Incorrect path from inlined method in stacktrace on iOS-simulator ARM64KT-47408
Incorrect line number of inlined method on iOS-simulator ARM64
Make when statements with enum, sealed, and Boolean subjects exhaustive by defaultKT-47699
Support programmatic creation of class annotations and corresponding feature flag on JVM
Compilation time increased when trying to compile AssertJ DB expression in 1.5.21
"IllegalStateException: Expected some types" on a call with several excepted type constraintsKT-47854
"IllegalArgumentException: Type is inconsistent" with Android's @Nullable annotation starting in Kotlin 1.5.20KT-47899
"AssertionError: Intersection type should not be marked nullable" with 1.5.21KT-47846
Stack overflow when handling enhanced recursive type parameterKT-47747
Introduce specific error for calls which could be resolved only with unrestricted builder inferenceKT-47739
JVM / IR: NoSuchFieldError with generic sealed classesKT-47422
-Xjspecify-annotations: If a class has a @Nullable type-parameter bound, Kotlin should still treat some users' type arguments as platform typesKT-47437
Type inference failure with raw types under -Xjspecify-annotations=strictKT-47396
<?> in @NullMarked code should permit nullable typesKT-47729
False positive INTEGER_OPERATOR_RESOLVE_WILL_CHANGE warning: "expression will be resolved to Int in future releases"KT-47333
Xcode 13: Compilation for iOS simulator failsKT-47772
False negative WRONG_ANNOTATION_TARGET on type argument to function callKT-47467
JVM / IR: "AssertionError: Annotation class expected: deserialized class Array" caused by java annotation as a parameter of another annotationKT-47744
UninitializedPropertyAccessException compiler exception on nested builder inference callsKT-47724
Type inference: False positive "Returning type parameter has been inferred to Nothing implicitly"KT-47660
JVM / IR: Mockito verification fails when named parameters are ordered differentlyKT-47589
Using RequiresOptIn annotation on constructor property results in error even if the annotation has no VALUE_PARAMETER target
Add language version 1.6 to the compiler configuration preferences
Regex.splitToSequence, CharSequence.splitToSequence(Regex)KT-42851
kotlin.time.Duration toString() shows wrong result for secondsKT-45325
Parsing Duration from StringKT-34021
Regex.matchAt / matchesAt
Kotlin/Native: Provide access to test cases generated by the compiler
KClass::nestedClasses throws ClassCastException for script classes with type aliases
Deprecate -Xuse-experimentalKT-30778
kotlin-compiler.jar contains shaded but not relocated kotlinx.coroutines
[Commonizer] Commonize functions/properties with TA/Class types in signatureKT-47691
[Commonizer] Commonizevar
[Commonizer] Commonize parameterized (type-alias + class) typesKT-47432
[Commonizer] Commonize (type-alias + class) types used in functions
Incremental Compilation with Kotlin compile daemon and JDK 17 fails with IllegalAccessException
Add an easier way to explicitly set Kotlin daemon jvm arguments
Kotlin JVM toolchain breaks configuration cacheKT-46626
kotlin-android plugin with kotlin-dsl: Extension with name 'android' does not exist. Currently registered extension names: [ext, kotlin, kotlinTestRegistry]KT-47754
“'compileDebugUnitTestJavaWithJavac' task (current target is 1.8)” during build android project without specified target and with jvmToolchain = JDK 11KT-47520
Kotlin and Java target compatibility check produces false positive on using Gradle toolchainsKT-46978
Duplicate resource errors on gradle 7 with multi-module multiplatform project with withJavaKT-27687
Empty directories in source set causes gradle cache miss for KotlinCompile taskKT-47635
Kotlin version conflict on using 'noarg' Gradle pluginKT-47636
Kotlin version conflict on using 'sam-with-receiver' Gradle pluginKT-47354
Kotlin version conflict on using 'allopen' Gradle pluginKT-45202
Kapt crashes with java.io.UTFDataFormatException
KJS / Gradle: Run task created using eager API and breaks task configuration avoidance
Gradle DSL: rename useExperimentalAnnotation functionKT-47612
Task :buildKotlinToolingMetadata is incompatible with Gradle configuration cacheKT-47611
Task :generateMetadataFileForKotlinMultiplatformPublication is incompatible with Gradle configuration cache
Support multi arch build via embedAndSign taskKT-47078
Support Apple Silicon in cocoapods gradle pluginKT-47077
Support Apple Silicon in embedAndSign task
JDK-16: kotlin-maven-plugin fails withIllegalAccessError: class com.intellij.util.io.FileChannelUtil
when using incremental compilation
Gradle dependency conflict with resolutionStrategy failOnVersionConflict and kotlin 1.4
Experimental declarations should be contagious even when they are not explicitly usedKT-45844
Forbid using experimental markers on override declarationsKT-45845
Forbid using experimental markers on getterKT-46644
Resolve overrides for IrProperty on deserializationKT-46967
Support class type parameters annotations in FIRKT-47402
Native: optimize access to object declarations that have only const vals and no init blocks
Report diagnostics on implicit usages of experimental APIKT-22941
Experimental marker annotation with SOURCE retention is compiled without errorKT-24993
Inference for buildSequence/yield doesn't work for labeled lambdasKT-31728
Incorrect EXPERIMENTAL_OVERRIDE_ERROR for override of experimental function in anonymous objectKT-33364
Kotlin/Native debugger: execution stops only at next line for breakpoint at when expression without parameterKT-42139
NI: NEW_INFERENCE_NO_INFORMATION_FOR_PARAMETER for emptyList / listOf (with no arguments) / emptyMap / mapOf (with no arguments) inside if block insidesequence
NI: BuilderInference regressionKT-44372
FIR: KClass::java cannot be resolved as callable referenceKT-44547
Native: wrong RTTI when overriding functions with equal signatures but different type argumentsKT-44571
Segfault on unnecessary int unboxingKT-45083
Problem with property reference in builder inferenceKT-45315
Deprecate (V)::a reference resolution to companion in FE 1.0KT-46393
AE: "1 trailing arguments were found in Any type" for private function with implicit anonymous return type inside generic classKT-46661
FIR: Investigate inference issue with self-types and star projectionKT-46775
[Native] [IR] Support multiple suspend lambdas as class supertypesKT-46836
Error: Invalid LLVM module on inlineClasses external testsKT-46838
NullPointerException: Parameter specified as non-null is null in CollectionsKt.joinToString()KT-46896
Native IR: NPE when using irBuiltIns.suspendFunctionKT-46996
FIR: INFERENCE_NO_INFORMATION_FOR_PARAMETER on type aliases with non-trivial expansionsKT-47034
KtValueArgument.getArgumentExpression could lead to StubBasedPsiElementBase.notBoundInExistingAstKT-47052
BuilderInference case with flatMapTo doesn't work properlyKT-47082
Stub type variable is leaked (reproduces with K/N during deserialization)KT-47143
ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: Captured(*) in Kotlin 1.5.0KT-47148
Type mismatch: inferred type is Any? but T? was expectedKT-47180
Forbid using OptIn markers on local variable, value parameter or fieldKT-47181
Forbid using OptIn markers on types or type parametersKT-47183
Segfault on int unboxingKT-47208
Backend Internal error: Exception during IR lowering: assert at IrOverridingUtilKt.buildFakeOverrideMemberKT-47276
Nullability annotations without target are ignored if type enhancement improvements are enabledKT-47450
StackOverflowException in psi2ir with many chained binary expressionsKT-47462
K/N: AssertionError: Unbound private symbol org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.symbols.impl.IrClassSymbolImpl@6cb748db (NON-PUBLIC API): deserialized class Companion
ISE: Could not generate LightClass for some declared in on initialisation bylazy
in a JVM module of a multiplatform project
KJS / Gradle:Could not resolve <artifact>
despite being resolvable & project buildable
KJS: With NPM dependency IDEA import fails when performed before Gradle build
JS IR BE: support IC for loweringsKT-45738
KJS / IR: Wrong generated code forwhen
KJS / IR: ISE "Can't find name for declaration FUN name:CharArray_init_$Create$" on callable reference to Array constructorKT-46551
KJS / IR: Add a basic sourcemap generation
Could not resolve kotlin-test during project import in case of multiplatform with only JVM target platform
warning: linking module flags 'SDK Version': IDs have conflicting values ('[2 x i32] [i32 13, i32 2]'KT-43475
Kotlin/Native compiler: Including a static C library increased cross-compilation time from 3.5minutes to 1 hour 40 minutesKT-44148
Escape analysis failure: Heap space out of memory
platform.windows._LARGE_INTEGER cannot be passed by value
Improve Swift/Obj-C ergonomics for object and companion objectKT-46431
KMP accessing a property of an anonymous inner class that inherits from an abstract class causes a 'NSGenericException', reason: '[Shared_kobjcc0 ] is abstract' exception.KT-47042
Kotlin/Native: Concurrency Interoperability with Objective-C (Swift 5.5)
Support Apple Silicon without Rosetta 2
InvalidProtocolBufferException: Stream closed on multithreaded access to built-ins data in reflectionKT-44977
Reflection: ClassCastException caused by annotations with "AnnotationTarget.TYPE" usage on array attributes access
