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File metadata and controls

124 lines (101 loc) · 4.79 KB

One-Stop-Linux 🐧

As already described in About section , One-Stop-Linux 🐧 will be a one stop resource which can help you get a walkthrough of basic Linux Commands 👨‍💻, whether you are noob or experienced this resource would definitely help you get on the track 🏋️‍♂️

Files and Navigating ▶

Command What it does
ls directory listing ( list all files / folders on current dir )
ls -l formatted listing
ls -la formatted listing including hidden files
cd dir change directory to dir ( dir will be directory name )
cd .. change to parent directory
cd ../dir change to dir in parent directory
cd change to home directory
pwd show current directory
mkdir dir create a directory dir
rm file delete file
rm -f dir force remove file
rm -r dir delete directory dir
rm -rf dir remove directory dir
rm -rf / launch some neuclear bombs targetting your system
cp file1 file2 copy file1 to file2
mv file1 file2 rename file1 to file2
mv file1 dir/file2 move file1 to dir as file2
touch file create or update file
cat file output contents of file
cat > file write standard input into file
cat >> file append standard input into file
tail -f file output contents of file as it grows

Networking ▶

Command What it does
ping host ping host
whois domain get whois for domain
dig domain get DNS for domain
dig -x host reserve lookup host
wget file download file
wget -c file continue stopped download
wget -r url recursively download files from url
curl url outputs the webpage from url
curl -o meh.html url writes the page to meh.html
ssh user@host connect to host as user
ssh -p port user@host connect using port
ssh -D user@host connect & use bind part

Processes ▶

Command What it does
ps display currently active processes
ps aux detailed outputs
kill pid kill process with process id ( pid )
killall proc kill all processes named proc

System Info ▶

Command What it does
date show current date / time
uptime show uptime
whoami who you're logged in as
w display who is online
cat/proc/cpuinfo display cpu info
cat/proc/meminfo memory info
free show memory and swap usage
du show directory space usage
du-sh displays readable sizes in GB
df show disk usage
unname -a show karnel config

Compressing ▶

Command What it does
tar cf file.tar files tar files into file.tar
tar xf file.tar untar into current directory
tar tf file.tar show contents of archive

Options :

c - create archive
r - table of contents
x - extract 
z - use zip / gzip 
f - specify filename 
j - bzip2 compression
w - ask for confirmation
k - do not overwrite
T - files from files
v - verbose

Permissions ▶

Command What it does
chmod octal file change permissions of file
4 - read ( r )
2 - write ( w ) 
1 - execute ( x )

order: owner/group/world

chmod 777 - rwx for everyone
chmod 755 - rw for owner , rx for group world

Some Others ▶

Command What it does
grep pattern files search in files for pattern
grep -r pattern dir search for pattern recursively in dir
locate file find all instances of file
whereis app show possible locations of app
man command show manual page for command