamma(a) e^-x x^a. Based on DRCOMP from the NSWC library.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.sinint","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.sinint","text":"sinint(x)\n\nCompute the sine integral function of x, defined by\n\noperatornameSi(x)\n= int_0^x fracsin tt mathrmdt\nquad textfor quad\nx in mathbbR \n\nExternal links: DLMF, Wikipedia.\n\nSee also: cosint(x).\n\nImplementation\n\nUsing the rational approximants tabulated in:\n\nA.J. MacLeod, \"Rational approximations, software and test methods for sine and cosine integrals\", Numer. Algor. 12, pp. 259–272 (1996).,\n\nNote: the second zero of textCi(x) has a typo that is fixed: r_1 = 338418 0422mathbf8 51186 42639 78511 46402 in the article, but is in fact: r_1 = 338418 0422mathbf5 51186 42639 78511 46402.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.sphericalbesselj-Union{Tuple{T}, Tuple{Any, T}} where T","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.sphericalbesselj","text":"sphericalbesselj(nu, x)\n\nSpherical bessel function of the first kind at order nu, j_ν(x). This is the non-singular solution to the radial part of the Helmholz equation in spherical coordinates.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.sphericalbessely-Union{Tuple{T}, Tuple{Any, T}} where T","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.sphericalbessely","text":"sphericalbessely(nu, x)\n\nSpherical bessel function of the second kind at order nu, y_ν(x). This is the singular solution to the radial part of the Helmholz equation in spherical coordinates. Sometimes known as a spherical Neumann function.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.stirling_corr-Tuple{Float64, Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.stirling_corr","text":"stirling_corr(a0,b0)\n\nCompute stirling(a0) + stirling(b0) - stirling(a0 + b0) for a0, b0 >= 8\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.stirling_error-Tuple{Float64}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.stirling_error","text":"stirling_error(x)\n\nCompute lnGamma(x) - (x-05)*lnx + x - ln(2pi)2. Adapted from stirling in IncgamFI.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.trigamma-Tuple{Number}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.trigamma","text":"trigamma(x)\n\nCompute the trigamma function of x (the logarithmic second derivative of gamma(x)).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.zeta-Tuple{Number, Number}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.zeta","text":"zeta(s, z)\n\nGeneralized zeta function defined by\n\nzeta(s z)=sum_k=0^infty frac1((k+z)^2)^s2\n\nwhere any term with k+z=0 is excluded. For Re z 0, this definition is equivalent to the Hurwitz zeta function sum_k=0^infty (k+z)^-s.\n\nThe Riemann zeta function is recovered as zeta(s)=zeta(s1).\n\nExternal links: Riemann zeta function, Hurwitz zeta function\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_list/#SpecialFunctions.zeta-Tuple{Number}","page":"Reference","title":"SpecialFunctions.zeta","text":"zeta(s)\n\nRiemann zeta function\n\nzeta(s)=sum_n=1^infty frac1n^squadtextforquad sinmathbbC\n\nExternal links: Wikipedia\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"functions_overview/#Functions","page":"Overview","title":"Functions","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"functions_overview/","page":"Overview","title":"Overview","text":"Here the Special Functions are listed according to the structure of NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions.","category":"page"},{"location":"functions_overview/#[Gamma-Function](","page":"Overview","title":"Gamma Function","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"functions_overview/","page":"Overview","title":"Overview","text":"Function Description\ngamma(z) gamma function Gamma(z)\nloggamma(x) accurate log(gamma(x)) for large x\nlogabsgamma(x) accurate log(abs(gamma(x))) for large x\nlogfactorial(x) accurate log(factorial(x)) for large x; same as loggamma(x+1) for x > 1, zero otherwise\ndigamma(x) digamma function (i.e. the derivative of loggamma at x)\ninvdigamma(x) invdigamma function (i.e. inverse of digamma function at x using fixed-point iteration algorithm)\ntrigamma(x) trigamma function (i.e the logarithmic second derivative of gamma at x)\npolygamma(m,x) polygamma function (i.e the (m+1)-th derivative of the loggamma function at x)\ngamma(a,z) upper incomplete gamma function Gamma(az)\nloggamma(a,z) accurate log(gamma(a,x)) for large arguments\ngamma_inc(a,x,IND) incomplete gamma function ratio P(a,x) and Q(a,x) (i.e evaluates P(a,x) and Q(a,x)for accuracy specified by IND and returns tuple (p,q))\nbeta_inc(a,b,x,y) incomplete beta function ratio Ix(a,b) and Iy(a,b) (i.e evaluates Ix(a,b) and Iy(a,b) and returns tuple (p,q))\ngamma_inc_inv(a,p,q) inverse of incomplete gamma function ratio P(a,x) and Q(a,x) (i.e evaluates x given P(a,x)=p and Q(a,x)=q\nbeta(x,y) beta function at x,y\nlogbeta(x,y) accurate log(beta(x,y)) for large x or y\nlogabsbeta(x,y) accurate log(abs(beta(x,y))) for large x or y\nlogabsbinomial(x,y) accurate log(abs(binomial(n,k))) for large n and k near n/2","category":"page"},{"location":"functions_overview/#[Exponential-and-Trigonometric-Integrals](","page":"Overview","title":"Exponential and Trigonometric