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  NEP: 23
  Title: Neo JSON-RPC error handling and codes
  Author: Anna Shaleva <>, Roman Khimov <>
  Type: Informational
  Status: Final
  Created: 2022-09-12

Table of Contents


This proposal describes some Neo-specific JSON-RPC interaction requirements along with a set of Neo-specific error codes to be used by compliant implementations. It allows different Neo nodes with different RPC server implementations to be compatible and able to interact with various RPC clients.


Currently different implementations of RPC servers in Neo nodes use slightly different set of error codes and clients can't rely on codes to distinguish one error from another. Some errors were also changed on update from Legacy to N3. The overall set is also too coarse to be used effectively by clients, many different problems requiring different client actions end up with the same code, so clients have to parse error messages to react correctly which is far less reliable than using codes. At the same time JSON-RPC is too permissive in some of its definitions, while Neo can benefit from stricter definitions used.

A standard set of errors and JSON-RPC conventions solve these problems by providing common language both for servers and clients. Servers can have a reference on what code should be used for what purpose and what data types should be used, while clients can easily check for error codes and react accordingly.


General JSON-RPC conventions

JSON-RPC 2.0 specification for the Error object is augmented with the following compatible clauses:

  • code field MUST be a negative integer value ranging from -1 to -65536 that is reserved for a particular error by the specification. code field MUST be the same for each Neo node irrespective of the implementation details except for the reserved experimental implementation-defined range. code field MUST NOT be omitted.
  • message field MUST be a valid UTF-8 string value that specifies a short error description. message value MAY NOT be exactly the same across all Neo node implementations (we have code for this). message value SHOULD be limited to a concise single sentence. message field MUST NOT be omitted. message field SHOULD start with a capital letter and SHOULD NOT end with a dot.
  • data field MUST be a valid UTF-8 string value that contains any implementation-dependent textual data (including debug traces). data field MAY be omitted, however it’s RECOMMENDED for servers to return it. data value SHOULD contain additional information about error and be aimed to clarify the error reason. data value MAY NOT be exactly the same across Neo node implementations.

Error codes

Compliant server implementations can use error codes defined by JSON-RPC specification (from -32700 to -32600) for any calls when they're appropriate. The most often used one is -32602 "Invalid params", it SHOULD be used only when call parameters are syntactically incorrect and servers SHOULD give additional data like offending parameter number and why it's wrong in the data response field.

If several codes can be used in some situations implementations SHOULD pick the most specific one.


Error codes are grouped. Each call can use any appropriate group and code as long as they fit the purpose.

Error code ranges
Range Usage
-15000...-10000 Experimental implementation-defined range.
-699...-600 Configuration and service errors.
-599...-500 Inventory verification errors.
-399...-300 Wallet-related errors.
-199...-100 Missing/unknown items/inventories/states.

Experimental codes can be used by node implementations if they're documented, however clients can't rely on the meaning of these codes if the version of the node changes or if they connect to a different node implementation. New proposals can set new ranges or specific codes as long as they don't conflict with this specification. All the remaining error codes (not listed in this specification or JSON-RPC 2.0) are reserved for future use and MUST NOT be used by compliant implementations.

Missing items

Codes for missing items
Code Message Meaning
-101 Unknown block Call that accepts as a parameter or searches for a header or a block as a part of its job can't find it.
-102 Unknown contract Call that accepts as a parameter or searches for a contract as a part of its job can't find it.
-103 Unknown transaction Call that accepts as a parameter or searches for a transaction as a part of its job can't find it.
-104 Unknown storage item Call that looks for an item in the storage as part of its job can't find it.
-105 Unknown script container Call that accepts as a parameter or searches for a script container (a block or transaction) as a part of its job can't find it (this error generalizes -101 and -103 in cases where it's needed).
-106 Unknown state root Call that accepts as a parameter or searches for a state root as a part of its job can't find it.
-107 Unknown session Call that accepts as a parameter or searches for a session as a part of its job can't find it.
-108 Unknown iterator Call that accepts as a parameter or searches for a session iterator as a part of its job can't find it.
-109 Unknown height Block or header height passed as parameter or calculated during call execution is not correct (out of the range known to the node).

