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File metadata and controls

1913 lines (1550 loc) · 59.2 KB


Table of Contents

Generally Helpful Info

Get top 10 beginning lines

head -n 10 [file]

Streams tail end contents

tail -f [file]

Last 5 lines

kubectl describe pod [pod] | tail -n 5

Using an Alias for kubectl

alias k=kubectl
k version

Get API Resource Short Names

$ kubectl api-resources
persistentvolumeclaims  pvc                   true        PersistentVolumeClaim


Setting a Context and Namespace

kubectl config set-context <context-of-question> \


NOTE: Metrics server must be enabled to use top

Check node/pod memory & CPU usage

kubectl top nodes
kubectl top pods


Listing of a series of events

$ kubectl describe pod/non-root
Type     Reason     Age              From               Message
----     ------     ----             ----               -------
Normal   Scheduled  <unknown>        default-scheduler  Successfully assigned \
                                                        default/non-root to minikube
Normal   Pulling    18s              kubelet, minikube  Pulling image "nginx:1.18.0"
Normal   Pulled     14s              kubelet, minikube  Successfully pulled image \
Warning  Failed     0s (x3 over 14s) kubelet, minikube  Error: container has \
                                                        runAsNonRoot and image \
                                                        will run as root


Explain a resource

$ kubectl explain pods.spec
KIND:     Pod

RESOURCE: spec <Object>



grep API documentation sections with a buffer of n containing "Probe"

$ kubectl explain pods.spec.containers | grep -C 4 Probe
   lifecycle <Object>
     Actions that the management system should take in response to container
     lifecycle events. Cannot be updated.

   livenessProbe <Object>
     Periodic probe of container liveness. Container will be restarted if the
     probe fails. Cannot be updated. More info:

     prevent that port from being exposed. Any port which is listening on the
     default "" address inside a container will be accessible from the
     network. Cannot be updated.

   readinessProbe <Object>
     Periodic probe of container service readiness. Container will be removed
     from service endpoints if the probe fails. Cannot be updated. More info:

     with. If set, the fields of SecurityContext override the equivalent fields
     of PodSecurityContext. More info:

   startupProbe <Object>
     StartupProbe indicates that the Pod has successfully initialized. If
     specified, no other probes are executed until this completes successfully.
     If this probe fails, the Pod will be restarted, just as if the
     livenessProbe failed. This can be used to provide different probe
     parameters at the beginning of a Pod's lifecycle, when it might take a long
     time to load data or warm a cache, than during steady-state operation. This
     cannot be updated. More info:


Get help on creatable resources

$ kubectl create --help
Create a resource from a file or from stdin.

JSON and YAML formats are accepted.


Available Commands:



Stateful/Declarative approach compared to imperative create command unless the equivalent kubectl create -f [file] --save-config is ran.

Create resources from file

kubectl apply -f [file]


Force kill/delete

Use the command line option --grace-period=0 and --force to send a SIGKILL signal. The signal will delete a Kubernetes object immediately

kubectl delete [resource] [name] --grace-period=0 --force

Delete now

kubectl delete [resource] [name] --now


Get YAML manifest of existing resource

kubectl get [resource] [name] -o yaml > manifest.yaml

Get all events for a given namespace

kubectl get events

Get events for an individual resource

kubectl get events[object name]

Get service endpoints

$ kubectl get endpoints
NAME         ENDPOINTS           AGE
kubernetes   15d
mylb        5m5s

Get specific service endpoints

$ kubectl get endpoints myservice
NAME        ENDPOINTS                     AGE
myservice,   9m31s

Multiple resource types

kubectl get statefulsets,services --all-namespaces --field-selector metadata.namespace!=default


  • env -- Update environment variables on a pod template
    • kubectl set env [resource] [name] [key]=[value]
  • image -- Update the image of a pod template
    • kubectl set image [resource] [name] [container name]=[image name]
    • example: kubectl set image deployment my-deploy nginx=nginx:1.19.2
  • resources -- Update resource requests/limits on objects with pod templates
  • selector -- Set the selector on a resource
  • serviceaccount -- Update the service account of a resource
  • subject -- Update the user, group, or service account in a role binding or cluster role binding


$ kubectl label pod labeled-pod region=eu
pod/labeled-pod labeled
$ kubectl get pod labeled-pod --show-labels
labeled-pod   1/1     Running   0          22h   env=dev,region=eu,tier=backend
$ kubectl label pod labeled-pod region=us --overwrite
pod/labeled-pod labeled
$ kubectl get pod labeled-pod --show-labels
labeled-pod   1/1     Running   0          22h   env=dev,region=us,tier=backend
$ kubectl label pod labeled-pod region-
pod/labeled-pod labeled
$ kubectl get pod labeled-pod --show-labels
labeled-pod   1/1     Running   0          22h   env=dev,tier=backend

Label Selection from the Command Line

An equality-based requirement can use the operators=, ==, or !=.

