Releases: InteractiveComputerGraphics/SPlisHSPlasH
Releases · InteractiveComputerGraphics/SPlisHSPlasH
- performance improvement: added AVX support for TimeStepDFSPH, DragForce_Gissler2017, Viscosity_Standard, Viscosity_Weiler2018, MicropolarModel_Bender2017
- added AVX support for 2D simulations
- added VTk export of rigid bodies
- added parameter to control min CFL step size
- cleaned up classes of graphical user interface
- exchanged Static/DynamicBoundarySimulator by SPHSimulator which can handle dynamic and static scenes
- added regular surface sampling
- updated to Eigen 3.3.7
- bugfixes
- added the boundary handling method "Volume Maps: An Implicit Boundary Representation for SPH"
- added the boundary handling method "Density Maps for Improved SPH Boundary Handling"
- added regular particle sampling
- PartioViewer can play sequences
- PartioViewer can write sequences as jpg files
- PartioViewer can generate movies using ffmpeg
- PartioViewer can render rigid body data
- PartioViewer supports multiphase data
- user can now save/load the complete state of the simulation
- bugfixes
- added rigid body export
- added VTK file export (enables the data import in ParaView)
- added file dialog for Windows
- added a Python plugin for Maya to model scenes in Maya and export them to SPlisHSPlasH
- added animation fields to animate particles in an area using a math script
- improved fluid emitters
- added option to simulate without GUI
- added GPU neighborhood search (cuNSearch) which can be selected in CMake
- added the Implicit SPH Formulation for Incompressible Linearly Elastic Solids of Peer et al. 2017
- added Corotated SPH for deformable solids of Becker et al. 2009
- SPlisHSPlasH now supports 2D simulations
- SPlisHSPlasH now has enhanced particle coloring
- partio export of arbitrary particle attributes is now supported
- renamed Static/DynamicBoundaryDemo to Static/DynamicBoundarySimulator
- added documentation of file format
- added colormaps
- fixed race condition
- fixed single precision build
- updated PositionBasedDynamics
- the parameters of all methods are now handled by the library GenericParameters
- the GUI is automatically generated using the information of the generic parameters
- updated PositionBasedDynamics library which now supports arbitrary rigid body collisions
- added Logger
- added implicit viscosity computation of Peer et al. 2015
- SPlisHSPlasH now uses MD5 hashes to verify that cache files are valid
- added volume sampling tool
- cleanup fluid model
- added drag force computation of Gissler et al. 2017
- added drag force computation of Macklin et al. 2014
- bugfixes
- added micropolar model for turbulent fluids (Bender et al., "A Micropolar Material Model for Turbulent SPH Fluids", ACM SIGGRAPH/EUROGRAPHICS Symposium on Computer Animation, 2017)
- added vorticity confinement method
- added fluid emitters
- added partio export for fluid simulations
- updated to Eigen 3.3.4
- bugfixes