A Dropwizard application to read sensor data from a queue, save to a database and serve up a summary. Currently implemented as a RabbitMQ consumer, connection to an SQL database and some HTTP endpoints.
The project is running in a limited capacity (read: I have no money) on Heroku. Eventually I'll configure Rabbit and get some data into the application.
See the yml files in src/test/resources
for examples.
- java 1.8
- maven 3
- docker (integration + load testing)
Implementation specifics:
- rabbit 3.7.15
- postgres 9.6
Maven is used to build the project.
mvn clean verify
If you're using an SQL database, it's up to you to create the user and (blank) database according to your configuration.
From there, the output can migrate with Liquibase to get your tables into shape:
java -jar target/xyz.jar db status your-config.yml
java -jar target/xyz.jar db migrate your-config.yml
This will run the application server.
java -jar target/xyz.jar server your-config.yml
Regardless of messaging implementation, a String of semi-colon-separated data, in order, must reach the application.
- userId : UUID,
- type : String,
- password : String,
- temperature : double,
- humidity : double,
- light : double,
- conductivity : double
With the rabbit implementation, this message must take the form of the above String represented with UTF-8 bytes.
The application has the following resources:
When Accept=text/html
- GET "/" - Gives you a simple welcome page including a form to get you to the next endpoint.
- GET "/?id=123" - Gives you a summary of the plant with supplied id over the past 24 hours.
When Accept=application/json
- GET "/?id=123" - Gives you a JSON representation of the summary for plant with the supplied id.