**Find Article about making it HashNode**
Norma is a programming language built in C# made to be extremely simple. It's syntax is similar to Python and JavaScript, but has my own custom spin on it.
Here is the Nuget Package if you want to add it to your C# project
dotnet add package Norma
Norma is a very simple language. To define a variable, use:
var x = 10
To access the variable put it in between $
var y = $x$
To create a pointer to that variable, use the point
var z = point: $x$
To call a function, don't use parenthesis.
print "Hello World"
Strings have automatic interpolation with variables using the $
print "X is equal to $x$ and y is equal to $y$"
To define a function, use def
def add: left, right {
return ($left$ + $right$)
add 5, 6
Any equations must be inside ( )
var x = ($y$ * $z$)
To manipulate a variable, use +
instead of +=
where +
can be any operator
var x = 10
x + 5
x - 4
x * 3
x / 2
x = 1
print $x$
Comments are very simple
// Line Comment
Block Comment
Arrays are also allowed in this language
var y = [0, 1, 2]
They are typeless and can hold anything including pointers
y = [0, "yes", ["no", $z$], point: $x$]
Structs are the next main feature
struct Vector { X, Y, Z }
var vec = Vector: 100, 5.23, 99
They can be accessed and modified easily,
vec.X = 150
vec.Y = $vec.X$
The values are also typeless and can be anything
vec.X = "Hello World"
vec.Y = point: $z$
vec.Z = [1, 2, 3]
Statements are straightforward as well
if x > 55 {
print "X is big"
elif x < 0 {
print "X is negative"
else {
print "x is small"
There are loops as well
while true {
print "yes"
for i in 150 {
print $i$
For loops can also use arrays
for value in $array$ {
print $value$
There are many built in functions as well (Test file):
print "text"
substring "text", $start$, $len$
indexOf "text", "e"
toLower "Text"
toUpper "text"
trim " text "
revere "string or array"
length ["string", "or", "array"]
append [0, 1], 5
remove $index$
insert $array$, $index$, $value$
slice [99, 98, 97, 96, 95], $start$, $len$
concat $array$, [0, 1, 2, 3]
sort [9, 5, 7, 2, 0]
runCode $code$
readFile "path/to/file.txt"
writeFile "path/to/file.txt", "text"
createFile "path/to/file.txt"
deleteFile "path/to/file.txt"