CLI: Executing "kotlinc.bat" at a root path, errors are not reported with a correct filepathKT-40994
CLI: Add documentation for -J argument inkotlinc -help
CLI: Java record defined in a single file root is not resolved
[Commonizer] Allow commonization of TypeAlias and Class with same nameKT-46716
[Commonizer] Analyze leaf source sets with original platform librariesKT-46957
[Commonizer] Unresolved classifier: platform/posix/ptrdiff_t for linuxMips32KT-47133
Forbid cinterop commonization with hierarchical commonization turned offKT-47301
[Commonizer] Associative commonization
Kotlin Lombok: JPS: config file is searched in directory relative to compiler daemonKT-46739
@SerialInfo NPE with default parameter
Kotlin compiler doesn't respect Gradle's "sourceCompatibility" and "targetCompatibility"KT-43095
Add support for Java Toolchain to the Gradle pluginKT-45611
KGP should declare JDK version as inputKT-47185
Migrate Gradle Integration tests to use cache redirector
KJS: Actualize NPM dependenciesKT-47154
KJS / Gradle: Compile task reads dependencies metadata from filesystem too long on large projectsKT-47114
KJS / IR: Could not resolvecoroutines-core-js
KJS / Gradle: On windows, an invalid regex is generated for Webpack ProgressPlugin
ios() target shortcuts should not include Apple Silicon by default
Kotlin Native Cocoapods plugin fails when Xcode project has custom CONFIGURATION names
JS Incremental compilation fails with java.io.IOException: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Array index out of range: 0
Failing tests in KotlinIDE
Scripts: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on an empty script running
"StringConcatException: Mismatched number of concat arguments" String concatenation fails when template contains special characterKT-47445
"definitely not null type parameters is only available since language version 1.6" error in cast expressionKT-47446
False positive INTEGER_OPERATOR_RESOLVE_WILL_CHANGE warning: "expression will be resolved to Int in future releases"KT-47449
JVM / IR: ClassCastException IrStarProjectionImpl cannot be cast to IrTypeProjectionKT-47459
"IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0" caused by MarkertManager dependencyKT-47480
StackOverflowError: Recursion on erasion of raw type with interdependent type parameters
Serializable class can't be inherited from serializable class in other module with: e: org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.CompilationException: Back-end (JVM) Internal error: Couldn't transform method node: write$SelfKT-47455
Kotlin lombok plugin NullPointerExceptionKT-47513
Lombok compiler plugin failed with 'Recursion detected in a lazy value under LockBasedStorageManager@1c21db60 (TopDownAnalyzer for JVM)'
Gradle Plugin: Publishing project with "maven-publish" fails when dependency versions are omitted (NPE in MppDependencyRewritingUtilsKt.associateDependenciesWithActualModuleDependencies)
Kapt Gradle DSL ignores javaCompilerOptions in 1.5.20
No error for Java generic class @NotNull type parameter used in Kotlin with nullable type argumentKT-44373
FIR: support error / warning suppressionKT-45189
Support nullability annotations at module levelKT-45284
Emit warnings based on jspecify annotationsKT-45525
Allow to omit JvmInline annotation for expect value classesKT-46545
Emit annotations on function type parameters into bytecode for -jvm-target 1.8 and above
Don't box primitive values in equality comparison with objects in JVM_IR
Unresolved annotation should be an errorKT-19455
Type annotation unresolved on a type parameter of a supertype in anonymous object expressionKT-24643
Prohibit using a type parameter declared for an extension property inside delegateKT-25876
Annotations on return types and supertypes are not analyzedKT-28449
Annotation target is not analyzed in several cases for type annotationsKT-36770
Prohibit unsafe calls with expected @NotNull T and given Kotlin generic parameter with nullable boundKT-36880
K/N IR: Reference to expect property in actual declaration is not remappedKT-38325
IllegalStateException: No parameter with index 0-0 when iterating Scala 2.12.11 ListKT-38342
FIR: Consider renaming diagnostic from AMBIGUITY to OVERLOAD_RESOLUTION_AMBIGUITYKT-38476
[FIR] Forgotten type approximationKT-38540
Kotlin/Native Set.contains fails with specific enum setupKT-40425
IrGenerationExtension. Support simple reporting to compiler output (for development/debug)KT-41620
ClassCastException: Class cannot be cast to java.lang.VoidKT-41679
NI: TYPE_MISMATCH wrong type inference of collection with type Any and integer literalKT-41818
NI: False positive IMPLICIT_NOTHING_TYPE_ARGUMENT_IN_RETURN_POSITION leads to NothingValueException on delegated propertiesKT-42239
IR: Report compilation error instead of throwing an exception (effectively crash compiler) when some declaration wasn't found while deserializationKT-42631
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException was thrown during IR loweringKT-43258
NI: False positive "Suspend function 'invoke' should be called only from a coroutine or another suspend function" when calling suspend operator fun on object property from last expression of a crossinlined suspend lambdaKT-44036
Enum initialization orderKT-44511
FIR DFA: smartcast afterif (nullable ?: boolean)
RAW FIR: NPE in RawFirBuilderKT-44682
raw FIR: incorrect source for qualified accessKT-44695
*_TYPE_MISMATCH_ON_OVERRIDE checkers do not work for anonymous objectsKT-44699
FIR: incorrect lambda return type (led to a false alarm: PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH_ON_OVERRIDE)KT-44802
FIR bootstrap: trying to access package private classKT-44813
FIR bootstrap: various errors in collection-like classesKT-44814
FIR bootstrap: incorrect cast in when branchKT-44942
[FIR] ClassCastException in boostrap testsKT-44995
FIR: lambda arguments of inapplicable call is not resolvedKT-45048
FIR bootstrap: VerifyError on KtUltraLightClassKT-45052
FIR bootstrap: inapplicable candidate in GenerateSpecTests.ktKT-45121
FIR IDE: redundant vararg parameter type transformationKT-45136
Native: dividing Int.MIN_VALUE by -1 crashes or hangsKT-45236
JVM / IR: "IllegalStateException: Symbol with IrTypeParameterSymbolImpl is unbound" caused by contracts and sealed classKT-45308
Psi2ir: "AssertionError: TypeAliasDescriptor expected" caused by using typealias from one module as a type in another module without a transitive dependencyKT-45316
[FIR] Ambiguity between two implicit invokes with receiverKT-45344
FIR: Wrong inferred type for nullable type parameterKT-45385
FIR: false positive MUST_BE_INITIALIZED_OR_BE_ABSTRACT after rethrowKT-45475
[FIR] No smartcast after throw in if inside try blockKT-45508
False negative ABSTRACT_CLASS_MEMBER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED on a fake override with an abstract super class memberKT-45578
REPL: Unresolved imports are cached for the subsequent compilationsKT-45685
JVM IR: capturing a variable into crossinline suspend lambda makes the function inside inline function no longer unbox ResultKT-45584
[FIR] Fix overriding property and java function in java classKT-45697
JVM IR: ISE "Function has no body" on getter of private field in a class present both in sources and dependenciesKT-45842
Compiler doesn't allow a shared class to inherit a platform-specific sealed classKT-45848
False negative [SEALED_INHERITOR_IN_DIFFERENT_MODULE] error in compiler for a platform-specific inheritor of a shared sealed classKT-45931
There is no warning based on nullability java annotationKT-45998
JVM IR: AE when an accessor to a protected companion object member is being generated in child classKT-46048
Enum entries init order in companion objectKT-46074
FIR: private-in-file fun interface is considered invisible in this fileKT-46173
No error reporting on annotations on target type ofas
expression in returnKT-46235
JVM IR: Stack overflow error on large expressionsKT-46270
[FIR] Support@PublishedAPI
in inline checkerKT-46539
Generate annotations on type parameters bounds in bytecodeKT-46578
JVM IR: IllegalAccessError accessing property delegated to java super class protected field referenceKT-46597
JVM IR: AssertionError: SyntheticAccessorLowering should not attempt to modify other files - crossinline accessorKT-46601
JVM / IR: IllegalStateException: "Can't find method 'invokeinvoke`" when default lambda takes inline class parametersKT-46670
StackOverflowError on inheritance from raw type where class has protobuf-like recursive genericsKT-46715
JVM / IR: "AssertionError: Unbound symbols not allowed IrConstructorSymbolImpl" with enum classes with the same name in test and src foldersKT-46759
JVM IR: CCE in LateinitUsageLowering on @JvmStatic lateinit property in objectKT-46777
[Native] [IR] Support suspend function as super typeKT-46802
JVM / IR: "UnsupportedOperationException: Unknown structure of ADAPTER_FOR_CALLABLE_REFERENCE" caused by function reference on @JvmStatic function with unused default parametersKT-46813
JVM / IR: "ClassCastException: Integer cannot be cast to class Result" with Flow andfold
JVM IR: StackOverflowError on compiling a large data classKT-46837
Backend Internal error: Exception during IR lowering: assert at IrOverridingUtilKt.buildFakeOverrideMemberKT-46921
JVM / IR: "IndexOutOfBoundsException: Cannot pop operand off an empty stack" caused by crossinline parameter and label returnKT-46984
