% Encoding: UTF-8 @Article{NS86, author = {Nambu, J R and Scheller, R H}, title = {Egg-laying hormone genes of Aplysia: evolution of the ELH gene family.}, year = {1986}, volume = {6}, issue = {7}, pages = {2026--2036}, issn = {0270-6474}, doi = {10.1523/JNEUROSCI.06-07-02026.1986}, abstract = {Evolution of the egg-laying hormone (ELH) gene family was examined in the genus Aplysia using genomic Southern blotting, gene cloning, and immunocytochemical techniques to identify and characterize homologous sequences. Most of the species examined have fewer than the 4-5 ELH-related genes present in the A. californica genome (Mahon et al., 1985; Scheller et al., 1983). In A. parvula there are 2 ELH genes, and unlike A. californica, no sequences were found to encode the A or B peptides. The 2 A. parvula ELH genes share at least 90\% DNA sequence homology, while the homology between the A. parvula and A. californica ELH genes is 71\%. The structural organization of the A. parvula ELH precursor is quite similar to the ELH precursor of A. californica, with all but one of the potential proteolytic cleavage sites conserved. The overall amino acid homology between the A. parvula and A. californica ELH precursors is 66\%; however, the alpha and beta bag cell peptides, as well as ELH, are more highly conserved, suggesting that these peptides have important physiological and behavioral roles within both Aplysia species. Immunocytochemical studies indicate that the A. parvula ELH genes are expressed in 2 bag-cell-like clusters of about 40 neurons each in the abdominal ganglion. There does not appear to be an atrial gland in A. parvula; however, ELH-immunoreactive peripheral neurons and their processes are observed along the perimeter of the large hermaphroditic duct.}, month = jul, chemicals = {Invertebrate Hormones, egg-laying hormone, Mollusca, DNA}, citation-subset = {IM}, completed = {1986-09-17}, country = {United States}, file = {:1_comp_endo/Invertebrata_Neuropeptides_selected/ELH/JNeurosci_6_2026_nambu_Egg-Laying Hormone Genes of Aplysia__Evolution of the ELH Gene Family.pdf:PDF}, issn-linking = {0270-6474}, journal = {The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience}, keywords = {Animals; Aplysia, anatomy & histology, genetics, metabolism; Base Sequence; Biological Evolution; DNA; Genes; Invertebrate Hormones, genetics, metabolism}, nlm-id = {8102140}, owner = {NLM}, pmid = {3734873}, pubmodel = {Print}, pubstatus = {ppublish}, revised = {2010-11-18}, timestamp = {2018.07.25}, } @Article{Arch72, author = {Arch, S.}, title = {Biosynthesis of the egg-laying hormone (ELH) in the bag cell neurons of Aplysia californica.}, year = {1972}, volume = {60}, issue = {1}, pages = {102--119}, issn = {0022-1295}, doi = {10.1085/jgp.60.1.102}, abstract = {Biosynthesis of the egg-laying hormone in the bag cell neurons of Aplysia californica was studied. Bag cells were incubated with leucine-(3)H in vitro for 30 min and rinsed for variable periods of time in a chase medium. The distribution of incorporated label among proteins within the cells was assayed by electrophoresis of an homogenate on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gels. Results from rinse times shorter than 30 min revealed that the predominant synthetic product is a 25,000 dalton protein. With longer rinse times, this species was reduced and two species of lower molecular weight became prominent. This redistribution of radioactivity was quantitative and was not prevented by inhibition of protein synthesis during the rinse. A 10 degrees C reduction in temperature (from 15 degrees C) blocked the redistribution. These data are interpreted to indicate that the 25,000 dalton molecule is a precursor which is cleaved enzymatically to yield two lower molecular weight products. One product is a 12,000 dalton molecule which remains in the cell bodies. The other is a molecule of <10,000 daltons which is exported from the somata into the neurohemal regions of the connective tissue. Perfusion of these regions with high [K(+)] medium results in the release of this product into the medium. It is concluded that this product is the 6000 dalton egg-laying hormone (ELH).