A set-based requirement can filter objects based on a set of values using the operators in, notin, and exists.

$ kubectl get pods -l env=prod --show-labels
backend    1/1     Running   0          37s   app=v1.2.4,env=prod,team=legacy
database   1/1     Running   0          32s   env=prod,team=storage
frontend   1/1     Running   0          42s   env=prod,team=shiny

Get pods where label team is qual to shiny OR legacy

$ kubectl get pods -l 'team in (shiny, legacy)' --show-labels
backend    1/1     Running   0          19m   app=v1.2.4,env=prod,team=legacy
frontend   1/1     Running   0          20m   env=prod,team=shiny

Get pods where label team is equal to shiny OR legacy AND app is equal to v1.2.4

$ kubectl get pods -l 'team in (shiny, legacy)',app=v1.2.4 --show-labels
backend   1/1     Running   0          29m   app=v1.2.4,env=prod,team=legacy


The annotate command is the counterpart of the label command but for annotations.

$ kubectl annotate pod annotated-pod oncall='800-555-1212'
pod/annotated-pod annotated
$ kubectl annotate pod annotated-pod oncall='800-555-2000' --overwrite
pod/annotated-pod annotated
$ kubectl annotate pod annotated-pod oncall-
pod/annotated-pod annotated


  • history -- View rollout history
  • pause -- Mark the provided resource as paused
  • restart -- Restart a resource
  • resume -- Resume a paused resource
  • status -- Show the status of the rollout
  • undo -- Undo a previous rollout

Every Deployment keeps a record of the rollout history. By default, a Deployment persists a maximum of 10 revisions in its history. You can change the limit by assigning a different value to spec.revisionHistoryLimit.

Get detailed information about a revision

$ kubectl rollout history deployments my-deploy --revision=2
deployment.apps/my-deploy with revision #2
Pod Template:
  Labels: app=my-deploy
    Image: nginx:1.19.2
    Port: <none>
    Host Port: <none>
    Environment: <none>
    Mounts: <none>
  Volumes: <none>

Rolling back to a previous revision

$ kubectl rollout undo deployment my-deploy --to-revision=1
deployment.apps/my-deploy rolled back


Set a new size for a deployment, replica set, or a replication controller

$ kubectl scale deployment my-deploy --replicas=5
deployment.apps/my-deploy scaled
$ kubectl get pods
NAME                         READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
my-deploy-8448c488b5-5f5tg   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          4s
my-deploy-8448c488b5-9xplx   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          4s
my-deploy-8448c488b5-d8q4t   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          4s
my-deploy-8448c488b5-f5kkm   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          4s
my-deploy-8448c488b5-mzx5g   1/1     Running             0          3d19h
$ kubectl get pods
NAME                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
my-deploy-8448c488b5-5f5tg   1/1     Running   0          44s
my-deploy-8448c488b5-9xplx   1/1     Running   0          44s
my-deploy-8448c488b5-d8q4t   1/1     Running   0          44s
my-deploy-8448c488b5-f5kkm   1/1     Running   0          44s
my-deploy-8448c488b5-mzx5g   1/1     Running   0          3d19h
$ kubectl get replicasets
NAME                   DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
my-deploy-8448c488b5   5         5         5       3d19h


NOTE: Metrics server must be enabled for scaling to work properly.

Create a Horizontal Pod Autoscaler

$ kubectl autoscale deployment my-deploy --cpu-percent=70 --min=2 --max=8
horizontalpodautoscaler.autoscaling/my-deploy autoscaled
$ kubectl get hpa
my-deploy   Deployment/my-deploy  <unknown>/70%  2        8       2         37s


Get output from running pod

# Get output from running pod mypod; use the '' annotation
# for selecting the container to be attached or the first container in the pod will be chosen
kubectl attach mypod

Get output from specific container in a pod

# Get output from ruby-container from pod mypod
kubectl attach mypod -c ruby-container

# Switch to raw terminal mode; sends stdin to 'bash' in ruby-container from pod mypod
# and sends stdout/stderr from 'bash' back to the client
kubectl attach mypod -c ruby-container -i -t

Get output from the first pod of a replica set named nginx

kubectl attach rs/nginx


Get logs from a specific container

kubectl logs business-app -c configurer

Get logs from previously ran container

kubectl logs [resource]/[pod] -p

Stream logs

kubectl logs [resource]/[pod] -f

Aggregated logs from all containers with a specifc label

kubectl logs --selector=[label]
kubectl logs --selector=app=my-app


The expose command and the --expose command-line option are welcome shortcuts as a means to creating a new Service with a fast turnaround time.