Type parameter bounds aren't used to report corresponding mismatch warningsKT-46985
There aren't warnings by java nullability annotationsKT-46986
There aren't warnings by java nullability annotationsKT-46989
There aren't warnings by java nullability annotationsKT-46990
There aren't warnings by java nullability annotations on method's violated type argumentsKT-47019
K/N: IrProperty.overriddenSymbols can't be used in common IR backend modules yet because it doesn't fully work in Native
Document when a range created with rangeTo is empty
call is unresolved in JVM module of a multiplatform projectKT-45629
[ULC] KtUltraLightFieldForSourceDeclaration.nameIdentifier returns nullKT-44825
Can't open Kotlin compiler settings in newly created projectKT-45908
Reproduciable 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.caches.resolve.KotlinIdeaResolutionException: Kotlin resolution encountered a problem while analyzing KtNameReferenceExpression'
FIR IDE: Exception with local property ininit
FIR IDE: Error while collecting diagnostic on stale element after replacing element in quickfixKT-45312
FIR IDE: FIR plugin throws exception on synthetic function
KotlinGradleModelBuilder builds models for non-kotlin modules and always trigger full task configuration.KT-45277
Wrong jvm target in gradle module in IDEAKT-46488
Import of a multiplatform project with MPP module depending on Kotlin/JVM one fails
Inspection: Redundant creation of Json formatKT-45347
Sealed interfaces: quickfix to move to package/module of sealed class/interface should not be shown in case of read-only declarationKT-45348
Sealed interfaces: show error for usage of sealed class/interface from a library in Java source codeKT-46063
In multiplatform code, suggest to generate remainingwhen
branches at least for shared sealed classes
Quickfix to move class/interface to proper location: it is allowed to choose test source in JPS project while compiler does not allow it
[Commonizer] Reduce memory consumption
KJS: IR. Broken support for external interface companionKT-40689
KJS / IR: strange and slow code for kotlin.math.max and kotlin.math.min for DoubleKT-44138
KJS / IR: Constant folding works incorrectly with unsigned arithmeticKT-44394
KJS / IR:null
companion object for existed stdlib interfacesNodeFilter
KJS / IR: "IllegalStateException: Can't find name for declaration" in case of extending export declared class without @JsExport annotationKT-45057
KJS / IR: "ClassCastException" when usingjs
function in init blockKT-45361
KJS / IR:IrConstructorCall
representing annotation always returnsUnit
KJS: "Could not load content..." for source mapsKT-45655
KJS: "REINTERPRET_CAST" is not copyableKT-45866
Default parameter with generic in expect-actual declarationsKT-46859
Exception during IR lowering: NullPointerException was thrown at: optimizations.FoldConstantLowering.tryFoldingUnaryOps
KMM: Fix "stale framework" usage by XCode & AppCode in default build script
Stdlib: Expand KDoc of inc() and dec() for operatorsKT-46002
Support all Unicode digit chars in digitToInt (JS and Native)KT-46183
Add default value for ignoreCase in K/N String.replace/replaceFirstKT-46184
Equivalize isLowerCase and isUpperCase behavior in all platforms
IR: String constants with incorrect surrogate pairs aren't preserved during serialization/deserializationKT-44799
Different behavior with functional interfaces in Kotlin/Native on iOS
[Reverse C Interop] Package with no public methods generate empty struct in the header, leading to an error
Kotlin MP iOS Target doesn't contain kdoc commentsKT-45127
KMM: hard to pass an error to Kotlin code from implementation of Kotlin method in Swift code
Profiling indicates that a lot of time is spent on updateHeapRef on Apple platforms when running KMP code
Provide sensible toString() for property accessors in reflectionKT-13490
Equality doesn't work for KProperty.Accessor implementations
ISE (FNFE "Not a directory") on compilation with destination argument clashing with an existing file which is not a directoryKT-18184
CompileEnvironmentException: Invalid jar path on "-d" with .jar in non-existing directoryKT-40977
Report a readable diagnostic on empty -J argument in CLI
[Commonizer] c-interop commonization: Dependency commonizationKT-46077
[Commonizer] Addcommonizer_target
to commonized klib's manifestKT-46107
[Commonizer] CInteropCommonizerTask receives faulty dependencies in multi module projects containing multiple c-interopsKT-46248
MPP: Compile KotlinMetadata fails with Unresolved reference if only one native platform from shared source set is availableKT-46856
[Commonizer] Many targets can fail with 'filename too long'
Support calling Lombok-generated methods within same moduleKT-45538
Serialization, JVM IR: "AssertionError: No such type argument slot in IrConstructorCallImpl" with inner classesKT-45541
JVM / IR / Serialization: NullPointerException caused by "Serializable" annotation and local data classKT-46469
Kotlin Lombok: accessors withAccessLevel.MODULE
fail to resolveKT-46529
Kotlin Lombok: with@Accessors
without explicitprefix
the prefix from lombok.config is not taken into accountKT-46531
Kotlin Lombok:lombok.getter.noIsPrefix
is processed depending on character caseKT-46920
NullPointerException in CodeGeneratorVisitor when packing for xcode
Kapt should not run when annotation processors are not configuredKT-43988
Enable plugin validation during buildKT-45301
Gradle: Emptybuild/kotlin
dir with custom build directoryKT-45519
loadAndroidPluginVersion() impacts performance negatively and noticeably in multimodule Android buildKT-45744
Create Kotlin Gradle Plugin JUnit5 basic test setupKT-45834
Gradle Plugin read system property related to kotlinCompilerClasspath breaks use of configuration cacheKT-46401
Deprecate 'kotlin.parallel.tasks.in.project' build propertyKT-46820
Gradle: kotlinc (1.5.0) race condition causes a NullPointerExceptionKT-47317
Restore 'kotlinPluginVersion' property in 'KotlinBasePluginWrapper'
Support Gradle configuration cache for K/JS tasksKT-45294
KJS / Gradle: Number of modules in project affects JS tasks configuration cache state sizeKT-45754
KJS / IR: Remove adding option of source maps in Gradle pluginKT-46178
KJS / Dukat: Added as a dependency always without conditionKT-46976
KJS: Broken support for dynamically createdwebpack.config.d
[Gradle, JS] Task requirements are added to all compilations with same name
MPP Gradle plugin: Improve messaging for the commonizerKT-45832
CInteropCommonization: Filter out illegal dependenciesKT-46394
Multiplatform: Gradle 7 supportKT-46517
Add kotlin-project-model as api dependency to kotlin-gradle-plugin-api
MPP Gradle plugin: Provide a framework packing task for Kotlin/NativeKT-39016
Missing stdlib when the downloading process was abortedKT-40907
Xcode error after switching between device and simulator: Building for iOS, but the linked and embedded framework was built for iOS Simulator.KT-44059
iosSimTest tasks are never up-to-dateKT-45801
compileIosMainKotlinMetadata compilation property of gradle task is not initialized and fails withExecution failed for task ':shared:generateProjectStructureMetadata'
Register concrete "embedAndSign" tasks instead umbrellaKT-46892
Kotlin Multiplatform Gradle Plugin: EmbedAndSign task always contains a default framework name
Incremental compilation: inspectClassesForKotlinIC doesn't determine changes with imported constant
KotlinTargetsIndex creation takes too long even if project doesn't have any kotlinKT-45191
[JPS] Marking method as "default" in Java SAM interface doesn't affect dependenciesKT-46242
Support Lombok kotlin plugin in JPS and maven
Consider caching annotation processors classloaders
kapt: missing space in error log makes location non-clickableKT-29929
[Kapt] Stub generator uses constant value in method annotation instead of constant name 2.KT-31146
kapt: executableElement.getAnnotation(JvmOverloads::class.java) returns nullKT-32202
Gradle task kaptKotlin fails: "module not found" in Java 11 modular applicationKT-34838
Kapt: 'cannot find symbol' for a top-level property with anonymous delegateKT-35104
Support @JvmStatic in KAPT stubsKT-35167
Kapt Gradle plugin doesn't handle --module-path javac argumentKT-37586
KAPT: When delegated property use an unknown type (to-be-generated class),correctTypeError
will mess up the$delegate
field typeKT-39060
Kapt: correctErrorTypes don't retain return type of getter in Java stubKT-39715
KaptGenerateStubsTask resolves annotation processor options too early (before execution time)KT-41581
Kapt doesn't have line breaks between warningsKT-43804
Kapt fails to preserve parameter names in open suspend functionsKT-43686
KaptWithoutKotlincTask should use@CompileClasspath
for cache relocateability.KT-45032
Kapt: NullPointerException: insnList.first must not be nullKT-46176
Kapt: "java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index -1 out of bounds for length 3" with delegation and property reference
Incorrect type substitution in contracts with type parametersKT-44770
JVM / IR: "IllegalArgumentException: Unrecognized Type: [null]" Jackson doesn't recognize typeKT-45084
JVM IR: "NoSuchElementException: Sequence contains no element matching the predicate" when inline class is passed to lambda with >22 parametersKT-45779
