Clickable Text Functions
Here's a short guide on how to assign actions to clickable text.
The problem: The only away to assign a click action to a text component is to use the RUN_COMMAND action, which makes the player run a specified command when clicking on the component.
The solution: Assign a unique parameter indicating an internal ID for an action to execute. We don't even need to use a registered command.
We'll use the Consumer
interface. The interface has a single method (void accept(T element);
) that is perfect for our use-case scenario.
Here's an example:
public class ClickableTextRegistry implements Listener { // Make sure to register this listener!
private final Map<String, Consumer<Player>> functions = new HashMap<>();
public String createCommand(String identifier, Consumer<Player> function) {
functions.put(identifier, function);
return "/" + idenfitier;
public String createCommand(Consumer<Player> function) {
return createCommand(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), function);
// Feel free to make methods that accept runnables instead ..
public void onCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent event) {
String command = event.getMessage().substring(1); // Remove the first slash
Player player = event.getPlayer();
Consumer<Player> function = funcions.get(command); // change get to remove if you don't re-use identifiers, otherwise you end up with a memory leak. Fun!
if(function == null) {
String command = createCommand(player -> {
player.sendMessage("You clicked on the text!");
// assign it to whatever component you have..