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Parent pom for easy packaging and deployment to maven central

use this parent

In order to use this parent for your maven project, add the following to your pom.xml (replace VERSION with the version in Maven Central):



This parent adds the following repositories:

  • JCenter It adds the following plugins and configurations:
  • maven-compiler-plugin: sets the java version to 8
  • spotbugs-maven-plugin: allows you to analyze your project using mvn spotbugs:check
  • maven-assembly-plugin: quickly bundle your project into a JAR file using mvn package if you set the property main to your main class:
  • maven-enforcer-plugin: Sets the required maven version to 3.1.1
  • maven-notice-plugin: autogenerates a file using mvn notice:generate
  • maven-source-plugin: creates a source JAR using mvn verify
  • maven-javadoc-plugin: creates a javadoc JAR using mvn verify
  • maven-gpg-plugin: signs your JARs before deploying to maven central
  • maven-deploy-plugin and nexus-staging-maven-plugin: uploads your JARs to maven central using mvn deploy