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JaKooLit edited this page Jun 3, 2024 · 24 revisions


Some Default Keybinds

Keys Action
Super + H Launch Hint / Help File
Super + D Launch application launcher (rofi)
Super + E Quick Edit / View Hyprland Settings / Keybinds
Super + Enter Launch terminal emulator (kitty)
Super + Q Close active / focused window
Super + Shift + Q Close window
CTRL + ALT + Del Kill Hyprland session (Exit)
CTRL + ALT + P Launch Logout Menu (Wlogout)
Super + Shift + F Toggle single window float
Super + Alt + F Toggle all window float
Super + G Toggle the window between focus and group
Super + F Toggle the window between focus and fullscreen
CTRL + ALT + L Launch lock screen
Super + T Launch file manager (thunar)
Super + SHIFT + N Launch Notification Panel (swaync)

Added Features

Keys Action
Super + Alt + L Toggle Dwindle or Master Layout
Super + Z Zoom Desktop (pyprland)
Super + Shitf + B Toggle Blur
Super + SHIFT + G Gamemode (all animations off)
Super + S Google Search (rofi + browser)
Super + ALT + V Clipboard Manager (rofi)
Super + ALT + E Emoticons Menu (rofi)
Super + ALT + C Rofi-Calculator (rofi+qalculate-gtk)
Super + SHIFT + M RofiBeats - Online Music (rofi)
Super + SHIFT + O Oh my ZSH theme switcher (rofi)
Shift + ALT_L Switch Keyboard Layout
Super + Shift + Enter Launch terminal Drop-Down emulator (pyprland
Super + A Windows Overview (ags)


Keys Action
Super + PrntScr Screenshot (Monitor)
Super + Shift + PrntScr Screenshot Region
Super + Shift + S Screenshot Region (swappy)
Super + CTRL + PrnScr Screenshot (timer 5secs)
Super + CTRL + Shift + PrnScr Screenshot (timer 10secs)
Alt + PrntScr Active Window Screenshot

Wallpaper related

Keys Action
Super + W Toggle Wallpaper Menu (rofi)
Super + Shift + W Toggle Wallpaper Effects Menu (rofi)
CTRLr + ALT + W random wallpaper (swww)

Waybar related

Keys Action
Super + B Toggle waybar (hide or unhide Not Kill)
Super + CTRL + B Toggle Waybar Style Menu (rofi)
Super + ALT + B Toggle Waybar Config Menu (rofi)

Workspaces, Window related

Keys Action
Super + Shift + Resize Active Window
Super + CTRL + Move Active Window
Super + Change Focus Window
Alt + tab Change Focus Window
Super + Tab Workspace +1
Super + Shift + Tab Workspace -1
Super + [0-9] Change to workspace
Super + Shift + [0-9] Move focused window to a relative workspace + follow
Super + CTRL + [0-9] Move focused window to a relative workspace (silent)
Super + Shift + U Move to special workspace
Super + U toggle special workspace
  • All multimedia keys, Brightness controls, Airplane mode, should work OOB
  • SUPER E to view Additional Keybinds / View Hyprland Settings