This is the project repository for the Nigerian Society of Engineers FUNAAB chapter website1.
First, install the required dependencies: (You should have Node.js installed on your machine, node v18.18.2, npm v9.8.1 was used in developemnt)
npm install
Then, start the development server:
npm run dev
The project runs at NUESA using Vercel.
The resources are pulled and stored in the department's account through the demetrius repository2
Demetrius API
To contribute to this project, you should satisfy two or more of the following conditions, being:
- A student or alumni of FUNAAB
- A member of NUESA FUNAAB chapter
- A member of NUTEC FUNAAB
- A member of Google Developer Student's Club (GDSC) FUNAAB
If you satisfy the above condition, you can contribute by following these steps:
- Create a discussion on the proejct repository, stating the feature you want to add, issue you want to resolve or the bug you want to fix
- After maintainer approval, fork the repository and create a branch for the feature or bug
- Make the necessary changes and create a pull request to the development branch
- After review, the pull request will be merged into the development branch
- After testing and approval, the development branch will be merged into the main branch and your contribution will be placed on the site
You can check the TODO or Issues for some ideas on what to contribute to. please ensure to folow our Guidelines for contributing to this project.
DevEmmy |
Jesulayomy |