I come from Swift so I hate underscores and love camelCase. This framework follows the Swift API Design Guidelines unless when it's highly inconvenient within Godot:
TABS instead of Spaces
- Because GDScript is an indentation-based language :)
- A single missing or extra space could cause errors.
- Easier to navigate, and to view, with visible tabs etc.
2 empty lines between functions and different "categories" of code, such as parameters, signals, state properties etc.
- This is what the default Godot script templates start with.
- Adds a bit more clear visual separation between different regions of code.
camelCase == bestCase
Underscores == ugly
Capitalized names for Types only.
Short acronyms may be fully capitalized.
- Examples: UINode, HUDColor
Names should make grammatical sense wherever possible.
- Functions should read like a verb/action, or a question if their job is to check something and return a boolean.
- Booleans should start with
etc. This may make autocompletion easier by listing all booleans.
Text names/IDs such as for node groups, input actions and animations should be camelCase, to match the convention of enums:
GlobalInput.Actions.yeet = &"yeet"
Functions that perform a quick retrieval operation, like returning a member from an Array or Dictionary, should be named starting with
: e.g.getComponent(...)
Functions that need to do a slower search operation, like scanning a list of all child nodes, should be named starting with
: e.g.findComponent(...)
Functions that add an existing object to a parent, container or list, should be named starting with
: e.g.addText(...)
Functions that create a new object and then add it to a parent, should be named starting with
: e.g.createLabel(...)
- Signals should be named in this form: [object/category][event]
- or, if the ACTION is more important: [action][object]
- or, if the OBJECT is more important: [object][action]
- Signal names should begin with a
wherever it makes sense.- This ensure consistency in words by avoiding English plural jankery:
. ammoInsufficient
does not make sense in a past or future tense, so it is exempt.
- This ensure consistency in words by avoiding English plural jankery:
- Functions that handle signals should be named in this form:
- If the script is attached to the node which emits the signal, then simply:
- If the object name is short enough or a single word, then the _ underscore may be omitted.
- If the script is attached to the node which emits the signal, then simply:
func onCollectibleComponent_didCollideWithCollector()
func onGunComponent_ammoDepleted()
func onHealthChanged()
func onTimeout() # in a script on a Timer node
- Resources like [Stat] and [Upgrade] should ONLY CONTAIN INFORMATION and validation functions.
- Resources should NOT contain WHERE THEY ARE USED; an Upgrade should NOT hold a reference to the [UpgradesComponent] where it's "installed"; that should be the job of the component.
- "Passing" Resources that are supposed to stay "unique" between different "owners", like a special Upgrade between UpgradesComponents, should be done via signals.
- Do not try to use
etc as an indicator of whether some numerical value is invalid or should be ignored. It complicates ALL other calculations down the road. Just use a separate flag.- e.g.
allowInfiniteLevels = true
instead ofmaxLevel = -1
- e.g.
- TBD: The
branch should be merged intomain
only on a weekend, I guess?