Keep It Simple, Stupid, Secure and Fast JWT module
- Keep it Simple Stupid
- Performance & Security focused
- Light, low dependency
Most of the time people use node-jsonwebtoken and express-jwt without using a cache mechanism to verify tokens. This requires a lot of CPU on the server side for each request! On client-side, the token is generated once with an infinite expiration timestamp, which is not very secure. The first purpose of this module is to solve these two problems.
When you discover JWT, you do not know which signing algorithm to choose and where to put your data (issuer, audience, ...). This module solves this problem for you. It selects a highly secure algorithm by default. If you want another algorithm, fork it. The algorithm used (asymmetric) allows the client to generate himself a token without having to exchange a secret with the server. Only the public key is exchanged.
To save extra bandwidth, it allows you to define only two parameters: a client ID ("Alice", issuer) and a server ID ("Bob", recipient). The generated token allows only Alice (clientId) to speak exclusively to Bob (serverId).
Main purpose : to be plug'n'play for developers who do not have much of time.
- Follows JWT RFC
- Ultra-fast JWT generator with automatic renewal every 12-hours for client side: 1 Million per second
- Ultra-fast JWT verification using LRU-cache for server side: 0.5 Million per second
- Fastify, Restify or Express authentication middleware
- Highly secured by default with asymmetric ECDSA keys (ES512)
- ECDSA Public / Private key generator
npm install kitten-jwt --save
Using request
module for example:
const jwt = require('kitten-jwt');
// Generate an ephemeral jwt token (short expiration date), auto-renewed every 12-hour by default
// This function is very fast (uses cache), it can be called for every HTTP request
const token = jwt.getToken(options, data);
// Insert the token in HTTP Header, it will be parsed by jwt.verifyHTTPHeaderFn automatically
request.setHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + token); // "Bearer" keyword is optional
Or, if your client is a browser, store the JWT in a cookie
instead of Authorization
With ExpressJS
// let the browser send it back automatically.
// Do not forget to refresh it before the 12-hour expiration
response.cookie('access_token', token);
const jwt = require('kitten-jwt');
// custom method to get the client public key, kitten-jwt caches the result automatically
function getPublicKeyFn(req, res, payload, callback) {
const _clientId = payload.iss;
// do whatever you want: db query, file read to return the public key
// it accepts an array of public key ['pubKeyOfTheClient1', 'pubKeyOfTheClient2']
return callback(null /* error object*/, 'pubKeyOfTheClient');
// use the helper function to verify token in an express middleware
// This function is very fast (uses lru-cache)
// It searches JWT in req.header.authorization, then in req.header.cookie.<access_token>
express().use(jwt.verifyHTTPHeaderFn('server-app-name', getPublicKeyFn));
// if the public key changes
// In other middleware, you can print JWT payload object, added by verifyHTTPHeaderFn
Token generated by kitten-jwt are quite compact (limited) for performance reasons, and follows JWT RFC
- header
alg : algorithm name (defaults to 'ES512'),
typ : token type (defaults to 'JWT' )
Note: The 'none' algorithm allows unsigned JWTs. While the JWT specification allows this algorithm (see RFC 7519), it introduces security risks and should be used with caution.
- payload
iss : clientId, // issuer
aud : serverId, // audience, tenand id, etc...
exp : ( + expiresIn) // expiration timestamp UTC
Why it is important to have a serverId? If the audience is not defined, the same token can be used for another web-service which have the same clientId and public key.
These functions uses cache to be as fast as possible
jwt.getToken (options, data)
Generate a token for the tuple clientId-serverId, which expires in about 12 hours (+- random)
Re-use this same token during about 12 hours if called more than twice
Generate a new token automatically before expiration (20-minute before) or if privKey changeoptions : { header : { alg : algorithm name (defaults to 'ES512'), typ : token type (defaults to 'JWT' ), kid : key id }, payload : { clientId : JWT issuer, `token.iss` serverId : JWT audience, `token.aud` }, privKey : private key }, data : accessible in
* `jwt.verifyHTTPHeaderFn (serverId, getPublicKeyFn)`
Generate a middleware function(req, req, next)
Verify and set req.jwtPayload
- getPublicKeyFn : Function(req, res, payload, callback) which must call the
callback(err, String|Array)
where the second parameter is either a string (one public key) or an array of strings (multiple public key to test) - serverId : JWT audience, token.aud if the token is invalid, next(err) is called. Thus you can catch the error in another 4-parameter middlewares.
jwt.resetCache (clientId, callback)
: invalidate cache
These APIs should not be used directly in a web app because nothing is cached (slow).
jwt.generate (options, data)
: generate a tokenoptions : { header : { alg : algorithm name (defaults to 'ES512'), typ : token type (defaults to 'JWT' ), kid : key id }, payload : { clientId : JWT issuer `token.iss`, serverId : JWT audience `token.aud`, expiresIn : JWT duration in number of seconds `token.exp` }, privKey : private key }, data : accessible in
It returns a signed base64 url encoded string of the token.
jwt.verify (jwt, pubKey, callback, now =
: verify the signature of a token- jwt : JSON Web token string to verify
- pubKey : public key
- callback (err, payload) : callback, payload is an object
- now : current timestamp used to check if the token is expired
jwt.generateECDHKeys (outputDir, outputKeyName, callback)
: generate pub / priv ECDSA keys -
jwt.set (options)
: set default options:{ // client cache size used by getToken clientCacheSize : 255, // how many time before client token expiration kitten-cache renews tokens in millisecond clientRenewTokenBeforeExp : 60 * 20 * 1000, // default client tokens expiration in seconds clientTokenExpiration : 60 * 60 * 12, // server cache size used by verifyHTTPHeaderFn serverCacheSize : 255, // Invalidate bad token cache after XX milliseconds when the error is coming from getPublicKey serverGetPublicKeyErrorCacheExpiration : 120 * 1000 }
- Add support for the 'none' algorithm (JWT without signature)
- expose function
must be called with two arguments:generate(options, data)
must be called with two arguments:getToken(options, data)
getPublicKeyFn(req, res, payload, callback)
must call the callback with two arguments:callback(err, publicKeys)
- Add a new parameter
to invalidate bad token cache after 120 seconds (by default) when the error comes from thegetPublicKeyFn
function. Before this new feature, if the public key was not available (temporary network / disk / database issue for example), the token was stored in the quarantine area forever. - Bump dependencies
- Increase default cache size to 255
returns payload even if the token is expired
- replace quick-lru by kitten-cache (faster, lower memory consumption)
- change default cache size with new function
- WARNING: reduce server/client cache size to 5 by default to reduce memory consumption
- set current timestamp in
- Possibility to verify a token with multiple public keys.
can return an array of public keys - Increase key cache to 200
- Improve error output
- Accepts token in cookie
- Accepts token without key word "Bearer"
- Check if we are faster than
- Add the ed25516 algorithm (faster)
- to save extra bandwidth: kitten-jwt accepts and generate tokens with one-letter header instead of RFCs JWT header (optional)
- Make expiration a little bit random