JVM / IR: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'int java.lang.Integer.plus(int)' caused by function referenceKT-45941
JVM IR: local functions use generic type parameters of the outer class in the bytecode, which breaks Bytebuddy and MockKKT-46149
Generate synthetic classes for SAM adapters with erased instead of generic supertypeKT-46189
JVM IR: tailrec function with capturing lambda in default parameter value leads to NoSuchMethodError at runtimeKT-46214
JVM / IR: "IllegalStateException: No mapping for symbol: VALUE_PARAMETER INSTANCE_RECEIVER" on a suspend function in an inner classKT-46238
JVM IR: BootstrapMethodError in JDK 11+ on intersection type passed in arguments of SAM adapter where SAM interface's type parameter has a non-trivial upper boundKT-46259
JVM IR: local function for adapted function reference is not declared as ACC_SYNTHETICKT-46284
JVM IR: "Unbound private symbol IrClassSymbol" on class reference to script classKT-46402
IllegalAccessError: "CapturedLambdaInterpreter (in unnamed module @0x71b06418) cannot access class jdk.internal.org.objectweb.asm.Type" caused by inline function with a suspend parameter in Maven projectKT-46408
JVM IR: BootstrapMethodError due to missing bridge for subclass of generic Java interfaceKT-46426
JVM IR: Corrupted .class file when passing Array constructor reference as (inline) lambdaKT-46455
OOM on parsing invalid code with string interpolationKT-46503
JVM IR: "AssertionError: Unexpected variance in super type argument: out @1"KT-46505
JVM IR: NullPointerException caused by a callable reference with nullable inline value class parameterKT-46512
JVM / IR: NoSuchMethodError on SAM conversion of a function referenceKT-46515
IndexOutOfBoundsException: "Empty list doesn't contain element at index 0." on bad variable name in 1.5.0KT-46516
JVM IR: "AnalyzerException: Expected I, but found R" on subclassing AbstractMutableListKT-46524
Cannot use unsigned literals with api-version < 1.5 even with opt-inKT-46537
JVM / IR: "IllegalStateException: No noarg super constructor for CLASS" caused by "No-arg" plugin with annotation on child classKT-46540
JVM / IR: AnalyzerException: Expected an object reference, but found J caused by java.function.SupplierKT-46554
JVM IR: "IllegalStateException: No mapping for symbol: VAR IR_TEMPORARY_VARIABLE" with value class constructor delegation callKT-46555
JVM IR: IllegalAccessError when using Java method referenceKT-46562
Kotlin 1.5.0 generates non-serializable lambdas when they should be serializableKT-46568
JVM IR: "AssertionError: IrCall expected inside JvmStatic wrapper" on compiling protected static function with return type Nothing inside companion object of abstract classKT-46574
JVM / IR: ClassCastException caused by runBlocking awaiting call while returning Kotlin.Result type.KT-46579
JVM IR: "IllegalArgumentException: Sequence contains more than one matching element" for Java enum with overloaded values() static methodKT-46584
JVM IR: Intrinsics.needClassReification (UnsupportedOperationException thrown). Property delegate provider crossinline lambda inlining/reification issueKT-46751
JVM / IR:"ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Void" in extension function in Kotlin 1.5
failed to analyze: java.lang.AssertionError: diagnostic callback has been already registered: Code analysis get stuck in AS 2020.3.1.14 & Kotlin v1.5.0-M2KT-46622
60+ second freezes with Kotlin plugin 1.5.0: GetModuleInfoKt.findJvmStdlibAcrossDependencies
[UNRESOLVED_REFERENCE] For project to project dependencies of native platform test source sets
JvmRecord annotation missing constructor in common
NPE: When calling constructor of a function type while inheriting from it, despite it's an interface
Kotlin Android Extensions 1.5.0 generates bad writeToParcel() method for nullable Array types
Kotlin version conflict when using Kotlin Gradle plugins in pre-compiled script pluginKT-46353
Optimizations disabled in Gradle 7 for KAPT when generating sourcesKT-46368
Memory leak with 1.5.0-RC when building with GradleKT-46689
Track -Xuse-old-backend flag usage
KJS \ Gradle: Task without declaring an explicit or implicit dependency onjsGenerateExternalsIntegrated
in Gradle 7KT-46162
KJS: Exported items unavailable on dev serverKT-46331
KJS: Withkotlin.js.webpack.major.version=4
browserXRun tasks fail
Kotlin 1.5.0 parcelize compilation fails in new backend when using TypeParceller with nested generics
Do not create Kapt stubs directory during configuration time
StackOverflowError on recursive inline arguments in inline fun
Kotlin serialization with inline classesKT-30222
Support JVM target version selection in Kotlin bytecode tool windowKT-41884
Support 'file' target for JvmSynthetic annotationKT-43677
Support for Java recordsKT-43920
Support loading binary Java annotations on fieldsKT-44278
Generate SAM-converted lambdas and function references using 'invokedynamic' on JDK 1.8+KT-44650
Deprecate JVM target version 1.6KT-44787
Suspend functions in fun interfacesKT-44865
Allow to declare protected constructors in sealed classesKT-44869
Compiling sealed interface with version less than 1.5: error message from future could be provided
Optimize generation of local functionsKT-7307
Optimize infix call of String.plusKT-18692
Optimize '<optimizable_range> step x' for-in loopKT-19978
Inefficient bytecode generated for function references undergoing Java SAM conversionKT-23565
OperationsMapGenerated.kt generates unreasonable amount of bytecodeKT-23825
Tail suspend call utilizing elvis operator does not take advantage of suspend tail call optimizationKT-23826
A suspend function on the right side of a returned || condition is not tail call optimizedKT-25348
No compile time unsigned integer conversion when using hex literalKT-26060
Support a compiler mode to compile lambda expressions usinginvokedynamic
Do not generate create method for suspend lambdas if its arity >= 2KT-27427
Optimize nullable check introduced with 'as' castKT-28246
Redundant boxing/unboxing isn't eliminated by the compiler in case of inline classes and javaClass intrinsicKT-30605
Constant folding doesn't evaluate inv() functionKT-36845
Generate enum-based TABLESWITCH/LOOKUPSWITCH on a value with smart cast to enum in JVM_IRKT-39585
JVM BE generates redundant accessor calls when accessing static final field lifted from companionKT-40886
Old JVM BE unspills ACONST_NULL from continuationKT-42621
Kotlin binary size considerably larger for code extensively using stream APIKT-44153
NI: Low Memory and IntelliJ hangs when quotes in split() are missedKT-45410
JVM / IR: Extreme performance regression on arithmetic operations inside a loop
Support changed return type of inlined generic function when lambda returns anonymous objectKT-6055
Failed invoke plus assign on array element accessed via several args through local get/set convention extensionsKT-6879
CompilationException when local classes hierarchy is placed within other local or inner declarationKT-8120
NoSuchMethodError on local class constructor call inside a local classKT-8199
"Cannot pop operand off an empty stack" for local class using a captured variable as default value for constructor parameterKT-10835
"AssertionError: Non-outer parameter incorrectly mapped to outer" when inlining object literal extending inner classKT-12790
Don't generate synthetic accessors for private inline function/propertiesKT-13213
IllegalArgumentException in ByteVector.putUTF8 on attempt to compile file with moderately long string literalKT-14628
"UnsupportedOperationException: Don't know how to generate outer expression" for nested class inheriting from inner class with a companion objectKT-14833
JVM internal error: Augment assignment and increment are not supported for local delegated properties and inline propertiesKT-15403
Suspend operator get wrong code generated by BE (NoSuchMethodError)KT-15404
Suspend operator set wrong code generatedKT-16084
Proguard can't find enclosing class of let closure inside apply closureKT-16151
Internal compiler error when using plusAssign operator with mutable mapKT-16221
Support in/!in suspend operatorsKT-16282
"Cannot pop operand off an empty stack" for plusAssign with default parameters in setter operatorKT-16445
java.lang.VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack
when delegating an interface through a private reified function inside an objectKT-16520
Invalid bytecode semantics for set call by convention with default parametersKT-16567
Inliner creates redundant objects on source inliningKT-16752
Delegating function interface to function reference does not workKT-17554
Incorrect cast to Unit generated on annotated when-expression with a single-branch if insideKT-17738
Java cannot extend class implementing kotlin.collections.MapKT-17753
Strange behavior of if and return statementsKT-18583
"ISE: Recursive call in a lazy value" for generic sealed class with nested subclass in awhen(this)
with inferred return typeKT-19861
"IllegalStateException: Label wasn't found during iterating through instructions" forplusAssign
with safe callKT-20306
Make 'when' over an 'expect' enum class non-exhaustiveKT-20869
kotlin.jvm.internal.DefaultConstructorMarker should be publicKT-20996
IllegalStateException: Cannot get FQ name of local class: class in metadata serialization for common codeKT-21014
Incorrect bytecode generated for 'PrimitiveArray::size'KT-21092