Integrals","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"functions_overview/","page":"Overview","title":"Overview","text":"Function Description\nexpint(ν, z) exponential integral operatornameE_nu(z)\nexpinti(x) exponential integral operatornameEi(x)\nexpintx(x) scaled exponential integral e^z operatornameE_nu(z)\nsinint(x) sine integral operatornameSi(x)\ncosint(x) cosine integral operatornameCi(x)","category":"page"},{"location":"functions_overview/#[Error-Functions,-Dawson’s-and-Fresnel-Integrals](","page":"Overview","title":"Error Functions, Dawson’s and Fresnel Integrals","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"functions_overview/","page":"Overview","title":"Overview","text":"Function Description\nerf(x) error function at x\nerf(x,y) accurate version of operatornameerf(y) - operatornameerf(x)\nerfc(x) complementary error function, i.e. the accurate version of 1-operatornameerf(x) for large x\nerfcinv(x) inverse function to erfc()\nerfcx(x) scaled complementary error function, i.e. accurate e^x^2 operatornameerfc(x) for large x\nlogerfc(x) log of the complementary error function, i.e. accurate operatornameln(operatornameerfc(x)) for large x\nlogerfcx(x) log of the scaled complementary error function, i.e. accurate operatornameln(operatornameerfcx(x)) for large negative x\nerfi(x) imaginary error function defined as -i operatornameerf(ix)\nerfinv(x) inverse function to erf()\ndawson(x) scaled imaginary error function, a.k.a. Dawson function, i.e. accurate fracsqrtpi2 e^-x^2 operatornameerfi(x) for large x\nfaddeeva(x) Faddeeva function, equivalent to operatornameerfcx(-ix)","category":"page"},{"location":"functions_overview/#[Airy-and-Related-Functions](","page":"Overview","title":"Airy and Related Functions","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"functions_overview/","page":"Overview","title":"Overview","text":"Function Description\nairyai(z) Airy Ai function at z\nairyaiprime(z) derivative of the Airy Ai function at z\nairybi(z) Airy Bi function at z\nairybiprime(z) derivative of the Airy Bi function at z\nairyaix(z), airyaiprimex(z), airybix(z), airybiprimex(z) scaled Airy Ai function and kth derivatives at z","category":"page"},{"location":"functions_overview/#[Bessel-Functions](","page":"Overview","title":"Bessel Functions","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"functions_overview/","page":"Overview","title":"Overview","text":"Function Description\nbesselj(nu,z) Bessel function of the first kind of order nu at z\nbesselj0(z) besselj(0,z)\nbesselj1(z) besselj(1,z)\nbesseljx(nu,z) scaled Bessel function of the first kind of order nu at z\nsphericalbesselj(nu,z) Spherical Bessel function of the first kind of order nu at z\nbessely(nu,z) Bessel function of the second kind of order nu at z\nbessely0(z) bessely(0,z)\nbessely1(z) bessely(1,z)\nbesselyx(nu,z) scaled Bessel function of the second kind of order nu at z\nsphericalbessely(nu,z) Spherical Bessel function of the second kind of order nu at z\nbesselh(nu,k,z) Bessel function of the third kind (a.k.a. Hankel function) of order nu at z; k must be either 1 or 2\nhankelh1(nu,z) besselh(nu, 1, z)\nhankelh1x(nu,z) scaled besselh(nu, 1, z)\nhankelh2(nu,z) besselh(nu, 2, z)\nhankelh2x(nu,z) scaled besselh(nu, 2, z)\nbesseli(nu,z) modified Bessel function of the first kind of order nu at z\nbesselix(nu,z) scaled modified Bessel function of the first kind of order nu at z\nbesselk(nu,z) modified Bessel function of the second kind of order nu at z\nbesselkx(nu,z) scaled modified Bessel function of the second kind of order nu at z\njinc(x) scaled Bessel function of the first kind divided by x. A.k.a. sombrero or besinc","category":"page"},{"location":"functions_overview/#[Elliptic-Integrals](","page":"Overview","title":"Elliptic Integrals","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"functions_overview/","page":"Overview","title":"Overview","text":"Function Description\nellipk(m) complete elliptic integral of 1st kind K(m)\nellipe(m) complete elliptic integral of 2nd kind E(m)","category":"page"},{"location":"functions_overview/#[Zeta-and-Related-Functions](","page":"Overview","title":"Zeta and Related Functions","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"functions_overview/","page":"Overview","title":"Overview","text":"Function Description\neta(x) Dirichlet eta function at x\nzeta(x) Riemann zeta function at x","category":"page"},{"location":"#SpecialFunctions.jl","page":"Home","title":"SpecialFunctions.jl","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"SpecialFunctions.jl provides a comprehensive collection of special functions based on the OpenSpecFun and OpenLibm libraries.","category":"page"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"Special mathematical functions in Julia, include Bessel, Hankel, Airy, error, Dawson, exponential (or sine and cosine) integrals, eta, zeta, digamma, inverse digamma, trigamma, and polygamma functions.","category":"page"},{"location":"#Installation","page":"Home","title":"Installation","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"The latest version of the package is available for Julia versions 1.3 and up. To install it, run the following at the Julia REPL:","category":"page"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"Pkg.add(\"SpecialFunctions\")","category":"page"}] }