For an existing Deployment, you can expose the underlying Pods with a Service using the expose deployment command:

$ kubectl expose deployment my-deploy --port=80 --target-port=80
service/my-deploy exposed

Create yaml service manifest

kubectl expose pod my-pod --name=my-service --port=8080 --target-port=80 \
  --selector=app=web,tier=backend -o yaml --dry-run=client > my-service.yaml


NOTE: Ephemeral containers are still considered an experimental feature. The cluster has to enable the feature flag to work.

Create debug ephemeral container

If you specify the -i/--interactive argument, kubectl will automatically attach to the console of the Ephemeral Container.

kubectl debug [pod] -it --image=busybox


Creating a ConfigMap

Create a new config map named my-config based on folder bar

kubectl create configmap my-config --from-file=path/to/bar

Create a new config map named my-config with specified keys instead of file basenames on disk

kubectl create configmap my-config --from-file=key1=/path/to/bar/file1.txt --from-file=key2=/path/to/bar/file2.txt

Create a new config map named my-config with key1=config1 and key2=config2

kubectl create configmap my-config --from-literal=key1=config1 --from-literal=key2=config2

Create a new config map named my-config from the key=value pairs in the file

kubectl create configmap my-config --from-file=path/to/bar

Create a new config map named my-config from an env file

kubectl create configmap my-config --from-env-file=path/to/foo.env --from-env-file=path/to/bar.env

Use ConfigMap in a Pod manifest via envFrom.configMapRef

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: configured-pod
  - image: nginx:1.19.0
    name: app
    - configMapRef:
        name: backend-config

Redefine keys from a ConfigMap

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: configured-pod
  - image: nginx:1.19.0
    name: app
    - name: DATABASE_URL
          name: backend-config
          key: database_url
    - name: USERNAME
          name: backend-config
          key: user

Mounting a ConfigMap as a Volume

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: configured-pod
  - image: nginx:1.19.0
    name: app
    - name: config-volume
      mountPath: /etc/config
  - name: config-volume
      name: backend-config
$ kubectl exec -it configured-pod -- /bin/sh
# ls -1 /etc/config
# cat /etc/config/database_url
# cat /etc/config/user


If you create secrets imperitively then kubernetes will automatically base64 encode your secret. Conversely if you create secrets declaritively then you must base64 encode the secret when in most cases.

Creating a generic Secret

Literal Values

kubectl create secret generic db-creds --from-literal=pwd=s3cre!

File containing environment variables

kubectl create secret generic db-creds --from-env-file=secret.env

SSH key file

kubectl create secret generic ssh-key --from-file=id_rsa=~/.ssh/id_rsa

A Secret with Base64-encoded values

You have to Base64-encode the configuration data value yourself when using the type Opaque.

$ echo -n 's3cre!' | base64
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: db-creds
type: Opaque
  pwd: czNjcmUh

Injecting key-value pairs of a Secret into a container

It’s important to understand that the container will make the environment variable available in a Base64-decoded value. In turn, your application running in the container will not have to implement Base64-decoding logic

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: configured-pod
  - image: nginx:1.19.0
    name: app
    - secretRef:
        name: db-creds

Mounting a Secret as a Volume

Secrets mounted as Volume will expose its values in Base64-decoded form.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: configured-pod
  - image: nginx:1.19.0
    name: app
    - name: secret-volume
      mountPath: /var/app
      readOnly: true
  - name: secret-volume
      secretName: ssh-key

Security Context

A security context defines privilege and access control settings for a Pod or a container.

  • The user ID that should be used to run the Pod and/or container.
  • The group ID that should be used for filesystem access.
  • Granting a running process inside the container some privileges of the root user but not all of them.

The security context is not a Kubernetes primitive. It is modeled as a set of attributes under the directive securityContext within the Pod specification. Security settings defined on the Pod level apply to all containers running in the Pod; however, container-level settings take precidence.

Setting a security context on the container level

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: non-root
  - image: bitnami/nginx:1.18.0
    name: secured-container
      runAsNonRoot: true

NOTE: can fail if the container image was setup to require root user access

$ kubectl describe pod/non-root
Type     Reason     Age              From               Message
----     ------     ----             ----               -------
Normal   Scheduled  <unknown>        default-scheduler  Successfully assigned \
                                                        default/non-root to minikube
Normal   Pulling    18s              kubelet, minikube  Pulling image "nginx:1.18.0"
Normal   Pulled     14s              kubelet, minikube  Successfully pulled image \
Warning  Failed     0s (x3 over 14s) kubelet, minikube  Error: container has \
                                                        runAsNonRoot and image \
                                                        will run as root

Setting a security context on the Pod level

Whenever a file is created on the filesystem, the owner of the file will be the arbitrary group ID 3500

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: fs-secured
    fsGroup: 3500
  - image: bitnami/nginx:1.18.0
    name: secured-container
    - name: data-volume
      mountPath: /data/app
  - name: data-volume
    emptyDir: {}


The Kubernetes primitive ResourceQuota establishes the usable, maximum amount of resources per namespace.

