Below is description of installation procedure of Ubuntu VM based on the Xubuntu flavor suitable for the small Java, C#, C++ development, like you may need to do.
Although looking a bit huge, the entire procedure should take you just 2-3 hours (unlike installation of Windows and related developer tools like Visual Studio, which may get day or two with application of all updates).
I recommend using exactly Xubuntu because it is based on XFCE which is more lighweight than Unity, Gnome or KDE, i.e. generally works faster. Alternatively you can use Lubuntu (based on LXDE), but my personal preference among these two is exactly Xubuntu.
Download Xubuntu 16.04.4 LTS image from here: Xubuntu 16.04.5 AMD 64 ISO IMAGE
Download and install latest stable VirtualBox (check latest version on the VirtualBox Webiste.
Start VirtualBox GUI and let it install or update VirtualBox extensions.
Create new VM parameters:
- choose OS Type: Linux, Distribution: Ubuntu 64-bit
- create new disk, disk type VDI, dynamic, size 30-40 GB.
Tune VM options:
- Memory 4-6 GB.
- Number of CPU 2.
- Enable PAE/NX.
- Video memory - 128MB (maximum).
- Shared clipboard: bidirections
- Shared drag and drop: bidirectional
- Drives: inject previously downloaded XUbuntu 16.04 ISO image, which you've downloaded, before into virtual CD drive.
Install OS:
- Start VM
- Click on the icon on the bottom of black screen.
- Choose language - English.
- Choose Install Xubuntu, it will boot into installer.
- In the installer again choose English.
- Check both boxes "Download uppdates" and "Install 3rd party software".
- When asked for disk layout choose "something else".
- Create new partition table.
- Add swap partition of size 4096 MB in the End of free space.
- Add ext4 partition mounted at / for the rest free space.
- Proceed with Next, confirm to write changes to drive.
- Choose your location by clicking on the map.
- On the next screen, Name machine
- Create user:
- user real name user1
- user name user1
- password user1
- machine name xubuntu1604
- Wait until setup finishes. Click reboot.
- After reboot login as user1
- Open Menu->Settings->Software and Updated (Menu is small white-on-blue
mouse in the top-left corner of the screen)
- On the tab "Ubuntu Software" check Sources
- On the tab Other Software check Canonical Partners and Canonical Partners (source code)
- On the tab updates:
- Automatically check for updates - never
- Notify me about new Ubuntu version - never
- Click close and also click close on the next popup
- Open Menu-> System->Terminal
- Supply following commands (it may be asking for password, enter password for user1)
sudo apt update sudo apt install dkms build-essential sudo apt upgrade sudo reboot
- After reboot login again
- In the VirtualBox VM menu choose Devices->Insert Guest Additions CD image
- Wait for CD mounted - OS will popup File Browser
- Open teminal, supply following commands:
sudo apt-get autoremove -y cd /media/user1/VBox... (according to current version) sudo ./ sudo usermod -a -G vboxsf user1 cd ~ eject sudo reboot
- After this shared clipboard and VM screen adoption to your screen will start to work.
- Install WINS support:
sudo apt install winbind libnss-winbind
- Enable WINS name resolution:
- Run command:
sudo nano /etc/nsswitch.conf
- Find line hosts, add "wins" after "files", so finally it looks
like this:
hosts: files wins mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns
- Press Ctrl+O, hit Enter, this will write file
- Press Ctrl+X, you will exit editor
Install development and other useful software:
- After reboot: login, open teminal.
- Install useful utilities and development tools:
sudo apt install gedit kate konsole kdevelop vim mc \ p7zip-full ctags git cvs subversion mercurial perl python tcl ruby \ clang-3.8 monodevelop
- Install Oracle JDK 8
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
(will ask to add PGP key - do it)
sudo apt update sudo apt install oracle-java8-installer sudo apt install oracle-java8-set-default
(will ask to accept Oracle Binary Code license, you have to do it in order to install Oracle JDK)
- Install latest version on Mono framework according to instructions for Ubuntu 16.04 provided here
- Optionally install Visual Studio Code using instructions provided here