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How to create a Kafka Cluster, Thanos, Grafana, and AppServer(s)

Start by downloading this repository to your local machine (or wherever you would like to issue the Terraform commands from)

  • If you do not have Terraform installed, please install from Hashicorp

Setup variables

  • Copy terraform.tfvars.sample to terraform.tfvars
  • Update terrform.tfvars with the relevant data
    • Follow these steps to get an Aiven API Key
    • Use a GitHub token to allow secure access for GitHub.
      • Generate a key for SSH to the AWS instances.
      • Set the temporary Access for accessing AWS, these will expire and need to be reset.
      • Please note that the AWS AMI is tied to the region. After you set the region, please find a valid AMI from the EC2 AMI catalog.


  • terraform init
  • terraform apply -auto-approve
  • The kafka_executors will build for a few minutes after terraform finishes.


  • Connect to the application servers using terraform output dataGeneratorURL
    • The username and password are in terraform.tfvars, and seen via terraform output dataGeneratorUserPass
  • Can connect to Grafana through the application or through the Aiven console.


  • terraform destroy -auto-approve

Please be responsible and teardown your environment when your testing as completed.

Terraform commands

All terraform commands must be issued inside the Terraform directory!!! and while Thanos is in Beta please execute the following export for Terraform...


Common Terraform commands

  • terraform init - Used to initialize the Terraform client
  • terraform plan - Used to check what Terraform plans to do if applied
  • terraform apply -auto-approve - Used to execute the Terraform plan
  • terraform apply -replace="[0]" -auto-approve - used to rebuild one component
  • terraform output - Show output parameters from the previous apply
  • terraform plan -destroy - Used to check what Terraform plans to do if a destroy command is issued
  • terraform destroy -auto-approve - Used to remove the resources from the Terraform plan

Terminal commands

  • ssh -i ~/Downloads/ohio-jturner.pem ubuntu@$(terraform output -json dataGeneratorDNS |jq -r '.[0][0]')
  • ssh -i ~/Downloads/ohio-jturner.pem ubuntu@$(terraform output -json dataGeneratorDNS |jq -r '.[0][1]') to get 2nd instance

Please update the commands to use the pem file defined in terraform.tfvars

File Descriptions

Filename Description Creates cloud application server(s)
dataGenerator.tftpl Template file for setting up the application server(s) Creates the Grafana instance Creates a Kafka instance and 2 connectors used to pull data from Postgresql to MySQL Sets up the Aiven Terraform provider
terraform.tfvars.sample Template to create the terraform.tfvars file. Please set before attempting to run Creates the Thanos instance Creates variables that get set by the terraform.tfvars file