  • Setting an upper limit for the number of objects that can be created for a specific type (e.g., a maximum of 3 Pods).
  • Limiting the total sum of compute resources (e.g., 3 GiB of RAM).
  • Expecting a Quality of Service (QoS) class for a Pod (e.g., BestEffort to indicate that the Pod must not make any memory or CPU limits or requests).

Defining hard resource limits with ResourceQuota

Because we defined minimum and maximum resource requirements for objects in the namespace, we’ll have to ensure that the YAML manifest actually defines them.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ResourceQuota
  name: awesome-quota
    pods: 2
    requests.cpu: "1"
    requests.memory: 1024m
    limits.cpu: "4"
    limits.memory: 4096m
$ kubectl create -f awesome-quota.yaml --namespace=team-awesome
resourcequota/awesome-quota created
$ kubectl describe resourcequota awesome-quota --namespace=team-awesome
Name:            awesome-quota
Namespace:       team-awesome
Resource         Used  Hard
--------         ----  ----
limits.cpu       0     4
limits.memory    0     4096m
pods             0     2
requests.cpu     0     1
requests.memory  0     1024m

A Pod with resource requirements

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: nginx
  - image: nginx:1.18.0
    name: nginx
        cpu: "0.5"
        memory: "512m"
        cpu: "1"
        memory: "1024m"

Service Accounts

Pods use a Service Account to authenticate with the API server through an authentication token. A Kubernetes administrator assigns rules to a Service Account via role-based access control (RBAC) to authorize access to specific resources and actions.

If not assigned explicitly, a Pod uses the default Service Account. The default Service Account has the same permissions as an unauthenticated user. This means that the Pod cannot view or modify the cluster state nor list or modify any of its resources.

Query for available Service Accounts

$ kubectl get serviceaccounts
default   1         25d

Kubernetes models the authentication token with the Secret primitive. It’s easy to identify the corresponding Secret for a Service Account. Retrieve the YAML representation of the Service Account and look at the attribute secrets. In the Secret, you can find the Base64-encoded values of the current namespace, the cluster certificate, and the authentication token:

$ kubectl get serviceaccount default -o yaml | grep -A 1 secrets:
- name: default-token-bf8rh
$ kubectl get secret default-token-bf8rh -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
  ca.crt: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiB...0FURS0tLS0tCg==
  namespace: ZGVmYXVsdA==
  token: ZXlKaGJHY2lPaUp...ThzU0poeFMxR013
kind: Secret

Create a new Service Account

kubectl create serviceaccount [name]

There are two ways to assign the Service Account to a Pod. You can either edit the YAML manifest and add the serviceAccountName attribute as shown above, or you can use the --serviceaccount flag in conjunction with the run command when creating the Pod

$ kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --restart=Never --serviceaccount=custom
pod/nginx created
$ kubectl get pod nginx -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  serviceAccountName: custom

Multi-Container Pods

The default restart policy of a Pod is Always, which tells the Kubernetes scheduler to always restart the Pod even if the container exits with a zero exit code.

A Pod defining an init Container

If an init container produces an error, the whole Pod is restarted, causing all init containers to run again in sequential order. For init containers, Kubernetes provides a separate section: spec.initContainers. Init containers are always executed before the main application containers, regardless of the definition order in the manifest.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: business-app
  - name: configurer
    image: busybox:1.32.0
    command: ['sh', '-c', 'echo Configuring application... && \
              mkdir -p /usr/shared/app && echo -e "{\"dbConfig\": \
              {\"host\":\"localhost\",\"port\":5432,\"dbName\":\"customers\"}}" \
              > /usr/shared/app/config.json']
    - name: configdir
      mountPath: "/usr/shared/app"
  - image: bmuschko/nodejs-read-config:1.0.0
    name: web
    - containerPort: 8080
    - name: configdir
      mountPath: "/usr/shared/app"
  - name: configdir
    emptyDir: {}

The Sidecar Pattern

Common use cases:

  • Synchronization
  • Logging
  • Watcher

The sidecars are not part of the main traffic or API of the primary application. They usually operate asynchronously and are not involved in the public API.

sidecar pattern

An exemplary sidecar pattern implementation

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: webserver
  - name: nginx
    image: nginx
    - name: logs-vol
      mountPath: /var/log/nginx
  - name: sidecar
    image: busybox
    command: ["sh","-c","while true; do if [ \"$(cat /var/log/nginx/error.log \
              | grep 'error')\" != \"\" ]; then echo 'Error discovered!'; fi; \
              sleep 10; done"]
    - name: logs-vol
      mountPath: /var/log/nginx
  - name: logs-vol
    emptyDir: {}

The Adapter Pattern

The adapter pattern transforms the output produced by the application to make it consumable in the format needed by another part of the system.

