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Creating a Mod

github-actions[bot] edited this page Dec 13, 2024 · 8 revisions

Creating the Folder

Create a folder in the mods/ folder and rename it to whatever you want.
Doing this manually isn't a problem, but it would be better and faster if you copy-and-pasted the template folder.

Mod Metadata

The mod metadata comes in two files. Those two files are _polymod_meta.json and _polymod_icon.png.

_polymod_meta.json (Required)

In _polymod_meta.json, you can define the mod name, the name of the author, etc.

Here's an example of a valid mod metadata file:

	"title": "Template",
	"description": "Mod Description.",
	"author": "You!",
	"api_version": "1.0.0",
	"mod_version": "1.0.0",
	"license": "Apache 2.0"

Note that both api_version and mod_version should use valid Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 values.

_polymod_icon.png (Optional)

As for _polymod_icon.png, it's just a simple .png icon for the mod. Any square image is recommended, preferably 150 x 150. Just keep in mind that whatever image it is, it will always be squished into a 75 x 75 resolution.

If you've done everything correctly, your mod should appear in the Mods Menu.
Then, you're basically good to go!

Mod Structure

Each folder in your mod should be used as follows:

  • _append - Modify existing files without actually replacing them.
  • achievements - For storing achievement data. Each achievement should be listed in achList.txt.
  • classes - Scripted States and Substates.
  • fonts - Font files. Pretty self-explanatory.
  • images - All images in your mod.
    • images/achievements - The icons for your achievemnts.
    • images/covers - The covers for your songs.
    • images/credits - Used for credit icons.
    • images/gameplay - Used for gameplay UI.
    • images/menu - Used for menu assets.
  • languages - For storing language data.
  • music - Non-gameplay related music.
  • scripts - Scripts that run on every song.
  • shaders - .frag or .vert shader files that create cool immersive visuals.
  • songs - Songs used for gameplay.
    • songs/[song-name]/chart.json - Your song's chart.
    • songs/[song-name]/music.ogg - Your song's music. Can also be a .wav.
    • songs/[song-name]/[script-name].[script-extension] - Song-specific script(s).
  • sounds - All sound effects.

Also, when it's neccessary, delete any folders you don't need.

For further documentation, check out

Example Mod

Here's a simple example mod by EliteMasterEric » here «