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Detailed Example

The following set of code snippets demonstrates how to use the pycubool package primary primitives, operations and features.

This set contains examples of:

  • Matrix manipulation
  • Matrix-matrix operations
  • Matrix operations
  • Debug features
  • IO features

These examples require pycubool package to installed and the environment properly configured accordingly to the main readme document of the project.

Matrix creation example

Examples of different ways to create matrices 

import pycubool as cb

#  Creation an empty matrix of a known form

shape = (3, 3)                          # Matrix shape
a = cb.Matrix.empty(shape=shape)        # Creating matrix

#  Filling values by indices

a[1, 0] = True                          # Set "True" value to (1, 0) cell
a[1, 1] = True                          # Set "True" value to (1, 1) cell
a[1, 2] = True                          # Set "True" value to (1, 2) cell
a[0, 0] = True                          # Set "True" value to (0, 0) cell

print("First example:")
print(a, sep='\n')                      # Matrix output

# Creation an empty matrix of known shape and filling with given arrays of indices

shape = (3, 3)                          # Matrix shape
a = cb.Matrix.empty(shape=shape)        # Creating matrix
rows = [0, 1, 1, 1]                     # Row indices of values
cols = [0, 0, 1, 2]                     # Column indices of values, cols)                     # Filling matrix

print("Second example:")
print(a, sep='\n')                      # Matrix output

# Creating a matrix via shape and arrays of significant element indices

shape = (3, 3)                          # Matrix shape
rows = [0, 1, 1, 1]                     # Row indices of values
cols = [0, 0, 1, 2]                     # Column indices of values
a = cb.Matrix.from_lists(shape=shape, rows=rows, cols=cols)

print("Third example:")
print(a, sep='\n')                      # Matrix output

# Generate random matrix by determining the shape and density - the percentage of non-zeros elements

shape = (4, 4)                          # Matrix shape
density = 0.5                           # Matrix filling density
a = cb.Matrix.generate(shape=shape, density=density)

print("Fourth example:")
print(a, sep='\n')                      # Matrix output


First example:
        0   1   2 
  0 |   1   .   . |   0
  1 |   1   1   1 |   1
  2 |   .   .   . |   2
        0   1   2 

Second example:
        0   1   2 
  0 |   1   .   . |   0
  1 |   1   1   1 |   1
  2 |   .   .   . |   2
        0   1   2 

Third example:
        0   1   2 
  0 |   1   .   . |   0
  1 |   1   1   1 |   1
  2 |   .   .   . |   2
        0   1   2 

Fourth example:
        0   1   2   3 
  0 |   1   .   .   . |   0
  1 |   1   1   .   . |   1
  2 |   .   .   .   . |   2
  3 |   .   1   .   . |   3
        0   1   2   3 

Element-wise addition example

Example of element-wise addition of two matrices

import pycubool as cb

#  Matrix initialization

shape = (3, 3)                          # Matrix shape
a = cb.Matrix.empty(shape=shape)
a[0, 0] = True
a[2, 0] = True

shape = (3, 3)                          # Matrix shape
b = cb.Matrix.empty(shape=shape)
b[1, 1] = True
b[1, 2] = True

#  Matrix element-wise addition

result = a.ewiseadd(b)                  # result = a + b

print("Matrix element-wise addition:")
print(result, sep='\n')                 # Matrix output


Matrix element-wise addition:
        0   1   2 
  0 |   1   .   . |   0
  1 |   .   1   1 |   1
  2 |   1   .   . |   2
        0   1   2 

Matrix multiplication example

Examples of matrix multiplication of two matrices

import pycubool as cb

#  Matrix initialization

a = cb.Matrix.empty(shape=(3, 3))           # Creating an empty matrix of a given shape
a[1, 0] = True
a[1, 1] = True
a[1, 2] = True
a[0, 0] = True

b = cb.Matrix.empty(shape=(3, 3))           # Creating an empty matrix of a given shape
b[0, 1] = True
b[0, 2] = True

#  Simple matrix multiplication

result = a.mxm(b)                           # result = a * b

print("Simple matrix multiplication:")
print(result, sep='\n')                     # Matrix output

# Matrix multiplication with accumulate

result = a.mxm(b, out=a, accumulate=True)   # result = a + a * b

print("Matrix multiplication with accumulation:")
print(result, sep='\n')                     # Matrix output