for generic property: "couldn't transform method node: get()"KT-21778
"IllegalStateException: Couldn't build context" for inline function inside an anonymous objectKT-21900
VerifyError on equals on generic primitive typeKT-22098
"UnsupportedOperationException: Don't know how to generate outer expression" on extension function call inside lambda in anonymous object super constructor callKT-22488
Bad line numbers generated for '&&' expressionKT-22972
A compiler bug(?) in Number class descendantsKT-23619
Transform stateless singleton lambda during inlineKT-23881
Declaration of lambda in inlined apply block holds reference to superfluous references causing leakKT-24135
Calling invoke on crossinline suspend lambda leads to no state-machineKT-24193
NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/Cloneable$DefaultImpls on inheritance from Cloneable through an interfaceKT-24305
ClassNotFoundException when using Java reflection on local class in an inlined lambdaKT-24564
Custom operator fun set on ByteArray resolves properly but is miscompiledKT-25400
"NoClassDefFoundError: kotlin/KotlinPackage" with Turkish system locale on macOSKT-26130
Incorrect method signature for a generic function with inline class as a type parameter upper boundKT-26360
"Method from super interface has a different signature" for Interface that extends both interfaces with and without @JvmDefaultKT-26473
Error on compiling inline class with calls of super methods equals(), hashCode(), toString()KT-26474
VE “Bad type on operand stack” at runtime on calling toString() method of inline class with calls of super methods (toString(), equals(), hashCode()) insideKT-26592
Do not generate private suspend functions as synthetic package-privateKT-27449
NoSuchMethodError for local suspend function with suspend lambda parameter with default valueKT-27469
"Cannot pop operand off an empty stack" for compound assignment (plusAssign) with avararg
operator getKT-27825
Gradually prohibit non-abstract classes containing abstract members invisible from that classes (internal/package-private)KT-27830
"Incompatible stack heights" with suspend inline function in do while loop that executes suspend lambdaKT-28042
"Cannot pop operand off an empty stack" for a bound callable reference of lambda inside inline functionKT-28166
"Argument 1: expected I, but found R" for generic method with generic parameter or receiver with inline class upper boundKT-28331
Consider generating accessors for lateinit properties to avoid assertion on each callKT-28573
Inliner does not update references to transformed objectKT-29331
"AnalyzerException: Argument 1: expected R, but found I" with local generic extension property called onInt
NoClassDefFoundError with inline reified function with lambda argument returning anonymous objectKT-29802
Incorrect reification when the same type parameter name is used for different reified typesKT-30041
"AnalyzerException: Expected an object reference, but found ." on nested suspend function calls outer suspend functionKT-30066
Consider adding annotations to ConeKotlinTypeKT-30280
Inline class class literal gets unwrapped in annotation argumentsKT-30402
Constant folding works incorrectly with unsigned arithmeticsKT-30548
"java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Cannot pop operand off an empty stack" while compiling access to a private lateinit companion fieldKT-30629
java.lang.VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack
when using a function reference to a generic propertyKT-30933
Inline function produces IllegalAccessError on property reference from different packageKT-31136
"AnalyzerException: Argument 1: expected R, but found I" on x::javaClass when x is inline class object built around primitive typeKT-31227
Prohibit using array based on non-reified type parameters as reified type arguments on JVMKT-31592
NoSuchMethodException when inlining public function accessing a protected static Java class memberKT-31727
Object expression captures all variables used in constructorKT-32023
"AnalyzerException: Expected I, but found R" with inline suspend function used with callable referenceKT-32115
NPE during initialization of enum class with delegated propertyKT-32153
"AnalyzerException: Expected an object reference, but found ." with recursive suspend local functionKT-32351
ClassNotFoundException for anonymous object implementing interface inside a lambda with data class and inline methodsKT-32384
Safe cast to generic type argument with inline class upper-bound throws NPE instead of ClassCastExceptionKT-32579
java.lang.VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack on calling inner class of inherited class in super class when casting to inherited classKT-32749
"VerifyError: Call to wrong method" with inline function and accessing class field from anonymous objectKT-32793
Generated code crashes by ClassCastException with local suspend function and inline classKT-32812
"AnalyzerException: Argument 1: expected R, but found I" invoking function with default parameter inherited by inline classKT-32821
Missing unboxing of inline class for complex hierarchy of suspend callsKT-33155
ClassNotFoundException for qualified this in anonymous object and as a result of inline function callKT-33173
Internal error: "AnalyzerException: Expected I, but found R" for supercall inside inline lambda from HashSet.remove implementationKT-33577
NoSuchFieldError with nested anonymous objects accessing outer instance propertyKT-33836
Wrong code generated for a local tailrec suspend function.KT-33873
ClassCastException invoking UByte setter function via reflectionKT-34018
"Cannot pop operand off an empty stack" with inline lambda with callable referenceKT-34186
JDK11: class file contains malformed variable arity method for vararg sealed class constructorKT-34202
IllegalAccessError on callable reference of function from multifile facade from standard libraryKT-34255
@JvmStatic tailrec function: "Cannot pop operand off an empty stack"KT-34507
Incorrect generated code for mutable collection stub methods in case of presence of functions with similar signatureKT-34665
Possible index overflow in optimized "for" loop over withIndex()KT-34754
Flow builder: "AnalyzerException: Expected an object reference, but found ." with recursive suspend local functionKT-34816
"AnalyzerException: Expected an object reference, but found I" on "this" in inline class member extension suspend functionKT-34841
ClassNotFoundException when invoke param function inside anonymous object methodKT-35008
"AnalyzerException: Expected an object reference, but found I" in inline class companion calling private constructorKT-35166
at runtime with local property delegate on anonymous object referencing another anonymous objectKT-35224
It's possible to pass non-spread arrays after arguments with SAM-conversionKT-35301
MethodInliner fails with "AssertionError: call doesn't correspond to object transformation info" for qualified this in SAM constructor used as parameter of anonymous object inside inline lambdaKT-35419
Failed to generate expression: KtNamedFunction
for local suspend tailrec function with receiverKT-35511
VerifyError: "Bad type on operand stack" after reificationKT-35553
Kotlin compiler generates methods that always have line number 1 for Inline ClassesKT-35725
"AssertionError: Couldn't find a context for a super-call" forsuper
member call in property initializer of companion objectKT-36420
ClassCastException with inline class Foo extending generic ComparableKT-36713
AnalyzerException: "Incompatible stack heights" with suspend and inline suspend functionsKT-36794
Move $assertionsDisabled field to the top-level classKT-36853
IR: UninitializedPropertyAccessException on tailrec with object expression in default argumentKT-36875
"RuntimeException: Trying to access skipped parameter" on synthetic local variable access from inline functionKT-36916
AnalyzerException: Argument 1: expected I, but found R when using inline class with rxjavaKT-36957
Exception during codegen: cannot pop operand off an empty stack (Nothing variable in string interpolation)KT-36984
SAM adapter classes should be generated as anonymous inner classes in JVM_IRKT-37704
Incorrect SMAP syntaxKT-37716
"AssertionError: call doesn't correspond to object transformation info" with inline reified type parameter, anonymous object and lambda in constructor callKT-37972
IllegalAccessError on initializing property reference for a property declared in JvmMultifileClass with -Xmultifile-parts-inheritKT-38100
Support local delegated properties (not inlined) in new JVM default modesKT-38833
JVM: java.lang.ClassCastException when loop variable is nullable in for loop over unsigned progressionKT-38849
Read-only variable initialized in non-inline lambda using contract callsInPlace EXACTLY_ONCE is not captured correctly in nested lambdasKT-38869
JVM BE produces invalid bytecode when inheriting from AbstractList and declaring methods that look like MutableList implementors (but they aren't)KT-38965
"UnsupportedOperationException: Don't know how to generate outer expression: Closure" with reference to local variable in block argument of anonymous objectby
CCE in if-else inside annotated 'if' statementKT-39425
AbstractMethodError: "Receiver class does not define or inherit an implementation of the resolved method" using classes with complex Java and Kotlin inheritance hierarchies.KT-39434
