In order to make our code more flexible, we need to have control structures that allow us to branch code or repeat code on whether or not a condition is true. This condition can be any boolean or boolean expression.
The condition after an if, while or other code after for doesn’t need to be surrounded by parentheses (), as is the case in C or many other languages..
All constructs we discuss here define their own scope in their code blocks, so they can contain local variables.
In this section we discover the branching, in the next section the looping capabilities. There is no goto
in Jai.
See example 14.1_if_else.jai
#import "Basic";
main :: () {
dead := false;
health := 48;
if dead { // (1)
print("Game over!");
if dead /* then */ { // (2)
print("Game over!");
} else { // we are still alive!
print("You still have a chance to win!\n");
a1 := 7;
b1 := 8;
if a1 == b1 // (3)
print("They're equal!\n");
print("They're not equal!\n");
b1 = 7;
if a1 == b1 print("They're equal!\n"); // (4)
// if (a1 == b1) print("They're equal!\n");
if dead then exit; // (5)
if health >= 50 { // (6)
print("Continue to fight!");
} else if health >= 20 {
print("Stop the battle and regain health!\n");
} else {
print("Hide and try to recover!");
grade := 100; // (7)
if grade >= 97 {
print("Your grade is an A+\n");
} else if grade >= 90 {
print("Your grade is an A\n");
} else if grade >= 80 {
print("Your grade is a B\n");
} else if grade >= 70 {
print("Your grade is a C\n");
} else if grade >= 60 {
print("Your grade is a D\n");
} else {
print("You grade is a F\n");
You still have a chance to win!
They're not equal!
They're equal!
Stop the battle and regain health!
Your grade is an A+
In line (1) we see a simple if testing a bool (note that we don't have to write if dead == true
). In line (2) we provide two branches, one for the true case (then the if branch executes, with then
being optional), the other for the false case (then the else branch executes): only one branch executes.
Line (3) shows that all expressions with ==, !=, <= and so on, as well as all bool operators can be used to make conditions.
Lines (4) and (5) show one-line if statements; a then
can be used for clarity, but it is optional, unless needed to make parsing unambiguous (for example when using <<). When the body of the if contains only one statement, { } can be left out. It is recommended to use ( ) around the condition in one-liners for readability.
Lines (6) and (7) show multi-line or nested if-else if-else statements. The else if and else are optional.
It is easy to mistake a mathematical = for a computer ==:
a common C error using = instead of == by error like
if a = 5 { … }
is caught by the compiler with: Error: Operator '=' can only be used at statement level (see line 3B).
Sometimes you want to initialize a variable depending on some condition, like in:
name: string;
if thing {
name =;
} else {
name = get_default_name();
where thing
is some pointer to a struct instance.
This is tedious to write, with some redundance.
Jai allows you to write this as:
name := ifx thing then else get_default_name();
See example 14.2_ifx.jai:
#import "Basic";
Thing :: struct {
name: string;
value: int;
get_default_name :: () -> string { return "Alice"; }
factorial :: (x: int) -> int {
return ifx x <= 1 then 1 else x*factorial(x-1); // (1)
is_even :: (value: int) -> bool {
return !cast(bool)(value & 1);
main :: () {
a := 0;
b := 100;
c := ifx a > b 10 else 1000; // (2)
print("c is %\n", c); // => c is 1000
thing := *Thing.{"Liz", 42};
// name: string;
// if thing {
// name =;
// } else {
// name = get_default_name();
// }
// one-liner with ifx:
name := ifx thing then else get_default_name(); // (3)
// with code blocks:
// name := ifx thing { // (4)
// print("This is the true block.\n");
// factorial(5);
// } else {
// print("We are about to get the default name.\n");
// x := 3;
// print("Really, it is going to happen.\n");
// get_default_name();
// }
// => This is the true block.
print("Your name is %\n", name); // => Your name is Liz
x := 7;
y := ifx x then x else 1;
// can be shortened to:
y2 := ifx x else 1; // (5)
print("y2 is %\n", y2); // => y2 is 7
y3 := ifx x > 5 else 0; // (6)
print("y3 is %\n", y3); // => y3 is 7
y4 := ifx is_even(x);
print("y4 is %\n", y4); // => y4 is 0
y5 := ifx !is_even(x);
print("y5 is %\n", y5); // => y4 is 7
Line (2) shows the ternary operator ifx (short for "expression 'if'") at work: ifx cond stat1 else stat2;
This is the equivalent of cond ? stat1 : stat2 in other languages.
ifx returns a value, which can be used to make or assign to a variable. The compiler checks whether the type is the same in the 2 branches. That type must be known at compile-time.
stat1 and stat2 can also be blocks of statements. Here also, the last statement must return a value. This can be just a variable, or a proc call which returns a variable. Again like in the if, then and else are optional.
Line (1) shows how we can use ifx to return a value from a procedure.
