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ItsOnlyBinary edited this page Feb 23, 2020 · 6 revisions
"plugin-asl" : {
    "gecosType": 1,
    "showRealname": false,
    "showUserBrowser": true,
    "userBrowserIcon": "fa-heart",
    "singleLineUserbox": false,
    "singleLineString": {
        "age": "%a years",
        "sex": "%s",
        "location": "%l",
        "separator": " ",
    "ageRanges": [
        { "name": "All", "value": "all" },
        { "name": "< 25", "value": "<25" },
        { "name": "25 - 45", "value": "25-46" },
        { "name": "> 45", "value": ">45" },
    "sexes": {
        "Male": { "chars": "M", "colour": "#00F" },
        "Female": { "chars": "F", "colour": "#F0F" },
        "Other": { "chars": "O", "colour": "#0F0" },
    "queryKeys": {
        "age": "age",
        "sex": "sex",
        "location": "location",
        "realname": "realname",
    "strings": {
        "age": "Age",
        "sex": "Sex",
        "location": "Location",
        "realname": "Real Name",
        "info": "Info",
        "browseUsers": "Browse Users",


This controls the style of gecos set to upon connecting, it will attempt to parse both types regardless of this setting

1 - [a/s/l] realname

2 - a s l


This controls the showing of a realname field on the startup screen. note only works with gecosType: 1


Control if the User Browser button and sidebar are added into kiwiirc.


What font-awesome 4.7.0 icon shall we use for the User Browser button. default: "fa-heart"


This will enable a single line in the userbox for asl based off the settings in singleLineString


The strings age, sex & location are substituted if the user has these attributes. The string is then joined together using the separator.

eg 32 years Male Blackpool or 32 years Male

"singleLineString": {
    "age": "%a years",
    "sex": "%s",
    "location": "%l",
    "separator": " ",


Allows the creation of age ranges to filter by.

name: can be any string you like to explain the option

value: can be one of the following types

`strings` are treated as all ages

`<50`     less than integer

`>50`     greater than integer

`25-50`   an inclusive range


The sex options to offer on the welcome screen and in the user browser

"Male": { "chars": "MH", colour: "#00F" },

"Male": the string to use for the sex

"chars": these are the characters using in the gecos, the first one is used for creating a gecos but any in the string can be parsed. eg [32/H] would parse as 32 Male

"colour": the colour to set the nick that matches this sex


The url query parameters to parse for the welcome screen eg ?age=32&sex=M&location=Blackpool


Various strings used in the plugin to allow for easier translations. Although I am hoping to replace this with language support in the future

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