adapter pattern

An exemplary adapter pattern implementation

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: adapter
  - args:
    - /bin/sh
    - -c
    - 'while true; do echo "$(date) | $(du -sh ~)" >> /var/logs/diskspace.txt; \
       sleep 5; done;'
    image: busybox
    name: app
      - name: config-volume
        mountPath: /var/logs
  - image: busybox
    name: transformer
    - /bin/sh
    - -c
    - 'sleep 20; while true; do while read LINE; do echo "$LINE" | cut -f2 -d"|" \
       >> $(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S)-transformed.txt; done < \
       /var/logs/diskspace.txt; sleep 20; done;'
    - name: config-volume
      mountPath: /var/logs
  - name: config-volume
    emptyDir: {}

The Amassador Pattern

The ambassador pattern provides a proxy for communicating with external services.

The overarching goal is to hide and/or abstract the complexity of interacting with other parts of the system.

Typical responsibilities include retry logic upon a request failure, security concerns like providing authentication or authorization, or monitoring latency or resource usage.

ambassador pattern

Node.js HTTP rate limiter implementation

For example, the requirements for the rate limiter could say that an application can only make a maximum of 5 calls every 15 minutes. Instead of strongly coupling the rate-limiting logic to the application code, it will be provided by an ambassador container. Any calls made from the business application need to be funneled through the ambassador container.

const express = require("express");
const app = express();
const rateLimit = require("express-rate-limit");
const https = require("https");

const rateLimiter = rateLimit({
  windowMs: 15 * 60 * 1000,
  max: 5,
    "Too many requests have been made from this IP, please try again after an hour",

app.get("/test", rateLimiter, function (req, res) {
  console.log("Received request...");
  var id =;
  var url = "" + id;
  console.log("Calling URL %s", url);

  https.get(url, (resp) => {
    let data = "";

    resp.on("data", (chunk) => {
      data += chunk;

    resp.on("end", () => {
  }).on("error", (err) => {

var server = app.listen(8081, function () {
  var port = server.address().port;
  console.log("Ambassador listening on port %s...", port);

An exemplary ambassador pattern implementation

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: rate-limiter
  - name: business-app
    image: bmuschko/nodejs-business-app:1.0.0
    - containerPort: 8080
  - name: ambassador
    image: bmuschko/nodejs-ambassador:1.0.0
    - containerPort: 8081
$ kubectl create -f ambassador.yaml
pod/rate-limiter created
$ kubectl get pods rate-limiter
rate-limiter   2/2     Running   0          5s
$ kubectl exec rate-limiter -it -c business-app -- /bin/sh
# curl localhost:8080/test
{"args":{"test":"123"},"headers":{"x-forwarded-proto":"https", \
"x-forwarded-port":"443","host":"", \
"x-amzn-trace-id":"Root=1-5f177dba-e736991e882d12fcffd23f34"}, \
# curl localhost:8080/test
Too many requests have been made from this IP, please try again after an hour

Health Probes

Each probe offers three distinct methods to verify the health of a container. You can define one or many of the health verification methods for a container.

Method Option Description
Custom command exec.command Executes a command inside of the container (e.g., a cat command) and checks its exit code. Kubernetes considers a zero exit code to be successful. A non-zero exit code indicates an error.
HTTP GET request httpGet Sends an HTTP GET request to an endpoint exposed by the application. An HTTP response code in the range of 200 and 399 indicates success. Any other response code is regarded as an error.
TCP socket connection tcpSocket Tries to open a TCP socket connection to a port. If the connection could be established, the probing attempt was successful. The inability to connect is accounted for as an error.

Every probe offers a set of attributes that can further configure the runtime behavior

Attribute Default value Description
initialDelaySeconds 0 Delay in seconds until first check is executed.
periodSeconds 10 Interval for executing a check (e.g., every 20 seconds).
timeoutSeconds 1 Maximum number of seconds until check operation times out.
successThreshold 1 Number of successful check attempts until probe is considered successful after a failure.
failureThreshold 3 Number of failures for check attempts before probe is marked failed and takes action.

Readiness Probe

Even after an application has been started up, it may still need to execute configuration procedures—for example, connecting to a database and preparing data. This probe checks if the application is ready to serve incoming requests.

readiness probe

A readiness probe that uses an HTTP GET request

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: readiness-pod
  - image: bmuschko/nodejs-hello-world:1.0.0
    name: hello-world
    - name: nodejs-port
      containerPort: 3000
        path: /
        port: nodejs-port
      initialDelaySeconds: 2
      periodSeconds: 8

Liveness Probe

Once the application is running, we’ll want to make sure that it still works as expected without issues. This probe periodically checks for the application’s responsiveness. Kubernetes restarts the Pod automatically if the probe considers the application be in an unhealthy state.

liveness probe

A liveness probe that uses a custom command

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: liveness-pod
  - image: busybox
    name: app
    - /bin/sh
    - -c
    - 'while true; do touch /tmp/heartbeat.txt; sleep 5; done;'
        - test `find /tmp/heartbeat.txt -mmin -1`
      initialDelaySeconds: 5
      periodSeconds: 30

Startup Probe

Legacy applications in particular can take a long time to start up—we’re talking minutes sometimes. This probe can be instantiated to wait for a predefined amount of time before a liveness probe is allowed to start probing. By setting up a startup probe, you can prevent overwhelming the application process with probing requests. Startup probes kill the container if the application couldn’t start within the set time frame.

