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459 lines (413 loc) · 19.5 KB

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459 lines (413 loc) · 19.5 KB

Version history for cardano-ledger-core

  • Add lenses to RewardAccount. #4309
    • rewardAccountCredentialL
    • rewardAccountNetworkL
  • Add Inject instances for tuples
  • Add umElemDRepDelegatedReward to UMap. #4273
  • Add fromDeltaCoin
  • Add trivial Inject instances for () and Void
  • Add byteStringToNum
  • Add functions rdRewardCoin, rdDepositCoin in UMap.hs
  • Add function mkCoinTxOut in Core.hs
  • Add typeclass HKDApplicative and make instances for the following: #4252
    • HKD Identity
    • HKD Maybe
    • HKD StrictMaybe
  • Move Metadatum from cardano-ledger-shelley into a new module Cardano.Ledger.Metadata
  • Add mkBasicTxAuxData and metadataTxAuxDataL to EraTxAuxData type class.
  • Add Random, Uniform and UniformRange instances for Language
  • Add decodeCostModelsLenient and decodeCostModelsFailing
  • Make decoder for CostModels very lenient starting with protocol version 9.
  • Deprecate decodeValidAndUnknownCostModels
  • Disable deserialization of CostModels for PlutusV3 and newer whenever current protocol version is not set to at least version 9
  • Remove CostModelError and costModelsErrors
  • Stop re-exporting CostModelApplyError
  • Change CostModel parameter value type from Integer to Int64. Affects type signatures of all functions that work on raw cost model parameter values.
  • mkCostModelsLenient was changed to work in MonadFail, since failures during construction is now again possible.
  • Deprecate decodeCostModelFailHard in favor of new decodeCostModel.


  • Export subState
  • Remove FlexibleCostModels and make Arbitrary instance for CostModels more flexible.

  • Add shouldSatisfyExpr
  • Add EraRuleEvent, InjectRuleEvent
  • Add NFData instance for Obligations, PlutusWithContext, PlutusDatums
  • Add Eq, Show, Generic instances for PlutusDatums
  • Add CommitteeAuthorization and use it to represent hot key credential in CommitteeState
  • Change applySTSValidateSuchThat and applySTSNonStatic to use NonEmpty (PredicateFailure _) instead of [PredicateFailure _]
  • Added boom placeholder
  • Add EraRuleFailure type family and InjectRuleFailure type class
  • Add VoidFailure
  • Fix ToJSON/FromJSON instances of Prices
  • Update FromJSON instance of BoundedRatio
  • Fix ToJSON instance of BoundedRatio to avoid precision loss
  • Add pwcScriptHash field to PlutusWithContext
  • Parameterize PlutusWithContext c on crypto.
  • Extract hashScript outside of EraScript type class.
  • Add plutusLanguageTag and hashPlutusScript
  • Add setMinFeeTxUtxo
  • Add getMinFeeTxUtxo to EraUTxO
  • Change signature by adding refScriptsSize parameter for:
    • getMinFeeTx in EraTx
    • setMinFeeTx
    • estimateMinFeeTx
  • Add originalBytesSize and default implementation to SafeToHash typeclass
  • Rename RewardAccount fields getRwdNetwork and getRwdCred to raNetwork and raCredential respectively
  • Deprecate ppRewardAcnt in favor of ppRewardAccount
  • Deprecate fromCborRewardAcnt in favor of fromCborRewardAccount
  • Deprecate decodeRewardAcnt in favor of decodeRewardAccount
  • Deprecate putRewardAcnt in favor of putRewardAccount
  • Deprecate deserialiseRewardAcnt in favor of deserialiseRewardAccount
  • Deprecate serialiseRewardAcnt in favor of serialiseRewardAccount
  • Deprecate RewardAcnt in favor of RewardAccount
  • Modify Prices and Nonce JSON instances to match cardano-api


  • Add shouldContainExpr
  • Add EraRuleProof, UnliftRules, roundTripAllPredicateFailures
  • Add Test.Cardano.Ledger.Plutus.ScriptTestContext
  • Add genByronVKeyAddr, genByronAddrFromVKey
  • Add Uniform instances for ByronKeyPair and KeyPair
  • Add mkKeyPairWithSeed and mkBootKeyPairWithSeed
  • Remove epsilonMaybeEq from Utils
  • Add PlutusArgs, ScriptTestContext
  • Add txInAt
  • Add mkScriptAddr
  • Deprecate deserialiseRewardAcntOld in favor of deserialiseRewardAccountOld
  • Deprecate mkVKeyRwdAcnt in favor of mkVKeyRewardAccount
  • Add Stateful random interface: HasStatefulGen, HasGenEnv, HasSubState, StatefulGen, StateGen, StateGenM, uniformM, uniformRM, uniformListM, uniformListRM, uniformByteStringM, uniformShortByteStringM
  • Re-export the whole of quickcheck-classes from Imp.Common
  • Re-export replicateM_ and replicateM from Imp.Common

