A lightweight EtL pipeline builder with transformations and scheduling to form part of a Quack Stack.
Flat Files -> transform -> DuckDB or Motherduck -> GitHub Actions
run pipeline with
configure pipeline in
Test pipeline locally with DuckDB then to the cloud with Motherduck.
Currently works with excel & csv files.
Uses pandas for import of excel files and Duckdb native connection/SQL for csv import/export to database.
Data is initially loaded to the schema "staging". Then filtered and loaded to the schema in pipeline.toml
Transformation of the data is performed as a SQL select on the staged table, dbt-ish.
Sample Pipeline of Lego Bricks Data included. The pipeline loads various .csv file transforming 'color' to 'colour'.
Schema & data from rebrickable
The pipeline.toml configures the whole pipeline.
name = "My_Simple_Pipe"
description = "My simple pipeline template"
schema = "raw" or "Prod" # any preferred name NOT "staging" as used internally
database = "duckdb" or "motherduck"
level = "INFO" or "DEBUG" or other logging level
log_folder = "log/"
logfile = "simple_pipe.log"
active = false or true # is the task to be run?
file_type = "csv"
description = "Load csv file"
url = "data/my_data.csv" # local path or url
sql_filter = "my_filter" # which sql statement to run, configured below.
sql_table = "my_table_A" # name of table for loaded data
sql_write = "replace" or "append"
active = false
file_type = "excel"
description = "Extract google sheet in xlsx format"
url = "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/??????????"
workbook = "workbook name"
skiprows = 4
columns = "a:k"
sql_filter = "my_filter"
sql_table = "my_table_b"
sql_write = "replace"
active = true
description = "Call a custom function"
file_type = "function.custom.myfunction"
param.first_parameter = "Lego"
param.second_parameter = "Is Cool!"
path = "data/"
database = "simple_pipe.duckdb"
#MotherDuck access credentials are stored in secret.toml see below.
database = "simple_pipe"
sql = """
SELECT * or a selection of columns
FROM staging.<sql_table> #eg. FROM staging.colours
WHERE your_condition_is_met
sql = """
SELECT "column: 7" as "My Descriptive Column Name"
FROM df_upload
WHERE "My Descriptive Column Name" IS NOT NULL
The pipeline's internal DataFrame df_upload is processed with the SELECT statement before uploading to the database. So columns could be renamed, excluded from the selection, new derived columns added, etc. Rows filtered with the WHERE clause. Think DBT!
To use access MotherDuck locally update config/secret.toml
MOTHERDUCK_TOKEN = "Your Motherduck Access Token"
Be Safe and add this file to .gitignore
pipeline_workflow.yml github action scheduling
Repository secrets to be setup
MOTHERDUCK_TOKEN = Your Motherduck Access Token