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PSELDNets: Pre-trained Neural Networks on Large-scale Synthetic Datasets for Sound Event Localization and Detection

Table of contents


This repo contains code for our paper: PSELDNets: Pre-trained Neural Networks on Large-scale Synthetic Datasets for Sound Event Localization and Detection [1]. For more information, please read the paper here.

The features of this method are:

  • It synthesizes a large-scale SELD dataset designed to include numerous sound event instances and various acoustic environments.
  • It introduces PSELDNets trained on the large-scale synthetic SELD dataset to develop a general-purpose model.
  • PSELDNets are transferred to several downstream SELD tasks, where they surpass the performance of current state-of-the-art systems.
  • It proposes a data-efficient fine-tuning technique to adapt to target SELD tasks using minimal resources.

The architecture of the purely attention-based network:


The detailed architecture of the attention-based blocks:

Attention-based blocs


The codebase is developed with Python 3.11.8. Install requirements are as follows:

pip install -r requirements.txt

We use the lightning-hydra-template, which is based on pytorch-lightning and hydra. You can configure hyper-parameters easily via the command line. More details can be found in this link.

Download model checkpoints

All checkpoints need to be in the folder ./ckpts.

AudioSet-training checkpoints

All models utilize AudioSet-training checkpoints, including pre-trained parameters from PANNs, HTS-AT and PaSST. The details of corresponding hyper-parameters and checkpoint types can be found in configs/model. Download corresponding checkpoints in this link before training PSELDNets from scratch.

Synthetic-dataset-training checkpoints

We provide the checkpoints of PSELDNets. Download corresponding checkpoints in Google Drive or HuggingFace before transferring PSELDNets to downstream datasets.

Train PSELDNets from scratch

Download the synthetic datasets

The synthetic datasets are generated by this tool. For reproducibility, our synthetic datasets can be accessed at Baidu Netdisk and HuggingFace.

Download synthetic datasets and put these zip files in ./datasets, modify directory names in the script first, and then run the following scripts to unzip these datasets:

bash scripts/unzip_datasets.bash

To process these synthetic datasets, please run:

bash scripts/prepare_DataSynthSELD.bash

The downloaded data looks like this:

├── train20000_ov1_1
│    ├── foa
│    |    └── ... (20000 .flac files)
│    ├── mic
│    |    └── ... (20000 .flac files)
│    ├── sum
│    |    └── ... (20000 .flac files) 
│    └── metadata
│         └── ... (20000 .csv files)
├── train20000_ov1_2
├── train10000_ov2_1
├── train10000_ov2_2
├── train3500_ov3_1
├── train3500_ov3_2
├── test1800_ov1
├── test900_ov2
├── test360_ov3
├── cls_indices_train.tsv # (id, mid, label, num_clip, total_duration)
└── cls_indices_test.tsv # (id, mid, label, num_clip, total_duration)

Note the sum folder contains mixed sound event clips without the convolution of SRIRs. These sound events clips are distributed across 1-minute clips and directly superimposed in the time domain.

Quick train

The configs/experiment folder contains configurations of training.

python src/ experiment=synth_maccdoa # the mACCDOA method (HTSAT by default)
# python src/ experiment=synth_accdoa # the ACCDOA method (HTSAT by default)
# python src/ experiment=synth_einv2 # the EINV2 method (HTSAT by default)
# python src/ experiment=synth_maccdoa model=passt # the mACCDOA method with PaSST
# python src/ experiment=synth_maccdoa model=crnn # the mACCDOA method with CNN14-Conformer

All models are trained on a single-card NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 GPU. The training takes around 1 - 2 days. If you came across out of memory error, then try to reduce the batch size in configs/experiment folder, or directly run:

python src/ experiment=synth_maccdoa model.batch_size=1 # the mACCDOA method (HTSAT by default)

Quick evaluate

You can evaluate our checkpoints on the synthetic-test-set via:

# NOTE: Need to download corresponding checkpoints first

python src/ experiment=synth_maccdoa ckpt_path=ckpts/mACCDOA-HTSAT-0.567.ckpt model.kwargs.pretrained_path=null # mACCDOA with HTS-AT
# python src/ experiment=synth_accdoa ckpt_path=ckpts/ACCDOA-HTSAT-0.566.ckpt model.kwargs.pretrained_path=null # ACCDOA with HTS-AT
# python src/ experiment=synth_einv2 ckpt_path=ckpts/EINV2-HTSAT-0.597.ckpt model.kwargs.pretrained_path=null # EINV2 with HTS-AT
# python src/ experiment=synth_maccdoa ckpt_path=ckpts/mACCDOA-PaSST-0.562.ckpt model.kwargs.pretrained_path=null # mACCDOA with PaSST
# python src/ experiment=synth_maccdoa ckpt_path=ckpts/mACCDOA-CNN14-Conformer-0.582.ckpt model.kwargs.pretrained_path=null # mACCDOA with CNN14-Conformer

Transfer PSELDNets to downstream SELD datasets

DCASE 2021 Task 3

You can download the dataset in this link, or directly run:

# NOTE: Need to set the path in the script first
bash scripts/prepare_dcase2021.bash

Put all files from sub folder (e.g., dev-train-sony) into the main folder (e.g., foa_dev). More details can be found in scripts/prepare_dcase2021.bash. The downloaded data looks like:

