const localStorageKey = 'permalinkify:history'; const FORMAT = 'YY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ'; const daysBefore = 5; const root = document.getElementById('root'); const noop = () => {}; const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; // Ad hoc micro inline framework. function el(tagname, parent = root, onCreate = noop) { const el = document.createElement(tagname); onCreate(el); parent.appendChild(el); return el; } function input(parent, onCreate) { return el('input', parent, onCreate); } const controlsDiv = el('div', root); el( 'h2', controlsDiv, (el) => (el.textContent = `Input URL and Date (${FORMAT})`) ); const outputDiv = el('div', root); el('h2', outputDiv, (el) => (el.textContent = 'Permalink')); const historyDiv = el('div', root); el('h2', historyDiv, (el) => (el.textContent = 'Last searches')); const latestHistoryEl = el('ul', historyDiv); el('h2', historyDiv, (el) => (el.textContent = 'Older searches')); const historyEl = el('ul', historyDiv); el('button', historyEl, el => { el.textContent = 'Clear history'; el.onclick = () => { if (confirm('Clear all history?')) { localStorage.removeItem(localStorageKey); } } }) function historyEntry({ root = historyEl, date, branchLink, permaLink }) { let entry = el('code', el('li', root)); entry.textContent = `${date} --- ${branchLink} ---`; el('button', entry, (el) => { el.textContent = 'restore'; = 'left'; el.onclick = () => { urlInput.value = branchLink; dateInput.value = date; search(); }; }); el('a', entry, (el) => { el.textContent = permaLink; el.href = permaLink; }); } const outputEl = el('code', outputDiv, (el) => { = '200px'; }); const urlInput = input(controlsDiv, (el) => { const hash = window.location.hash; const urlQuery = urlParams.get('url'); el.value = urlQuery ? urlQuery + hash : ''; = '100%'; // el.addEventListener('change', event => { // }); }); const dateInput = input(controlsDiv); dateInput.value = urlParams.get('date'); = '100%'; const submitButton = el('button', controlsDiv, (el) => { el.textContent = 'Search'; el.onclick = search; }); const history = JSON.parse( localStorage.getItem(localStorageKey) || '[]' ); for (const props of history) { historyEntry(props); } const githubRegex = /https\:\/\/github\.com\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)\/([^#]*)(#L(\d+)(-L(\d+))?)?/; const pathRegex = /blob\/([^\/]*)\/(.*)/; let lastResult, lastLink; async function callGithub(path) { const url = `${path}`; const response = await fetch(url); return await response.json(); } async function search() { const branchLink = urlInput.value; const [, username, repo, path, , startline, , endline] = githubRegex.exec(branchLink); const [, branch] = pathRegex.exec(path); const date = dateInput.value; lastResult && lastResult.parentNode.removeChild(lastResult); const refs = await findCommitsAroundDate(username, repo, new Date(date)); if (refs.length === 0) { return; } const { sha, commit: { committer: { name, date: commitDate }, message, }, } = refs[0]; const permaLink = branchLink.replace(branch, sha); lastLink = permaLink; // const formatted = JSON.stringify(last, null, 4); const wrap = el('div', outputEl); lastResult = wrap; el('span', wrap, (el) => { el.textContent = `${commitDate} ${name} --- ${message}`; el.title = branchLink; }); const anchor = el('a', wrap); = 'display:block'; = '_blank'; anchor.textContent = permaLink; anchor.href = permaLink; if ( history.some( (entry) => === date && entry.branchLink === branchLink ) ) return; history.push({ date, branchLink, permaLink, sha }); history.sort((a, b) => a.branchLink.localeCompare(b.branchLink)); localStorage.setItem(localStorageKey, JSON.stringify(history)); historyEntry({ root: latestHistoryEl,date, branchLink, permaLink }); } async function findCommitsAroundDate(username, repo, date) { // For now this uses a hard coded range around the date. // If the message in which the link was posted has a minute precision and accurate post date, // it means we should look for commits that were authored strictly before that date. // If there's less precision we should look for anything before the next day. const messageDate = new Date(date); messageDate.setDate(messageDate.getDate()); const path = `${username}/${repo}/commits?until=${messageDate.toISOString()})`; return callGithub(path); } if (dateInput.value && urlInput.value) {} search().then(() => { if (urlParams.get('autoopen') === '1' && lastLink) { window.location.href=lastLink } })