To use a config with this project, simply pass the path to the config via '-c path/of/cfg.toml' to the cli.
Alternatively, position the config in the same directory where you have your cards.
We support config files that are written in the .toml format.
Writing TOML is relatively easy:
Comments are initiated with the number sign '#'
# This is a comment
To structure settings into different categories TOMLS tables are pretty neat. One config file supports multiple Tables.
setting_belonging_to_the_cool_table = "yes"
mango = "ripe"
pi = 3
setting_belonging_to_the_cool_table = "nope"
setting_belonging_to_the_new_table = "yup"
More information on TOML can be found here
Currently only a few arguments can be written into a config. This will be improved on later.
The following tables and settings are supported:
# name of your output Deck
name = ConfigTest
# Only files containing the deck tag will be processed to learningcards.
tag = ""
# Files that don't contain the start tag also wont be processed
start_tag = ""
# Path where the deck.apkg for anki will be saved
save_path = ""
# Path where the file(s) to your learningcards are located
card_path = ""
# type of the card syntax/parser
# Currently supported types:
# simple, block
type = "simple"
# Path where the media files of cards can be found
path = ""