A script that translates the reports of mjai (https://mjai.ekyu.moe/) into Simplified Chinese. 将mjai的英文牌谱报告翻译成简体中文的脚本。
The website mjai (https://mjai.ekyu.moe/) has the feature of analyzing Mahjong logs by AI and generate reports. Although the welcome page of mjai has i18n support, the report page of that game does not. In order to better serve Chinese users who cannot read English well, I wrote this script that can translate the English UI texts into Simplified Chinese.
You may use any add-ons that can run user scripts on browsers. If you don't have one on your browser right now, I suggest TamperMonkey. TamperMonkey is an add-on to mainstream browsers that allows the user to run their own scripts on webpages.
Follow the instructions on the TamperMonkey website (link above) to install it on your browser.
Download the tampermoneky_script.js file from this repo.
Create a new user script on TamperMonkey, and copy the contents from the file to a new user script.
You are ready to go! Visit a report of mjai and enjoy Simplified Chinese UI!
The script has been uploaded to GreasyFork, a user script sharing website. You may install the script directly there, but you still need to have an add-on that can run user scripts in your browser.
Currently, this script has only been tested on 6 Tenhou logs, reviewed by Mortal engine. Script might not fully work on logs generated by Jantama, or reviewed by akochan engine.
这份代码可以将 mjai (https://mjai.ekyu.moe/) 分析的牌谱报告翻译成中文。