Simple matrix multiplication:
        0   1   2 
  0 |   .   1   1 |   0
  1 |   .   1   1 |   1
  2 |   .   .   . |   2
        0   1   2 

Matrix multiplication with accumulation:
        0   1   2 
  0 |   1   1   1 |   0
  1 |   1   1   1 |   1
  2 |   .   .   . |   2
        0   1   2

Matrix duplication example

Example of matrix duplication 

import pycubool as cb

#  Matrix initialization

shape = (3, 3)                          # Matrix shape
a = cb.Matrix.empty(shape=shape)
a[1, 0] = True
a[1, 1] = True
a[1, 2] = True
a[0, 1] = True

#  Matrix duplicate operation

result = a.dup()

print("Result of matrix duplication operation:")
print(result, sep='\n')                 # Matrix output


Result of matrix duplication operation:
        0   1   2 
  0 |   .   1   . |   0
  1 |   1   1   1 |   1
  2 |   .   .   . |   2
        0   1   2

Kronecker operation example

Example of kronecker product of two matrices

import pycubool as cb

#  Matrix initialization

a = cb.Matrix.empty(shape=(2, 2))           # Creating an empty matrix of a given shape
a[0, 0] = True
a[1, 0] = True

b = cb.Matrix.empty(shape=(2, 2))           # Creating an empty matrix of a given shape
b[1, 1] = True
b[1, 0] = True

#  Matrix kronecker product

result = a.kronecker(b)                     # result = a x b

print("Matrix kronecker product:")
print(result, sep='\n')                     # Matrix output


Matrix kronecker product:
        0   1   2   3 
  0 |   .   .   .   . |   0
  1 |   1   1   .   . |   1
  2 |   .   .   .   . |   2
  3 |   1   1   .   . |   3
        0   1   2   3

Matrix reduce example

An example of matrix reduction

import pycubool as cb

#  Matrix initialization

a = cb.Matrix.empty(shape=(3, 3))               # Creating an empty matrix of a given shape
a[1, 0] = True
a[1, 1] = True
a[1, 2] = True
a[0, 1] = True

#  Matrix reduce operation

result = a.reduce()

print("Result of matrix reduce operation:")
print(result, sep='\n')                         # Matrix output


Result of matrix reduce operation:
  0 |   1 |   0
  1 |   1 |   1
  2 |   . |   2

Matrix extract sub-matrix example

Examples of extracting sub-matrices 

import pycubool as cb

#  Matrix initialization

shape = (3, 3)                          # Matrix shape
a = cb.Matrix.empty(shape=shape)
a[1, 0] = True
a[1, 1] = True
a[1, 2] = True
a[0, 1] = True

#  Cut of a 2x2 (third param) matrix
#  below and to the right of the specified index (first and second params)
#  of the original matrix

result = a.extract_matrix(1, 1, (2, 2))

print("First result of extract sub-matrix operation:")
print(result, sep='\n')                 # Matrix output

#  Create duplicate of original matrix by extract a matrix with 3x3 shape

result = a.extract_matrix(0, 0, (3, 3))

print("Second result of extract sub-matrix operation:")
print(result, sep='\n')                 # Matrix output


First result of extract sub-matrix operation:
        0   1 
  0 |   1   1 |   0
  1 |   .   . |   1
        0   1 

Second result of extract sub-matrix operation:
        0   1   2 
  0 |   .   1   . |   0
  1 |   1   1   1 |   1
  2 |   .   .   . |   2
        0   1   2

Matrix transpose operation example

Example of matrix transposition 

import pycubool as cb

#  Matrix initialization

a = cb.Matrix.empty(shape=(3, 3))           # Creating an empty matrix of a given shape
a[1, 0] = True
a[1, 1] = True
a[1, 2] = True
a[0, 1] = True

#  Matrix transpose operation

result = a.transpose()

print("Result of matrix transpose operation:")
print(result, sep='\n')                     # Matrix output


Result of matrix transpose operation:
        0   1   2 
  0 |   .   .   . |   0
  1 |   .   .   . |   1
  2 |   .   .   . |   2
        0   1   2

