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Git Cheat Sheet

Subtree Example

Add sub-project as remote

git remote add -f RemoteName RemoteUrl

Run git subtree command

git subtree add --prefix Path/To/Put/Code NameOfRemote master --squash

Pull subtree as needed

git fetch NameOfRemote master
git subtree pull --prefix Path/To/Put/Code NameOfRemote master --squash


Create a branch without a parent

Very useful when you are updating a project that you are rewriting. For example, say you are using semantic versioning and are wanting to start a new major version.

git checkout --orphan BRANCH

Delete All Branches that have been merged

Great for cleaning up local branches that aren't being used any more.

git checkout master
git branch --merged | grep -v "\*" | xargs -n 1 git branch -d

Ignore changes to a file that is being tracked


git update-index --assume-unchanged [directory|file]


git update-index --no-assume-unchanged [directory|file]

How to ignore dirty submodules

Edit your .git/config and add ignore = dirty.

[submodule "path/to/submodule"]
    path = path/to/submodule
    url = git://
    ignore = dirty

Clone a repo and give name other than origin

git clone -o upstream https://repo.git

Ignore Files for Repository without using .gitignore

Add the file .git/info/exclude and fill it with the contents you want to ignore. This will ONLY apply to the repository and will not be tracked by git.

Squash Commits

git log

Count the number of commits that you have made, let's say the previous 5 are your commits.

git rebase -i HEAD~5

The first commit leave as pick the rest will need to be changed to squash. After that you will be able to leave a new commit message or just leave as is to keep the commit messages from all previous commits.

Search for a specific line of code/file in the history

git log -S[search term]


git log -SThatOneFile.php

Copy file from one branch to current branch

Copy a file from branch and put into staging.

git checkout BRANCH path/to/file.ext

# Real Life Examples
git checkout origin/featureBranch web/js/random.js
# Pulls into your current branch web/js/random.js from
# origin/featureBranch

Git Grepping for fun and profit!

# Basic grep (case sensitive)
$ git grep 'search term'

# Case Insensitive search
$ git grep -i 'search term'

# Search within a directory
$ git grep 'search term' src/

# Search only files with `php` extension
$ git grep 'search term' -- '*.php'

# Grep in the 'src/` directory, only yml files
$ git grep 'search term' -- 'src/**.yml'

# Open files in vim
vim $(git grep --name-only 'search term' src/)

Push Branch to Remote Repository to a different branch name

git push origin localBranchName:remoteBranchName

Use Case: I will often use rebase, I will cut a branch off the branch I want to rebase and do the rebase on the newly created branch. Once I am done, I will check the diff and see if I screwed up. If it's all good, git push -f NOTICE: DO NOT git push -f unless you know what you are doing.