The kubelet puts the readiness and liveness probes on hold while the startup probe is running. A startup probe finishes its operation under one of the following conditions:

  • If it could verify that the application has been started.
  • If the application doesn't respond within the timeout period.

startup probe

A startup probe that uses a TCP socket connection

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: startup-pod
  - image: httpd:2.4.46
    name: http-server
        port: 80
      initialDelaySeconds: 3
      periodSeconds: 15


The spec.backoffLimit attribute determines the number of retries a Job attempts to successfully complete the workload until the executed command finishes with an exit code 0. The default is 6, which means it will execute the workload 6 times before the Job is considered unsuccessful.

Restarting the Container on Failure

OnFailure: Upon a container failure, this policy will simply rerun the container.

on failure

Starting a New Pod on Failure

Never: This policy does not restart the container upon a failure. It starts a new Pod instead.



A CronJob is essentially a Job, but it’s run periodically based a schedule; however, it will continue to create a new Pod when it’s time to run the task. The schedule can be defined with a cron-expression you may already know from Unix cron jobs.

cron job

By default, a CronJob retains the last three successful Pods and the last failed Pod

$ kubectl get cronjobs current-date -o yaml | grep successfulJobsHistoryLimit:
  successfulJobsHistoryLimit: 3
$ kubectl get cronjobs current-date -o yaml | grep failedJobsHistoryLimit:
  failedJobsHistoryLimit: 1

Create CronJob

$ kubectl create cronjob current-date --schedule="* * * * *" --image=nginx \
  -- /bin/sh -c 'echo "Current date: $(date)"'
cronjob.batch/current-date created

A CronJob printing the current date

apiVersion: batch/v1beta1
kind: CronJob
  name: current-date
  schedule: "* * * * *"
          - name: current-date
            image: nginx
            - /bin/sh
            - -c
            - 'echo "Current date: $(date)"'
          restartPolicy: OnFailure

Services & Networking

Service Types

Type Description
ClusterIP Exposes the Service on a cluster-internal IP. Only reachable from within the cluster.
NodePort Exposes the Service on each node's IP address at a static port. Accessible from outside of the cluster.
LoadBalancer Exposes the Service externally using a cloud provider's load balancer.
ExternalName Maps a Service to a DNS name

Creating Services

Creating a service imperatively

# kubectl create service [type] [name] [options]
$ kubectl create service clusterip nginx-service --tcp=80:80
service/nginx-service created

--expose command line option

Instead of creating a Service as a standalone object, you can also expose a Pod or Deployment with a single command. The run command provides an optional --expose command-line option, which creates a new Pod and a corresponding Service with the correct label selection in place:

$ kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --restart=Never --port=80 --expose
service/nginx created
pod/nginx created
$ kubectl expose deployment my-deploy --port=80 --target-port=80
service/my-deploy exposed

Port Mapping

The correct port mapping determines if the incoming traffic actually reaches the application running inside of the Pods that match the label selection criteria of the Service. A Service always defines two different ports: the incoming port accepting traffic and the outgoing port, also called the target port.

The figure below shows a Service that accepts incoming traffic on port 3000. That’s the port defined by the attribute ports.port in the manifest. Any incoming traffic is then routed toward the target port, represented by ports.targetPort. The target port is the same port as defined by the container running inside of the label-selected Pod. In this case, that’s port 80.

port mapping

Accessing a Service with Type ClusterIP

ClusterIP is the default type of Service. It exposes the Service on a cluster-internal IP address. Figure below shows how to reach a Pod exposed by the ClusterIP type from another Pod from within the cluster. You can also create a proxy from outside of the cluster using the kubectl proxy command.

access proxy

$ kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --restart=Never --port=80 --expose
service/nginx created
pod/nginx created
$ kubectl get pod,service
pod/nginx   1/1     Running   0          26s

NAME            TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)   AGE
service/nginx   ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP    26s

Remember that the Service of type ClusterIP can only be reached from within the cluster. To demonstrate the behavior, we’ll create a new Pod running in the same cluster and execute a wget command to access the application. Have a look at the cluster IP exposed by the Service—that’s The port is 80. Combined as a single command, you can resolve the application via wget -O- from the temporary Pod:

