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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Upgrade: org.postgresql:postgresql 42.2.20 -> 42.2.23
- Patch change: Added Maven plugin to generate Apache 2.0 license-header in files
- Minor Change: New Feature: Camel Support
- Minor Change: New API POST /api/ui/route/error caches error messages of the routes until they are fetched by the corresponding GET API (takes every String as RequestBody)
- Minor Change: New API GET /api/ui/route/error all intermediate errors of the routes can be queried, once queried these are deleted in the backend (only cached until GET API called)
- Upgrade: org.springframework.security:spring-security-test 5.5.0 -> 5.5.1
- Upgrade: org.postgresql:postgresql 42.2.20 -> 42.2.22
- Upgrade: org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-parent 2.5.0 -> 2.5.2
- Remove 20 unused APIs (= 1.150 lines of code) (unused by ConfigManager-UI project)
- For the APIs of the enums, in addition to the technical name, such as DE for the language-dropdown, the written labels are now also supplied, e.g. German <-> DE. The structure of the API returns has changed accordingly
- Specification of a source-type of a backend-connection for API POST/PUT /generic/endpoint new and mandatory, removed parameter for API POST/PUT /resource/representation
- Major Change: Upgraded infomodel-java-artifacts 4.0.2 -> 4.0.6
- Used infomodel artifacts: java, util, serializer
- Changes the structure of the API-enums-returns like country abbreviations. These now have the URI form "http://.../code/EN" instead of simply returning an abbreviation like "EN".
- Minor Change: New API GET /api/ui/connector/status to return the accessibility-status of the Public-Connector-Endpoint
- Minor Change: New API PUT /resource/contract/update to create the contract in the configmanager and update it at the dataspace connector
- Minor Change: New setting option to address the DSC via HTTP or HTTPS. dataspace.communication.ssl=true/false in application.properties and DATASPACE_COMMUNICATION_SSL=true/false in docker-compose environment.
- Minor Change: The CM now tries to reach the connector several times during startup, with a pause of 5 seconds each time, instead of just try once. The number of tries can be set individually via application.properties or docker-compose e.g. dataspace.connector.connectionattemps=5.
- Patch Change: Code and Architecture refactoring
- Patch Change: Docker, the Java version to be used is now fixed in the Dockerfile
- Patch Change: If running infomodel-deserialize throws IOException, these are now explicitly logged in the DataspaceConnectorClient
- Patch Change: Added Log-Guard levels at console log-outputs and switched spring log level to warn
- Patch Change: Refactored Model/Data-Architecture
- Patch Change: POST /api/ui/broker/register now return success:false if connector doesn't return 200 and GET /api/ui/brokers returns not registered in this case
- Patch Change: Resources are updated at broker after they have been edited
- Patch Change: Internal Database can be reached and viewed again at: http://localhost:8081/console
- Patch Change: After editing the connector settings the broker will be updated with the new information
- Patch Change: Updated recursion methods in ResourceService that caused problems
- Patch Change: A percent sign within URLs in the UI no longer results in an error in the CM-Backend.
- Patch Change: Refactored Swagger-UI API Documentation, added all actually possible return-status-codes for API calls
- Patch Change: IDS Resources Duration Policy in (h) in edit mode is poluted with xml-coding (2^^xsd:duration instead of 2), fixed by upgrading infomodel dependencies
- Patch Change: ResourceService is now use the Serializer-Artifact for returning all ressources
- Dependabot: Dependabot will now automatically suggest pull requests for updates to dependencies.
- Add: org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-web 2.14.1 (Apache 2.0)
- Add: org.postgresql:postgresql 42.2.20 (BSD-2-Clause)
- Upgrade: org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-parent 2.4.2 -> 2.5.0
- Upgrade: org.springframework.security:spring-security-test 5.4.2 -> 5.5.0
- Upgrade: org.projectlombok:lombok 1.18.18 -> 1.18.20
- Upgrade: junit:junit 4.13.1 -> 4.13.2
- Upgrade: org.springdoc:springdoc-openapi-ui 1.5.7 -> 1.5.9
- Exclude: com.vaadin.external.google:android-json from org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test
- Remove: io.jsonwebtoken:jjwt 0.9.1
- Added custom banner at application startup instead of default banner
- Disabled Swagger Petstore default playground
- Docs: Updated Readme
- Docs: Add package-info files where appropriate
- Print version number of used ConfigManager in scheduled log
- Log incoming API calls
- Interception of "undefined" API-parameter contents for most important APIs (e.g. "undefined" resourceId)
- Print JVM system-default-charset at Jar/Image Start (should be UTF-8 to work with german umlauts)
- Print used, free and max Java Heap Space for CM
- Major Change: if no broker has been created in CM, API /api/ui/broker/resource/information now returns empty list instead of status-code
- More detailed error logging with Class-/Methodnames where log is produced
- Code refactoring
- Increased timeout for a response from connector before readtimeout exception is thrown (30 sec instead of 10 sec before)
- POST /api/ui/broker/delete/resource not working
- GET /api/ui/broker/resource/information does not return brokers
- Encode API-Input/Output UTF8 (support german umlauts)
- Error 404 at PUT /contract
- Error 404 at POST /representation.
- DSC: Resources can now be edited and the updated information is now stored in the DSC
- Recursively update all resource changes in approutes
- Major Change: If requesting a contract fails, CM now returns a fail-message instead of agreementId: Failed
- Force use of UTF-8 for JVM for docker image start (serializer and ulauts need UTF-8 encoding)
- New API for returning the requested resources of a connected connector (/resources/requested)
- New API for returning the enum-name of a policy for a given policy-pattern (/policy-pattern with request-body patter)
- New Docker-Compose Env-Variable CUSTOM_APP_NAME to set name for Demo-App
- Workaround: Use BrokerUpdateMessage and send complete catalog instead of ResourceUpdateMessage when updating a resource at a Broker
- Send Proxy Settings to Connector
- Always load resources at startup of Connector
- Major Change: ProxySettings are now also set calling the /configmodel instead of having a additional API
- Updating Resource Representation at DSC
- Endpoint-Information handling
- Sending ConfigManager Connector-Setting to DSC
- Updating Config on CM start-up with config of connected Connector
- Minor Change: Improved broker controller error handling now possible for UI
- Deleting Resources at DSC when deleted via CM
- receive complete backend-access URL (GUI fix)
- docs: update contribution-guideline and add code-of-conduct files
- infomodel: switch used dependencies from 4.0.2-Snapshot to 4.0.2 stable-release
- New petri net module was created to create a petri net for defined app routes (can currently be visualized, will be used for validation of AppRoutes later)
- App routes can be created to publish data or resources via defined routes
- App routes can be created
- Route steps can be created (with or without a resource)
- App route deploy method can be changed
- Dummy data apps can be loaded to simulate data processing workflows
- Connector endpoints and generic endpoints can now be managed
- General bugfixes in the logic of the application
- API calls to the dataspace connector
- Deleted unnecessary classes and methods
- Reworked the code in the configuration manager
- POM: Licenses, clean up and version updates, infomodel 4.0.2-SNAPSHOT
- README: Update to the latest state according to POM
- REST - API for the UI