Extract matrix values example

Examples of extraction matrix values as lists 

import pycubool as cb

#  Creation an empty matrix of a known form

shape = (3, 3)                          # Matrix shape
a = cb.Matrix.empty(shape=shape)        # Creating matrix
a[1, 0] = True
a[1, 1] = True
a[1, 2] = True
a[0, 0] = True

# Extract values as two lists - rows and columns
# By default, a ctypes object is returned

rows, columns = a.to_lists()
print(f"Rows - {list(rows)}")
print(f"Columns - {list(columns)}")

# Extract values as one list - pair of indices (i, j) - list of edges

values = a.to_list()

print(f"Values - {values}")


Rows - [0, 1, 1, 1]
Columns - [0, 0, 1, 2]
Values - [(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2)]

Iteration over matrix example

Example of iterating over matrix cells 

import pycubool as cb

#  Matrix initialization

shape = (3, 3)                          # Matrix shape
a = cb.Matrix.empty(shape=shape)
a[1, 0] = True
a[1, 1] = True
a[1, 2] = True
a[0, 1] = True

#  Iterating over matrix elements

print("Filled cell indices (row, column):")
for i, j in a:
    print(f"({i}, {j})", end=" ")


Filled cell indices (row, column):
(0, 1) (1, 0) (1, 1) (1, 2)

Export matrix to file example

An example of writing a matrix to a file in .mtx format

import pycubool as cb

#  Matrix initialization

a = cb.Matrix.empty(shape=(3, 3))               # Creating an empty matrix of a given shape
a[1, 0] = True
a[1, 1] = True
a[1, 2] = True
a[0, 0] = True

#  Export matrix to file

path = "data/output_matrix.mtx"                 # relative path to target matrix
cb.export_matrix_to_mtx(path, a)                # write matrix to file

#  Import this matrix to check the correctness of the writing

result = cb.import_matrix_from_mtx(path)        # read matrix from file

print("Result matrix:")
print(result, sep='\n')                         # Matrix output


Result matrix:
        0   1   2 
  0 |   1   .   . |   0
  1 |   1   1   1 |   1
  2 |   .   .   . |   2
        0   1   2

Import matrix from file example

An example of reading a matrix from a file in .mtx format

import pycubool as cb

#  Import matrix from file

path = "data/input_matrix.mtx"              # relative path to target matrix
a = cb.import_matrix_from_mtx(path)         # read matrix from file

print("Result of import matrix from file:")
print(a, sep='\n')                          # Matrix output


Result of import matrix from file:
        0   1   2 
  0 |   1   1   . |   0
  1 |   .   .   . |   1
  2 |   .   1   1 |   2
        0   1   2

Logger example

Example of start the logger 

import pycubool as cb

#  Example of starting the logger

path = "my-example-log.textlog"                     # Set file name in current directory to logged messages

#  Matrix initialization

a = cb.Matrix.empty(shape=(3, 3))                   # Creating an empty matrix of a given shape
a[1, 0] = True
a[1, 1] = True
a[1, 2] = True
a[0, 0] = True

a.set_marker("a-log-example-matrix")                # Set debug marker for "a" matrix

b = cb.Matrix.empty(shape=(3, 3))                   # Creating an empty matrix of a given shape
b[0, 1] = True
b[0, 2] = True

#  Simple matrix multiplication

result = a.mxm(b)                                   # result = a * b

print("Simple matrix multiplication:")
print(result, sep='\n')                             # Matrix output

# Matrix multiplication with accumulate

result = a.mxm(b, out=a, accumulate=True)           # result = a + a * b

print("Matrix multiplication with accumulation:")
print(result, sep='\n')                             # Matrix output

Logger output:

[         0][         Level::Info] *** cuBool::Logger file ***
[         1][         Level::Info] Cuda device is not presented
[         2][         Level::Info] Create Matrix 0x1a7b3d0 (3,3)
[         3][         Level::Info] Create Matrix 0x1ab72a0 (3,3)
[         4][         Level::Info] Create Matrix 0x1acace0 (3,3)
[         5][         Level::Info] Release Matrix 0x1acace0
[         6][         Level::Info] Release Matrix 0x1ab72a0
[         7][         Level::Info] Release Matrix a-log-example-matrix (0x1a7b3d0)
[         8][         Level::Info] Enabled relaxed library finalize
[         9][         Level::Info] ** cuBool:Finalize backend **