IllegalAccessError with local delegated property in lambda in inlined functionKT-39687
"Couldn't find captured this" when more than 3 inline functions are nestedKT-39784
"IndexOutOfBoundsException: Cannot pop operand off an empty stack" caused by JvmOverloads annotation inside an inline classKT-40165
ClassCastException caused by SAM conversion used on a functional interface with suspended functionKT-40179
"VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack" with parent classget
extension function and child classset
extension function which used inside child classplusAssign
extension functionKT-40277
Fix generic types in special bridge methodsKT-40308
NoSuchFieldError for multiple delegated extension properties with the same name in a companion objectKT-40338
NoSuchFieldError on property without backing field that is called as function referenceKT-40392
Deprecate JvmDefault annotation and old -Xjvm-default modesKT-40396
NI: Exceptions when ambiguous type argument and generic invokeKT-40510
"AssertionError: DELEGATION slice must override something" for ByteBuffer delegationKT-40601
VerifyError: "interface method reference is in an indirect superinterface" when calling @JvmDefault suspend methodKT-40809
"Couldn't find captured field" compiler error with local function with recursive call through method referenceKT-41056
Increase stub version due to new "contract" keywordKT-41105
IllegalStateException: 'Couldn't find declaration file ' with inline delegate declared in another fileKT-41165
"IllegalStateException: Concrete fake override public final fun" when an enum class inherits an interface with a variable 'name' or 'ordinal'KT-41222
"IllegalStateException: Concrete fake override public final fun" when a class property is inherited as merged 'var' from 'val' and 'var' from parent abstract class and interface propertiesKT-41255
JDK 11: "VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack" with long function body with annotatedwhen
NoSuchMethodError caused by implementation by delegation to function referenceKT-41508
ClassNotFoundException caused by object with overridden function inside a lambda with safe cast receiverKT-41750
Inline classes: ClassCastExceptionError when calling .withIndex() on Iterator over ArrayKT-41758
Deprecate kotlin.Metadata.bytecodeVersion and avoid using it in the compilerKT-41770
AssertionError: "Asm parameter types should be the same length as Kotlin parameter types" cause by fun interfaceKT-41874
"IllegalStateException: Couldn't obtain compiled function body" on extension delegated property with inline operator getValue in a different fileKT-41917
[FIR] Incorrect calculating property type for override from intersection scopeKT-42012
IllegalAccess to protected field instead of getterKT-42017
"AssertionError: Unsigned type expected: UInt?" during codegen when a variable of nullable unsigned type is checking for presence in the rangeKT-42032
"AnalyzerException: Expected I, but found R" while using Flow.reduce() with suspend function referenceKT-42034
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in PopBackwardPropagationTransformer on external override of function in inline classKT-42064
"Parameter specified as non-null is null" with default value of the parameter in operator funKT-42069
JVM IR: -Xreport-output-files doesn't report any source files for META-INF/*.kotlin_module filesKT-42083
AbstractMethodError when 'remove' with irrelevant generic parameter but matching JVM signature is present in Kotlin collection classKT-42092
JVM / IR: "AnalyzerException: Argument 1: expected R, but found J" when trying to add to ArrayList the result of a function applied to intKT-42175
Psi2ir: "AssertionError: Undefined parameter referenced: " on augmented assignment on this in a BuilderInference lambdaKT-42179
Platform declaration clash when extending abstract Java class implementing 'java.util.Collection' by abstract Kotlin class implementing Kotlin Set or ListKT-42321
JVM IR: do not cast integer value based on the type of a literal receiver of an operator callKT-42337
NoSuchMethodError in JVM backend with inheritance of private functions in the interfaceKT-42404
"Supertypes of the following classes cannot be resolved" in Rider projectKT-42472
No TYPE_INFERENCE_UPPER_BOUND_VIOLATED for Delegated Properties do not check types (in Kotlin 1.4.10)KT-42487
"IndexOutOfBoundsException: Cannot pop operand off an empty stack" caused by USELESS_IS_CHECK of Double typeKT-42533
(N until MIN_VALUE).reversed()
should be an empty progression in for loopsKT-42588
"IllegalStateException: Concrete fake override public open fun" caused byval
override withvar
with delegation.KT-42634
Different bridges and abstract stubs behavior in abstract class implementing Map<K, String> in JVM and JVM_IRKT-42635
ClassCastException with inline class in for loopKT-42662
AbstractMethodError when using partially specialized generic Map classKT-42694
@get:Synchronized causes the JVM getter method not to be generatedKT-42753
"VerifyError: Bad invokespecial instruction: interface method reference is in an indirect superinterface" withjvm-default=all
JVM: Declaration clash in fun interface implementation returning an inline classKT-42900
"VerifyError: Bad return type" incorrect bytecode when a property and an extension property in inline class have the same namesKT-42946
FIR2IR: Fix super-calls to Java overrides of special built-inKT-42971
JVM: "AssertionError: Unsigned type expected: T" with UInt loop rangeKT-42990
"AssertionError: Next value after NEW should be one generated by DUP" caused by extension properties with accessors annotataed as @JvmStaticKT-43034
AssertionError: Compiler fails with complicated tailrec + inline caseKT-43048
JVM_IR: Implement coroutines state clearingKT-43050
JVM IR: incorrect mangling for method with type parameter with inline class bound in the signatureKT-43059
Different bridges behavior in class implementing Map<String, String> in JVM and JVM_IRKT-43063
Redundant DefaultImpls delegate is generated in old JVM backend on explicit "duplicate" inheritance from interfaceKT-43069
JVM: incorrect generic signature for method with implicit return type Nothing overriding a method from CollectionKT-43099
Tailrec call in not tail-call position leads to internal compiler errorKT-43106
JVM: customremove
in Iterator subclass results in a synthetic bridgeKT-43120
JVM: "Expected an object reference, but found ." caused by function which is passed as reference to suspend parameterKT-43167
JVM IR, serialization: "No mapping for symbol: VALUE_PARAMETER INSTANCE_RECEIVER" with data class containing property defined in bodyKT-43255
Verify error when inheriting from an abstract class implementing Collection with stub-like method in superclassKT-43303
NI: False negative TYPE_INFERENCE_UPPER_BOUND_VIOLATED when inferred type argument is not a subtype of type parameter upper boundKT-43333
AbstractMethodError when calling 'toArray' from Java on a Kotlin Collection with custom internal 'toArray'KT-43334
AbstractMethodError when calling 'remove' from Java on a Kotlin Collection with custom internal 'remove'KT-43342
[FIR2IR] No getter or backing field found for delegated member callKT-43347
[FIR] Synthetic setter with unmatched parameter type isn't foundKT-43401
JVM_IR. Additionalsynchronized
flag on JvmOverloads-generated adapter for Synchronized functionKT-43405
Turkish locale, Linux Mint: "NoSuchMethodError: 'int[] kotlin.jvm.internal.Intrinsics$Kotlin.intArrayOf(int[])'" withintArrayOf
function callKT-43460
JVM: redundant private setter is generated in case of multifile facadeKT-43473
"VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack" caused by operatorget
with optional argument in superclass when called via square brackets on subclassKT-43518
JVM_IR. Additionalstrictfp
flag on JvmOverloads-generated adapter for Strictfp functionKT-43569
FIR: inapplicable candidate(s): kotlin/collections/setKT-43616
[FIR] Nullable type parameter-based type after merge in ifKT-43669
Inline extension method of a multifile library inline class not foundKT-43687
FIR: UnusedChecker does not take annotation arguments into accountKT-43688
FIR: unused checker doesn't handle invokes properlyKT-43749
"UnsupportedOperationException: Don't know how to generate outer expression: Closure" caused by Flow and collect method with function reference as a parameterKT-43812
JVM IR: SAM wrapper class with generic supertype mentions missing type parameter in the signatureKT-43832
JVM IR: missing bridges for inheritance of class from interface in a complex generic diamond hierarchyKT-43851
JVM IR: function call returning object instance is removed during constant propagationKT-43864
JVM: "Assertion error after mandatory stack transformations: incorrect bytecode" with lateinit property of type T, which has a primitive type upperboundKT-43887
Problem with FunctionReferenceLowering$FunctionReferenceBuilder in kotlin nativeKT-43912
JVM internal error: Augment assignment and increment are not supported for local delegated properties and inline propertiesKT-43915
Back-end (JVM) Internal error: wrong bytecode generated for default methodKT-43938
NSME when calling 'kotlin.Number' methods on instance of Java class extending Kolin abstract class extending 'kotlin.Number'KT-43942