  • Add umElemsL
  • Add txIdTxBody and txIdTx. Deprecated txid.
  • Add getGenesisKeyHashCountTxBody to EraTxBody
  • Add calcMinFeeTx and calcMinFeeTxNativeScriptWits, estimateMinFeeTx, addDummyWitsTx and move setMinFeeTx to Cardano.Ledger.Tools
  • Add kindObject
  • Add ToJSON instance for TxOutSource and PoolCert
  • Expose txInToText
  • Add getWitsVKeyNeeded to EraUTxO
  • Changed the type of the lenses ppMaxBBSizeL, ppMaxTxSizeL, ppMaxBHSizeL, ppuMaxBBSizeL, ppuMaxTxSizeL and ppuMaxBHSizeL
  • Add txInsFilter
  • Fix ToJSON/FromJSON for CostModels. Make sure that CostModels can roundtrip through JSON. Also report CostModels failures in JSON.
  • Add costModelParamsCount
  • Move Plutus related Arbitrary instances: ExUnits, CostModels, FlexibleCostModels, CostModel, Prices, Language
  • Add Cardano.Ledger.Plutus that re-exports all plutus related functionality
  • Add Semigroup and Monoid instances for CostModels
  • Add mkCostModels and expose flattenCostModels
  • Stop exporting CostModels constructor in order to improve safety.
  • Fix Eq/Ord and add EncCBOR/DecCBOR instances for CostModelError
  • Re-export Cardano.Ledger.Keys.Bootstrap and Cardano.Ledger.Keys.WitsVKey from Cardano.Ledger.Keys
  • Add unData, getCostModelEvaluationContext
  • Changes to Cardano.Ledger.Plutus.Evaluate:
    • Make PlutusWithContext era agnostic, but Language aware. pwcScript can be either in decoded or binary format. pwcProtocolVersion was added too.
    • debugPlutus, runPlutusScript, runPlutusScriptWithLogs and explainPlutusEvaluationError no longer accept ProtVer as argument, since major protocol version has been added to PlutusWithContext
    • Change constructor of ScriptFailure from PlutusSF to ScriptFailure and add record names: scriptFailureMessage and scriptFailurePlutus
    • Remove PlutusDebugLang, PlutusDebug, PlutusData and PlutusError
    • Stop re-exporting removed: EraPlutusContext, PlutusTxCert, unTxCertV1, unTxCertV2 and unTxCertV3
    • Add evaluatePlutusWithContext
    • Remove deserialiseAndEvaluateScript in favor of evaluatePlutusWithContext
  • Changes to Cardano.Ledger.Plutus.Language:
    • Rename BinaryPlutus to PlutusBinary for consistency with names of other Plutus types.
    • Add Plutus with helpers: decodeWithPlutus, isValidPlutus
    • Add PlutusRunnable with helpers: plutusFromRunnable
    • Add asSLanguage
    • Add plutusSLanguage and plutusLanguage
    • Deprecated fromSLanguage in favor of more general plutusLanguage
    • Rename IsLanguage class to PlutusLanguage and add these functions to the class: decodePlutusRunnable, evaluatePlutusRunnable and evaluatePlutusRunnableBudget
  • Changes to Cardano.Ledger.Plutus.TxInfo:
    • NFData instance for TxOutSource
    • Remove: transDataHash', transHash (use hashToBytes instead), transTxOutAddr, txInfoIn', getWitVKeyHash, VersionedTxInfo, EraPlutusContext, PlutusTxCert, unTxCertV1, unTxCertV2, unTxCertV3 and txInfoId (use transTxId instead)
    • Add transCoinToValue, transTxId
  • Add fromNativeScript
  • Remove unused mapMaybeValidation and runTestMaybe
  • Remove InjectMaybe type class in favor of more general Inject
  • Move decodeAddrShort and decodeAddrShortEither to cardano-ledger-api:Cardano.Ledger.Api.Tx.Address
  • Remove deprecated Cardano.Ledger.CompactAddress and Cardano.Ledger.UMapCompact
  • Add the newtype EpochInterval
  • Change the type of ppEMaxL and ppuEMaxL
  • Moved ToExpr instances out of the main library and into the testlib.


