An ESP and Aimbot for Smite. Included is an SDK I generated & reverse engineered the game for all game-hacking needs. Version 3.24.3084.2
Working hacks included:
Not included:
-Speed hack (Modify CheatEngine to make an UCE, and Modify the hook method for speedhack, write LUA Script, and use that)
Credits: x86asm, uNrEaL, Tamimego, SystemFiles, R00T88, _silencer, the1domo, K@N@VEL, TheFeckless, ccman32, poink
Modifications from typical U3E games:
ProcessEvent is not a virtual function. Use a simple 5 BYTE JMP hook, rather than VMT hook.
GObjObjects and GNames pointers in TArray are XOR'd by a key stored in the TLS. Include TAntiCheatArray template to handle this. As well as HackTools.h to get peb & xor key (Credits for getting the TEB of another thread go to poink)