$ kubectl run busybox --image=busybox --restart=Never -it -- /bin/sh
Connecting to (
writing to stdout
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
    body {
        width: 35em;
        margin: 0 auto;
        font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
<h1>Welcome to nginx!</h1>
<p>If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and \
working. Further configuration is required.</p>

<p>For online documentation and support please refer to
<a href=""></a>.<br/>
Commercial support is available at
<a href=""></a>.</p>

<p><em>Thank you for using nginx.</em></p>
-                    100% |************************************************ \
**********************|   612  0:00:00 ETA
written to stdout
/ # exit

The proxy command can establish a direct connection to the Kubernetes API server from your localhost. With the following command, we are opening port 9999 on which to run the proxy:

$ kubectl proxy --port=9999
Starting to serve on

Say you have the curl command-line tool installed on your machine to make a call to an endpoint of the API server. The following example uses localhost:9999—that’s the proxy entry point. As part of the URL, you’re providing the endpoint to the Service named nginx running in the default namespace according to the API reference:

$ curl -L localhost:9999/api/v1/namespaces/default/services/nginx/proxy
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
    body {
        width: 35em;
        margin: 0 auto;
        font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
<h1>Welcome to nginx!</h1>
<p>If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and \
working. Further configuration is required.</p>

<p>For online documentation and support please refer to
<a href=""></a>.<br/>
Commercial support is available at
<a href=""></a>.</p>

<p><em>Thank you for using nginx.</em></p>

Accessing a Service with Type NodePort

Declaring a Service with type NodePort exposes access through the node’s IP address and can be resolved from outside of the Kubernetes cluster. The node’s IP address can be reached in combination with a port number in the range of 30000 and 32767, assigned automatically upon the creation of the Service.


Deployments and Services

A Deployment manages Pods and their replication. A Service routes network requests to a set of Pods. Both primitives use label selection to connect with an associated set of Pods.

relationship between a Deployment and Service

Understanding Network Policies

Within a Kubernetes cluster, any Pod can talk to any other Pod without restrictions using its IP address or DNS name, even across namespaces. Not only does unrestricted inter-Pod communication pose a potential security risk, it also makes it harder to understand the mental communication model of your architecture. For example, there’s no good reason to allow a backend application running in a Pod to directly talk to the frontend application running in another Pod. The communication should be directed from the frontend Pod to the backend Pod. A network policy defines the rules that control traffic from and to a Pod.

network policy

Configuration elements of a network policy

Attribute Description
podSelector Selects the Pods in the namespace to apply the network policy to.
policyTypes Defines the type of traffic (i.e., ingress and/or egress) the network policy applies to.
ingress Lists the rules for incoming traffic. Each rule can define from and ports sections.
egress Lists the rules for outgoing traffic. Each rule can define to and ports sections.

Creating Network Policies

You cannot create a new network policy with the imperative create command.

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: api-allow
      app: payment-processor
      role: api
  - from:
    - podSelector:
          app: coffeeshop

NOTE: Without a network policy controller, network policies won’t have any effect. You need to configure a network overlay solution that provides this controller. Without adhering to the proper prerequisites, network policies won’t have any effect. You can find guidance on a dedicated page in the Kubernetes documentation.

Isolating All Pods in a Namespace

It’s best practice to start with a “deny all traffic” rule to minimize the attack vector. From there, you can open access as needed.

Disallowing all traffic with the default policy

The curly braces for spec.podSelector mean “apply to all Pods in the namespace.” The attribute spec.policyTypes defines the types of traffic the rule should apply to.

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: default-deny-all
  podSelector: {}
  - Ingress
  - Egress

Restrict Acces to Ports

If not specified by a network policy, all ports are accessible. There are good reasons why you may want to restrict access on the port level as well. Say you’re running an application in a Pod that only exposes port 8080 to the outside. While convenient during development, it widens the attack vector on any other port that’s not relevant to the application. Port rules can be specified for ingress and egress as part of a network policy.

Definition of a network policy allowing ingress access on port 8080

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: port-allow
      app: backend
  - from:
    - podSelector:
          app: frontend
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 8080

State Persistence

  • Volume
  • Persistent Volume
  • Persistent Volume Claim

Each container running in a Pod provides a temporary filesystem. Applications running in the container can read from it and write to it. A container’s temporary filesystem is isolated from any other container or Pod and is not persisted beyond a Pod restart.

A Volume is a Kubernetes capability that persists data beyond a Pod/container restart. Essentially, a Volume is a directory that’s shareable between multiple containers of a Pod.

Persistent Volumes are a specific category of the wider concept of Volumes. The mechanics for Persistent Volumes are slightly more complex. The Persistent Volume is the resource that actually persists the data to an underlying physical storage. The Persistent Volume Claim represents the connecting resource between a Pod and a Persistent Volume responsible for requesting the storage. Finally, the Pod needs to claim the Persistent Volume and mount it to a directory path available to the containers running inside of the Pod.