  • Add integralToByteStringN
  • Add ByronKeyPair
  • Add Arbitrary instances for Byron types: Address, Attributes and AddrAttributes
  • Add Test.Cardano.Ledger.Core.JSON with roundTripJsonSpec, roundTripJsonEraSpec and roundTripJsonProperty
  • Add zeroTestingCostModel and zeroTestingCostModels
  • Add mkCostModelConst
  • Add diffExprCompact
  • Add expectLeftDeep_, expectRightDeep_
  • Two new modules Test.Cardano.Ledger.Plutus and Test.Cardano.Ledger.Plutus.Examples

  • Add certsTotalDepositsTxBody and certsTotalRefundsTxBody
  • Add getTotalDepositsTxBody and getTotalRefundsTxBody to EraTxBody. Corresponding functions have been removed from ShelleyEraTxBody in favor of the two above
  • Add getTotalDepositsTxCerts and getTotalRefundsTxCerts to EraTxCert
  • Deprecated Cardano.Ledger.Ap, since we no longer use this module
  • Moved Cardano.Ledger.Language to Cardano.Ledger.Plutus.Language with deprecation.
  • Move ExUnits and Prices from Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.Scripts to new Cardano.Ledger.Plutus.ExUnits module.
  • Move CostModels from Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.Scripts to new Cardano.Ledger.Plutus.CostModels module.
  • Move Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.Scritps.Data to Cardano.Ledger.Plutus.Data
  • Move some parts of Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.TxInfo into Cardano.Ledger.Plutus.TxInfo and Cardano.Ledger.Plutus.Evaluate
  • Expose decodeValidAndUnknownCostModels in CostModels


  • Addition of Test.Cardano.Ledger.Imp.Common
  • Re-export ToExpr, showExpr, diffExpr, assertBool and assertFailure
  • Add shouldBeExpr, shouldBeRight, shouldBeRightExpr, shouldBeLeft and shouldBeLeftExpr
  • Add expectRight, expectRightDeep, expectRightExpr, expectRightDeepExpr, expectLeft, expectLeftExpr, expectLeftDeep and expectLeftDeepExpr

  • Add ToJSON/FromJSON and ToJSONKey/FromJSONKey instances for DRep
  • Add parseCredential
  • Add NoUpdate, HKDNoUpdate
  • Add toNoUpdate and fromNoUpdate methods to HKDFunctor
  • Add Updatable instance for NoUpdate
  • Change functions to methods of EraPParams:
    • ppProtocolVersionL
    • ppuProtocolVersionL
  • Add Generic instance for AuxiliaryDataHash
  • Add ToExpr instances for:
    • CompactAddr
    • AuxiliaryDataHash
    • CompactDeltaCoin
    • VKey
  • Add setMinFeeTx
  • Add ScriptsProvided
  • Require new EraUTxO class method getScriptsProvided
  • EraTx replaced EraTxBody superclass for EraUTxO


  • Add testGlobals and mkDummySafeHash
  • Add Test.Cardano.Ledger.Core.Rational

  • Require ToExpr for EraTx class
  • Add upgradeTx function to EraTx class
  • Require ToExpr for EraTxBody class
  • Add upgradeTxBody function to EraTxBody class
  • Require ToExpr for EraTxWits class
  • Add upgradeTxWits function to EraTxWits class
  • Add ToExpr instance to:
    • CompactAddr
    • Withdrawals
    • AuxiliaryDataHash
    • VKey
    • ChainCode
    • BootstrapWitness
    • WitVKey
  • Add Generic instance to AuxiliaryDataHash
  • Add vsNumDormantEpochs to VState to track the number of contiguous epochs in which there were no governance proposals to vote on. #3729
  • Add fromEraShareCBOR
  • Remove redundant DecCBOR constraint in eraDecoder
  • Add FromJSON instance to Anchor
  • Change ToJSON/FromJSON implementation of Credential to use keyHash vs key hash and scriptHash vs script hash JSON keys.
  • Change ToJSONKey/FromJSONKey implementation of Credential to use keyHash- vs keyhash- and scriptHash- vs scripthash- prefixes.