Wallet-related problems

Codes for calls that use a wallet
Code Message Meaning
-300 Insufficient funds Transaction that sends some assets can't be created because it fails.
-301 Fee limit exceeded Transaction requires more network fee to be paid than is allowed by settings.
-302 No opened wallet Server doesn't have any opened wallet to operate with.
-303 Wallet not found Specified (or configured) wallet file path is invalid.
-304 Wallet not supported Specified (or configured) file can't be opened as a wallet.

Verification errors

Inventory verification or verification script errors
Code Message Meaning
-500 Unclassified verification error Anything that can't be expressed by other codes.
-501 Inventory already exists on chain Block or transaction is already accepted and processed.
-502 Memory pool is full No more transactions can be accepted into the memory pool (unless they have a priority) as its full capacity is reached.
-503 Transaction already exists in the pool Transaction is already pooled, but not yet accepted into a block.
-504 Insufficient network fee Transaction has incorrect (too small per Policy setting) network fee value.
-505 Policy check failed Denied by the Policy contract (one of signers is blocked).
-506 Invalid script Transaction contains incorrect executable script.
-507 Invalid attribute Transaction contains an invalid attribute.
-508 Invalid signature One of the verification scripts failed.
-509 Invalid size Transaction or its script is too big.
-510 Expired Transaction's ValidUntilBlock value is already in the past or NotValidBefore attribute value is in future.
-511 Insufficient funds Sender doesn't have enough GAS to pay for all currently pooled transactions.
-512 Invalid verification function Contract doesn't have a verify method or this method doesn't return proper value.
-513 Conflicts There is a conflict with another transaction already in memory pool caused by one or both of them having a Conflicts attribute.

Service and node configuration

Errors related to node configuration and various services
Code Message Meaning
-600 Access denied Server requires authentication or has a policy not allowing request to be processed.
-601 Sessions disabled Session support is not enabled on the server.
-602 Oracle service is not running Service is not enabled in the configuration.
-603 Oracle request already finished The oracle request submitted is already completely processed.
-604 Oracle request not found The oracle request submitted is not known to this node.
-605 Not a designated oracle node Oracle service is enabled, but this node is not designated to provide this functionality.
-606 Old state requests are not supported This node can't answer requests for old state because it's configured to keep only the latest one.
-607 Invalid proof State proof verification failed.
-608 Execution failed Call made a VM execution, but it has failed.

Applicability to current calls

This table is informative, compliant implementations MAY use other codes specified above that fit the purpose as well if they're documented. Only Neo-specific codes are documented here (except -600 that can be returned for any call), generic JSON-RPC errors like -32602 or -32603 can be used by any of these methods.

Error codes returned from specific calls
Method Codes
calculatenetworkfee -508, -512
dumpprivkey -302
findstates -102, -606
getapplicationlog -105
getblock -101, -109
getblockhash -109
getblockheader -101, -109
getcontractstate -102
getnep11properties -608
getnewaddress -302
getproof -102, -104, -606
getrawtransaction -103
getstate -102, -606
getstateroot -106
getstorage -102, -104
gettransactionheight -103
getwalletbalance -302
getwalletunclaimedgas -302
invokecontractverify -102, -512
importprivkey -302
listaddress -302
openwallet -302, -303, -304
sendfrom -300, -301, -302
sendmany -300, -301, -302
sendtoaddress -300, -301, -302
sendrawtransaction -500, -501, -502, -503, -504, -505, -506, -507, -508, -509, -510, -511
submitblock -500, -501, -502, -503, -504, -505, -506, -507, -508, -509, -510, -511
submitoracleresponse -508, -602, -603, -604, -605
terminatesession -107, -601
traverseiterator -107, -108, -601
verifyproof -606, -607


A large set of codes and behavior nuances is directly inhereted from current implementations. New ones are added where clients need more details to properly interpret server response. The most important changes are in the verification group, specific errors allow clients to adjust the behavior accordingly: fail, retry or wait.

Backwards Compatibility

  • -100 code is gone completely, it's returned for a very wide variety of different problems at the moment, so the code itself shouldn't matter much
  • -101 and -102 errors change their meaning, they're only used in invokecontractverify call which is not very popular
  • -300 and -301 wallet-related errors are completely compatible
  • -400 error is now -302 or -600 (depending on its meaning) which may affect some applications
  • -500 error has the same meaning and is compatible
  • new codes can affect client applications that expect only old ones