Understanding Volumes

Applications running in a container can use the temporary filesystem to read and write files. In case of a container crash or a cluster/node restart, the kubelet will restart the container. Any data that had been written to the temporary filesystem is lost and cannot be retrieved anymore. The container effectively starts with a clean slate again.

A container using the temporary filesystem versus a Volume

Volume Types

Every Volume needs to define a type. The type determines the medium that backs the Volume and its runtime behavior. The Kubernetes documentation offers a long list of Volume types. Some of the types—for example, azureDisk, awsElasticBlockStore, or gcePersistentDisk—are only available when running the Kubernetes cluster in a specific cloud provider.

Type Description
emptyDir Empty directory in Pod with read/write access. Only persisted for the lifespan of a Pod. A good choice for cache implementations for data exchange between containers of a Pod.
hostPath File or directory from the host node's filesystem.
configMap, secret Provides a way to inject configuration data.
nfs An existing NFS (Network File System) share. Preserves data after Pod restart.
persistentVolumeClaim Claims a Persistent Volume.

Creating and Accessing Volumes

Defining a Volume for a Pod requires two steps. First, you need to declare the Volume itself using the attribute spec.volumes. As part of the definition, you provide the name and the type. Just declaring the Volume won’t be sufficient, though. Second, the Volume needs to be mounted to a path of the consuming container via spec.containers.volumeMounts. The mapping between the Volume and the Volume mount occurs by the matching name.

A Pod defining and mounting a Volume

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: business-app
  - name: logs-volume
    emptyDir: {}
  - image: nginx
    name: nginx
    - mountPath: /var/logs
      name: logs-volume

Understanding Persistent Volumes

Data persistence ensures the lifecycles of the data are decoupled from the lifecycles of the cluster resources. A typical example would be data persisted by a database. That’s the responsibility of a Persistent Volume. Kubernetes models persist data with the help of two primitives: the PersistentVolume and the PersistentVolumeClaim.

The PersistentVolume is the storage device in a Kubernetes cluster. The PersistentVolume is completely decoupled from the Pod and therefore has its own lifecycle. The object captures the source of the storage (e.g., storage made available by a cloud provider). A PersistentVolume is either provided by a Kubernetes administrator or assigned dynamically by mapping to a storage class.

The PersistentVolumeClaim requests the resources of a PersistentVolume—for example, the size of the storage and the access type. In the Pod, you will use the type persistentVolumeClaim to mount the abstracted PersistentVolume by using the PersistentVolumeClaim.

Static Versus Dynamic Provisioning

A PersistentVolume can be created statically or dynamically.

  • If you go with the static approach, then you need to create storage device first and reference it by explicitly creating an object of kind PersistentVolume.
  • The dynamic approach doesn’t require you to create a PersistentVolume object. It will be automatically created from the PersistentVolumeClaim by setting a storage class name using the attribute spec.storageClassName.

A storage class is an abstraction concept that defines a class of storage device (e.g., storage with slow or fast performance) used for different application types. It’s usually the job of a Kubernetes administrator to set up storage classes.

Minikube already creates a default storage class named standard, which you can query with the following command:

$ kubectl get storageclass
standard (default)  Delete           Immediate \
  false                  108d

Creating PersistentVolumes

NOTE: A PersistentVolume can only be created using the mainfest-first approach.

Every PersistentVolume needs to define the storage capacity using spec.capacity and an access mode set via spec.accessModes.

PersistentVolume access modes

Type Description
ReadWriteOnce Read/Write access by a single node.
ReadOnlyMany Read-only access by many nodes.
ReadWriteMany Read/Write access by many nodes.

YAML manifest defining a PersistentVolume

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: db-pv
    storage: 1Gi
    - ReadWriteOnce
    path: /data/db

Creating PersistentVolumeClaims

Definition of a PersistentVolumeClaim

kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
  name: db-pvc
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 512m

Using the describe command is a good way to verify if the PersistentVolumeClaim was mounted properly

$ kubectl describe pvc db-pvc
Mounted By:    <none>

Mounting PersistentVolumeClaims in a Pod

A Pod referencing a PersistentVolumeClaim

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: app-consuming-pvc
    - name: app-storage
        claimName: db-pvc
  - image: alpine
    name: app
    command: ["/bin/sh"]
    args: ["-c", "while true; do sleep 60; done;"]
      - mountPath: "/mnt/data"
        name: app-storage
$ kubectl create -f app-consuming-pvc.yaml
pod/app-consuming-pvc created
$ kubectl get pods
NAME                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
app-consuming-pvc   1/1     Running   0          3s
$ kubectl describe pod app-consuming-pvc
    Type:       PersistentVolumeClaim (a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim \
                in the same namespace)
    ClaimName:  db-pvc
    ReadOnly:   false

$ kubectl describe pvc db-pvc
Mounted By:    app-consuming-pvc