  • Added BinaryUpgradeOpts
  • Add Arbitrary instance for DRepDistr
  • Move Arbitrary instance for SnapShot and SnapShots from cardano-ledger-shelley:testlib
  • Add Test.Cardano.Ledger.Core.Binary.RoundTrip with:
    • roundTripEraSpec
    • roundTripAnnEraSpec
    • roundTripEraTypeSpec
    • roundTripAnnEraTypeSpec
    • roundTripShareEraSpec
    • roundTripShareEraTypeSpec
    • roundTripEraExpectation
    • roundTripEraTypeExpectation
    • roundTripAnnEraExpectation
    • roundTripAnnEraTypeExpectation
    • roundTripShareEraExpectation
    • roundTripShareEraTypeExpectation
    • roundTripCoreEraTypesSpec

  • Add lookupRegStakeTxCert and lookupUnRegStakeTxCert to EraTxCert typeclass #3700
  • Change ToJSONKey/FromJSONKey implementation of Credential to flat text
  • Add one more parameter to getConsumedValue to lookup DRep deposits #3688
    • Credential 'DRepRole (EraCrypto era) -> Maybe Coin
  • Add Ap, hoistAp, runAp, runAp_
  • Add eqBootstrapWitnessRaw and eqWitVKeyRaw
  • Add eqRawType
  • Add EqRaw type class with eqRaw.
  • Add EqRaw instance for WitVKey and BootstrapWitness
  • Require EqRaw instance for Script, TxWits, TxAuxData, TxBody and Tx
  • Add ToExpr instance for PoolCert
  • Require ToExpr instance for Script, TxAuxData and TxCert
  • Require an extra argument for decodePositiveCoin in order to improve error reporting #3694

  • Add drepDeposit to the DRepState #3628
  • Introduce CommitteeState and csCommitteeCredsL.
  • Change then name and the type of vsCommitteeHotKeys to vsCommitteeState and vsCommitteeHotKeysL to vsCommitteeStateL
  • Add drepExpiryL and drepAnchorL
  • Add eraName
  • Add addrPtrNormalize
  • Add upgradeTxOut function to EraTxOut
  • Add upgradeScript function to EraScript
  • Add upgradeTxAuxData function to EraTxAuxData
  • Add upgradeTxCert function and TxCertUpgradeError family to EraTxCert
  • Add Default instance for Anchor
  • Add Anchor and AnchorDataHash
  • Add DRepState
  • Change vsDReps to a map
  • Rename key roles #3588
    • Voting to DRepRole
    • CommitteeHotKey to HotCommitteeRole
    • CommitteeColdKey to ColdCommitteeRole
  • Change VState to allow committee cold keys to be script-hashes #3581
    • vsCommitteeHotKeys :: Map (Credential 'CommitteeColdKey eracrypto) (Maybe (Credential 'CommitteeHotKey eracrypto))
  • Adopt Default instances #3556
    • Moved instances for SafeHash, RewardAcnt and Credential from Shelley.RewardProvenance
  • Change VState to allow committee hot keys to be script-hashes #3552
    • vsCommitteeHotKeys :: Map (KeyHash 'CommitteeColdKey eracrypto) (Maybe (Credential 'CommitteeHotKey eracrypto))
  • Added withSLanguage
  • Move BinaryPlutus from cardano-ledger-alonzo and changed its Show instance to display as base64 encoding.
  • Added Plutus
  • Changed Phase2Script constructor of the PhaseScript type. It now accepts new Plutus type instead of Language and ShortByteString
  • Remove default implementation for spendableInputsTxBodyL
  • Add lenses:
    • dsUnifiedL
    • dsGenDelegsL
    • dsIRewardsL
    • dsFutureGenDelegsL
    • certDStateL
    • certPStateL
    • certVStateL
  • Add getProducedValue to EraUTxO

  • Add spendableInputsTxBodyL

  • Added DRep, DRepCredential
  • Changed type Credential 'Voting c -> DRep c in:
    • UMElem
    • umElemAsTuple
    • umElemDRep
    • UMap
    • DRepUView
    • dRepUView
    • dRepMap
    • unify

