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Lenient Array Decoding

Difficulty: medium

Problem Statement

JSON arrays can be heterogeneous meaning that the elements don't need to all be of the same type.

["foo", true, 42] // Valid JSON

Given the UTF-8 Data representation of a JSON array, write a function that decodes all elements of type Int while gracefully ignoring differently typed elements.

func lenientDecode(_ json: Data) throws -> [Int] {
    // ?

lenientDecode([1, true, "foo", 2]) == [1, 2] // true

Further Instructions

To start working on this challenge open Challenge.swift and uncomment the code skeleton.

To run unit tests that validate your code, uncomment the body of the test method in ChallengeTests.swift and hit CMD + U in Xcode. On Linux you can run the tests by executing swift test in the package directory.

To view selected solutions open Solutions.swift.