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Inji Stack Setup

This guide provides instructions for setting up and running Inji Stack for a custom use-case using an existing foundational ID system. This shows how an institution can enable it's portfolio of deparments to build upon an existing identity to accelarate independent service delivery. In the below example, we help setup some components of Inji Stack which uses an Authorization Service of a National ID deployed by MOSIP to help other depute institutions setup a use-case specific Credential Delivery for it's citizens by two independent departments one at a time such as Agriculture & Transport. This example demonstrates the delivery of profession specific identity cards to it's citizens Farmer Identity Card to eligible farmers by the Agriculture Department or a Mobile Driving License to eligible drivers by the Transport Department. These examples can be further extended for different usecases and used with different OIDC Compatible clients.

On the more technical side, this demo showcases the two types of plugin an implementor can choose to implement depending upon their usecase & requirements and can even point to another pre-existing identity system demonstrating it's adaptability to various usecases while being backed by open standards which leads to faster adoption and widespread acceptability.

QuickStart: Mock Certify Plugin Setup

Expected time to setup: ~10 minutes

You have two options for the certify plugin which gives Verifiable Credentials of different types

  1. Farmer Credential: returns an JSON-LD VC and is implemented using the CSV Plugin.
  2. Mobile Driving License Credential: returns an mDL VC and is implemented using the mock-mdl Plugin.


  • Docker and Docker Compose installed on your system
  • Git (to clone the repository)
  • Basic understanding of Docker and container operations
  • Relevant Postman collections available from here, please add the mock ones and install the pmlib library as per the steps given under the heading Postman Collection to the Postman setup
  • Network Connectivity to access the AuthZ Service, in this example MOSIP Collab setup has been used
  • (optional, required if Farmer Credential configured) GitHub Pages or similar service required to host a DID/public key

Directory Structure Setup

Create the following directory structure before proceeding:

├── data/
│   └── CERTIFY_PKCS12/(p12 file generated at runtime)
├── certs/
│   └── oidckeystore.p12 (to be obtained during onboarding of mimoto to esignet)
├── loader_path/
│   └── certify/ (plugin jar to be placed here)
├── config/ (default setup should work as is for csvplugin, any other config changes user can make as per their setup)
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── mimoto-issuers-config.json
│   ├── mimoto-trusted-verifiers.json
│   └── credential-template.html
├── nginx.conf
├── certify_init.sql
└── docker-compose.yml

Choosing a VCI plugin for issuance

Recommended: Use one of the Existing Mock Plugin

  • Supported versions: 0.3.0 and above

  • Download the latest JAR from the below link and place the downloaded JAR in loader_path/certify/

For Advanced Users: Create Custom Plugin

You can create your own plugin by implementing the following interface and place the resultant jar in loader_path:

Reference Implementation: CSVDataProviderPlugin or MDocMockVCIssuancePlugin.

public interface DataProviderPlugin {
    // Implement your custom logic here

or, if you chose the VCIssuancePlugin implement the below interface. The above two examples

public interface VCIssuancePlugin {
    // Implement your custom logic here

Certificate Setup

  • Create a certs/ directory inside the docker-compose-injistack directory.
  • Place your PKCS12 keystore file in the certs directory as oidckeystore.p12. This is required for the Inji Web application and other applications which rely on Mimoto as a BFF and it can be configured as per these docs after the file is downloaded in the certs directory as shown in the directory tree.
  • Update mosip.oidc.p12.password to the password of the oidckeystore.p12 file in the Mimoto Config file.

Configuration Setup

  • If you chose the Recommended option, you just need to set the active_profile_env value of the certify service in docker-compose.yaml as per use case or else configure your custom plugin and name the files & active_profile_env appropriately as follows,
Use Case active_profile_env config file
Farmer credential (default) default, csvdp-farmer ./config/
Mobile driving license default, mock-mdl ./config/


  • If you are going ahead with the Farmer usecase, configure the below values in here to refer to the web location where you'd host the DID.
  • (required for Farmer setup) Certify will automatically generate the DID document for your usecase at this endpoint, please copy the contents of the HTTP response and host it appropriately in the same location.

    • A did with the ID will have be accessible at, i.e. if GitHub Pages is used to host the file, the contents should go in assuming gh-pages is the branch for publishing GitHub Pages as per repository settings.
    • To verify if everything is working you can try to resolve the DID via public DID resolvers such as Uniresolver.
  • (required if Mobile driving license configured) Onboard issuer key and certificate data into property mosip.certify.mock.mdoc.issuer-key-cert using the creation script, please read the plugin README for the same.

Other configurations

Note: Refer the relevant config file based on use case to connect to the required environment.