Lines (3-4) show the starting example, (4) shows how a block returns a value.
Jai allows for some shortcuts when the then block is not necessary, as shown in lines (5) and following.
If you need to compare a variable against a lot of values, you would have to write a long if-else-if sequence. Jai offers you an easier way with if-case.
See example 14.3_if_case.jai
#import "Basic";
main :: () {
a3 := 0;
if a3 == 0 { // (0)
print("case 0\n"); // => case 0
else if a3 == 1 {
print("case 1\n"); // because a is 0, this will be ignored
print("This is also in case 1!");
else {
print("default case\n"); // because a is 0, this will be ignored.
if a3 == { // (1)
case 0; print("case 0\n"); // => case 0
case 1;
print("case 1\n"); // because a is 0, this will be ignored
print("This is also in case 1!");
case; print("default case\n"); // because a is 0, this will be ignored.
a4 := 0;
if a4 == { // (2)
case 0;
print("case 0\n"); // => case 0
case 1;
// because of the #through statement, this if-case statement will print out "case 1"
// in addition to "case 0".
print("case 1\n"); // => case 1
print("This is also in case 1!");
print("default case\n"); // because there is no #through statement, this will be ignored
// if-case with enums, #complete:
Val :: enum { A; B; C; } // (3)
a5 := Val.A;
if #complete a5 == {
case Val.A;
print("This is Val.A case\n"); // => This is Val.A case
case Val.B;
print("This is Val.B case\n");
case Val.C;
print("This is Val.C case\n");
// using enum namespace:
using Val;
e := A;
if e == { // (4)
case A; print("e is A\n"); // => e is A
case B; print("e is B\n");
case C; print("e is C\n");
case 0
case 0
case 1
This is Val.A case
The if-else-if sequence from (0) can be replaced by the shorter (1) version. This example illustrates Jai's switch statement equivalent, using if-case (instead of switch-case like in C), see line (1):
if var == {
case valA;
case valB;
case; // default case
If you started with an if var == value { }, and you realize that you want to test var on several values, it is very simple to start building your 'switch' statement. Just copy the value inside the { after a case
, and add more cases!
Following line (2) the #through directive is used in an if-case statement. This directive ensures that a 'fall_through' to the next case occurs, so that this branch is also executed. So this is the exact opposite behavior as in C, where you have to write break
in order not to fall-through. A common use-case is where you want to perform the same code for multiple cases.
A case branch can have multiple statements, but they don't need { }.
The case branch without a value is the default case, when no other values match. Only one case branch is ever executed.
If-case statements work on integers, strings, enums, bools, arrays, and floats (but be very careful when using if-case statements with floats since floating point numbers approximate values).
Starting in line (3), we see an if-case used to select on an enum value. In this case you most probably would like to test all possible enum values. This can be done by using the #complete directive after the if:
if #complete var ==
If a possible enum case is missing while specifying #complete, you get the compiler error:
Error: This 'if' was marked #complete... ... but the following enum value was missing:
Line (4) shows how a using can even shorten an if-case for an enum.
If you want multiple lines to be executed in a case, just write them one after the other (see case 1). For readability, you could enclose the block in {}, and also in general indent the if-case statement as in the code example.
The truthiness of a value var
, defined in §, will determine whether an if var
takes the if-branch or the else-branch.
is true in this broad sense when it contains a real value, then an if executes the if-branchvar
is false when it is zero, false, empty, null, then an if executes the else-branch
Testing on zero/empty variables can be very useful! Because a zero value is false and any non-zero value is true, you can easily test empty-ness (zero-ness) of a variable with an if-statement:
if var {
// var is not zero, null, empty
if !var {
// var is zero, null, empty
See example 14.4_test_empty.jai:
#import "Basic";
main :: () {
// Check if a value var is not 0:
var := 3.14;
print("%\n", !var); // => false
if var {
print("var is not 0\n"); // => var is not 0
count := 7;
if !count exit; // if count is 0, stop
// test on empty string:
str := "Jai";
if str print("str is not empty\n"); // => str is not empty
str = ""; // empty string
if !str print("str is empty\n"); // => str is empty
// pointers:
ptr: *int;
print("%\n", ptr); // => null
if !ptr print("This is a null pointer\n"); // => This is a null pointer
As you can see this makes for easy tests on numbers with value 0, empty strings and null pointers:
if !ptr
return; // ptr is a null pointer, so return
See 14.5_if_tests.jai:
#import "Basic";
main :: () {
// Test if n is an even or odd number:
n := 108;
if n % 2 == 0 print("% is an even number\n", n); // (1)
// => 108 is an even number
if (n & 1) == 0 print ("even\n"); // (2) => even
n = 109;
if n & 1 print("odd\n"); // => odd
if n % 2 print("odd\n"); // (3) => odd
if !(n % 2) print("even\n");
- Test if n is an even or uneven number: see line (1) and (2), so if n % 2 or n & 1, n is odd.