Barebones Linux custom image, based on 6.14.0-rc4 kernel - smallest possible "distribution".
Everything redistributed in this project can be found in sources file.
Unzip disk.img.7z
Make sure you have qemu
- Ubuntu / Mint:
sudo apt install qemu-system-x86
- Arch:
sudo pacman -S qemu-full
Launch it with qemu-system-x86_64 disk.img
[x] get rid of Busybox
[x] add proper shell
[x] add Coreutils, Util-Linux, glibc, ncurses
[x] enable non-static libraries
[x] add file editor (nano)
[x] enable networking (ethernet)
[ ] document system libs and their purpose
[ ] configure systemd
[ ] add default graphical environment
[ ](somewhere in the future) publish a live boot USB