This program lets you request Beat Saber songs to yourself while you're not playing.
Type the BSR code in the text box, and check ChatRequests when you launch the game. You will see requests done by "Yourself".
It even works with a hotkey : just highlight a BSR code in any program, such as your navigator, or any copyable text, and press CTRL + SHIFT + F5.
It uses existing user files in the Beat Saber folder generated by ChatRequest, as such Beat Saber + needs to be installed and ChatRequest used at least once.
Thank you :
- HardCPP for assisting me with a few code problems
- Kuurama for testing and enjoying the app
I chose multiplatform libs, but at the moment there is a lot of Windows only code in the project so a lot of adapting would be needed to compile on something else. Anyway here are the dependencies :
- the json lib, nothing is required to compile it, it's header only and already in the repo
- the gui lib, multiplatform. You need to compile it and configure the project to link to it and the headers