Ensure all configuration files are properly updated in the config directory if you have are making any changes suggested for any Advanced usecase:

  • mimoto-issuers-config.json
  • mimoto-trusted-verifiers.json
  • credential-template.html

Running the Application

Start the Services

docker-compose up -d

Verify Services

Check if all services are running:

docker-compose ps

Service Endpoints

The following services will be available:

  • Database (PostgreSQL): localhost:5433
  • Certify Service: localhost:8090
  • Mimoto Service: localhost:8099
  • Inji Web: localhost:3001

Using the Application

Recommended: Accessing the Web Interface

  1. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3001
  2. You can:
    • Download credentials
    • View credential status at a Standards Compliant VC Verfier such as Inji Verify.
  3. As a sample, you can try downloading VC with the UIN 5860356276 or 2154189532. The OTP for this purpose can be given as 111111 which is the Mock OTP for eSignet Collab Environment. The above sample identities should be present at both the Identity Provider(here, National ID) and at the Local Issuer(here, Agriculture Department or Transport Department).

Advanced Users: Accessing the Credentials via the Postman Interface

  1. Open Postman
  2. Import the Mock Collections & Environments from here, make appropriate changes to the Credential Type and contexts as per your VerifiableCredential and the configured WellKnown.
  3. You can
    • Download credentials
    • View credential status
    • Manage your digital identity

Advanced Configurations

  1. To use the Verifiable Credential Data Model 2.0 optional features one can configure them in the Velocity Template present in this fileas per this draft spec. The Render Template has to be routable by all the clients and should be cached appropriately. The template is not expected to be updated as the consuming clients are expected to verify the integrity with the provided digestMultibase. For detailed information please go through the draft spec.
  "renderMethod": [{
    "id": "",
    "type": "SvgRenderingTemplate",
    "name": "Portrait Mode",
    "css3MediaQuery": "@media (orientation: portrait)",
    "digestMultibase": "zQmAPdhyxzznFCwYxAp2dRerWC85Wg6wFl9G270iEu5h6JqW"

The digest multibase can be hardcoded or if the template has been stored with Certify's DB & is set to the correct the value ${_renderMethodSVGdigest} can be used to enable Certify to evaluate it specifying the id of the rendering-template used. However, for optimal performance, it's recommended to not set this key and instead hardcode the digestMultibase value in the Velocity template itself.

  1. Deploying Inji Certify over a public URL, using ngrok to demonstrate this
  • change the value of the mosipbox_public_url to point to the public URL in ./docker-compose.yaml where Certify service will be accessible, when using locally with ngrok create an HTTP tunnel for the port 8090, which is the port for Certify and access the Inji Web at http://localhost:3001, to access Inji Web you may have to create another client with the Authorization service and more configuration should be required at Mimoto side


Common Issues and Solutions

  1. Container startup issues:

    docker-compose logs [service_name]
  2. Database connection issues:

    • Verify PostgreSQL container is running
    • Check database credentials in configuration
  3. Plugin loading issues:

    • Verify plugin JAR is in the correct directory
    • Check plugin version compatibility
  4. Postman throws an error pmlib is not defined

    • Follow the steps defined in the pre-requsites above.
  5. The container images for Certify aren't published for the linux/arm64 architecture yet, if your container runtime returns an error, you can try to run the engine in an emulated mode. This applies to Apple Silicon Mac users running Docker, they'd have to set export DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64 before doing docker compose up -d.

  6. Apple users using Colima may have issues with the permission of the data/ directory.

    • Set the owner, group and the permission mode-bits & the file's group & user ownership correctly so that the local.p12 file can be created inside the data directory.
  7. VC download is failing with Mimoto error logs stating that VC Verification is failing.

    • Check if the DID is updated & resolvable. The Multibase hash changes on each restart, please update it whenever a newer instance of Certify is setup.
    • Check if the hosted DID matches with the DID endpoint
    • As of now, Mimoto/Inji Web only supports downloads for Ed25519Signature2020 signed VerifiableCredential due to a limitation of the integrated VC-Verification module.

Health Checks

Monitor service health:

docker-compose ps
docker logs [container_name]

Hosting a public key in the form of a DID

  1. Extract the certificate from the Ceritfy Endpoint
  2. Use openssl x509 -pubkey -noout -in filename.pem to convert the certificate to a public key.
  3. Convert the public key to a publicKeyMultibase as per the spec.

Stopping the Application

To stop all services:

docker-compose down

To stop and remove all containers and volumes:

docker-compose down -v

Security Considerations

  • Keep your PKCS12 certificate secure
  • Regularly update configurations and credentials
  • Monitor service logs for security issues

Additional Resources