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Demo script using actfw

  • This is an exmaple of hand pose demo that utilizes actfw.
  • actfw is a Python API for developing Actcast apps with a task parallel model.
  • We provide that implements subclass of Producer and Consumer that uses camera API of OpenCV. It will help developer who would like to develop/debug Actcast application on your PC rather than Raspberry Pi.

Basic usage

$ pip install actfw
$ pip install -e ../../ # install our `hand` package
$ python3

Convert Chainer to NNOIR format

  • We have a computational graph compiler which accelerates deep learning inferences using GPU of Raspberry Pi.
  • The Raspberry Pi series uses a GPU called VideoCore IV (VC4) to render on display. Displaying is not necessary in most cases if we use Raspberry Pis as sensing devices. Therefore we use vacant VC4C to accelerate deep-learning inferences.
  • Our compiler generates C code that utilizes VC4 as an accelerator for deep learning inferences with the following steps:
    • Step 1. Extract computational graph from pre-trained model of Chainer or ONNX format. See our repository Idein/nnoir.
    • Step 2. Convert the computational graph to NNOIR(= NN Optimization IR) format.
    • Step 3. Generate C code for V4C and compile to shared library.
  • Here, we provide scripts and that convert pre-trained Chainer model to NNOIR format (Step 1 and Step 2).
$ python3 ../../result/release
$ python3 ../../result/release
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