diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index d292de6..2b9da29 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -104,11 +104,11 @@ The plugin can be customized adding a `prettyJupiter` closure to your `build.gra
| ------------------------------|:--------------:| ----------- |
| duration | - | Closure to configure the test durations logged |
| duration.enabled | `true` | If `true`, shows each test execution duration |
-| duration.threshold | `75` | Time threshold in milliseconds. If the test duration is `>=` than this value, it'll be colored RED, if it's `>=` than half of this value, it'll be YELLOW, otherwise it'll be white. |
+| duration.threshold | `200` | Time threshold in milliseconds. If the test duration is `>=` than this value, it'll be colored RED, if it's `>=` than half of this value, it'll be YELLOW, otherwise it'll be white. |
| duration.customThreshold | empty map | Map that contains task name as a key and its custom threshold as a value. When customThreshold is present and contains running task, duration.threshold is overriden|
| failure | - | Closure to configure the test failures logged |
| failure.maxMessageLines | `15` | The number of lines of the exception message to display. Note that some exception messages may include some stack trace on it |
-| failure.maxTraceLines | `10` | The number of lines of the exception stack trace to display |
+| failure.maxTraceLines | `15` | The number of lines of the exception stack trace to display |
### Complete example