  • Addition of getPoolCertTxCert

  • Add delegated representatives to the UMap and make its interface more coherent #3426
    • Additions
      • Add Credential 'Voting (EraCrypto era) as the fourth element to the UMap n-tuple.
      • umElemPtrs :: UMElem c -> Maybe (Set Ptr)
      • umElemDRep :: UMElem c -> Maybe (Credential 'Voting (EraCrypto era))
      • UView (DRepUView) constructor and dRepUView
      • invPtrMap :: UMap c -> Map (Credential 'Staking c) (Set Ptr)
      • dRepMap :: UMap c -> Map (Credential 'Staking c) (Credential 'Voting c)
      • synonym unionL = (∪)
      • synonym unionR = (⨃)
      • synonym domDelete = (⋪)
      • synonym rngDelete = (⋫)
    • Renames
      • Trip to UMElem, pattern Triple to UMElem
      • viewTrip to umElemAsTuple
      • tripRewardActiveDelegation to umElemRDActive
      • tripReward to umElemRDPair
      • tripDelegation to umElemSPool
      • View (RewardDeposits, Delegations, Ptrs) to UView (RewDepUView, SPoolUView, PtrUView)
        • rdPairs to rewDepUView
        • delegations to sPoolUView
        • ptrs to ptrUView
        • unView to unUView
        • viewtoVMap to unUnifyToVMap
        • rewView to rewardMap
        • compactRewView to compactRewardMap
        • depositView to depositMap
        • rdPairView to rdPairMap
        • delView to sPoolMap
        • ptrView to ptrMap
        • domRestrictedView to domRestrictedMap
      • zero to nullUMElem
      • zeroMaybe to nullUMElemMaybe
      • sumRewardsView to sumRewardsUView
      • sumDepositView to sumDepositUView
    • Reimplementations
      • unionRewAgg NOTE: It does not require assert (Map.valid result) result any more and has been tested for equivalence with the older version with --qc-max-success=10000 --qc-max-size=1000. The test is added to UMapSpec.
  • Add certsTxBodyL to EraTxBody
  • Introduce TxCert type family and EraTxCert type class.
  • Deprecate Delegation
  • Add toKeyHashWitness
  • Addition of getVKeyWitnessTxCert and getScriptWitnessTxCert to EraTxCert type class
  • Add new key roles: CommitteeColdKey and CommitteeHotKey
  • Remove ConstitutionalDelegCert. Instead it now lives in cardano-ledger-shelley as GenesisDelegCert
  • Add StakeCredentials and two helper functions: toStakeCredentials and domRestrictedStakeCredentials


  • Add genValidUMapWithCreds and uniformSubset

  • Deprecate Cardano.Ledger.UMapCompact in favor of Cardano.Ledger.UMap and add tests for it. #3371
    • Add Cardano.Ledger.UMap.rdPairView to view the reward-deposits pair from the UMap.
  • Replace DPState c with CertState era
  • Add VState
  • Add certVState
  • Parametrize DState and PState by era
  • Rename Cardano.Ledger.DPState module to Cardano.Ledger.CertState
  • Rename:
    • lsDPState -> lsCertState
    • dpsPState -> certPState
    • dpsDState -> certDState
    • obligationDPState -> obligationCertState
  • Add support for PlutusV3

  • Add ToJSON (PParamsHKD f era) superclass constraints for EraPParams.
  • Add ToJSON (TxOut era) superclass constraints for EraTxOut.
  • Add superclass constraints for Val:
    • NoThunks, EncCBOR, DecCBOR, ToJSON, NFData, Show
    • EncCBOR (CompactForm t), DecCBOR (CompactForm t)
  • Add ToJSONKey/FromJSONKey instances for ScriptHash
  • Add ToJSON/FromJSON instances for CompactForm Coin, SafeHash and TxId
  • Add ToJSON instances for:
    • Ptr, CertIx, TxIx
    • Trip and UMap
    • DeltaCoin and CompactForm DeltaCoin
    • InstantaneousRewards, FutureGenDeleg, PState, DState and DPState.
    • UTxO and TxIn
    • Stake, SnapShot, SnapShots, PoolDistr and IndividualPoolStake
    • Reward and RewardType
    • AuxiliaryDataHash
    • Credential
  • Make getConsumedValue accept a deposit lookup function instead of a DPState
  • Add lookupDepositDState and lookupRewardDState. Former can be used with getConsumedValue to regain previous behavior.
  • Add hashScriptTxWitsL
  • Remove custom Fail type, in favor of FailT package
  • Move bBodySize into Cardano.Ledger.Core
  • Rename TxId field from _unTxId to unTxId


  • Remove runFailError in favor of errorFail from FailT package

  • First properly versioned release.