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Unofficial Rust implementation of an asynchronous Websocket and REST client for the FTX crypto exchange



A basic ticker listener using a FTX websocket. Make sure you include tokio and ftx-async in your Cargo.toml:
tokio = {version = "*"}
ftx_async = {version = "*"}

Then, on your

use ftx_async::ws::{UpdateMessage, WebsocketManager};
use tokio::signal;

async fn main() {
    let api_key = ""; // Set a valid FTX API key!
    let api_secret = ""; // Set a valid FTX secret key!

    let ftx = WebsocketManager::new(api_key, api_secret, "BTC-PERP").await;

    let mut listener = ftx.get_order_channel();

    let mut terminated = false;
    while !terminated {
        tokio::select! {
            Ok(msg) = listener.recv() => {
                if let UpdateMessage::Ticker {market, bid, ask, bid_size : _, ask_size : _, last_trade : _}= msg {
                    print!("\r{market}: Bid: {:.0}     -     Ask: {:.0}", bid.unwrap(), ask.unwrap());

            _ = signal::ctrl_c() => {
                terminated = true;

Running Integration Tests

The crate integration tests use an environment variables to look up credentials in order to establish a connection with the FTX exchange. A read-only key should be created on FTX and its details should be set into 'FTX_API_KEY' and 'FTX_SECRET' environment variables on the machine that will run the tests.