}, month = jul, chemicals = {Gels, Hormones, Proteins, Tritium, Leucine, Potassium, Calcium}, citation-subset = {IM}, completed = {1972-09-12}, country = {United States}, issn-linking = {0022-1295}, journal = {The Journal of general physiology}, keywords = {Animals; Calcium, pharmacology; Electrophoresis; Gels; Hormones, biosynthesis; In Vitro Techniques; Isotope Labeling; Kinetics; Leucine, metabolism; Molecular Weight; Mollusca, metabolism; Neurons, drug effects, metabolism; Neurosecretion; Potassium, pharmacology; Protein Biosynthesis; Proteins, analysis; Temperature; Tritium}, nlm-id = {2985110R}, owner = {NLM}, pmc = {PMC2226053}, pmid = {5042022}, pubmodel = {Print}, pubstatus = {ppublish}, revised = {2017-02-19}, timestamp = {2018.08.28}, } @Article{KS86, author = {Kirk, M. D. and Scheller, R. H.}, title = {Egg-laying hormone of Aplysia induces a voltage-dependent slow inward current carried by Na+ in an identified motoneuron.}, year = {1986}, volume = {83}, issue = {9}, pages = {3017--3021}, issn = {0027-8424}, doi = {10.1073/pnas.83.9.3017}, abstract = {This report presents studies on ionic currents in Aplysia motoneuron B16 that are modulated by the neuropeptide egg-laying hormone (ELH) of Aplysia. ELH induces an inward current that persists in the presence of the peptide and that decays slowly after ELH is removed from the bath. The effect is not due to a decrease in the delayed potassium current, the calcium-activated potassium current, or the transient potassium current. Current-voltage measurements indicate that ELH produces increased inward currents from -80 mV to approximately equal to 0 mV. The effect is particularly enhanced in the region from -40 mV to -25 mV where a negative slope conductance due to voltage-dependent slow inward current is observed. The slow inward current and the response to ELH persist in saline solutions in which Ca2+ is replaced with Co2+ but are eliminated when Na+ is replaced with equimolar concentrations of either Tris or N-methyl-D-glucamine. The response to ELH is unaffected by replacing chloride with equimolar acetate; by increasing the potassium concentration; or by adding tetraethylammonium chloride, CsCl, 4-amino-pyridine, or tetrodotoxin to the saline bath. In addition, the reversal potentials for the ELH response (range, -28 to +46 mV), obtained from difference current-voltage relationships, are consistent with an increase in the Na+-dependent slow inward current. We conclude that at least one of the effects of ELH on B16 is to increase a slow inward current carried by Na+.}, month = may, chemicals = {Invertebrate Hormones, Ion Channels, Neurotransmitter Agents, egg-laying hormone, Mollusca, Sodium, Potassium}, citation-subset = {IM}, completed = {1986-06-06}, country = {United States}, file = {:1_comp_endo/Invertebrata_Neuropeptides_selected/ELH/PNAS_83_3017_kirk_Egg-laying hormone of Aplysia induces a voltage-dependent slow inward current carried by Na+ in an identified motoneuron.pdf:PDF}, issn-linking = {0027-8424}, journal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America}, keywords = {Animals; Aplysia; In Vitro Techniques; Invertebrate Hormones, metabolism, pharmacology; Ion Channels, drug effects; Motor Neurons, drug effects, metabolism; Neurotransmitter Agents, pharmacology; Potassium, metabolism; Sodium, metabolism}, nlm-id = {7505876}, owner = {NLM}, pmc = {PMC323438}, pmid = {2422665}, pubmodel = {Print}, pubstatus = {ppublish}, revised = {2014-11-20}, timestamp = {2018.08.28}, } @Incollection{VBG+13, author = {Vaudry, David and Burel, Delphine and Galas, Ludovic and Lacaille, Hélène and Duterte-Boucher, Dominique and Chatenet, David and Fournier, Alain and Vaudry, Hubert}, title = {PACAP}, booktitle = {Handbook of Biologically Active Peptides}, date = {2013-01-01}, edition = {2}, publisher = {Academic Press}, isbn = {978-0-12-385095-9}, chapter = {138}, pages = {1038--1043}, doi = {10.1016/B978-0-12-385095-9.00138-X}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B978012385095900138X}, urldate = {2018-08-30}, editor = {Kastin, Abba J.}, location = {Boston}, file = {:PACAP/Pacap_Handbook of Biologically Active Peptides (Second Edition)_Chap138_p143_Vaudry.pdf:PDF}, owner = {bk}, timestamp = {2018.08.30}, } @Article{MS18, author = {Maharana, Santosh Kumar and Schlosser, Gerhard}, title = {A gene regulatory network underlying the formation of pre-placodal ectoderm in Xenopus laevis.