org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.CompilationException: Back-end (JVM) Internal error: Failed to generate functionKT-43949
FIR: unresolved callable reference as lambda returnKT-43983
IllegalStateException: "Couldn't obtain compiled function body for public final suspend inline fun" after moving inline extension function to libraryKT-43984
FIR: recursion in overridden symbolsKT-43984
FIR: recursion in overridden symbolsKT-44010
FIR: Inapplicable constructor due to an unresolved referenceKT-44030
FIR2IR: uncached type parameters in delegated propertyKT-44032
FIR2IR: uncached type parameters in Java fieldKT-44050
FIR: anonymous object as IR parentKT-44054
FIR2IR: incorrect IR origin for substituted override functionKT-44058
CompilationException: open suspend fun with @JvmStatic in open class companionKT-44069
please remove deprecated usagesKT-44066
FIR Java: override ambiguity with vararg value typeKT-44114
CompilationException when inlining a extension suspend function declared in interface companion with 'this' reference to extension receiverKT-44131
"UnsupportedOperationException: Don't know how to generate outer expression: Closure" when using suspend lambda and a function referenceKT-44140
JVM IR: compilation of kotlin.Result crashes with IOOBE while generating toString-implKT-44141
JVM IR: "ISE: There should be underlying type for inline class type" on usage of type parameter with Result upper bound inside a lambdaKT-44192
Allow a greater number of constants in an enum classKT-44202
"ClassCastException" when getting delegated property with inline class and Any/Any? typeKT-44210
KJS / IR: "AssertionError: Undefined parameter referenced: defined" caused by plus assign operators in build blocksKT-44233
[IR] Collection Stub generation not correctly considering java.util Collection iteratorsKT-44234
Private companion property with explicit setter generates invalid bytecodeKT-44269
"[TAILREC_ON_VIRTUAL_MEMBER_ERROR] Tailrec is not allowed on open members" with Spring annotation and private tailrec functionKT-44284
Make Kotlin binaries publicly unavailable (set KotlinCompilerVersion.IS_PRE_RELEASE = true)KT-44316
ReenteringLazyValueComputationException when analyzing complex lazy delegateKT-44347
Back-end (JVM) Internal error: Couldn't transform method node for suspend function with wrong local for ContinuationKT-44368
"IllegalStateException: Error type encountered" when inlining 'invoke' operator without enough information on type variableKT-44412
JVM IR backend fails to compile break in condition of do whileKT-44420
JVM IR: unnecessary integer unboxing leads to NPE when using mockito-kotlinKT-44439
Type inference of generic types failing java interopKT-44440
Too many Nothings in inferred typeKT-44471
Fix failing script tests after switching to 1.5KT-44474
Compiler expects sealed type inheritors from platform specific source-sets in when expression in common source-setKT-44483
JVM IR: CCE on calling generic vararg function reference with Array expected typeKT-44527
Suspend function with kotlin.Result: ClassCastException class kotlin.Result cannot be cast to class ...KT-44529
Inline class calls wrong iterator method in for loopKT-44533
JVM IR: ClassFormatError on synthetic $suspendImpl method generated in interface for a @JvmDefault functionKT-44540
Regression in 1.4.30 in intellij-community: type mismatch for generic function call with generic Java classKT-44546
NI: changed variable fixation order (that can lead to changed resolution)KT-44550
KotlinBinaryClassCache leaks Kotlin plugin classloader on plugin unloadKT-44563
Type Inference loosing type annotations in lambda type expectation for function calls with block parametersKT-44583
"Supertypes of the following classes cannot be resolved" error message gives no contextKT-44627
JVM IR: ACCIDENTAL_OVERRIDE when overriding a generic field where the type parameter has a primitive boundKT-44631
"IndexOutOfBoundsException: Cannot pop operand off an empty stack" caused by a default param in inner class constructor which uses method or field from receiverKT-44647
"IllegalAccessError: class TestKt tried to access private method" with String Builderget
JVM / IR: "IllegalStateException: Illegal type substitutor" with if-else inside class constructor argument inside another if-elseKT-44660
Internal inline functions in companion object with inline class return type fails compilationKT-44671
JVM_IR: ClassCastException: Result$Failure cannot be cast to Result with multithreaded coroutinesKT-44703
JVM / IR: "IllegalStateException: Unhandled special name in mangledNameFor" caused by a reference to inline class inside interface's companion with lazy initializationKT-44712
JVM / IR: Behavior change after enabling with MockitoKT-44714
Debugger / Coroutines: Local variables are trimmed out too aggressivelyKT-44722
JVM IR: ClassCastException with inline class, let and bound function referenceKT-44726
JVM IR: Incorrect KType nullability for platform type reified as non-nullKT-44781
JVM IR: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: $noName_0 when calling a crossinline lambda within a suspending lambdaKT-44798
JVM IR: Inherited platform declarations clash for class implementing both List and SetKT-44801
1.4.30 JVM IR: Unbound symbols not allowed with anonymous objectKT-44803
FIR bootstrap: incorrect nullability is set for type alias-based typeKT-44827
Non-existing outer class is written in anonymous class for SAM wrapper in inline lambda with captureKT-44837
JVM / IR: ClassCastException with Result object when it is used by a generic method in a suspend callKT-44875
call is generated on interface target in fun interface equalityKT-44878
JVM_IR: "IllegalStateException: Unexpected types" when checking non-nullable variable isin
range between nullable ones with smart-castKT-44926
MPP: Actual typealias to compiled inline class incompatible with expect inline classKT-44947
Sealed interfaces: Sealed fun interface leads to "NoWhenBranchMatchedException"KT-44993
JVM IR: VerifyError on getfield with Kotlin generic field and elvis operatorKT-45008
JVM IR: hashCode is generated as invokeinterface if smart cast to interface is presentKT-45011
JVM / IR: "AssertionError: Unbound symbols not allowed"KT-45022
IR: "AssertionError: Undefined variable referenced" from psi2ir caused by plusAssign operator of objectKT-45064
JVM IR: "java.lang.AssertionError: SyntheticAccessorLowering should not attempt to modify other files!" with member reference to property in another file with private setterKT-45067
"IllegalArgumentException: Wildcard mast have a bound for annotation of WILDCARD_BOUND position" with BEAM SDK 2.27KT-45069
JVM / IR: New SAM conversions mode fails when converting from Unit to AnyKT-45131
JVM / IR: "RuntimeException: Lambda, SAM or anonymous object should have only one constructor" caused by inline class that type cast to reified type parameter inside lambda in inline functionKT-45139
Inline class: AssertionError: Expected top level inline classKT-45166
JVM / IR: "AbstractMethodError: Receiver class does not define or inherit an implementation of the resolved method of interface" caused by interface with suspend functionKT-45187
JVM / IR: ClassCastException caused by substituting generic type of vararg parameter with java.lang.VoidKT-45195
JVM IR: annotation methods are generated as default interface methods ifallopen
is usedKT-45243
"IllegalStateException: Lambdas shouldn't be visited by ESExpressionVisitor" caused by lambda insidekotlin.test.assertNotNull
JVM: ClassCastException caused by Result as lambda parameter typeKT-45292
AssertionError with recursive inline extension propertyKT-45300
Deprecate super calls in public-api inline functionsKT-45409
Rename jspecify annotations’ package and default not null annotationKT-45446
JVM / IR: NullPointerException caused by unreachable code and comparisonKT-45721
JVM / IR: "Unbound symbols not allowed" caused by class reference in sequence lambdaKT-45853
JVM / IR: "Accidental override" caused by inheriting Throwable.getCause from Java interfaceKT-45861
Turning warnings into errors for calls with type parameters annotated by @OnlyInputTypesKT-45865
JVM IR: "VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack" withenumValueOf
on a value from a list of stringsKT-45868
JVM IR: ClassCastException with SAM function in init block when SAM is generated via invokedynamicKT-45920
JVM IR: "Accidental override" on redefiningget()
in custom Map classKT-45934
JVM IR: "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Function has no body" for class implementing interface by delegationKT-45945
JVM / IR: "AssertionError: Unexpected variance in super type argument" with contravariance and intersection typesKT-45963
JVM / IR: "AbstractMethodError: Receiver class does not define or inherit an implementation of the resolved method" in Dokka testsKT-45967
JVM IR: "IllegalAccessError" with invokedynamic to Java SAM over callable reference to private functionKT-45982
Wrong subtyping result on captured types with postponed type variablesKT-46007
JVM / IR: "ClassCastException: kotlin.Unit cannot be cast to java.lang.String" caused by default suspend function in interfaceKT-46060
JVM IR: NullPointerException from RangeContainsLowering whencontains
is a @JvmStatic function in objectKT-46069
JVM IR: unbound type parameter on generic bound adapted function referenceKT-46092
