- support for "&fields" param in Model.transform(req) to include certain fields in API response
- added Utils.getQuery to get safe query fields from req.query
- added ModelUtils transformData and listData
- added MsgUtils slackWebhook to send message using Slack Incoming Webhook
- added MsgUtils sendEmail (using nodemailer & mailgun)
- added MsgUtils email template function, e.g. sendEmail(welcomeEmail({ name, email }))
- added multer to handle file upload
- added "features.md" to explain features in details.
- fixed yarn lint
- upgraded mocha, joi to latest, removed pinned versions.
- upgraded other dependencies
- use mstime to measure API run time.
- measure API response time & show it in response "meta"
- BREAKING: refactor apiJson's "listModel" to "model"
- BREAKING: refactor code to use this syntax: import { User } from 'api/models';