└── DCASE2021
     ├── foa_dev (600 .wav files which are divided into 6 folds)
     |    ├── fold1_room1_mix001.wav
     |    ├── fold1_room1_mix002.wav
     |    ├── ...
     |    └── fold6_room2_mix050.wav
     ├── foa_eval (200 .wav files, mix001.wav - mix200.wav)
     ├── mic_dev  (600 .wav files which are divided into 6 folds)
     ├── mic_eval (200 .wav files, mix001.wav - mix200.wav)
     ├── metadata_dev (600 .csv files which are divided into 6 folds)
     └── metadata_eval (200 .csv files, mix001.csv - mix200.csv)

Directly run the following command for fine-tuning:

python src/ experiment=dcase2021/finetune_maccdoa_augmix1

L3DAS22 Task 2

You can download the dataset in this link, or directly run:

# NOTE: Need to set the path in the script first.
# Refer to for configuring the Kaggle command.
# The script will download all L3DAS22 datasets, so we recommend downloading only datasets of L3DAS22 Task 2 via the above link.
bash scripts/prepare_l3das22.bash

Put all files from sub folder (e.g., L3DAS22_Task2_dev/L3DAS22_Task2_dev) into a main folder (e.g., data_train). More details can be found in scripts/prepare_l3das22.bash. The downloaded data looks like:

└── L3DAS22
     ├── data_train (1500 .wav files which are divided into 5 splits)
     |    ├── split0_ov1_0_A.wav
     |    ├── split0_ov1_0_B.wav
     |    ├── ...
     |    └── split4_ov3_49_B.wav   
     ├── data_test (300 .wav files, split5_ov1_0_A.wav - split5_ov3_49_B.wav)
     ├── labels_train (750 .csv files which are divided into 5 splits)
     └── labels_test (150 .csv files, split5_ov1_0.csv - split5_ov3_49.wav)

Directly run the following command for fine-tuning:

python src/ experiment=l3das22/finetune_maccdoa_augmix


You can download the dataset in this link, or directly run:

# NOTE: Need to set the path in the script first
bash scripts/prepare_starss23.bash

Put all files from sub folder (e.g., dev-train-sony) into the main folder (e.g., foa_dev). More details can be found in scripts/prepare_starss23.bash. The downloaded data looks like:

└── STARSS23
     ├── foa_dev
     |    └── ... (168 .wav files)
     ├── foa_eval
     |    └── ... (79 .wav files)
     ├── mic_dev
     |    └── ... (168 .wav files)
     ├── mic_eval
     |    └── ... (79 .fwav files)
     └──  metadata_dev
          └── ... (168 .csv files)

Directly run the following command for fine-tuning:

python src/ experiment=starss23/finetune_maccdoa_augmix1

You can also download the official synthetic dataset provided by DCASE 2022 Challenge Task 3 at this link for training.

AdapterBit Tuning

SELD generally necessitates multi-channel audio inputs for source localization. By utilizing AdapterBit, PSELDNets can be more efficiently adapted to downstream SELD tasks using limited data, with a particular emphasis on the monophonic sound event clips.

A brief illustration of AdapterBit:


Training with multi-channel clips

Directly run the following command for full fine-tuning using multi-channel clips:

python src/ experiment=l3das22/finetune_maccdoa_ov1 # Full fine-tuning

or AdapterBit tuning using monophonic clips:

python src/ experiment=l3das22/finetune_maccdoa_ov1_adapterbit # AdapterBit Tuning

Training with monophonic clips

Directly run the following command for full fine-tuning using monophonic clips:

python src/ experiment=l3das22/finetune_maccdoa_ov1mono # Full fine-tuning

or AdapterBit tuning using monophonic clips:

python src/ experiment=l3das22/finetune_maccdoa_ov1mono_adapterbit # AdapterBit Tuning


  • If you have any questions, please email or report an issue here.

  • If you come across out of memory error, then try to reduce the batch size.


[1] Jinbo Hu, Yin Cao, Ming Wu, Fang Kang, Feiran Yang, Wenwu Wang, Mark D. Plumbley, Jun Yang, "PSELDNets: Pre-trained Neural Networks on Large-scale Synthetic Datasets for Sound Event Localization and Detection" arXiv:2411.06399, 2024. URL

[2] Jinbo Hu, Yin Cao, Ming Wu, Qiuqiang Kong, Feiran Yang, Mark D. Plumbley, and Jun Yang, “Sound event localization and detection for real spatial sound scenes: Event-independent network and data augmentation chains,” in Proc. Detect. Classification Acoust. Scenes Events (DCASE) Workshop, 2022, pp. 46–50. URL

[3] Jinbo Hu, Yin Cao, Ming Wu, Qiuqiang Kong, Feiran Yang, Mark D. Plumbley, and Jun Yang, “A track-wise ensemble event independent network for polyphonic sound event localization and detection,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech Signal Process. (ICASSP), 2022, pp. 9196–9200. URL


  1. SELD Data Synthesis:
  2. HTS-AT:
  3. PaSST:
  4. PANNs:
  5. lightning-hydra-template: