Simple document to assist with identifying each Algorand application and their global variables from the Yieldly team.
Note: Values are as their micro value equvalent.
A list of shared variables between listed applications
- G: ID of Proxy application
- TID: ID of Tracker application
- RID: ID of Rate application
- C: Creator Address
- E: Unknown (Algo Address)
- GT: Global Time | Current time period to use as a reference
No Loss Lottery (233725844)
- GSS: Global Staking Shares | Total of everyone's shares
- GA: Global Amount | Total ALGO put into the NLL application
- TYUL: Total YLDY Unlocked | Total YLDY in global rewards pool
- TYL: Total YLDY Locked | YLDY locked and released every 30 mins into TYUL
YLDY Staking (233725850)
- GSS: Global Staking Shares | Total of everyone's shares
- GA: Global Amount | Total YLDY staked in application
- TAP: Total Algo in global rewards pool
- BTAP: Unknown
- TYUL: Total YLDY Unlocked | Total YLDY in global rewards pool