fiveline is an R integration of the five-line API.
five-line collects the bawdiest and smutiest limericks out there; this package lets you easily include them in your Rmarkdown package or Shiny apps, because why not?
You can install fiveline from github with:
# install.packages("devtools")
Simply visit five-line and create an account then use your credentials in fl_auth
, see example below.
fl_auth("username", "password") # authenticate
categories <- list_cat() # get all categories
cat <- get_cat(categories$id[1]) # get limericks in first category
lim <- get_lim(sample(cat$id, 1)) # get random limerick from category
insert_lim(lim) # insert in Rmarkdown
A bather whose clothing was strewed
By winds that left her quite nude,
Saw a man come along
And unless I am wrong,
You expect this line to be lewd.