JVM IR: AssertionError "Array type expected: @[FlexibleNullability] kotlin.CharArray?" on super call to Java constructor with primitive varargKT-46104
The message on inline -> value class migration should not say that inline classes are deprecatedKT-46131
Kotlin 1.5.0-RC errors when reading class fileKT-46160
JVM IR: IllegalAccessException at runtime for member reference to JvmMultifileClass member from stdlibKT-46186
Type inference regression in Kotlin 1.5 with constrained generic return types
Incorrect description for JVMtoUpperCase
Use dependency of library to build built-ins in IDE, instead of loading them from the current classloaderKT-34023
kotlin.KotlinNullPointerException at org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.FunctionsFromAnyGenerator.getPrimaryConstructorProperties(FunctionsFromAnyGenerator.kt:66)KT-35947
KFunctionN.call is unresolved in IDE in Kotlin/JVM projectKT-37702
Code analysis speed: on-the-fly analysis diagnostics reportingKT-41048
[FIR-IDE] Properly implement methods in KtFirPackageScopeKT-41671
Missing nullability information in properties using type inference from get()KT-43824
KtLightClassForSourceDeclaration#isInheritor works in a different way than java implementationKT-44128
IDE: Kotlin JVM record has incorrect property accessors as seen from JavaKT-44487
MPP, IDE: No error in IDE when sealed class inheritor from common source-set is not used in exhaustive when expression in platform source-setKT-45254
Highlighting for files with certain errors appears only on second openingKT-46097
Light classes: Incomplete nullability information for a getter method of a kotlin property defined in private constructor
IDE: Unresolved extension method from Java code for simple class with typealias and generics (IllegalStateException: Unknown type parameter)KT-44756
Infinite "UpToDateStubIndexMismatch: PSI and index do not match." with IDEA 2021.1 EAP upon attempt to open "org.gradle.configurationcache" even they seem to be the same
Implement precise importing of platforms of root source sets (commonMain/commonTest) when hierarchical multiplatform support is enabledKT-42048
KJS / Gradle integration: Could not determine the dependencies of task ':webApp:testPackageJson' in Android Studio 4.2 Canary 11
Dead lock on closing project during the import in IJ211 through ScriptDefinitionsManager
Return lifted out of if condition causes suspend tail call optimization to no longer applyKT-38155
Lift assignment out of 'if' produces type mismatch without manually adding a semicolonKT-44821
IDE: False positive NO_ELSE_IN_WHEN caused by sealed class and when in another moduleKT-46088
[IDEA] Incorrect behavior of replace inline class with value class intention
Incorrect reference to resource into 202 plugin
Sealed Interfaces: Move refactoring should warn about violation of hierarchy restrictionsKT-44839
Sealed interfaces: move refactoring warnings works with "more freedom for sealed classes" rules for language level < 1.5
Allow push notifications about script configuration /dependencies changes via theScriptDefinitionsProvider
KJS / IR: Can't use javascript keywords as JsNameKT-41650
JS IR BE:default
should be a reserved identifierKT-42176
KJS / IR: Interface default method in sub-interface not resolved correctly from extension on super-interfaceKT-44103
[JSIR] TypeError when bumping from 1.4.20 to 1.4.30-M1KT-44180
KJS / IR: NPE in ConstTransformer of compileDevelopmentExecutableKotlinJs/compileProductionExecutableKotlinJs tasksKT-44415
Kotlin/JS with IR and kotlin-react: "too much recursion" error in runtime in browserKT-44433
KJS IR: support function interfaces with suspend memberKT-44469
KJS / IR: Incorrect export functions with bridgesKT-44718
MPP/ KJS: "IllegalStateException: Unsupported operation" with serialization plugin and incremental compilationKT-44796
KJS / IR: default parameter of function with @JsName leads to "RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded"KT-45059
KJS / IR: Add possibility for runtime diagnostics of DCE result
Add stdlib method that combines mapNotNull() and first/firstOrNull()KT-25571
Make random implementations serializableKT-26234
Floored division and remainder function for numeric typesKT-32996
kotlin.test: add assertContentEquals for comparing content of arrays, iterables, sequencesKT-39177
Make CharCategory available in common multiplatform codeKT-40225
Support adding kotlin-test as a single dependency, as it should be with a multiplatform libraryKT-42071
Strict version of String.toBoolean()KT-42720
Kotlin ArrayDeque on JVM: provide optimized toArray methodKT-42840
Commonize and generalize String.contentEquals that is currently JVM-onlyKT-43772
Kotlin/Native unfinished workers detected.KT-44168
Prevent storing NaN and negative zero in kotlin.time.DurationKT-44369
Commonize Char.titlecaseChar() and Char.titlecase() that are currently JVM-onlyKT-44783
Add IS_VALUE flag for value classes to kotlinx-metadata-jvmKT-44815
Remove kotlin-annotations-android and JVM compiler support for @ParameterName/@DefaultValue/@DefaultNullKT-45213
Update Unicode version used in K/N for Char and String case conversion functions
Compilation failed, IrSimpleFunctionPublicSymbolImpl is already boundKT-44100
KJS / IR: Top level declarations added in IR plugin are not referenceable from other modulesKT-45170
IR: "AssertionError: Single expression value for GET_OBJECT" caused by inc operator of field inside scope function inside object
Native: SIGSEGV in Kotlin_Array_get on linuxArm64KT-43502
[K/N] relocation R_X86_64_PC32 cannot be used against symbol __environ; recompile with -fPICKT-44295
1.4.21 Kotlin native ndk compiler crashKT-44774
ld fails with CALL16 reloc at 0x48f00 not against global symbol (Linux MIPS)KT-44746
Different hashCode() results for Kotlin/Native stdlib
cinterop tool no longer appends .klib to produced klibs
MPP: Build ios "staticLib" or "sharedLib" binary failed if interface contains member extension functionKT-41725
Dynamic library doesn't load on raspberrypi
In the Xcode debug session, call stack is missing a frame when the iOS app fails
Fail to compile Kotlin Native sources under Oracle Linux 7
Avoid using unnecessary array types reflection in kotlin-reflectKT-44782
Add KClass.isValue to kotlin-reflect
Ant task: do not include runtime by default if destination is a jarKT-44293
Support fork mode in kotlinc Ant task
Include kotlin-reflect to resulting jar if "-include-runtime" is specifiedKT-43220
-include-runtime should add .kotlin_builtins to the outputKT-43704
Illegal reflective access by com.intellij.util.ReflectionUtil to method java.util.ResourceBundle.setParent(java.util.ResourceBundle)KT-44078
Do not include module-info.class of kotlin-stdlib.jar to the resulting jar with -include-runtimeKT-44232
CLI: do not pass -noverify to java process starting from JDK 13KT-45566
JDK 16 - e: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.jetbrains.kotlin.com.intellij.pom.java.LanguageLevel
Native / CLI: provide a way to show difference between Jvm and Native compilers
Serialization: "AnalyzerException: Expected an object reference, but found I" caused byJvmInline
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No static method hashCode(Z)I in class Ljava/lang/Boolean; or its super classes (declaration of 'java.lang.Boolean' appears in /system/framework/core-libart.jar)KT-43605
Kotlin Gradle Plugin 1.4.20 undeclared system property reads cause problems with Gradle configuration cache enabledKT-44204
Kotlin Gradle Plugin 1.4.21 makes impossible to use ANTLR in other pluginsKT-44361
Gradle: deprecate options includeRuntime, noStdlib, noReflectKT-44462
Kotlin Gradle plugin createscompile
configuration with Gradle 7.0KT-44834
Gradle Kotlin DSL: AddlanguageSettings
configuration lambda withoutapply
Compatibility with Gradle 7.0KT-44957
gradle - target.compilations seems to be deprecatedKT-45340
Update minimal supported version of Kotlin Gradle Plugin to 6.1
Naming Convention is incompatible with NPMKT-43869
Error in webpack configuration not displayedKT-44614
Update Node.JS and Yarn versionsKT-44616
Kotlin/JS: IR backend with React: "Uncaught TypeError: _this__0 is undefined" runtime error in browserKT-45574
Sync Kotlin/JS compile tasks into one folder (build/js/packages//kotlin)
Commonizer is re-launched for every included Gradle buildKT-43116
Merge together MultiplatformHighlightingTest and MultiplatformAnalysisTestKT-44322
KotlinTargetComponent maintenance for -sources.jarKT-44900
Support gradle configuration cache with kotlin.multiplatform plugin
kotlinx-serialization and kotlinx-datetime can't be built with 1.5.0-RC
Compilation fails on Turkish locale because of locale-sensitive uppercasingKT-44644
Mark all@JvmMultifileClass
parts compiled in the previous round as dirty in the JPS plugin, similarly to how it’s done in the Gradle plugin
KT: Generate Kotlin Entities script: it doesn't workKT-44580
Scripts: Unable to set new file annotation hooks after first snippet compilation
KaptWithoutKotlincTask should use@CompileClasspath
for cache relocateability.KT-44130
KAPT changes field order in 1.4.30-M1KT-44909
Kapt: ReenteringLazyValueComputationException without stacktrace caused bywhen
expression with sealed class function without explicit return typeKT-45168
KAPT: Java stubs generated for Kotlin files generated by annotation processors