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Role Manager

Jory Hogeveen edited this page May 30, 2019 · 5 revisions


With this module you can manage and modify your roles.
Note: Changes made with the Role Manager are permanent!

  • Add, edit or delete roles
  • Grant and/or add capabilities to roles
  • Rename roles
  • Clone roles
  • Import/Export roles, can also download (and upload) setting files
  • Update role capabilities from current view
  • Automatically migrate users to another role after deleting a role

How to modify your roles

While most management features are under the module submenu, to create new roles or change the role capabilities you need to go to the Capabilities view submenu. Within that submenu you'll see an extra item for this module which you can open by clicking on it.

Once you've selected a role to edit you'll see that the capability selection in the list below updates to that role.
After that you can select/deselect capabilities you want to add or remove from that role or you can add a new capability if it doesn't exist in the list. (If you add a new capability it will be automatically selected.)

Hit "save role" after you are done! (The apply button at the top only applies the capabilities as a view.)

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