}, year = {2018}, volume = {16}, issue = {1}, pages = {79}, issn = {1741-7007}, doi = {10.1186/s12915-018-0540-5}, abstract = {The neural plate border ectoderm gives rise to key developmental structures during embryogenesis, including the neural crest and the preplacodal ectoderm. Many sensory organs and ganglia of vertebrates develop from cranial placodes, which themselves arise from preplacodal ectoderm, defined by expression of transcription factor Six1 and its coactivator Eya1. Here we elucidate the gene regulatory network underlying the specification of the preplacodal ectoderm in Xenopus, and the functional interactions among transcription factors that give rise to this structure. To elucidate the gene regulatory network upstream of preplacodal ectoderm formation, we use gain- and loss-of-function studies to explore the role of early ectodermal transcription factors for establishing the preplacodal ectoderm and adjacent ectodermal territories, and the role of Six1 and Eya1 in feedback regulation of these transcription factors. Our findings suggest that transcription factors with expression restricted to ventral (non-neural) ectoderm (AP2, Msx1, FoxI1, Vent2, Dlx3, GATA2) and those restricted to dorsal (neural) ectoderm (Pax3, Hairy2b, Zic1) are required for specification of both preplacodal ectoderm and neural crest in a context-dependent fashion and are cross-regulated by Eya1 and Six1. These findings allow us to elucidate a detailed gene regulatory network at the neural plate border upstream of preplacodal ectoderm formation based on functional interactions between ectodermal transcription factors. We propose a new model to explain the formation of immediately juxtaposed preplacodal ectoderm and neural crest territories at the neural plate border, uniting previous models.}, month = jul, country = {England}, file = {:Transcription factors/BMCBiol_16_79_Maharaba_.pdf:PDF}, issn-linking = {1741-7007}, journal = {BMC biology}, nlm-id = {101190720}, owner = {NLM}, pii = {10.1186/s12915-018-0540-5}, pmc = {PMC6048776}, pmid = {30012125}, pubmodel = {Electronic}, pubstatus = {epublish}, revised = {2018-07-20}, timestamp = {2018.09.04}, } @Article{YRC11, author = {Yu, Bo and Ruman, Jane and Christman, Gregory}, title = {The role of peripheral gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptors in female reproduction.}, year = {2011}, volume = {95}, issue = {2}, pages = {465--473}, issn = {1556-5653}, doi = {10.1016/j.fertnstert.2010.08.045}, abstract = {To review the physiologic functions and clinical significance of peripheral GnRH receptors. Literature review. All peer-reviewed journal articles published before 2010 on peripheral GnRH receptors were searched for in the Pubmed database, and relevant findings were summarized. Peripheral GnRH/GnRH receptor systems may serve as regulators of hCG synthesis and implantation, and play crucial roles in antiproliferation and apoptosis. Currently, GnRH agonists have been used in cancer treatment and ovary protection during chemotherapy, taking advantage of the local direct effect mediated by peripheral GnRH receptors. The ubiquitous GnRH/GnRH receptor system in human tissues has been shown to have some important physiologic functions. Further research to clarify functions of these peripheral GnRH receptors may lead to discovery of new therapeutic options.}, month = feb, chemicals = {Chorionic Gonadotropin, Receptors, LHRH, Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone}, citation-subset = {IM}, completed = {2011-02-28}, country = {United States}, file = {:GnRH-R/FertilSteril_95_465_Yu_The role of peripheral gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptors in female reproduction.pdf:PDF}, issn-linking = {0015-0282}, journal = {Fertility and sterility}, keywords = {Animals; Central Nervous System, metabolism; Chorionic Gonadotropin, secretion; Female; Genitalia, Female, metabolism, physiology; Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone, metabolism, physiology, therapeutic use; Humans; Models, Biological; Receptors, LHRH, genetics, metabolism, physiology; Reproduction, genetics, physiology}, nlm-id = {0372772}, owner = {NLM}, pii = {S0015-0282(10)02459-3}, pmid = {20888559}, pubmodel = {Print}, pubstatus = {ppublish}, revised = {2011-01-24}, timestamp = {2018.09.12}, } @Comment{jabref-meta: databaseType:bibtex;}